The Tutor

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The Tutor Page 12

by Kailin Gow

My phone rang and I saw that it was my mom. “Just a minute. I better answer.”

  “Sure,” Chase said.

  “Hi Mom…dinner with Chase…sure, okay…I’ll ask.” I covered the receiver and asked if he wanted to go over to the house. My parents were eager to see him and he shook his head enthusiastically. “We’ll be there in about a half hour, Mom. Yes…see you then…bye.”

  I got out of the Lexus and into my car, glad to have a bit of time to process the unexpected confessions that had come from Chase that evening. They seemed to come from the heart and that was really quite touching to me, but what was I going to do. The mess that I was in couldn’t be fixed with words. I had to take action and choose. But who?

  Chase followed me the entire way back to my parent’s home and the minute we walked into the house he was greeted with a hug so warm and inviting from my mom that you would have thought he was the prodigal son returned home after many years. My mom clearly adored Chase, as well as my Dad. He lit up and shook his hand, patting him on the shoulder affectionately, and then they began to talk away, sharing information about business, the Summer Harvest—which was quickly becoming a panic spot for me—and a variety of other things. I listened attentively, sitting at Chase’s side and playing the good girlfriend, but my eyes kept darting around through my peripheral, nervous that Salvatore was going to walk into the house at any moment. That would have been horrible and I didn’t think either of us would have been able to hide our emotional responses if that happened well enough to fool everyone.

  Thankfully Chase looked down at his watch and commented that he best be going so he could turn in early. He had some important meetings in DC with Senator Emerson in the morning to finalize his intern details. We all walked him to the door and my parents quickly left, leaving me standing there in front of him and he took full advantage of the fact I couldn’t throw a fuss. He planted a soft and tender kiss on my lips that lingered just long enough for me to feel it there after he pulled away. Then he smiled and left.

  I went to my room, freaked out and unsure of what to do. I’d really made a mess of things and that was cemented when Salvatore snuck into my bedroom and gave me a sweet kiss goodnight on the lips.

  As I drifted off to sleep I didn’t think my heart could have been torn in any more directions than it was at that moment.

  Chapter 17

  For the next days I was so distracted that it didn’t go without being noticed by Salvatore or my parents. I wished everyone would just leave me alone and worry about themselves. I was stressed out and it seemed to suck all the joy right out of me. The Summer Harvest had finally come and I was trying to get ready, but nothing was going right for me. I didn’t like my hair, my make-up, or even my dress. I knew I was just being overly critical, but I couldn’t shake the bad feelings I had. Oh yes, and then there was the fact that my mom had insisted that Salvatore come, too, because he was like family. Obviously Salvatore was more in the know than my family, but it was so wrong to expect him to put up airs because of the lies I was living in.

  When Salvatore said he wanted to go to the Summer Harvest I thought it was really brave, knowing what he’d have to deal with. When I had a chance I walked over to him and whispered, “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I want to spend as much time with you as I can before I leave in a few days. These last days you’ve been different and I think it’s because you’re nervous for when I leave, too,” he said.

  That was partially true, but the reasons I was so nervous extended far beyond that. I knew that if Salvatore caught wind of anyone saying something about Chase and I getting married some day that it would be impossible for him to hide the pain. How did I come home one day this past summer a pretty good girl and turn into a player seemingly overnight because I lusted for one man and still kind of loved another?

  Although he’d already planned on going, Salvatore received an unexpected invitation to go to the Summer Harvest as well. It was a courtesy because of his parents now being business partners with mine. I knew it made sense that he would meet the Senators that were on the Trade Committee, too, but it was so much for me to take in. And a burden you placed on yourself, I thought.

  Finally feeling like I was ready and with a bit more composure than what I’d had, I walked out of my bedroom and into the kitchen, where everyone was waiting to go. It took only one look from Salvatore for me to realize that I’d been overly critical of myself. The way he looked at me said it all and there was no denying that he felt I was the most beautiful woman in the world—the only woman. I saw him graze over me, from head to toe, and smile.

  As for Salvatore, he looked like he came straight out of a GQ magazine. His tuxedo was amazing, one of the designs of his family’s collection, and he was so distinguished looking. It actually took my breath away and I had to pause for just a second to recompose myself. The feelings of sexual urgency that came so often when he was in my presence came again, regardless if my parents were there or not.

  “You look stunning,” Salvatore said.

  “Yes, truly beautiful, Taylor,” my dad added.

  “Thank you both so much.”

  My mom clapped her hands together. “This is going to be such a wonderful night. Let’s get going.”

  “Okay, the party can’t start without you, darling,” my dad said to her. I smiled at how sweet he was, always giving her cute little comments with a slight sarcastic edge. He knew, as well as I knew, that my mom just didn’t want to miss a bit of the action and ensure she could talk with as many people as possible. Some people did speed dating, but my mom did speed networking.

  Walking out to the car in the garage, we all got in and Salvatore and I both seemed determined to keep our distance in the back seat so we didn’t accidentally brush against each other and send any sparks flying that couldn’t be put out for a long while.

  When we arrived at the club and after the valet took our vehicle, we walked into the room that the event was being held in. It was so beautiful and had been transformed under the instruction of Chase’s mother and the help of a whole lot of decorators and party planners. The already rich walnut wood that made up the ceiling, wanes coating, and trim work was brought to life by cream colored columns that were placed in front of them every ten feet or so. On the columns were tall vases of tall, white long stemmed roses with bits of greens scattered in them. The tables had arrangements with roses and candles on them that were absolutely perfect because they accented everything beautifully. It truly was a magical place—almost like walking into a fairytale.

  “Hello,” Chase said, walking up to us as we looked around. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “Hi Chase,” my dad said.

  Chase shook my dad’s hand, then hugged my mom, and then hugged me and gave me a tender, lingering kiss on my lips. I immediately looked to Salvatore and it was his turn.

  “Sal, how you doing?” Chase asked, extending his arm.

  I don’t know if anyone else noticed it aside from Chase and I, but Salvatore’s body posture stiffened immediately, but he took his hand and shook it confidently.

  “This is going to be an incredible night…a night full of wonderful surprises,” Chase said.

  “We can’t wait,” my mom said. “Oh, there’s…” Then Mom was off to the races and Dad followed shortly thereafter, seeing some people he wanted to talk to in the corner.

  There had never been a more awkward trio than Salvatore, Chase, and I, although you’d never have guessed it from Chase’s confidence. We walked around and he made sure he was holding my hand the entire time. Salvatore stood on the other side of me and we began to introduce him to everyone at the party as we went along. Not a girl in the room, under eighteen or even older than me, could hide the fact that he was absolutely scrumptious, an Italian morsel that they’d like to dig their teeth into. Well, he’s my morsel, I thought. I don’t care if I’m being selfish.

  Eventually Salvatore had enough of being the third wheel to Chase and I, remaining
with a group of people he’d begun talking with. I kept looking his way to make sure he was okay and nearly every time I did I caught him glancing at me, too. I could see that the night was hard for him, but he was determined to master the situation. As if most things he did weren’t impressive enough, that gesture was definitely amazing.

  Chase seemed to have a lot of things going on himself that evening. I smiled at how attentive he was to me and how he didn’t go for more than a few minute without giving me a kiss on the lips, squeezing my hand a little tighter, or making some comment that involved “us” rather than just him. Every time he did those things he seemed to have a knack that Salvatore would be watching and less than pleased. Yes, I knew that because I was watching Salvatore, too. Did Chase know that?

  “Honey, I’ll be right back,” Chase said.

  “Okay,” I said. He kissed my cheek and then walked up to the stage and took the microphone in his hand.

  I was panicked, hoping that this announcement wasn’t what I speculated it was. That would be horrible—too much for me to take.

  “Thank you all for being here. It’s time to make a very special announcement, one that I want you all to hear about at the same time,” Chase began.

  Everyone was quiet and he smiled, knowing he had their attention. “I’d like to call my mother to come up and help me out.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. Surely his mother wouldn’t help with a proposal. I watched as she walked up onto the stage, so eloquent with her silver, smooth, bobbed hair, black cocktail dress, and multiple gemmed rings on her hands.

  “Hello everyone. I am thrilled to announce the first recipient of the Summer Harvest Trade and Commerce Scholarship, Ms. Taylor First. It covers full tuition to Harvard for four years.”

  My jaw dropped and my dad was next to me, whispering that Chase had his parents pull some strings to get it for me.

  Chase’s mother spoke. “This scholarship is based on academic achievement as well as business acumen outside the school environment. Taylor First is a stellar recipient and one that will be hard to live up to, I might add.”

  Everyone clapped and I smiled and nodded, completely overwhelmed by the scholarship, which was definitely a huge deal, and also a bit thrown off by being in the spotlight like that.

  Chase came down from the stage and I walked over to him to thank him and he hugged me tightly, whispering in my ear. “I want to get out of here. Let’s go to the lake house.”

  I bit my lip. “I’m sorry, I’m not ready for that yet, Chase. Plus, I can’t. I’m with someone else.” The words had finally come out and now there was no turning them back.

  Chase backed away and stared at me. I could see how surprised he was at the rejection and then at the words “with somebody else.”

  “Who?” he hissed at me. Before I could answer he did. “Salvatore.”

  I nodded and Chase breathed in deeply, like he’d just been sucker punched in the gut and had lost his breath. “You know he’s going back to Italy soon. It won’t work. It’s just a summer fling.”

  “Can we talk about this somewhere else,” I said.

  Chase grabbed my hand and we went to a small conference room that was acting as a coat room.

  Once in there, I felt better being out of everyone’s sight and also nervous to have this conversation with Chase. I had no idea how he’d act or react and this wasn’t the ideal place to break such news.

  “Salvatore. Are you serious or a fool?” Chase said.

  “Yes, I’m serious,” I replied. “It’s more than a summer fling and I have really deep feelings for him. He does for me, too.”

  Chase’s fist clenched up and I thought he was going to punch a hole through the wall that I was leaning against. “I never trusted him staying over at your house. I knew this would happen. How could any red-blooded man resist you under the same roof? I should have insisted to your parents that Salvatore stay at my house. But now…I can’t lose you to him, Taylor. I won’t.” Then he sneered. “He’s underage, you know?”

  “No, he’s eighteen,” I said.

  “But he’s still in high school or whatever the Italian equivalency is.”

  “He’s graduating next semester,” I said. I was shaking inside, but remaining composed on the outside in case anyone saw us having our rather intense conversation.

  “You’re his teacher and he’s your student. It’s scandalous, you know,” Chase countered.

  “The only reason you’re saying that is because you don’t want Salvatore and me together, Chase. You know it.”

  “I’m saying that because I know what would happen if you two were together,” Chase said. “I may be a frat boy, womanizing type to you in your mind now, but I’m not stupid, Tay. Neither are you. Salvatore is not of the same background and mindset as we are. Everyone expects us to be together because we are perfect together.”

  “Not so perfect,” I said, putting my head down and suddenly feeling defeated.

  “Fine. Tell your parents and tell mine. Let’s see what happens and how everyone reacts. I want to help you before you get too carried away and throw away your future on a whim. I understand you may think that you have feelings, but you were also on the rebound, feeling low, and he took advantage of it. Of course he was willing and able to make you feel better. What guy wouldn’t be? However, when he goes back to Italy and you let it be known that you were with your student and someone other than me, you might find yourself and your family scandalized. I know you well enough to know that you can’t handle that.”

  “I’ll take my chances,” I retorted, feeling anger mixed with guilt welling up inside me.

  Chase was getting ready to say more and then his head turned. I looked up and Salvatore was standing there and he was clearly angry.

  “Hey look, it’s the girlfriend stealer,” Chase said in a condemning tone.

  “She’s no longer with you, Chase,” Salvatore said. “She’s with me and I suggest you stop touching her now.”

  “I can do whatever I want as long as she doesn’t stop me, which she hasn’t once. Like it or not, Tay didn’t stop me from kissing her or touching her all night tonight because she wanted it.”

  I was horrified by what Chase said and stung by the fact that his words were true. I put my head down and heard a ruckus. When I looked up I saw Salvatore had flown on top of Chase and was punching him. Chase responded with a few punches to the ribs of his own. In a second, a crowd had formed around and I was horrified, absolutely horrified.

  My dad walked up and separated Chase and Salvatore, looking at both of them scornfully. Then he looked at me and one look said it all. He realized that the two were fighting over me. There was no way to keep this secret any longer.

  Chapter 18

  It didn’t take long for word of what had happened in the coat room to spread and only minutes later, Chase, Salvatore, and I found ourselves behind closed doors with my parents and Chase’s parents frowning at us all, looking at us as if we were a bunch of Barbarians. Maybe we were. The secret was out and it was time to explain.

  Chase was eager to come out of the situation like the good guy and he went first. “I’m sorry that this happened. Taylor and I had broken up and I was so heartbroken, so desperate to get her back. Then tonight…after all this,” he said, pointing around, “she told me she was with Salvatore.”

  “You’re what?” My mom shouted loudly.

  “Yes, Salvatore and I are together,” I said. It was so scary saying that out loud and I saw many angry faces staring back at me and worst of all, my dad’s, which was startled and saddened by it.

  “You two were broken up?” Chase’s mother repeated, clenching her jaw and looking angrier than I had ever seen her look.

  “Yes, Mother. I’m sorry,” Chase said.

  “This is unacceptable. First you make our family look like fools in front of our friends and embarrass us with your behavior. You’ve tarnished this special event.”

  My mom just kept shaking her he
ad, repeating, “Unbelievable,” the entire time Chase’s mother was talking. The two fathers were surprisingly quiet, taking the more analytical approach and likely already going into damage control.

  “And you,” Chase’s mother said, turning to my parents. “You knew they’d broken up and you said nothing. I am in shock. Your daughter’s been tramping around with a child and you two didn’t even know. I’m appalled and I can assure you that I will be doing everything within my power to make sure the scholarship doesn’t go to Taylor.”

  My mom was interrupting now, saying she’d had no idea. She’d never condone such a thing.

  “Stop!” Salvatore finally exclaimed. “Taylor did nothing wrong. It was all me. You mustn’t be angry with her.”

  My dad stepped in next. “I think it is best that we all go,” he said quietly. My mother shook her head and didn’t say another word. She was trying to maintain her composure, but I could see that she was more devastated than she’d ever been before.

  With our coats in hand, we all walked out of the country club, trying to avoid all the eyes that were on the First family and Salvatore. Then we waited silently for the valet to come. I’d never been so excited to get into a car before and hide. I just wanted the mess that I’d created to go away.

  Not a word was said until we were home. Dad spoke first, trying to take control of the situation like he might a crisis at work. “Salvatore, I must call your parents and tell them what happened, but that you are alright,” he said.

  “I can do that, sir,” Salvatore said, looking down and feeling as dejected as I felt at that moment. We were trying to remain strong, but it wasn’t working out well.

  Dad walked to his office and Salvatore and I found ourselves alone with my mother. She was looking at me and I saw she was trying to calm down and maintain her composure, but when she spoke you could hear her voice quivering from the built up anger. “I just cannot believe you’d do this, Taylor. It’s scandalous and despite what this boy says, you abused your responsibilities. You threw everything away and may have caused irreparable damage to our family, and to poor Chase. I just can’t imagine what he must be going through.”


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