Precious Stones

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Precious Stones Page 2

by Darrien Lee

  He put his hand on her knee and, gently stroking it, said, “Have you forgotten how explosive we were together?”

  With lightning speed, Keilah grabbed his wrist and twisted it, doing her best to break every bone possible.

  “Damn, Keilah! That shit hurt!”

  She pointed her finger at him and angrily said, “I meant for it to hurt. Don’t you ever touch me! You lost that privilege a long time ago, so whatever fantasy you’re sitting over there and having about us, forget about it.”

  “Just hear me out,” he requested. “I know I was a fool for putting my male pride over my heart. You have a strong personality, and I now understand just how important your career is to you. I wasn’t ready for your type of independence. I guess you could say I felt like my manhood was threatened, but I’m ready now,” he revealed. “I still love you, Keilah, and I would love it if you would give us another chance.”

  Clearly pissed off, Keilah pointed toward the restroom and said, “You’re a damn fool! How dare you step to me like this and your woman is in the next room?”

  He chuckled and said, “Oh, you don’t have to worry about Chrisette. We’re just good friends.”

  “I don’t care who the hell she is. I’ve moved on with my life, so I’m good. You need to do the same.”

  “Are you sure you won’t ...”

  Keilah raised her left hand to display her wedding ring and said, “I’m married, Trenton, happily married, to be exact. I’m over you and have been for a long time.”

  “Married?” he whispered to himself in disappointment and disbelief as he laid his head against the back of his seat. He had been so busy looking at her legs and into her eyes, he hadn’t noticed the huge diamond on her finger.

  Chrisette exited the bathroom in a red Donna Karan dress that accentuated her long, magnificent legs and struck a model pose.

  “Ta-da!” she yelled. “So what do you think?”

  “It’s nice, babe. You look great,” Trenton replied with little enthusiasm.

  Chrisette sat down next to him and gave him a seductive kiss on the lips. “Do you really like it?” she purred as she snuggled up to him.

  He smiled and said, “Of course I do. You make the dress. The dress don’t make you.”

  Pleased, Chrisette hugged his neck and gave him a longer, passionate kiss. “That’s my baby,” she whispered as she reached up and lovingly wiped her lipstick off his lips. She looked over at Keilah and asked, “Do you like my dress?”

  “Yes, it’s very pretty,” Keilah answered as she stared at Trenton.

  Chrisette laid her head on Trenton’s shoulder and said, “I don’t know why people like you risk your life doing the kind of work you do. You know you could be a model too, don’t you?”

  Keilah laughed.

  “No, seriously,” Chrisette responded. “You’re very beautiful, and you have a fabulous figure. My agency would sign you in a heartbeat. You have that exotic look that a lot of the designers are looking for.”

  “Thanks, but I’m not interested. I’m happy just being a wife and mother.”

  “Okay, but I don’t think you realize what you’re turning down. You could travel all over the world, wear beautiful couture clothes, and make a lot of money.”

  “Like I said, I’m not interested,” Keilah repeated before asking if she could get a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

  “Leave it alone, Chrisette. Keilah’s happy with her life, and money’s the last thing she has to worry about. Her business and family are very successful,” Trenton explained.

  “Wow! Rich, brains, and beauty,” Chrisette replied. “You can’t go wrong with that.”

  “Passengers, we have been cleared for landing. Buckle your seat belts, and I’ll have you on the ground very shortly,” the pilot said over the intercom.

  Keilah buckled her seat belt and prayed that Patrick was en route to New York to get her away from these clients. In the meantime she hoped that she had shut Trenton up for the remainder of the day.

  Chapter Two

  Ramsey entered the office around three in the afternoon, and his expression amplified his mood. It was obvious that he wasn’t very happy with the events of the day and some heads would roll because of it.

  He’d finally spoken with Keilah just before she boarded a plane back to D.C. Patrick had got a royal chewing out by Ramsey, who demanded that he report to the office first thing in the morning.

  Making his way down the hallway to his office, he stopped at his assistant’s desk.

  “Hey, Sherrie. Do I have any messages?”

  “Well, hello to you too,” she replied as she passed a handful of messages to him. “I also sent them to you electronically, because you and I both know you’re going to misplace some of them.”

  He smiled and slowly made his way into his office. “You think you know me, don’t you?”

  “I do know you,” she replied as she stood and followed him into his office. “Are you hungry? I can go out and pick something up for you if you’d like, or I can have something delivered to you.”

  He removed his jacket and sat down at his desk. “Thanks, but I’m only going to be here for a second. Camille’s cooking a big dinner tonight, and I don’t want to ruin my appetite. You can go ahead and head out if you like. I shouldn’t need you for anything else.”

  She watered his plants and asked, “Are you sure?” He glanced up at her and smiled. “Yes. I’m sure your family would love for you to get home at a decent time for a change.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice,” she replied before exiting the room. “Have a great evening, and go easy on Keilah when she comes home. She didn’t do anything you wouldn’t have done.”

  “Good night, Sherrie,” he answered without commenting on her statement.

  Giggling, she answered, “Good night, boss.”

  Finally alone with his thoughts, he leaned back in his chair and stared out over the beautiful skyline, anxiously waiting for his wife’s plane to land. He would try to go easy on her, but he had to make her understand once and for all that their business was not worth her life.

  At that moment his cell phone rang. “Hello?”

  “Hey, sweetheart,” Keilah said, greeting her husband. “Are you home?”

  “Not yet. I stopped by the office first. Where are you?”

  “I just landed, and I’m headed to the garage to get my car.”

  He let out a sigh of relief and said, “Good. I’ll meet you at home. Drive safely.”

  “I will. I love you,” she told him.

  “I love you more. See you shortly,” Ramsey said as he slid into his jacket and headed home.

  Keilah couldn’t be happier to finally be home. Traffic was terrible as usual, so it had taken her longer than normal to get home. She lowered the garage door and climbed out of her car. Inside, Target met her at the door, wagging his tail. She patted him on the head and entered the kitchen, where she found Camille putting the finishing touches on dinner.

  “It smells wonderful in here!” Keilah said as she looked into a steaming pot.

  Camille put her hands on Keilah’s shoulders and directed her toward the hallway. “You can eat after you greet your husband.”

  “He beat me home?”

  “Yes, he got here about fifteen minutes ago. He’s upstairs with his little princess.”

  “That figures,” Keilah answered. “Thanks for cooking dinner for us.”

  “Oh, Keilah, you know I don’t mind cooking for you and Ramsey. You’re like my children.”

  Keilah gave her a kiss on the cheek and said, “You’re the best. I’m going to run upstairs for a second. We’ll be back down in a second.”

  “You haven’t seen that man in a few days ... Take your time, baby.”

  “If you insist,” Keilah joked as she exited the kitchen.

  Upstairs, Keilah found Neariah stretched out on the bed with her sippy cup. Target was in his usual spot, lying beside the bed, keeping a watchful eye
over her. Keilah kicked off her shoes and climbed up on the bed next to Neariah and gave her a kiss.

  “Hey, baby girl. Where’s your daddy?”

  Ramsey stepped out of their large walk-in closet and said, “I’m right here.” Then he walked back into the closet.

  Keilah’s heart thumped in her chest. Seeing him standing there in his jeans and white T-shirt overwhelmed her and sent shivers down her body.

  She gave Neariah another kiss before climbing off the bed. She walked into the closet, wrapped her arms around Ramsey’s waist, and whispered, “Welcome home, baby.”

  He hugged her tight to his body and leaned down and gave her a long sultry kiss on the lips. “You taste good,” he said as he showered her lips and neck with kisses.

  “So do you,” she replied as she nuzzled his neck.

  “You do know you’re in trouble for what you did this morning, don’t you?”

  She looked up into his eyes and batted her eyelashes. “I know. I’ll let you spank me after dinner.”

  His large hands slowly eased under her skirt and gave her hips a sexy squeeze. Keilah’s lower region immediately started aching from his touch.

  “I don’t think I can wait that long,” he answered as he started unbuttoning her blouse.

  She stepped out of his embrace and said, “Ramsey! Camille’s downstairs, and our daughter is in our bedroom.”

  Ramsey took Keilah by the hand and walked back into their bedroom, where they found Neariah fast asleep.

  Ramsey smiled, as it seemed that luck was on his side. He patted Keilah on her backside and said, “Put Neariah in her crib while I go say good-bye to Camille. We can reheat dinner later if we have to, but right now I want some loving.”

  Keilah picked Neariah up into her arms and whispered, “You think you’re slick, Stone,” as she quietly made her way across the hallway to the nursery.

  “Stop tripping. You know you want it as much as I do,” he said before disappearing downstairs.

  After putting Neariah down in her crib, Keilah hurried into her bathroom for a quick shower so she could wash the scent of New York off her body. After quickly rubbing suds over her body, she felt a breeze of cool air and turned to find Ramsey entering their large shower. Before she could say a word, he covered her mouth with his and pushed her wet body against the wall. She moaned as she savored the warmth of his hands and mouth all over her body. Seconds later, they were on the tile floor of the shower and Ramsey’s tongue and lips were electrifying sensitive spots she was unaware of as the hot water rained down on their bodies. Keilah was trying her best to stay composed, but her husband was making it difficult.

  She lost all resolve when he dipped his head between her thighs, causing her to cry out in ecstasy. His sensual assault sent electrifying chills over her body as his tongue toyed with her feminine nub. Her body felt like it was on fire and was paralyzed under his spell. The echo of her sighs and soft moans sent shock waves through his body, making him unable to resist the main course any longer. He eased his throbbing maleness into her heated cavity and gently ground his hips against hers.

  “Ramsey,” she purred in his ear.

  “You feel so good, baby. I missed you so much,” he whispered back to her.

  “I missed you too,” she replied as they held on to each other for what seemed like an eternity. Their bodies moved in complete unison as they became one. She never wanted to leave his arms and couldn’t imagine herself with anyone else. At that moment Ramsey felt his body peaking, which caused him to intensify his pace. With each thrust, Keilah let out a soft whimper or a loud moan, and a short time later, Ramsey’s release erupted long and hard, causing him to groan and call out her name.

  Exhausted, he collapsed on top of her, softly kissing her lips and breasts and stomach. Her man had given her undeniable love, and she savored it as the hot water continued to shower down on them.

  “I can’t move,” she said after minutes had passed.

  He smiled and slowly stood, pulling her up into his arms. He picked up the shower gel and slowly caressed her body, generating a handful of suds. Keilah returned the favor, and they bathed each other in silence before finally exiting the shower. Once dressed, they looked in on Neariah, who was lying quietly in her crib, playing with her feet. When she looked up and saw her parents, she started to cry.

  Keilah picked her up and said, “Don’t start, li’l lady. You were fine until you realized we were in the room.”

  “Do you want me to take her?” Ramsey asked as he hugged Keilah from behind and kissed her shoulder.

  “No, I got it,” she answered as she laid Neariah on the changing table. “You can go warm up dinner while I change her diaper. We’ll be right down.”

  “Okay. Don’t be long.”

  Keilah quickly put a dry diaper on Neariah and carried her downstairs to the dining room.

  Dinner was delicious, as expected. Camille was an excellent cook, and the steak was so tender, they didn’t have to use a knife. The steamed asparagus was seasoned to perfection, and the potatoes were fluffy and buttery. While they prepared their plates, Keilah told Ramsey about the perimeter alarm going off the night before and how uneasy she’d felt afterward. He assured her that he’d made sure they had the best security system on the market and that if someone was stupid enough to try and invade their home, he welcomed them, because he would put a couple of shotgun blasts in them by way of greeting.

  Feeling safer already, she gave his hand a squeeze to thank him for the reassurance. Neariah began to whine, so Keilah gave her a spoonful of potatoes.

  “Now, tell me about New York,” Ramsey said.

  Keilah gave Neariah another spoonful of potatoes and said, “It was crazy. You’re not going to believe who was on the plane.”

  “Who?” Ramsey asked before eating a piece of steak.


  Ramsey looked at her in disbelief and asked, “Your ex?”

  She rolled her eyes and nodded.

  “Why was he on the plane? Was he the client?” Ramsey asked.

  “No, he was with his supermodel girlfriend. Her agency sent a private plane to pick her up for some appointments in New York.”


  “Torture was more like it!” she replied.

  “I’m sure he had something suave to say, huh?” Ramsey asked.

  “Every chance he could,” she answered as she jabbed her fork into her steamed asparagus. “He had the nerve to ask me to give him a second chance while his girl was in the restroom.”

  “Does he know about us?”

  Being honest, she said, “He knows I’m married and have a daughter, but he doesn’t know I’m married to you. I nearly broke his damn wrist when he touched my leg.”

  “Touched your leg?” Ramsey yelled as a vein in his neck started to pulsate. “What do you mean, touched your leg? He put his hands on you?”

  Keilah noticed the bulging vein and smiled. “Sweetheart, you don’t have anything to worry about. Believe me, I handled him. His wrist will be bruised and sore for a few days.”

  Ramsey smiled and relaxed. It surprised him sometimes just how physically strong his wife was for her size. She was definitely all woman, and she was his woman. What he liked most was that she was soft in all the right places and firm exactly where she needed to be. Having a child hadn’t stolen any of her feminine assets, and her muscles and strength were concealed by her beauty, making her a perfect agent and the reason they became business partners in the first place.

  “He’s not going to sue us, is he?” Ramsey joked.

  She looked at her husband with seriousness in her eyes and said, “He knows better. Had that flight been any longer, I would’ve thrown his ass right out of the plane.”

  “I can’t believe he was coming on to you with his girl right there.”

  “Her Royal Highness was in the bathroom most of the time, trying on dresses. I couldn’t wait for Patrick to get to New York to relieve me.”

/>   “Do you think you’re going to have any more problems out of him?”

  She looked at her husband’s concerned face and said, “No, sweetheart. I made my stance very clear to him. That’s why he’s probably wearing a brace on his wrist as a reminder.”

  He took a sip of wine and said, “Good, because I would hate to put that pretty boy in the hospital for disrespecting my wife.”

  Keilah laughed because Ramsey had always called Trenton a pretty boy when she was dating him. He had a light complexion, light brown eyes, and wavy hair. Not to mention a nice physique, and a debonair personality to go along with it.

  Seconds later the doorbell rang, causing Target to run to the front door, barking viciously.

  “Are you expecting anyone?” Ramsey asked with a frown as he got up from the table.

  “No. You know how I hate people popping in.”

  Ramsey made his way down the hallway to the front door. Target continued to bark and jumped at the door as Ramsey opened it to find his brother-in-law Malachi standing on the porch.

  “Happy Thanksgiving!” he yelled out as Ramsey opened the door wider to let him in.

  Ramsey gave him a brotherly hug and asked, “What the hell are you doing here? Thanksgiving’s next week.”

  “I know, but I needed a break from California and I missed my two favorite girls, so I decided to come early,” Malachi replied as he started rough playing with Target.

  “Who is it?” Keilah asked as she rounded the corner with Neariah on her hip.

  “Hey, sis,” Malachi said, greeting her with a loving hug and a kiss before taking Neariah out of her arms. “Why is your hair wet?”

  “Don’t worry about my hair. What are you doing here?” she asked, clearly agitated. “And why didn’t you call to let us know you were coming?”

  After kissing Neariah again, Malachi asked, “Since when do I have to call to visit you guys?”

  “Do you show up at everyone’s house unannounced?” she asked.

  Malachi ignored her and continued to love on his niece.

  “I’m not a little girl anymore, Malachi. Respect my house!” Keilah said as she rolled her eyes and disappeared down the hallway.


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