Chasing Me

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by Cat Mason

  Chasing Me

  Copyright © 2014 by Amy Cox writing as Cat Mason

  All Rights Reserved. This work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, photographic) in part or whole without expressed written consent from Amy Cox a.k.a. Cat Mason.

  First Publication July 2014

  Published by Amy Cox/Cat Mason

  Edited by: Asli Fratarcangeli

  Cover Design: IndieVention

  Formatting by IndieVention

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  This is a work of Fiction. All characters, organizations, and events are either products of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual events, or persons living or deceased is completely coincidental

  All mentions of items not limited to but including band names and their song titles or brands such as Fender, are copyrighted by their prospective parties and are used in a fictitious manner. I do not own those brands and do not claim to.

  IronSound Records used with permission by Author Katheryn Kiden, from her series Save Me.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One – Board Members and Guitar Strummed Eulogies

  Chapter Two – Five Foot Tall and Shatterproof

  Chapter Three – Being Schooled in Sin City

  Chapter Four – Punch Throwers and Post Climbers

  Chapter Five – Ducking Frunk

  Chapter Six – #assmole

  Chapter Seven – Sexual Reeling

  Chapter Eight – Lube Bottles and Shit Storms

  Chapter Nine – Who’s The Bitch Now?

  Chapter Ten – Winky Faces but No Goodbyes

  Chapter Eleven – Do You Have A Puppy?

  Chapter Twelve –

  Chapter Thirteen – Take Notes, Quiz To Follow

  Chapter Fourteen – Overreactions Expected

  Chapter Fifteen – Bringing A Tiger To A Cat Fight

  Chapter Sixteen – Love Stories

  Chapter Seventeen – More Than Just Words

  Chapter Eighteen – Boundaries

  Chapter Nineteen – Your Bitter Vag Is Showin’

  Chapter Twenty – Shafty Shenanigans

  Chapter Twenty One – Revelations

  Chapter Twenty Two – It’s a douche! It’s a moron! NO, it’s Super Dumbass!

  Chapter Twenty Three – Sweeten Up The Rough Stuff

  Chapter Twenty Four – Important Conversations

  Chapter Twenty Five – Scandalous Bitches

  Chapter Twenty Six – Dick Drip Is Not A Fashion Trend




  More from the Author

  Board Members and Guitar Strummed Eulogies


  “Are you done with your nails yet, Anal Annie? It’s nearly time to marry your ass off.” I shout through the bathroom door of Gray and Daisy’s suite, at my brother Aiden. Who would have thought our plan would work to get Cam back on the bus? Now, here we are in Vegas! Today, Camaron will attach her ball and chain to Aiden, Shaft style, before we start recording our new album. Once the ‘Rock For A Cure’ fest was over, Cam and Daisy were booking us a flight, just as soon as the doctors cleared them. It all happened so fast, we barely had enough time to pack a bag.

  After the clusterfuck that was Cam’s first week back, we were all happy to get away. Now that Tad and his goons are locked up in their very own nine by nine cells awaiting sentencing, we can relax a bit and turn our attention to more pressing matters. First up: Aiden marrying Cam; then, I will deal with my Tiger Lily. There are too many things to clear up between us, and I am not having this conversation over the phone. I may not be hardwired for that normal relationship shit, but I at least owe her a straight up answer about it all. In person, whatever happens then, happens, I guess.

  The door opens and out steps Aiden as dressed up as he gets: jeans and a t-shirt, all without rips or holes. Damn, this is almost funeral-wear for him. Funeral-wear works, because he’s killing his single life! He rolls his eyes at me before glancing at the clock. “We have thirty four minutes before we have to be at our first stop, Hunter. You do realize that in order to ‘marry my ass off,’ I would actually have to be moving out or something. It’s not like our day to day routine will change much. Most important thing changin’ in a few hours, bro, is Cam’s last name.”

  I chuckle, “Yeah, but I’m still pissed you wouldn’t give me time to be ordained so I could perform the ceremony myself.” His eyebrow arches at me, making me shrug. “Alright,” I surrender, blowing out a breath, “but can I at least sing ‘Here Cums The Bride’? I’ve got my guitar, it’ll be a hit.”

  Aiden laughs, rolling his eyes at the suggestion. “If you sing something like that when Cam walks down the aisle, there’ll be a hit alright…”

  I wince at the thought of what Cam, or even Daisy, would do to my favorite board member if taunted. “Yeah, maybe I’ll just stand there and look pretty until I deliver your eulogy.” I toss out, looking in the mirror to check my hair one last time. You don’t look this damn good by doing nothing ladies. It’s a honed skill and some good genes. The only good thing my asshole father ever gave me.

  “Eulogy,” Aiden mumbles, in aggravation. “I swear if you do anything to embarrass Cam, I won’t be responsible for what she does to you while you sleep.”

  Turning, I smile at him, innocently batting my lashes. “You know those ladies love me; besides someone has to pay tribute to your days as a bachelor being slaughtered.” I say, knowing I’m taunting him. “I mean, seriously, all that potential and you’re only gonna share it with one woman for the rest of your life? Such a waste bro, your hammer should pack up his sac and leave. I know I would.”

  “Everyone isn’t a damn twat testing dip stick like you are Cunter.” Daisy laughs, flinging the door open. Aiden looks up at her anxiously, then behind her into the hallway. “Oh no you don’t, she’s with Chase in your suite. Down boy, it’s bad luck and you know it.”

  “What the hell would you know about that tradition, Daisy? At least we’re inviting you to our wedding.” Aiden grumbles, flopping onto the couch.

  Daisy rolls her eyes, “Seriously, that was months ago; suck it up and move on already.” Walking over, she nudges me with her elbow. “You guys better make it to the chapel sober, Hunter. You can all get shit faced after, but I don’t want the groom and best men looking like homeless lushes in the pictures. I’m counting on you, Hunter, to be a responsible adult here.” She says, studying my reaction.

  Daisy is the only woman I let in before Camaron. Because you never slept with them, dumbass. No matter how much I tease them, I really do admire their faithfulness to Grayson and Aiden and their loyalty to Shaft and the crazy ass dysfunctional family we have grown into. Me, I could never be that way. I’m not sure if I am made for monogamy, kids, and all that lovey dovey spooner shit. Not saying I don’t wish I was sometimes, just stating the facts here people. I’ve mostly come to terms with it. Yeah, mostly.

  “What are you talkin’ about baby momma; Aiden has on his rocker tuxedo.” I chuckle, applying my ‘Hunter is just fine’ mask so that Daisy doesn’t see through my denial. “We will be there with bells on, once we get him inked, you’ll see.” I mutter, knowing that our first stop is for one of his wedding presents for Camaron: a tattoo done by Luke. “I’m so excited to finally meet Mitch the Bitch.” Just the mention of the guy who may have gotten Chase’s heart, makes me grit my teeth. That fuckin’ saying ‘You can’t always get what you want…’ rumbles through my head, making me curse my conscience for the millionth time since I watched her leave.

  Daisy rolls her eyes. “You’re going into Luke’s shop and he’s a good friend. Please don’t make
a scene.” She kisses my cheek, melting my heart a little.

  Even though I joke when saying it, I really do mean it when I say that I love this woman. She took us on as brothers without question, even before she married Grayson. So, it goes without saying that she puts up with a lot of shit; especially where I am concerned. Daisy, being the incredible woman she is, gives as good as she gets. All while embracing us all as a whole, not dismissing us because of the flaws we have, but embracing them. “Chase won’t be there, if that’s what you’re thinking. She’s already with us; you’ll see her at the chapel soon.”

  Simply knowing she will be there is enough to get my palms sweating and my thoughts racing. That infuriating woman turned me inside out from day one. I never tap an ass for more than one night; with Chase, I couldn’t get enough of her. I fucked her three times just the first night, and countless times since. Of course we weren’t exclusive or anything; the subject never came up. Although, it is sort of common knowledge among the groupies that you won’t chain these balls up with monogamy. Honestly, I wouldn’t even know how to be committed. My Tiger Lily, though, makes me wish I could learn. Every chick I’ve ever met has bent to worship me, giving me whatever I want. Not Chase though, that’s not her style. Her name is definitely true to her spirit.

  Daisy sighs heavily, so I roll my eyes in clear diva fashion making her giggle. “Alright, I have to get back to the girls before Mack does something crazy like sing ‘Here Cums the Bride’ again. Thanks to you, Mack won’t stop singing it every time Cam walks into the room.”

  Aiden’s eyes meet mine, silent threats of killing me off in every way imaginable pass between us. My eyes stay locked on my brother, while I smooth over the flustered baby incubator. “Baby Momma, I wouldn’t dream of letting anything ruin your plans for today.” Leaning down, I kiss her on the cheek. “I’ll make sure everything on this end is perfect, I’ve got plenty of help.”

  Her eye brow arches at me, taking in my promise. “You’re so full of shit,” she exclaims, reading me completely. “Henry and Gray should be back by now, get your asses down there and remember, Hunter,” Daisy grabs me by shirt, her eyes going hard as stone. “If you pull shenanigans of any kind today, I will get you, and not in any way that you’ll enjoy.” Releasing my shirt, she turns and walks toward the door.

  “I love when you’re rough with me, honey!” Ignoring me, she slams the door behind her. Looking over, I can’t help grin in satisfaction at Aiden. “I love that woman; her feathers are so easy to ruffle.”

  “You can’t fool me bro.” Aiden huffs out a laugh. “You’ve never ruffled anything, and I doubt you ever will. Daisy has your number, just like Cam, and even…” My angry glare stops him from finishing his sentence, after a minute he just sighs in defeat. “Look,”

  “I don’t want to talk about it, Aiden.” I snap, ending the conversation. No, there is no way I want to discuss my motives for ending my regular fuck-feasting or how I feel about Chase with my brother. He would only try to explain to me how I can change, that I can fix this. Oh, please, someone gag me with my mic stand. I have no desire to sit and wallow in things I can’t change, while Aiden holds me and I cry in my drink. It’s a subject best left alone once I explain to Chase that it isn’t her fault, of course. How many times is the phrase ‘It’s not you, it’s me’ really believable?

  Hey, if you have something better than that, ante up. I do know I can’t leave it the way I did. There is no way I can let her believe that I thought of her as ‘just another piece of ass’, because she was always so much more than that. Pasting on my best ‘front man smile’, I wrap an arm around his shoulder and walk through the door. “It’s time to hitch a bitch.”

  In the elevator, Aiden is a jumble of nerves. I’m loving the hell out of it. My completely cool, calm and collected brother, who schedules and controls everything, is nearly climbing the damn walls. The door opens with a loud ping, making him nearly jump out of his skin. I can’t help laughing, causing Henry and Gray to spot us immediately. “Dead man walkin’.” I shout, following behind him. “Shall we go around the corner for your last pussy platter before you’re given your last rights?”

  “Sometimes, a familiar snatch is a good thing.” Henry pipes up in Aiden’s defense. “I mean, hell, we’ve all seen some of the scary shit you’ve laid pipe in. You’re going to end up on ‘1000 Ways To Die’. Hunter Chesterfield, his dick curled up and died after rowin’ down the tainted cooch river.”

  Gray and Aiden laugh, earning them both the middle finger from me. “We’ve all played a round of whack a hooch, and yes, some were on the questionable side. I’ll admit that, but can we please not bring up some of those scary bitches, I don’t think my dick can take it.” I shudder because, damn, some of them had me almost swearing off alcohol. “I’ve come to the conclusion that I can’t go peggin’ every loose groupie. Not sure I even want to.”

  I regret the words just as quickly as I said them. Gray’s eyes widen in amusement, “You wanna elaborate on that?”

  “I’d love to, but we are running late for something, aren’t we?” I ask, trying to change the subject before this is the next thing I can’t live down. They have been dying to get more about Chase out of me. “I mean, we could stand here all day long; but, honestly, if Aiden isn’t gettin’ hitched, I’d rather hit a strip club.” I waggle my brows. “Yes, party of Chesterfield, I’ll be dining in this evening. Gimmie two double D’s in my face, hold the bra please.”

  “I’m not backing out.” Aiden says defensively, shoving out the doors toward the parking lot, allowing me to put the front back in place and evade interrogation. “Let’s go, I don’t want to keep Luke waiting.”


  The entire ride I try to focus on what Daisy and I secretly planned for the ceremony and not my need to pound Mitch the Bitch into the concrete when I see him. This is the man who has what I want, what I can’t have. The only thing that saves me from being completely selfish and taking what I want is the fact that I am sure he can make her happier than I ever could. He wouldn’t cheat on her, be a complete asshole and make her cry. I already did the latter, to save her from the first.

  After scoping the place out, I push open the door to Artistic Pricks Ink. Luke’s eyes immediately fly up from the paperwork on the counter, “Aiden, Gray.” Luke says nodding his chin in greeting, “Aiden I’ll take you to the back and get working on the piece we talked about.” Turning to me, his face hardens. “Take a seat somewhere out of my way, pretty boy.”

  “Pretty boy?” I snap out. Henry clasps my shoulder in warning. “I’ll show you pretty, fucker.”

  “No need for a fight today, Hunter.” Henry scolds. “You hurt the man’s sister; he has every right to be upset.”

  Luke growls at the mention of Chase. “Upset isn’t the word I would use, Big Man.” Walking up to me, his stare goes ice cold. The man looks like a damn bull ready to charge, his nostrils flare and I would laugh at his big broody ass if it weren’t for the fear that he would kill me if I did. “Stay the hell away from my sister and we’ll be aces. Chase has been through enough shit and the last thing she needs is you upsetting her further. You feel me?”

  “You don’t know shit about me, man.” I bite out, angrily. “If you have beef with me, I say we take it outside and hash it out.” I shrug. “Otherwise, I suggest you get to tattin’ up my brother. I didn’t come here to talk to you about something that is none of your fuckin’ business.”

  Wrong move Hunter…

  Luke shoves me to the wall, grabbing me by the collar, so that my eyes meet his. Everyone, even Henry, is stock still. “Too bad, because I’m talkin’ and you’re gonna listen. I think she fell for you, hard. So you better get this through your head. I don’t give a shit about stroking your ‘I’m a Rock God’ over-inflated ego. I honestly want nothing more than to rip your throat out… Chase is my business. All day, every day, she’s my business. You. Don’t. Deserve. Her.” His free hand clenches into a fist, so knowing where this is
headed; I prepare to get knocked the fuck out.

  I consider telling him I agree and that’s why I’m letting her go, as if that would help the situation. This isn’t news to me; I already know I can never be what she deserves. I don’t belong with her, because I would just hurt her worse than I already have. Letting her go gives her the chance to be happy with someone else. Someone who can be all the things that I will never be, give her the things that I can’t.

  “Oh, Shit.” A loud voice echoes from the hallway making Luke freeze instead of punching me in the face. “Yo, Chase doesn’t want this, man.” A guy with black hair runs up, grabbing Luke’s arm. “We promised to let this play out, remember? You promised Chase you wouldn’t touch him.”

  Luke blows out a breath, then releases me before disappearing down the hall. I take a deep breath turning to meet the guy who saved my ass. “Thanks bro, I owe you one.” I say on an exhale, reaching out to shake his hand.

  His dark eyes meet mine, refusing to shake my hand. I can feel the anger radiating off of him, as he stares at me. No doubt that he wants to get a few punches in too. “I didn’t do it for you.” He admits. “I did it for Chase.” I nod while he instructs for Aiden to go on back to where Luke has already set up for him.

  “Hold his hand extra tight, Gray. Pussy’s gettin’ flowers inked on his ‘rocker ass’. We all can’t wait to see if they match your new bikini.” I tease Aiden. Ever since he explained his plan to surprise Cam with a flower over his heart to match the ones she has on her side, I’ve been busting his balls. Flowers! Can you believe the shit Gray and Aiden are doing? Flower tattoos on their skin all because of some regular pussy and a ring. I’ll never tattoo flowers on this hot bod. That’s one sign you are a total pussy whipped topped anal cake.

  “Next time let him get his ass beat, Big Man.” Aiden says flipping me off behind his back.


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