Precious Stones

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Precious Stones Page 11

by Darrien Lee

  “Yes, Juanita, we’re fine. I was just having a spirited conversation with one of my former students. You can go ahead and take your lunch now if you like.”

  “If you insist,” she replied before closing the door.

  Once the assistant left the outer office, Biggs turned back to Michael and said, “I don’t know what your agenda is for coming here, but I’ll be damned if I let you ruin the reputation I’ve worked so hard to build.”

  “You screwed up my life!” Michael yelled. “I trusted you, and so did a lot of other boys. You’re going to pay for what you did.”

  “Is this what I think it is? A shakedown?” Biggs asked. “Are you here to try and blackmail me for money?”

  “I don’t want your damn money. I want you to resign and get treatment before you hurt any more boys, or so help me God, I’ll press charges against you,” Michael roared. “I’m sure you don’t want your wife and family to know what kind of pervert you really are.”

  The lieutenant colonel started laughing in disbelief. He walked across the room, over to a wall that was full of awards and certificates. He was a huge man in stature, very fit, and even though he was in his early sixties, he had the physique of a man in his early forties. “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Michael, but no one will believe you. These awards and honors speak for themselves.”

  Michael walked over to the lieutenant colonel and stood toe-to-toe with him. Being so close to him made him feel nauseated and enraged. He wanted to punch his ass right through the wall, but he controlled himself. With his finger pointed in Biggs’s face, he said, “All I need is one person to believe me and your reign here over these boys will be over, you sick bastard. I won’t allow you to scar another child like you scarred me.”

  “Get the hell out of my office before I call security,” Biggs firmly ordered Michael.

  “I’m not going anywhere until you tell me why you felt it was okay to molest me.”

  The lieutenant colonel smiled and then tore open Michael’s shirt in a fit of rage. “Are you wired? Did the police send you here to get some kind of illegal confession on tape?”

  Michael punched Biggs hard on the jaw, knocking him against the wall and onto the floor.

  “Don’t you ever touch me! You’re going to jail or to your grave, old man! I’ll see to it up until I take my last breath.”

  The lieutenant colonel pulled himself off the floor and into his chair, where he pulled out a handkerchief to wipe the blood off his lip. Breathless, he finished off his orange juice, and with his head lowered and fingers interlocked, he said, “Michael, if somewhere in your mind you think I did something to hurt you, I’m sorry. All I ever wanted was to see young black men like myself succeed in the military like I did. If along the way you think something inappropriate happened between us, I’m sorry you misunderstood my actions.”

  “Go to hell!” Michael snapped at him. “You know exactly what you did to me! I was fourteen years old, goddamn it!”

  “I just wanted to make you happy, Michael. You seemed so angry, lost, and you hated the world. You needed that anger redirected, so I redirected it for you.”

  With tears streaming down his face, Michael asked, “How does giving me oral sex redirect my anger? Because of you, I haven’t been able to have a healthy sexual relationship.”

  “Why don’t you stop playing games with me, Michael? You liked it, didn’t you?” the lieutenant colonel said with a smug expression on his face. “There were times I think you looked forward to our little study sessions. You know you were my favorite. As a matter of fact, if you play your cards right, I might consider giving you a welcome home gift, if you know what I mean.”

  Michael’s hands were shaking, and he was sweating profusely. He was ready to choke the life out of his abuser, but he somehow gathered the strength to fight the urge, even though his comment sickened him.

  “I should kill you after that remark, but I’ve given you power over me for too long. I’m confident that you’ll get the punishment you deserve.”

  The lieutenant colonel leaned back in his chair and said, “Don’t hold your breath. I’m Lieutenant Colonel Cornelius Biggs. It’s going to take more than your word against mine to stop an old jarhead like me. Now, get the hell out of my office before I have you arrested for assault.”

  Michael smiled, and before walking out of the office, he said, “This isn’t over, Lieutenant Colonel.”

  Biggs pulled a file out of his desk and, without making eye contact with him, replied, “I think it is.”

  Michael made his way to his car and closed the door. He quickly started the vehicle and turned on the heat. As he waited for the car to warm up, he pulled out his cell phone and selected a new app on it and gazed at the image that appeared.

  “Perfect,” he mumbled to himself as he put the car in reverse. He pulled out of the parking space and headed off campus for the long drive back to Washington. Little did Lieutenant Colonel Biggs know that Michael’s little gift was equipped with a hidden camera to hopefully record him committing more illicit acts against minors. He thought the hourglass was perfect, because it showed the lieutenant colonel that his time was running out and he would be brought to justice soon.

  Chapter Twelve

  The gold and red leaves covering the trees had been replaced with snow. Christmas was two weeks away, and the Stones’ house was finally decorated from roof to basement. A large Fraser fir stood in the foyer of their home, decorated with plenty of lights and ornaments. The rest of the house was decorated with red and gold wreaths and garland and candles, making it look and feel festive. It took three days for Keilah and Ramsey to get everything exactly like they wanted it, but the hard work had paid off. Their house stood out as one of the most admired houses in the neighborhood.

  “Sweetheart, Kyle and his date will be here any minute. Is dinner ready?” Ramsey asked as he walked into the bathroom.

  Keilah put the finishing touches on her makeup as she sat at the mirror and said, “Relax, Ramsey. I have everything under control. Are you okay? You seem a little nervous.”

  “I’m not nervous, just anxious to meet this woman. Kyle’s my boy. It’s going to take a special woman to be compatible with him and his career.”

  She twirled around in her chair and said, “Well, your wait won’t be long. How do I look?”

  He took her hand into his and twirled her around so he could get a 360-degree view of her sexy body. “Stunning,” he said as he kissed the curve of her neck.

  “This outfit isn’t too much, is it?” she asked, referring to her maroon velvet skirt with matching leather boots and an ivory cashmere sweater.

  “No, it’s fine. You look very sexy and festive.”

  Keilah checked her appearance one more time before walking hand in hand with her husband downstairs to wait for their guests. Luckily, their wait wasn’t long, because when they reached the bottom of the stairs, the doorbell rang.

  “Sweetheart, answer the door while I get dinner plated.”

  Keilah made her way into the kitchen, while Ramsey greeted their guests. However, when he opened the door, he got a surprise he wasn’t expecting.

  “What are you doing here? Keilah didn’t tell me you were coming.”

  Tori stepped into the foyer and said, “Ramsey? Wait a minute. This is your house?”

  “Yeah. Hold up. Did you come by yourself or with Kyle?” Ramsey asked, clearly confused.

  “How do you know, Kyle?” Tori asked.

  Ramsey started laughing just as Kyle stepped into the foyer. “Sorry about that, Victoria. I had to take that call. I see you two have already met, but I’ll introduce you, anyway. Victoria, this is my best friend, Ramsey Stone. Ramsey, this is Miss Victoria Giles, my date.”

  Ramsey shook Tori’s hand and continued to laugh as he looked at her first and then over at Kyle.

  “What’s so funny?” Kyle asked as he helped Tori out of her coat.

  Keilah rounded the corner and said, “Okay, it�
��s about time you—” She stopped mid-sentence when she saw the couple standing in the foyer. She put her hands on her hips and asked, “Tori, why didn’t you call to tell me you were coming?”

  Kyle gave Keilah a confused look and asked, “How do you know Victoria?”

  Keilah walked closer. “Victoria is one of my best friends. We went to college together. How do you know her?”

  “She’s my date,” Kyle answered.

  “Wait a second!” Tori interjected with an elevated tone. “I need a drink, because I’m confused as hell.”

  “I’ll get the wine,” Ramsey said as he continued to laugh.

  Keilah escorted Kyle and Tori into the family room and said, “I can’t believe this.”

  Ramsey returned right away with wine and four glasses. Once the wine was poured, Tori quickly drained her glass and held it out for a refill.

  “Will somebody please explain to me what’s going on?” Kyle requested.

  Ramsey laughed and said, “Well, my friend, Tori, whom you know as Victoria, is Keilah’s college roommate.”

  “Seriously?” Kyle asked.

  Tori nodded in agreement as she sipped on her second glass of wine.

  “How is it that you didn’t know where we were when I pulled up to the house?” Kyle asked.

  “I’ve only been back in town for a few months,” Tori explained, “and I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had a chance to visit them, and you never mentioned their names. You just said dinner with some friends.”

  Keilah stared at Tori and said, “This is the guy you were talking about at lunch the other week?”

  “Yes,” Tori admitted. “I had no idea you knew him.”

  “Well, you never mentioned his name, either, so I had no idea,” Keilah replied. “You were guarding the relationship so carefully.”

  Ramsey sat down and said, “Let’s all agree that this is a Kodak moment.”

  “Agreed,” they all said in unison.

  “I have to admit that I’m angry at myself for not introducing you two to each other before,” Ramsey told them. “To be honest, I’m glad you two met. Kyle is a good man, and he’ll treat you right.”

  “As weird as this night has started out, I have to agree with Ramsey,” Keilah remarked as she stood. “I say let us go into the dining room, because dinner is hot and ready to serve. We can continue this conversation there, because I want to hear all about how you guys met.”

  As Keilah led the way into the dining room, Tori asked, “Where’s Neariah?”

  “She’s asleep right now. She normally sleeps through the night, but she’s an early bird,” Keilah explained.

  “I can’t wait to see her,” Tori replied as Kyle held out her chair for her. She looked around the room and said, “Your house is beautiful. I can’t wait to see the rest of it, and dinner smells wonderful. What are we having?”

  Keilah put her napkin in her lap and said, “Porterhouse lamb chops, baby spinach, and buttermilk and chive potatoes, and for dessert I have a sour cream cake to die for.”

  “You cooked all this?” Kyle asked.

  “Of course, with some help from the man of the house.”

  “You guys did a great job. It smells delicious.”

  “Why, thank you, Tori,” Ramsey replied.

  The four of them joined hands to bless the food before partaking in the delicious meal.

  After dinner, Keilah gave Tori a tour of the house. As they walked upstairs, Keilah said, “I can’t believe you two met in a supermarket.”

  Tori giggled. “I know. He was inspecting the organic tomatoes, and he looked so serious. I politely walked over to him and eased his mind by telling him he was making a good selection. When he smiled and thanked me, something inside me clicked. He was so clean cut and handsome.”

  “He is handsome,” Keilah replied as they entered one of the guest bedrooms. “Kyle has had trouble dating because of his work schedule and the confidentiality of his job. He’s a classified government official, and a lot of women couldn’t handle it. They wanted more time from him than he had available.”

  “Well, I like him, and he’s been nothing but a gentleman to me. I know what it’s like to have a strenuous schedule.”

  Keilah turned to Tori and stared at her for a second.

  “What?” Tori asked.

  “Have you slept with him?”

  Tori blushed. “No, but we’ve come close a couple of times. I was ready, but he pulled back.”

  “I’m not surprised. Kyle is old school. He’s not going to put the full-court press on you and risk messing up the relationship. You’re going to have to let him know it’s okay so he won’t be so uptight about it.”

  They continued to walk down the hallway toward Neariah’s room. Outside her door Tori said, “I don’t want him to think I’m horny, even though I am.”

  Keilah laughed and said, “Girl, rip that man’s clothes off and ride him like a cowgirl.”

  “You’re stupid, Keilah, but I understand what you’re saying. I am extremely curious, because everything else seems so right about him. If he’s good in bed, I’m sold.”

  Keilah gave Tori a sisterly hug and said, “Well, I hope it works out between you two. I love you both, and I want you to be happy.”

  “Me too,” Tori whispered as Keilah opened the door to Neariah’s room. “Where’s my goddaughter?”

  They walked over to Neariah’s crib and found her lying wide awake in the dimly lit room. When she saw her mother, she started smiling.

  “What are you doing up, young lady?” Keilah asked as she picked her up.

  “I can’t believe she wasn’t crying for you.”

  Keilah laid Neariah on the changing table and said, “She would’ve eventually. She’s a good baby, though.”

  Tori looked around the room and said, “Her room is so cute. I love the pink and cream colors with the angels. It’s the perfect room for a little girl.”

  “Thank you, Tori. My mother-in-law helped me decorate her room.”

  Tori kissed Neariah’s hand and asked, “Can I help?”

  “Sure,” Keilah replied as she took the wet diaper off her daughter. “Look in that small fridge and get a cup of milk and put it in the warmer. I’ll let you give it to her.”

  Tori did as she was told and anxiously waited to hold her sweet little goddaughter. When the milk was ready, Keilah handed her daughter to Tori and then sat down. Tori sat down in the rocking chair and gave Neariah the cup.

  “You’re a natural,” Keilah whispered.

  “She’s so beautiful, Keilah. She looks like you.”

  “Everybody says that, but I think she looks like her dad.”

  “Maybe it’s because she has your eyes,” Tori replied as she hugged Neariah close to her heart. “I could hold her all night.”

  “You’re hired,” Keilah joked. “On a serious note, I’m glad you’re back in D.C.”

  At that moment, Ramsey slowly opened the door and whispered, “Are you guys going to be in here all night?”

  “No, we’ll be right down.”

  After he closed the door, Keilah took Neariah out of Tori’s arms and said, “Go on back downstairs with your date. I’ll be down after I get her back to sleep.”

  “Thanks, Keilah.”

  Tori exited the room, and then Keilah looked into her daughter’s eyes and said, “Okay, young lady. It’s time for you to go back to sleep. Momma and Daddy have friends over.”

  Keilah placed her daughter on her shoulder and patted her back. Seconds later she burped. Keilah rocked her for about ten minutes, until she was fast asleep.

  It didn’t take her long to rejoin her guests for some delicious sour cream cake and hot buttered rum to take the chill off of the cold December evening.

  “This is so good, I might need a designated driver to get us home,” Kyle joked.

  “You guys are welcome to spend the night if you feel like you may have had one too many,” Ramsey suggested. “I don’t want to see your f
ace plastered on CNN in the morning for getting pulled over with a DUI.”

  “He’s right,” Keilah added. “We have plenty of room and we would love to have you.”

  “It’s a sweet offer, but I don’t want to impose on Victoria,” Kyle stated.

  Ramsey made eye contact with his buddy and read his mind. He knew exactly why he didn’t want to stay overnight, and he couldn’t blame him.

  It was nearly eleven o’clock when Kyle saw his date yawn and decided it was time to call it a night. They thanked their gracious hosts and friends and headed out into the cold, dark, night.

  On the drive back to her house, Tori thanked Kyle for a wonderful evening. He smiled and took her hand into his and kissed the back of it.

  “Thanks for making it so wonderful,” he replied.

  She gave his hand an assuring squeeze.

  Kyle pulled into her driveway and shut off the engine. He immediately hopped out and made his way around to the passenger side of the vehicle and opened the door for his beautiful date. He took her hand into his once again and escorted her to the front of the house, where she took out her keys and unlocked the door.

  “Do you have time to come inside for some coffee?” she asked as she wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled against his body in the cold night air.

  He pulled her closer into his arms and gave her a subtle kiss on the lips and said, “I’d love to.”

  The couple entered her modest home, which was neat, with a classic feminine touch. They took off their coats and hung them in the hall closet.

  “Make yourself at home while I brew the coffee. It won’t take but a second,” she announced. “Oh, and if you don’t mind, can you make a fire? It’s chilly in here.”

  “Sure,” he answered as he made his way into her family room and over to the fireplace. Kyle was a pro at making cozy fires. He had done it as a young boy growing up in Chicago, and by the time Tori made it back into the family room, he had the fireplace roaring.

  “Wow! I’ve never been able to get it going like that,” she said with praise.


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