Cuffed By A Kingpin

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Cuffed By A Kingpin Page 13

by Heiress

  “He’s being a total fuck nigga right now. Like why won’t he just admit he wants to be with me? I’m a teen and I’m being more mature than him,” I pointed out. Grabbing the saltine crackers, I ripped them open.

  “Y’all both acting immature. Like y’all have to understand where each other is coming from. He been hurt before and he still dealing with that. You have to understand that. You young and the only nigga you been with was, C. He needs to understand that,” Sean offered up some wisdom. “Damn, I should be a therapist.” He chuckled. I laughed off his comment and turned on the television. Fresh Prince was on so I settled for that.

  “I miss Jamaica,” I mumbled, pointing like a child. That had been my home since I was a baby and I wanted to go back so bad.

  “Yea, I only been out here for some weeks and I miss home. But you know you can’t go back-,”

  “Yea, I know. It’s dangerous and killers are looking for me. Blah. Blah. Blah,” I interrupted him. “I at least want to go back this year for my twenty first birthday. You know the carnival falls on my birthday. Think I can sneak away for a weekend?” I asked, giving him the puppy dog eyes. He laughed at my attempt to persuade him.

  “Man-I’ll get with my pops and Uncle and see what I can do. I ain’t making no promise though,” he responded. I cheesed extra hard. Since I didn’t get the birthday I dreamed of two years ago, I was hoping to redeem that horrible day this year. I knew that I could make it happen with Sean’s help. I sat back on my bed and stuffed my face with all the food and treats Sean got me. It was actually making me feel better. Especially the ginger ale.

  “So, Sean, I have a question,” I started, getting his attention. We were too into this episode of fresh prince. “Why don’t you have a girlfriend? You seem like such a cool dude. I’m sure any woman would be lucky to be with you,” I complimented.

  He was facing the television but he situated himself to face me. “To be honest, I think I just haven’t been putting myself out there. I was in the same situation as C, but I’m the one who cheated. She wasn’t the type to give second chances so she ended it. A nigga want to be in a relationship no doubt. This lonely life ain’t for me.” He chuckled.

  “How long were you and her together?” I asked.

  “Let’s see, I’m twenty so that means we were together for about four years. I ain’t got years like Mo’ and C but we had a solid connection. I could have seen myself being with her for life. I just chose to let my dick speak louder than my heart,” he answered.

  “You should get out there then. Go on some dates. You deserve someone. Because sitting in the house, catering to my pregnant butt ain’t fun. I’m sure you’re bored here with me.” I fiddled around with the strings on the cover awaiting his response. I threw that out there because I wanted to know if he did think sitting here with me was boring. Maybe he would rather be somewhere else.

  “Nah, it’s actually cool chilling with you Cali. You ain’t full of drama or on some other shit. I just came over here to check up on Missy and Angel. I rather be here then out in the streets chasing down some Jamaicans,” he responded, chuckling. That actually made the corners of my mouth raise. I don’t know why but it made me feel good that he wanted to be here with me.

  “Oh, wow!” I blurted, feeling my stomach.

  “What’s wrong, girl? You good?” Sean asked with a worried facial expression.

  “No, I uhh, think I felt a flutter or something. Is it too soon for that?” I asked not knowing. He just shrugged his shoulders in response.” You want to feel it?”

  He hesitated before answering. “Uhh, yea. Let me see what little man up in there doing. I know it’s gone be a boy,” he added. I shook my head, smiling at his prediction. I lifted my shirt up just below my breast and grabbed his hand. I placed it on my tummy and pressed down so he could feel what I was feeling.

  “Feel it?” I asked.

  “Man- I don’t feel shit. You sure you just ain’t got gas or something?” he joked. In the midst of my laughing, the bedroom door burst open and we both turned our heads. My eyes widened when I saw a pissed off Compton standing in the doorway. I couldn’t tell if he was upset about something that happened earlier or if it was the scene he was seeing. Our situation may have given off mixed messages.

  “Fuck is this shit?” he quizzed, pointing from me to Sean.

  “It’s nothing like you think cuz. Cali wasn’t feeling good so I got her some shit. We were just chilling,” Sean explained.

  Compton then looked from me to Sean’s hand which was still on my stomach. “So, what the fuck is that about?” he pointed at my tummy. Sean quickly removed his hand and stood to his feet.

  “She thought she felt the baby and-,”

  “And I wanted to see if he could feel it. Do you want to feel it?” I asked, trying to change the mood. You could feel the animosity.

  “If ya’ ass was home then I would be able to do all this for you, but you acting like a fucking child,” Compton spat, glaring down at me. Before I could even get a word in, he turned his attention towards Sean. “Well while you up here playing step daddy or whatever the fuck you doin’, I-,”

  “C, chill because it ain’t even like that. I was just chilling with-,”

  “I don’t even give a fuck what it was. It’s about what it looked like. That’s beside the point. We need to dip. We got some business to take care of. You would know that if you answered ya’ phone. I been calling you for an hour,” Compton informed him. Even with me and Sean’s explanation, he was still going to think what he wanted. I’m sure he made up all kinds of scenarios in his head about what was going on.

  “Look, I’m just gone head out. Cali make sure you keep eating that stuff for the nausea. If you need me, just hit me up,” Sean offered up before walking out the room.

  I opened my mouth to say something but Compton spoke before it. “I’m gone be back and all ya’ shit better be packed,” he demanded, walking out of the room and shutting the door behind him. He didn’t even allow me to object. Flopping back on the bed, I just laid there. I strongly considered packing my clothes. The want for me and Compton to be together as a couple was overpowering my will to stay away from him.

  “Maybe I’ll just go over there and try my luck again,” I said aloud to myself. Getting up from the bed, I slipped on my shoes and grabbed something sexy from my drawer. I was too head over hills for this man and I was going to get him to love me back.



  Today was not the day to walk in on my cousin feeling up my baby momma. I had so much shit going on that a nigga couldn’t even think straight. Somebody was literally trying to take my families business from me. I had Jamaicans out here attempting to kidnap and kill Cali. Cali was pissing me the fuck off by not coming back home. And on top of that, Monique kept blowing up my phone every five seconds. I swear if it wasn’t one thing, it was another.

  “So, you gone be real with me or nah?” I asked Sean who was sitting next to me in the passenger seat. I made him ride with me so we could talk. He was always a truthful dude but any nigga would lie on good pussy. I couldn’t put shit past my own family.

  “C, I ain’t gone keep explaining to you that ain’t shit happen. I came to check on, Missy and, Angel. Cali was in the bathroom throwing up and I helped her out. That’s it cuz,” he explained again.

  “If I find out you lying Sean, I will kill-,”

  “You ain’t gone find out I’m lying because I’m not. If you was there with her then I wouldn’t have had to do that shit,” he retorted.

  “If her ass would stop acting so damn stubborn then I would be. I told her ass to come home,” I shot back. I tried to hide the fact that I kind of missed Cali being home. The house was empty and I barely stayed there. At times, I wanted to just go over Missy’s house and be with her, but I didn’t want her to get the wrong idea. I didn’t want to be in a relationship which was crazy to say because at the end of the day, she was my wife. My preg
nant wife.

  “Look it ain’t my business so I’m staying out of it. That’s y’all issues,” he mumbled, pulling his hood over his head. Sean was a young nigga and I knew he found Cali attractive. I didn’t want to think some foul shit was going on, but at the same time, the scene looked suspicious.

  “Look, if you say ain’t shit happen then I believe you. Just in case you don’t know by now, her ass is off limits. Just because we not committed, she still belongs to me. Aight?”

  “Yea, I got you. I wouldn’t do no shit like that anyway. You know that.” There was nothing left to say after that. At this point, it was over and done with. The thought of them having something going on was still gone be in the back of my mind.

  Pulling up to my club, I was anticipating the moment when I entered. This rivalry had gone on long enough and it was time to put an end to it. I had a baby on the way so I had no choice but to make sure that my wife was protected at all times. I’ll be damned if the same shit that happened with Mo’ happened to Cali.

  I got out my whip and walked to the back with Sean alongside of me. Snoop, my uncle and my pops was already inside. This situation had to be dealt with. When I entered, I could see my enemy as clear as day. He was bold as fuck for stepping into my club. He stayed low-key due to us being beefed out, but he was out and about today. When I got the word he was in clear sight, I knew he had to have an agenda.

  “Well if it isn’t the nigga who couldn’t be loyal to save his life,” I spoke, standing toe to toe with Black. He had an entourage of niggas and they all were packing. Every fiber in my being wanted to beat the shit out this nigga. Never in my life had I ever hated someone so much. I couldn’t wait to kill his ass.

  “And if it isn’t the nigga who couldn’t keep his bitch- I mean bitches on a leash. I can’t wait to fuck wifey…again,” he responded, winking at me. Not being able to hold it, I drew my hand back and caught that nigga in the jaw. He immediately went down and that left his punk ass weak. I continued to throw punches in his face. He got me a few times, but I ate those bitches up like it was nothing. He may have been bigger than me, but he was no match for me. I landed one good hit to his jaw before I was yanked up by my collar.

  “QUIT THE BULLSHIT AND LET’S END THIS!” My uncle spat, angrily. “Y’all in here fighting over a bitch!”

  “She wasn’t just no bitch!” I shot back, yanking my arm from my uncle. “She was my bitch. My fucking fiancé and you were a nigga’s right hand mans. I had ya’ back when family didn’t. I fed you! I kept money in ya’ pocket. When you ain’t have shit, you stayed with me! I trusted you and you proved to be a disloyal ass nigga. And now you think you gone take my business from me? Nigga you won’t even be able to sniff my shit, let alone take it,” I assured him.

  He smirked, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth with his thumb. “See that’s ya’ problem, C. You always worried about somebody else. That’s why you left yo’ bitch up for grabs. You thought you was untouchable, but that confidence gone be wiped clean when I take yo’ shit. I ain’t little Damien no more. I’m grown as fuck and I got more niggas around me than you ever will. I just came here to show you that I ain’t afraid of you my G. You better go home and kiss that pretty ass wife of yours because her and that baby gone be-,”


  That nigga didn’t even get to finish his sentence before I started busting. He wasn’t about to stand in my face, in my establishment and talk shit. I ain’t give a fuck how many niggas he had with him. He had me fucked up. As soon as I opened fire, his niggas stood up and started shooting. All you could hear were gun shots.


  I glanced around making sure my family was good. I saw that they were holding their own. A few niggas was dead but that wasn’t my main focus. I wanted that nigga Black dead. I searched for him and when I found him, I took my shot. Caught that nigga in the chest and he stumbled back. He raised his gone with a smirk on his face, but he was looking past me. Turning my head around, my eyes bucked when I saw Monique behind me. She was searching through her purse for her gun but she was moving too slow.

  Jumping up, I ran towards her. I heard a shot go off and my shoulder jerked forward into Monique. We both fell to the ground. “Oh, shit! Compton your shot!” Monique yelled, pressing her hand into my shoulder. She was trying to stop the bleeding but I could care less about a damn gunshot wound.

  “Blaaaack!” I screamed, jumping up and running in his direction. It only angered me more when he was nowhere to be found. There was blood on the floor where he was so I knew he was shot. That wasn’t enough confirmation for me. I needed him dead. “FIND ME THAT BLACK MUTHA’ FUCKA! I’M TAKIN’ THAT NIGGA HEAD OFF HIS SHOULDERS ON SIGHT!” I growled to my family as I held my shoulder. I couldn’t have been angrier.

  “We gone get his ass son, but you need to go get stitched up. Meet us at the spot where you can get that shit looked at,” my pops instructed me. “We gone dead his ass. Even if it kills us, we gone find that nigga and kill him,” he assured me.

  Holding my wounded arm, I nodded my head. I couldn’t even speak right now. I was brewing. “Come on, Compton. Let me take you home and take care of this wound,” Monique offered up. I wasn’t gone allow her to do shit for me because this entire beef was on her.

  “If it wasn’t for you having friendly pussy, I wouldn’t be dealing with this shit,” I spat, pulling away from her.

  “Well it’s either stay here and bleed to death or get your stubborn ass in the car. Your choice.” She rolled that neck of her and folded her arms across her chest. Tapping her heels on the floor, she waited for me to choose.

  I knew I didn’t have no other choice so I pushed past her and walked to the car. “Come on,” I threw over my shoulder. The sirens were blaring but I had them paid off so they wouldn’t dare question me or my family. I hopped in my car with Monique and we left for my crib. I winced in pain the entire drive, but I kept shit cool. This wasn’t the first time I had been shot and it wouldn’t be the last.


  When we arrived at the crib, I made sure Monique got straight to stitching me up. This was the first time she had been back to my crib since we ended things. It was awkward being with her in my bed. Shit felt so damn normal and right with Monique. It fucked me up in the head that I was having these feelings. I hated the strong hold her ass had on me.

  “I remember when we first purchased this house. We told the realtor we were expecting so that she could give us the house. I still couldn’t believe we did what we did when she still said no.” She laughed.

  “Yea, that shit was wild. We were so young and crazy back then. She probably still scared of them roaches we put in her house,” I responded, chuckling along with her.

  “Yes, we were so carelessly in love. I wish things could go back to those days. When we were the definition of love,” she mumbled, rubbing my shoulder. “I remember the day I met you. You were sitting on the porch with Snoop, playing some video game. My momma and I came over to welcome y’all to the neighborhood and you just couldn’t stop starring at me.”

  “Damn, I remember that shit. You were the new light skin mixed chick on the block. You were only twelve and that ass was sitting up nice in them purple leggings. You had on a Lakers jersey with the matching sneakers. Right then and there I knew you was the one,” I reminisced, thinking back on that day. No one had ever seemed so perfect to me to me.

  “’I can’t believe you remember what I was wearing.”

  “I can’t believe you thought I forgot,” I replied, glancing at her over my shoulder. The room fell silent as she continued to stitch me up. That was the first time we was able to have a positive conversation. I won’t lie and say I didn’t miss Monique because I did. She made this house a home and the feeling she gave me, can’t no bitch give me. Cali was the only bitch who came close to it.

  “Compton, I want to come home,” she blurted, killing the silence. “I want you back. I want us back.” I pointed
her finger between the both of us.

  “Mo’ I ain’t tryna’ hear this shit man-. A nigga just got shot and you-,

  “Exactly! You just got shot. Who knows what the future brings. We owe it to each other to try again.”

  “I don’t owe ya’ ass a damn thing!” I spat, shooting to my feet. I knew this calm sentimental moment wasn’t gone last. It was a matter of time before I came to my damn senses.

  “And I do? I owe your ass something when you were the one cheating on me,” she shot back.

  “It’s a difference! You knew I was creeping. You knew the nigga I was when we met. You the one who still chose to be with me, so don’t try and make a nigga feel sorry for you.”

  “The last thing I need is your fucking sorry Compton. You didn’t give me much choice in the matter. It was either take you as you were, or leave.”

  “And you chose to stay,” I pointed out.

  “Yes, because I loved you!” she shouted, bursting into tears. This was the one thing I couldn’t handle. The tears that fell from her eyes was from the pain I had caused, but I refused to own up to that shit. I couldn’t be a man and tell her my wrongs. I just couldn’t. “You slept with almost every bitch in the hood. You know how I dumb I looked wearing a big ass rock on my finger claiming you, then have to hear about you fucking the next bitch? I sacrificed my dignity and worth for you!” She raised her voice through tears.

  “See that’s ya’ problem. You couldn’t see the bigger fucking picture. You had my heart while them other hoes had my dick. It was never an emotional attachment to them bitches. They were just a fuck. A hell of a good time. That’s it. At the end of the day, I came home to you every night not them. I gave you the ring, not them. I was willing to pledge my love to you before you, God and a bunch of fake ass relatives I don’t even like. You ruined it by fucking my best nigga.”

  “I ruined us?” she quizzed, pointing to herself in disbelief. “I’m sorry that while you were out playing the role of a dope boy, I was at home cooking and cleaning. I’m sorry that while you were getting shot at and locked up, I was bailing you out and nursing your wounds. I’m sorry that while you were out in the streets, I was at home being lonely! I got lonely, Compton. Our bed became cold when you invited all kinds of bitches in it.”


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