Honor (Blackstone #1)

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Honor (Blackstone #1) Page 16

by J. L. Drake

  “Oh, Abby! She’s here!” A woman who looked just like Abigail came toward us, smiling a welcome.

  “This is my sister June. She lives here as well.”

  “Nice to meet you, June.”

  “Oh, Marcus, she’s a doll.” June winked then she and her sister walked me into the living room.

  “Wow.” I couldn’t hold back my reaction. This place just kept going.

  Somehow I finished one glass of red wine and was on my second, I thought, and trying to take everything in. June was one slippery woman with the bottle.

  Savannah popped down earlier to give me a hug and to welcome me, but had to attend to their daughter. Several men came and went, and each one stopped and was introduced. They all seemed nice, but their names had not stuck. Only one guy stood out—Keith. I remembered him because he seemed to be a bit on edge and kept glancing at his phone. He must have been waiting for someone. I fleetingly wondered if he had girlfriend troubles. I wonder if Keith is his first name or last? When Abigail called him out, he just shook his head and dismissed the question.

  “Come on.” Mark motioned for me to follow. He led me downstairs and began to give me a tour. I was amazed by all the rooms, particularly the entertainment room, the offices, and Savannah’s piano room. I got a kick out of the Jolly Jumper next to the bench. Olivia was a very lucky baby. This place would be a trip to grow up in. So many little rooms and cubbyholes. I could only imagine what else there was here that they couldn’t even show me.

  We climbed the stairs to the main floor again. “So we have the kitchen over there,” he continued, pointing to a huge kitchen that overlooked the lake. “Dining room, living room. Then down that way,” he pointed toward a long hallway, “is Cole’s office at the end. The house shrink normally holds his sessions in the office next to his.” He took my hand, nearly pulling my arm off in his excitement as we climbed more stairs. “These are our bedrooms up here. All team Blackstone lives up here, as well as the main staff and a few others who have moved up in their ranks since they got here. So Abby, June, Cole, and there’s a few open rooms for when we have guests. The rest of the men live in the other wing of the house.”

  My head was spinning. There was a lot to take in, and Mark’s enthusiasm made him talk so fast I knew I’d never remember it all. I followed as he started down the hallway.

  “This is Mike’s room. He’s really scary looking, but he’s a giant—”

  “Oh, I’m not all that scary,” a deep voice boomed behind me. I nearly leaped onto Mark’s back. “Sorry,” he said with a grin. I had to tilt my head back to get a good look at his appearance.

  “Nice tats,” I blurted out, mentally smacking myself but deciding to brave it through. His hands where covered in red and black swirls. I stepped forward to get a better look at his sleeve. Black and silver warriors were fighting while one man on top of a rock stood and watched. Interesting. I bet there was a story behind those…wait, now. “Ahh.” I pointed to a small troll doll tattoo nearly hidden down by his wrist.

  “Long story.” He smiled, but a fleeting expression showed something I couldn’t pinpoint.

  Mark laughed behind me. “More like a closet obsession.”

  “Lopez, blow me a bubble.” Mike shook his head. “Welcome to the house, Mia.”

  “Thanks.” I waved as he disappeared into his room.

  “My room…umm, I mean our room is down here.” As we were about to go into the room, a strange bell-type sound came over an intercom. “Dinner,” he said in answer to my puzzled look. “House is too big to yell.”

  I had never seen so much food in my life. Two huge chickens sat on either end of the table, with every possible side dish in between. Large bowls of mashed potatoes, carrots, green beans, broccoli, and turnips were handed about. The cranberry sauce was made fresh and served with something called bread sauce. It looked pretty strange but tasted amazing. Abigail explained it was a British tradition she grew up with, and the meal simply wasn’t complete without it.

  There came a flurry of activity as Savannah entered carrying an adorable little girl who had to be Olivia, along with an older couple I knew must be related to Cole. The man was an older version of him. They apologized for being late as they took their seats.

  “You must be Mia.” The older woman offered her hand. It was freezing, so I guessed they’d just arrived. “I’m Sue, Cole’s mother, and this is his father Daniel.”

  Daniel and Sue, Daniel and Sue, I repeated to myself, trying to keep everyone’s name straight.

  “This,” Savannah held up her daughter, who had an itty-bitty pink tutu over her tiny round belly, “is Olivia.”

  “It’s lovely to meet you all.” I rose and shook the Logans’ hands and waved to the cute bubble blower.

  Cole took the baby as soon as Savannah sat. He placed her on his thigh and ate with one hand. Dad of the year, right there.

  I watched in awe of everyone. Their family bond was just as large as this house. The men were funny and joked around a lot. Mark had my jaw dropping with the amount of food he inhaled.

  Dell leaned over and whispered, “He’ll still have room for dessert too.”

  My gaze went to his. “No way!”

  “Five bucks he’ll go for—” Dell leaned behind me to look at the dessert table, “—a quarter of the apple crisp, three chocolate chip cookies, and Abigail will get him and Keith a glass of milk.”

  I sneaked a peek at Keith, who still had a mountain of food to get through. Mark was polishing off a chicken leg but still had lots on his plate. There was no way they could possibly squeeze in dessert.

  “You’re on.” I shook his hand under the table.

  “So, Mia,” Daniel said, stealing my attention away, “how do you enjoy working at North Dakota Hospital?”

  “It’s a good job.” I stopped there because Kenny’s face popped up. I did notice he gave me a strange look but didn’t push it any more.

  “I hope my boys behave when they’re there,” Sue commented as she delicately speared a green bean and placed it in her mouth. “That hospital has been good to us over the years.”

  “Well, yes.” I caught Mark grinning at me. “Although this one has all the nurses under his spell.”

  Daniel laughed. “I can see that.”

  “Mia, what do you like to do for fun?” Savannah stirred the baby food and touched it to her lips before she gave the baby some.

  “Ahh,” I nearly laughed, “I’m not really one for playing sports. I seem to have two left feet. I love to read, though.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “Yes, mostly mysteries.” I failed to mention my love of dirty books, as that wouldn’t exactly be dinner table conversation.

  “That’s lovely.” June swirled her wine around her glass. “We have two libraries in this house. I’m sure Mark or Savannah will gladly give you a tour.”

  “I’d like that, thanks.”

  Dell bumped my arm as Mark turned in his chair and picked up a fresh plate. Sure enough, he took exactly what Dell said he would. Mark even served a plate for Keith.

  “Abby,” Keith smiled at her, “would you mind?”

  “Of course, sweetie.” She jumped up and returned with two large glasses of milk.

  I tried to contain my laughter, but it was no use. I pulled some singles from my back pocket and tossed five of them next to Dell’s plate.

  “What is that?” Mark’s curiosity was piqued.

  “Hot date later,” I joked before realizing it might have been an inappropriate comment, considering I had given Dell stripper ones. But before I could correct myself, Daniel started to laugh—he really, really laughed. He had to put his fork down to cover his mouth. Didn’t take long before the whole table broke out.

  “Oh, you’re gonna fit in really well here.” Mike proclaimed, his big voice booming over everyone.


  Relaxing after dinner, I found myself watching Savannah and Cole. Talk about two people who were meant for one anoth
er. He obviously worshiped her, and she couldn’t go even a few moments without touching him. Then there was little Olivia, who had the entire house under her spell. Who could blame them? She was the sweetest little girl, with enormous black eyes. She seemed so happy and full of smiles all the time.

  “Would you mind if I held her?” I warmed my hands before I took her. They’d changed her into a fuzzy purple Onesie, and she had little baby Uggs on her tiny feet. “Well, hello there, sweetheart.” I bounced her gently on my hip. She seemed to like this and smiled her drooly smile up at me. With a dive toward me, her fingers grabbed my necklace, which she immediately put in her mouth.

  “Sorry,” Savannah said with a chuckle. “She loves jewelry, and she puts absolutely everything in her mouth.” She pulled out her own necklace with a snowflake dangling from it and held it up. “I’ve had to replace this chain about three times now.”

  “I don’t mind,” I said in a pseudo-baby voice and rested my forehead to hers. “You’re so cute I could eat you up in one bite.”

  “She is pretty yummy.” Mark took a seat on the couch and sipped something dark in a crystal glass.

  “No.” I turned the baby out of his view. “You cost me five dollars with your predictability.”

  “Am I that predictable?”

  “Yes,” Savannah answered, “you and Keith. But only when it comes to your tummies.”

  Mark thought for a moment. “I do love food.”

  Cole laughed but then groaned as a huge cat jumped up and sat on his lap. It did two circles before it wedged itself between him and Savannah and very crudely flopped its legs open.

  “Wow, he certainly makes an entrance.” I laughed.

  “This is Scoot,” Cole rubbed the cat’s tummy, “second in command. He keeps the men in line, or at least that’s what he believes.”

  “Not too shy, is he?” I nodded toward his legs.

  “Hey, man,” Mark said to the cat, “let ’em hang out.”

  Olivia started to wiggle for her dad, so I handed her back to Cole. She went for the cat’s ear. I cringed at the thought of what he would do, but to my surprise, he just lay there and took it. Her father certainly didn’t seem worried, so I relaxed.

  I cuddled in next to Mark and listened to everyone talk. I could see myself becoming attached to this place. Such a warm vibe with lots of people, but room to be alone.

  By ten, Mark noticed how tired I had become and was only too happy to stand and say goodnight for us and guide us up the stairs to his room.

  I stood inside the door, taking it all in. His sleigh bed had grey sheets with a dark blue duvet over top. Six pillows and a throw rested perfectly in place. The rest of the room matched the color scheme, and it flowed into the bathroom. Everything was so big and grand. No detail was left undone, right down to the grey curtains held in place by cast iron hooks that matched the chandelier in the center of the room.

  Mark gave me a hug and a pat on the butt to push me gently into the room.

  “Hon, this is our room now, okay? I need to go talk to Cole for a few minutes, so you get settled in. I won’t be long, I promise.” He kissed the top of my head before he left.

  My bags were on top of a bench. I got out my toiletries and headed into the bathroom and tried to decide, bath or shower? Shower. I was afraid I might fall asleep in the warmth of the tub.

  Four different knobs stared back at me, then there was the control panel. Good Lord! Finally, after almost scalding myself, I figured out how to turn it on and get the right temperature and stepped gingerly into the marble rectangle.

  I smiled when I saw that there were shampoo and lady products all ready for me. It was strange, but Savannah had warned me earlier tonight not to feel awkward with what was provided for me. It was just part of the routine of the house, considering the type of work they did.

  My finger ran along the path of gold that threaded through the solid slab of marble. The hot water beat down on me as steam filled the shower, surrounding me with the warmth my body so badly craved. Squeezing the lovely floral scented shampoo into my hand, I lathered my long hair from scalp to tips. A brass handle stirred my curiosity, and I decided to give it a careful twist, ready to jump out if need be. The water beat a completely different rhythm on my lower back and shoulders. The lights dimmed, and the faint smell of lavender found me. Oh my, this was perfect! Sorry, Mark, but these power jets kneading the tension from my muscles might become your competition.

  Only problem with letting your mind wander was unexpected and sometimes unwanted thoughts intruded. I finished, towel dried, and braided my hair. With a quick swipe of the towel across the mirror, I stared back at my reflection.

  “Tell him!” my subconscious advised.

  I can’t! I squeezed my eyes shut. What if he’s not all right with it?

  “You had a chance, and every day that goes by will only make it worse!” it yelled at me and caused my head to ache.


  I flipped off the light and headed into the bedroom.

  The bed was big—really big. I tucked my arm around my head and burrowed down in the puffy blanket. I grinned into my pillow as Mark’s scent surrounded me in instant comfort.

  Mark said he’d be back soon, but it didn’t take long for my eyes to close.

  “Tell your boyfriend to pay up!”

  My eyes popped open. The clock flashed blue numbers at me—3 a.m. Mark hadn’t come to bed yet? I began to feel odd being here. Silly thoughts started to flood my brain. Did I make the right choice? Should I have gone back home? I decided to get up and go downstairs.

  I pulled a long sweater on over my shorts and tank top and peeked outside the door. I pulled the elastic free and let my messy hair fall in front of my face. I flicked it back and stepped onto the cold wooden floor, moving down the stairs and into the living room.

  Silent lightning filled the room. I stepped to the window, watching the streaks of power as they dove toward the lake.

  With my blanket in hand, I unlocked the patio door and breathed in the fresh storm air. The humidity was heavy, and the promise of some thundershowers was enough for me to tuck into a ball and enjoy the show.

  A low rumble crept up the mountain, a little closer each time it came. My thoughts started to scramble and mix with some dark ones.

  Kenny’s lifeless body flashed in front of me, which made the hold on my heart squeeze tighter. It wasn’t fair; he was so young. I spent so much time reassuring him he was going to be okay that I almost believed it myself. The mind is a dangerous tool sometimes. My only peace was that he was now with his mother.

  I pulled up the blanket as a cold breeze from the open patio door moved my hair around. A loud clap of thunder sent my mind racing in another direction.

  The voice of the man in the basement who stole my courage from me came next. My fingers curled around my knees. I needed an anchor. Mark had asked so many times if I was okay. I didn’t tell him, but I wasn’t. That was why I didn’t communicate all that much with him when he was gone. My attacker left me with a taste of fear in my mouth every time the lights went out. I became anxious whenever the trash bin was full, and even right before the elevator doors closed. He was faceless. Nothing but a shadow. I had only that one glimpse of him. I could have run into him at the market and not even known it.

  “Pretty amazing, huh?” Savannah’s voice broke through my thoughts. She had a teacup in her hand. “I love a good storm, myself. I often wandered down here when I first arrived to watch the weather.” She pointed to the chair next to me. “May I?”

  “Of course.”

  She curled up and let out a sleepy sigh. “I love my baby girl, but the child doesn’t sleep unless she’s on top of me.” She laughed softly. “Cole wakes at a snap of a twig, but his daughter could crawl all over him and he wouldn’t budge.” She eyed me carefully as she spoke. “So I drape her over him and sneak out for some me time.”

  “Smart,” I said, chuckling.

  She touched my arm
. “A little overwhelmed?”

  The storm interrupted my reply with a huge downpour of rain. Savannah laughed with pure enjoyment over what many would curse. I loved that. It was how I felt. Rain was like a shower for my soul; it allowed me to reboot. Perhaps because it often meant a day inside wrapped up with a good book. Either way, I loved it, and apparently Savannah did too.

  I opened my blanket and spread it over her lap. Her smile made me feel at home.

  “I guess I really should shut the door?”

  “No, leave it. It’s wonderful.” She scooted around to face me.

  “So let me give you the scoop on this place.”

  I turned to look at her. “Please do.”

  “The aunts.”

  “Abigail and June?”

  “Yes. They’re the sweetest, most loving women you’ll ever find, next to Sue. Cole’s mother is amazing. Dr. Roberts is Abigail’s boyfriend, and they are so cute together. But don’t bring it up to Mark. He’s a bit sensitive on the topic.” She couldn’t hide her grin. “Paul and John are really cool, and Mike, he has tattoos all over and looks scary, but he’s a huge teddy bear.”

  “I’ve actually met Mike. He does seem really nice. Though not someone I’d like to meet in a back alley.” She shook her head, smiling. “What about Keith? What’s his deal?”

  “Ha! Keith is like the big bad wolf in fluffy pajamas with the ass flap hanging down. He acts scary, but he’s harmless. We’re really close. He walked me down the aisle.” She stopped and thought. “Why did you ask?”

  “He just seemed a bit on edge since I’ve been here, and he checks his phone a lot.”

  “Yeah, I’ve noticed that too.” She seemed to get lost in thought, so I moved on.

  “What about Mark?”

  “Mark is the funny one. No matter how shitty your day has been, he’ll make you laugh in a way that makes you feel good afterward, not just during. He’s protective of our family, and I think for the longest time didn’t date because he didn’t want to leave Abigail or Cole.” Her shoulders rose and fell. “That’s what Cole told me.”


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