The Team and the Move (Team books Book 3)

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The Team and the Move (Team books Book 3) Page 21

by S G Read

  'What! We come all this way and we can’t get in!' Simon complained. 'I’m hungry!'

  That drew a few comments but none of them wanted to get back in the van. Ben coerced them and they climbed back into the van. Charlie drove back up the drive.

  'What sort of problems?' Toby asked, pushing Simon’s elbow out of his face.

  'I think they must be ill.' Ben replied.

  'How do you mean?' Sherman asked.

  By now they had reached the main road.

  'Which way?' Charlie asked, fed up at having to drive further, he was looking forward to a long rest and some food, before he drove back.

  'He said they had the collywobbles, or something like that!' Ben answered.

  'Ben, tell us exactly what Stevey said.' Toby asked seriously.

  'Well, he said we couldn’t go in for the moment and had to come back later, he had a few problems to sort out. So I said "what sort of problems?" and he said the collywobbles sort!' Ben explained.

  'Which way?' Charlie asked again.

  Toby looked at Sherman and they both said together- 'back to the house!'

  'What’s up?' Ben asked.

  'José is in there thick head and probably going to kill them!' Sherman answered. 'Don’t drive up to the house Charlie, pull into that bit of woodland and park. We have to make a plan of attack!'

  Charlie was happy to turn the van round and drive back to where he was told to park and all the boys climbed out again, making sure to keep out of sight of the house.

  'Just remember I’m here as well!' Charlie said when they started to plan. I’d like to meet this José fellow.'

  'Oh no you wouldn’t!' The others chorused.

  Stevey was escorted back to his chair and trussed up again. He tried to make his hand big, to make the rope loose when he relaxed but the man was wise to it and was having none of it! Every effort to get free was met with tighter bonds.

  'Good, telling them you were ill was a good idea.' The man said quietly.

  Stuart and Stevey exchanged meaningful glances, at least now they had a chance of getting out of this alive.

  'Now where was I? Oh yes I was just going to sort out mummy.'

  'You leave my mother alone you-.' Stevey was cut off in mid sentence as the man gagged him again.

  'Tell me what I want to know and I’ll leave her alone.' The man replied.

  Stevey visibly sagged in the chair in submission and tried to say something, the man slipped the gag down.

  'Yes?' He asked.

  'It’s all on the roof, hidden.' Stevey said submissively.

  'The roof! Of course the roof, I certainly haven’t searched up there yet. You see that wasn’t very difficult, was it?' The man said slipping the pistol into his pocket.

  He pulled the poker in the fireplace forward and another secret door opened at the back of the inglenook fireplace. 'One you missed I think.' He said with a smile. 'Don’t go anywhere, will you!'

  A window breaking stopped him, just as he was going into the opening.

  'It sounds like you are going to have company and I am fast running out of chairs.' He said and moved cautiously to the doorway, slipping the pistol back out of his pocket as he moved.

  He caught a glimpse of a boy and moved to intercept him. Ben stood there looking at the pistol, his best "Oh please don’t shoot me" look on his face and threw his hands up high. The man moved forwards but as soon as his hand came far enough through the doorway, a nine iron smashed the pistol from his hand. The man screamed in pain, turned and fled into the open fireplace. Before anyone could react the door closed behind him.

  'I think that was a hole in one Charlie.' Ben said, picking up the fallen pistol.

  'Did you hear him squeal?' Simon said, appearing behind Ben.

  'It was a scream actually.' Toby pointed out.

  'Will you stop discussing the tee shot long enough to untie us?' Stevey complained.

  'Sure will, we are just waiting for Sherman to get through the window.' Ben explained.

  Sherman appeared with the faithful axe and used it to cut the three captives free. The other two rubbed life into their aching limbs but Stevey took the gun from Ben. He would have followed the man in the balaclava into the fireplace but when he pulled the poker it would not move and the door refused to open. He put the pistol down and pulled on the poker with two hands but the poker would not move.

  'I think I’ll look after that young man.' Pat said and picked the pistol up off the floor. She slid it into the pocket of her housecoat.

  'Sherman use the back of the axe to loosen that poker.' Stuart ordered.

  'Why?' Sherman asked.

  'Because that’s where the bad guy went!' Ben explained.

  'Oh. Stand back then.' Sherman said and banged the poker back and forward, side to side, then back and forwards again until it moved far enough for the door to swing open. 'Wicked!' Sherman exclaimed.

  The boys all had makeshift weapons but they still let Sherman lead the way. After a few paces he stopped.

  'It’s too dark we need torches.' He announced.

  Stevey ran upstairs and grabbed the two torches. He took the stairs four at a time when he came back down and gave Sherman one of the torches, he kept the other for himself, he was going to be second in there, or else! No one argued. The torch revealed a light switch and Sherman turned the light on, ready for action but the man was gone. In front of them was a dead end!

  'Where’d he go?' Sherman asked.

  'There must be another door.' Stevey exclaimed. 'Try and find a lever which will open it.'

  Now that there was light, everyone was in there, Sherman put down the axe and gave the torch to Stuart. He started pulling and pushing things near him like the others were doing, trying to be the one who found the lever. It lasted for several minutes then Simon pushed a brick and it moved. The door they had come through closed.

  "Now look what you have done!" Stevey cried.

  As the door clicked shut a door at the far end clicked open.

  'Well done Si!' Stevey said happily.

  Simon smiled, for once he had done something right. 'Come on then, let’s get him.' He cried.

  They found the door which Stuart and Stevey had sealed earlier and the ladder leading up to the roof. As the door was still sealed, he could have only gone up. Everyone stood looking up but none made an effort to go up the ladder. Ben pushed by with a putter in his hand and nimbly climbed up the ladder. He pushed the trapdoor with the putter and it swung open, filling the place with light. There was no sign of the man. Ben carefully moved to the top and looked round but there was still no sign of the man. He climbed out on to the roof. There his bravado stopped and he waited nervously for the others to join him, looking round, ready to hit the bad guy with the putter if he had to. One by one they climbed up the ladder, each looking around furtively as though he was the first up. When they were all up on the roof, they had a council of war. They all had weapons, except Stuart and Stevey, all they had was a torch each. Not much of a weapon! Both would have loved to have the pistol but Pat had that and she was busily ringing the police!

  They started to search in two groups of four and one group of five. They considered that a safe number against an unarmed man with a sore hand. Stuart and Stevey were in the five group as neither had a weapon. Although it was a flat roof there were a lot of peaks and turrets, as well as several chimneys sticking out. That gave the man plenty of places to hide. But where was he? If he was still up there at all! They searched slowly and deliberately to make sure they saw him if he was up there. He was and saw them coming. He slipped away from one group only to see another group blocking his escape. Wherever he tried to go they were there, suddenly he snapped. He was sure his hand had broken bones in it but he was still going to show them who was boss.

  As Stuart and Stevey walked along the front of the house the man broke cover and ran straight at Stevey. He picked him up bodily despite the pain in his injured hand and carried him towards the edge. Shou
ting as he ran.

  'You forced me into this!' He shouted. 'If I can’t have it, you sure as hell aren’t going to. Hell is exactly where I am going and I am taking him with me!'

  He had only gone two paces when a shot rang out and the man started to stagger, he realised he had been shot and turned still holding up the struggling Stevey, to see who had shot him. Pat was emerging from the trap with the smoking pistol still aimed at him. He was too close to the edge for Stevey’s liking and struggled even harder.

  'Put him down!' She ordered, 'Or you will get another bullet!'

  The boys all looked at her in amazement, this was a new Mrs Brown, one they did not know.

  By now the man was weakening and he knew he had lost but he still tried to succeed.

  'As you wish!' He said, and fell towards the edge, using the last of his strength, he tried to throw Stevey off the roof.

  Stevey rolled over the edge Causing Pat to scream but in desperation his hand grabbed the gargoyle as he rolled past it. For a second they could see one hand holding on to the gargoyles neck, then a second slapped itself round the gargoyles neck.

  'Get him Ben!' Sherman shouted and Ben bellied down to grab his hands to try to help him.

  The man in the balaclava stood up and looked over the edge holding his bleeding wound.

  'You will die you little shit.' He cried and fell over the edge, his hand out, deliberately aiming for Stevey.

  By now Ben had hold of Stevey’s wrists in case he slipped. He saw the man fall past him and then grab Stevey’s neck as he passed him. Stevey let out a gurgling scream and his hands were torn loose from the gargoyle but Ben was not letting go! When he took the weight of both of them he felt agonising pain but he held on. When he started to slide it was his turn to scream.

  'Pile up! 'Sherman shouted and the boys closest jumped on Ben.

  By the time he stopped sliding Ben had his face pushed up against the gargoyles neck, harder than he wanted. Pat reached the edge and saw what was going on and knew Ben could not hold on much longer. Without hesitation she fired again and caused the man to lose his grip. He screamed, slid down and grabbed Stevey’s belt causing a shockwave to run through Ben and all those holding on to him. Pat fired again but she was afraid of hitting Stevey and missed. Then Stevey’s belt decided it had had enough and broke. Stevey’s jeans tore open at the top and slipped down to his trainers. Stevey saw a chance and wiggled to let them slip over his trainers or pull them off, he did not care which. The man in the balaclava could do nothing but watch. Above him he saw the gargoyle move and his mouth opened in disbelief. It moved again, then Stevey’s jeans slipped over his trainers and the man in the balaclava fell. The gargoyle, with the release of pressure rocked back then tore free from its moorings. It would have hit Stevey in the face but Ben let one of his hands free and Stevey swung out of the way. Ben used his free hand to grab a second hold on the wrist he was still holding to make sure Stevey did not fall. Then watched transfixed as the gargoyle fell to the ground, split open and money spilled out. The man in the balaclava saw the money and tried to reach it with his last effort but as always, it was just out of his reach. He died still not getting his hands on it.

  'Try to climb up me Stevey!' Ben said through gritted teeth. 'I don’t think I can hold on much longer and I know I can’t pull you up!'

  Stevey heard and started to climb with the last of his energy as Pat watched, her heart in her mouth. Slowly he moved but move he did until he was clawing his way up Ben and on to the roof where the boys who were not holding Ben were waiting to haul him up to safety. When he was on the roof they pulled Ben back on to the roof as he seemed to be locked in the one position. Only when he was back on the roof did he start to relax.

  'Well, at least you found the money.' He said, his arms hanging limp by his side.

  'How do you mean?' Stevey asked panting for breath.

  Ben wanted to point but there was no way he could and had to settle for nodding in the direction that the man in the balaclava had fallen. 'Look down there.'

  They looked and saw the money and jewels which lay on the ground still just out of the dead man’s reach.

  'Wow, look at all that money!' Simon exclaimed.

  'I have a thought!' Toby replied. 'If there was money in that statue-'

  'Gargoyle!!' The others corrected as one.

  'Well if there was money in that gargoyle, then there might be more in the others!' Toby continued. 'Just a thought!'

  Boys who thought they had no energy suddenly found it to walk, even Ben. He could not help or even hold anything, as his arms were hurting but he could watch. What they found was amazing. Each gargoyle had a small padlock hidden under some moss, and with no key visible, the back of the axe or one of the golf clubs were used to persuade the padlock to open. When they were open, they found that each gargoyle was packed with the treasure they had been looking for! There was money, jewels, silver and gold objects and some paperwork. Pat took charge of the paperwork, as it was stocks and bonds and other valuable information. There was also a key in an envelope from a London bank, Pat presumed it was from a security box. In the distance they heard a siren sounded and it was coming closer.

  'I suppose we could go down and see who that bloke was.' Ben said, still unable to move his arms above his shoulders.

  'I don’t need to.' Stuart replied, peering at the sunlight through a large diamond. 'I recognised his voice.'

  When he said no more the boys all stopped and looked at him.

  'Well?' Toby prompted.

  'It was the solicitor!' Stuart replied.

  'But most solicitors are rich!' Simon declared.

  'Well if he was, this one was greedy, but he came unstuck when he came up against Minton cruisers!' Stuart replied and held his clenched fist in the air. 'You’re rich Stevey, you’re rich!'

  'You’ve also got goose bumps on your legs!' Toby pointed out. 'Do you want the police to see you like that?'

  Stevey looked down, in the excitement he had forgotten his jeans. He blushed and headed for the ladder. 'You can bring that lot down while I change! And I mean-' He stopped in midsentence, then walked over to Ben. 'You saved my life.'

  'That’s what friends are for Stevey.' Ben replied. 'You can do the same for me one day. Besides without them-' He pointed to the other boys. '-We would have both gone over the edge and I didn’t fancy that at all.'

  'Nor did I.' Stevey replied.

  He disappeared down the ladder as the sirens grew closer, he needed to find some trousers. The others collected the valuables and piled them near the hatch. They used a rope tied to a colander to lower it all down into the kitchen from the roof, bypassing the first floor.

  'Are there any more secret doors like this?' Simon asked.

  'Lots of them Si.' Stuart assured him.

  'We are going to love this place!' Simon cried excitedly.

  'And Stevey can afford to keep it now!' Stuart cried.

  Stevey came down the stairs, now wearing his school trousers, in time to open the door to the policemen who had just turned into the drive. They saw the fallen man in the balaclava and walked over to him.

  'I think he’s dead sergeant Price.' Stevey said from the doorway. 'Stu thinks it is Mr. Laidlaw the solicitor.'

  The sergeant felt for a pulse.

  'He’s dead alright.' He pulled the mask off to reveal Gregory Laidlaw. 'Gregory Laidlaw, who would ever have believed it.' He looked at the body. 'Who shot him?'

  'Mum. He was about to throw me off the roof, so she shot him with the pistol we took of him.'

  'I see you found the money then.' The sergeant replied looking at the fallen gargoyle.

  'Yes it was in all the gargoyles.' Stevey explained.

  The sergeant shepherded him inside and followed him to where the others were. 'Anyone hurt?'

  Ben wanted to put up his arm but he was not able. Simon held up his arm.

  'Are you hurt?' Sergeant Price asked.

  'No but he is and he could
n’t put his arm up. He saved Stevey from falling off the roof, he’s a hero.' Simon replied proudly.

  The sergeant carefully inspected Ben’s arms. 'I think they are dislocated, I’ll call an ambulance.' He walked away and used his radio to summon help.

  'How did you get down Ben?' Stevey asked. 'You can’t use your arms.'

  'Don’t ask.' Ben replied looking embarrassed.

  'We brought him down in the calendar.' Simon replied and immediately looked at Toby.

  'I don’t have to say it!' He complained. 'But it’s colander not Calendar.'

  'I knew that,' Simon said with a big smile, 'but I didn’t want you to feel left out.'

  They laughed, even Pat and Toby. The policeman wondered what they were laughing at but said nothing.

  Chapter 18

  Soon the place was swarming with police. Ben was taken to hospital to have his arms sorted out. The body was photographed many times and examined by the local pathologist before it was moved. He was the same man who had examined Stevey’s great aunt Agatha and thought that it was not a natural death. Now they had a suspect for causing her death in some way, albeit a dead one. The body was removed and the boys taken to a room and interviewed one by one. As they all told the same story, more or less, it was an open and shut case. Pat had shot him in the defence of her son but that had not caused his death, the fall had. Pat handed over the pistol as evidence and it was slipped into a plastic bag. The police took statements from all of them and then Sergeant Price took Pat, Stevey and the treasure to the bank, where it was put for safe keeping. The money when banked made Stevey a very rich boy, without the jewels and rolled up paintings. The stocks and bonds were another thing, they were just figures which Stevey did not understand, until the bank manager explained that if he sold them all at the moment, even in this poor economic climate they would fetch in excess of ten million pounds. That sunk in quickly and Stevey fainted.

  The others, left alone, investigated the house with Stuart’s help. All the sealed up secret doors were unsealed and they started a game which they called super hide and seek. By moving in and out of the secret doors they had to keep out of Simon’s reach. Who ever he caught was it! The roof was declared out of bounds, as Pat had said so before they left and there was a police constable there just to keep an eye on things.


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