Chasing Me

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Chasing Me Page 8

by Cat Mason

  The minute I decide to hell with the recording session and the plane tickets being non-refundable, I hear a male throat clear. “Get your groupie infested mouth off my sister.” Chase pulls away, her eyes snapping angrily to Luke who stands at the door beside Mitch. “Seems to me you’re hard of hearing, Cunter.” Luke bites out, his fist clenched at his sides.

  “I hear just fine, actually.” I reply confidently, climbing off the bike. “Just don’t really give a rat’s ass about your opinion.”

  Luke looks ready to charge, but Chase snaps instead. “Enough, both of you.” Hopping from the bike, she removes the bag. “I’m packing a bag and going to Nashville for a while; consider this my extended vacation. I’m due for some time.” She adds, shoving past Luke and Mitch, disappearing into the house.

  “You’re doing what?” Luke roars, turning to follow her inside.

  Mitch pins me with a stare, letting me know that I am not exactly invited in for a beer. “Yeah, I’ll just call for our ride.” I mutter, heading out of the garage into the driveway.

  “She doesn’t just care about you, ya know?” Mitch says, making me stop mid-step. “Chase is in love with you.”

  “Yeah,” I nod in agreement. “So, you knew that and yet you still went after my girl?” Jerking around to face him I square my shoulders, knowing he could easily rip my ass apart. I, at least, want to see the look on his face before he comes at me. “You’re a rotten bastard.”

  His eyes widen in surprise. “It wasn’t like that.” Mitch bites out defensively. “Chase and I, we’re friends. She’s been there for me when I needed her. That won’t be changing any time soon; you’ll get used to havin’ me around.” Stepping toward me, he sizes me up.

  “I’m supposed to believe you don’t wanna fuck my girl? That you don’t want her for yourself?” I ask, remembering the texts on her phone in Nashville. The dull ache of hurt and the pang of jealousy I never expected to feel for any woman returns full force. My chest tightens at the thought of her leaving me again for this dickhead after everything she said back at the hotel.

  “No. I don’t care if you believe me.” He shrugs, his finger presses into my chest. “Chase,” Mitch says, being sure to drive his point home. “You should believe her. She’d never betray the ones that she cares about; especially not you.” Looking back toward the house quickly, Mitch’s eyes go dead serious when they hit me again. “Luke would fuckin’ pound my ass if he knew I was saying this to you. He wants no part of this life for Chase and I can’t say that I blame him. I don’t know what she sees in you, but all I want is for her to be happy. Right now, you’re doing that. I saw how she was looking at you when you sang together. She deserves to have that, so don’t fuck it up again asshole.”

  I start to say something, but he turns away without another word. Mitch ‘maybe not such a bitch after all’ disappears into the house. Waiting until the door slams behind him, I blow out a breath of relief that I didn’t get the fist to the jaw I know he wanted to give me. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I text Big Man the address on the mailbox. Just to be on the safe side, I include for him to hurry the fuck up because I don’t want to push my good luck too far.

  Winky Faces but No Goodbyes


  Shoving my way through Luke’s house, I angrily stomp down the stairs to my room to change clothes and pack. The huge split foyer Luke bought five years ago is like a shell, not even a picture on the walls upstairs. The basement is different though, that has been all mine for a while now. Since I have been crashing here since mom moved in with lucky man number eleven, I have subtly been trying to make it more of a home. Hey, one more and they’ll stamp her ‘frequent fucktard lover’s’ card, earning her a free car wash.

  After Derek, Eric, or whatever his name is moved in; I peaced out. Originally, I thought my mother was adopting a senior for the day. Awkward! Needless to say, finding out that they were burning through the blue pills quicker than it takes his toupee glue to dry was something I didn’t need to hear, let alone see.

  My mother is fifty three, but doesn’t look a day over forty. Why she feels the need to date men older than her dad, I will never understand. Her need for love and approval from anyone who will give it to her makes me sick. I live three blocks from her now, but we talk over text weekly. I haven’t seen her since I moved out months ago. Gotta love those priorities. She has no love her herself, just drains it from everyone around her. Eventually, they all get sick of it; basically, she drives them away. That’s how it’s been since I was seven. Dad went M.I.A., Mom became desperate for affection, while Luke held us together.

  Once I change into a tank top, I start shoving things inside my rolling carry on case. Mentally ticking off items as I grab them and digging through drawers all while trying to hurry so we don’t miss our flight. Whatever I forget, I can always buy later right?

  “Chase,” Luke yells, barreling down the stairs. “You can’t be serious with this shit. Taking off with no notice, just on a damn whim?” Stopping in the doorway, Luke’s hands clutch the doorjamb so tight his knuckles turn white. “This is a mistake and deep down you know that.”

  “Then it’s my mistake to make.” I reply, trying to leave no room for argument. My mind is made up, I am going. Grabbing up my phone charger and other stuff from my shelf, I shove them into my purse. “Luke, I love you, but it’s time you live your own life.” I choke out, zipping my case closed. I can’t help being angry at him though, as if he expected me to change my mind all because he is unhappy with this decision. “You’ve got to stop treating me like a damn kid, I’m nearly thirty.”

  The anger in his expression dissipates. Hurt flashing across his face, breaking my heart a little. “I don’t mean to baby girl, I’m just used to taking care of everything.” Defeated, Luke walks in and sits on the bed. “Chase, I can’t bear for you to be unhappy or hurt. Hunter, I see causing both. A lot.”

  “You’ve taken care of me since you were fourteen years old, Luke. It’s time for you to let me go do my thing. You’ve got to find your happy honey, because I think I’ve found mine.”

  Burying his head in his hands, he exhales roughly. “I have been.”

  I can’t help laughing at him, earning me a loud bear grumble from his chest. “Don’t give me that line of shit, I know you better than you think, brother dear. Cam was safe. Everyone knew there was no real chemistry there. As for…” I stop, knowing better than to rip open old wounds.

  “I get what you’re sayin’, Sis. I still remember what that feeling is like. Damn, I even remember how much it kills you to give it up. But can you honestly say he’s really it for you? Is Hunter really that man?” He asks, meeting my eyes. The expression on his face crushes me. I realize that Luke isn’t just scared of me getting hurt; he is scared to put himself out there too. When I leave, he has no one left to take care of; that is scaring the hell out of him.

  “I think so, yes.” Reaching down, I grab his hand. “Luke, I’m going. I won’t know for sure unless I do.”

  Luke pushes to his feet. Towering over me, he leans in, pressing a kiss to my cheek. “Alright, then go do this. You know that I love you more than anything, Chase. I may not agree with your choices, but I’ll always try to support you in them.” He tucks the hair behind my ear, and leaves the room without saying goodbye.

  I watch the empty doorway for minutes after, but I know he won’t be back. Luke and I heard enough goodbye’s in our lifetime, so he won’t use the word. It’s too final.

  My phone goes off, alerting me to a text message from Hunter. Van is here.

  Where R U? I text back, nervously. When shit got heated and I staged my Hanlon walk out, I left Hunter alone. With Luke. Who obviously left him alone, with Mitch.

  Hunter texts back almost immediately. Outside where no one wants to kill me for letting you touch my penis.

  I tell him I’m coming, only to earn me a reply. Not yet but you will be ;)

  I can’t help giggle at the fact that he just sen
t me a winky face. Guys don’t use emoticons do they?

  Luke, just as I figured, is nowhere to be found when I walk out the front door. With Mitch’s truck being gone from its usual spot in front of the house, I figure they left for the shop. Both of those six foot whatever inches men chicken out of goodbyes.

  Mack walks around the van, grabbing my case to throw in back. “Welcome to the madness, beautiful.” He says with a wink.

  “Thanks.” I reply, with a grin for the impossible flirt making him blush.

  “I’ll get you my number once we get in the van. That way, if you need anything at all, you can just text me. Day or night, beautiful, I’m always available for you ladies.”

  “If she needs anything I’m not already givin’ her, I’ll text you myself.” Hunter interrupts. Walking up, he shoves Mack playfully before opening the van door for me. “I’ll need to get a ‘Servicing Hunter Only’ sign for you to wear around your neck. At least Big Man is too old to get it up. He won’t flirt with my woman.” He teases, smacking the back of Henry’s seat once we are settled.

  “I’d be more than happy to whip it out and show you old, but I’d hate to take out half of Vegas on our way to the airport. World wars are fought over a valve like mine, motherfucker.” Henry says, glaring at Hunter in the mirror.

  “And, there’s no bleaching my brain to remove that nasty image from my mind.” Hunter shudders.

  Daisy and Grayson are engaged in a full on make-out session in the back seat, while Aiden and Cam cuddle contently next to them. “Good to know that isn’t contagious.” I tease Cam, pointing to Daisy and Gray who are oblivious.

  “Oh, it’s not just contagious; it’s spreading like goddamn wildfire.” Mack says, climbing into the passenger seat. Henry chuckles, backing the van out into the street. Before I know it, we are hauling ass on the highway toward the airport. “Those two newlyweds are going to be the death of me.” Mack exhales, continuing his rant. “It sure wasn’t Daisy or Gray I caught half naked last night in the hallway outside their suite.”

  Grayson and Daisy stop their lip lock and stare at Aiden and Cam, with the rest of us, waiting on them to say something. Cam blushes, “I was not naked.” She argues.

  “Aiden’s shirt doesn’t count.” Mack tosses back.

  “How was I supposed to know that a quick trip across the hall to the soda machine, while Aiden was in the shower, would become so…complicated? If I remember correctly, it’s all because you left me the wrong door key in the first place.”

  “Wow, that wasn’t pre-meditated at all.” Gray says with a knowing grin. “Did you check his phone for incriminating video?”

  “Son of a bitch, I said it was an accident. How was I supposed to know you’d come up for air while I was gone? My penis is a restricted area, remember? I couldn’t sleep, so I went down stairs, grabbed some grub and played a few hands of blackjack.” Mack huffs, facing forward again; he crosses his arms over his chest. “Payback’s comin’ isn’t it?”

  “Yep, you better believe it, and it’s gonna be a bitch.” Daisy giggles from behind me. “I can see Aiden already plottin’.”

  Hunter laughs, wrapping an arm around the seat behind me; I cuddle into his side. I listen to the banter exchange between Aiden, Mack, and Cam while everyone else throws in a joke or two. Everyone except Hunter and me, we are completely content just sitting here the entire ride to the airport.

  Between parking the van back at the rental company and getting through security, we make it to the terminal just in time to board. I have no idea how they managed to get all of us seats in first class on such short notice, but I am not complaining. Curling into the large, plush seat beside Hunter; my lack of sleep last night hits me hard. Cam laughs loudly at Aiden and Hunter while they conspire across the aisle what I can only assume to be ‘Shaft style’ shenanigans with Mack’s name on them. I fall asleep shortly after takeoff, with not only a huge smile on my face, but Hunter’s hand in mine.


  “Get ready, according to the text I just got there’s a shit ton of press waitin’ on us outside security checks.” Cam announces, preparing us for when the plane lands. “I don’t know how anyone managed to find out we were coming back today, of all days.”

  My eyes meet Aiden’s, who just smirks at me. “What the hell did you two do?” I ask, stretching my arms above my head.

  Both guys turn and bat their eyes at me, making me roll mine. “What would give you the idea that we have done anything, Tiger Lily?” Hunter says, feigning offense to my accusation.

  “Yeah, all we’ve done since we boarded the plane was play with the photo app on Cam’s tablet while you ladies napped. Editing a few photos that have been taken in the last couple weeks and maybe made a post on the fan page.” Aiden shrugs, grabbing his duffel from the overhead compartment. “We didn’t have Wi-Fi, much.”

  “You had it enough that you posted.” Cam scolds, scrolling down the fan page. “It shows our location when we post anything from a mobile type device!”

  “Oh shit.” Hunter and Aiden say in unison.

  Cam points at both of them, her face pressing into a hard line. “I’ll deal with you two later.”

  “Can we please get off the plane now?” Mack grumbles, shoving up the aisle toward the exit. “I need a damn vacation after that vacation.”

  “Quit bitchin’ princess, I haven’t had a day off from these crazy asses in years.” Henry replies, his eye brow arching over his sunglasses.

  “Isn’t he cute when he pouts that lip?” Gray asks, once we are all off the plane. Reaching up, he pinches Mack’s cheek. “Let’s kiss and make up sweetie, we really should show you more affection.”

  “I don’t get down like that, Gray.” Mack bites out, cocking his head sideways at Cam, and me. “Although, if you ladies are feeling generous…”

  Wrapping my arm around Cam’s neck, I make kissy faces at Mack. Cam rolls her eyes, but joins in on the fun. “Aw, Mack, you’re sweet. I would never forgive myself for all the ways I could ruin you.” I tease, winking at him. His eyes roam my body, obviously thinking about some of those ways in vivid details.

  Daisy wraps an arm around my waist, laughing at the blush staining Mack’s face. “Poor Mack. Stop it, Chase, you’re embarrassing him.”

  “She’s not embarrassing me at all.” Mack says, rearranging his duffle with an uncomfortable grunt, before leading the way toward the parking garage.

  Hunter wraps an arm around me, dragging me away from the girls to catch up to the now blushing bodyguard. “Looks like we’ll need to have that special talk, now that your body is changin’.” He teases, patting Mack on the shoulder. “Your first hard on is so special. Too bad I’ll have to kill you for it.” Hunter’s elbows the bag, making Mack groan as it slams into his groin.

  “Fuck you.” Mack says, but it holds no anger.

  “Studies have shown that I do prefer redheads.” Hunter scratches his chin, as if contemplating, but quickly shakes his head. “Gotta pass though, I’d bet my bacon you’re clingy after.” I can’t help laughing at Mack’s shocked expression as his eyes dart between Hunter and me, like he expects me to say something. “Yep,” Hunter nods. “You’re a total spooner.”

  Walking out into the main hub of the busy airport, the flash bulbs start going off like strobe lights. “Did the band have a nice getaway in Vegas, Hunter? Congratulations, Mack, on your announcement. Stand proud.” A guy pointing a camera shouts. “Who’s your friend? Did you get married too?” Another photog asks, making my body go rigid.

  “My what?” Mack asks in confusion, eyeing up the crowd that is beginning to gather.

  Hunter leans into my ear. “Don’t let go of me, no matter what.” He commands, wrapping his arm around me tighter. “This could get ugly.”

  “No comment.” Cam replies instinctively before anyone can respond. “We’re in town to begin recording Shaft’s new album after signing with Ironsound Records. That’s all I have for you at this time.”

“Well fuck your mother.” Henry mutters, catching up to us. “Looks like the vacation is over, Princess.” Giving a signal to Mack, they group the six of us together moving flawlessly to get us from the crowd. Henry and Mack shove people back two and three at a time, shielding us as best they can from the constant flashing of cameras, trying to get us out of there without being trampled. Now that the people passing by us know who the cameras are here for, they’re trying to get looks and snap some shots on their phones.

  “There they are, the post was right!” A group of girls exclaims, running toward us.

  “What the fuck is this?” Aiden asks, huddling Cam against him. “They’re acting like we’re some fuckin’ teeny boppin’ boy band.” He adds, when a girl screams his name.

  “We’re not the next British Invasion. We’ve already hit puberty thank you, ladies.” Gray shouts, when someone gets shoved into him, nearly knocking both him and Daisy over.

  “I wanna be Shaft Approved! Hunter, pick me!” Another chick screams, shoving against Mack’s chest.

  “Crazy bitches, back the hell up.” Mack grunts, shoving back another handful of people.

  Airport security guards approach finally, helping to disperse the crowd enough for Mack to go after the black Suburban Henry drives when he isn’t driving the bus. By the time we are all huddled to the pick-up and drop-off lanes, Mack is barreling to the curb. Most of the photographers leave in a rush toward the parking garage, giving us time to load up.

  “Gotta hurry Mack, they’re boltin’ for their cars to follow us.” Henry says, slamming the door. “Cam, get on the phone with I.S.R. make sure the house is ready for us and that they’re preparin’ for this shit.”

  Cam yanks out her phone, calmly making calls while Henry goes on the offense. Barking orders to Mack about direction changes in an attempt to lose the damn procession of vehicles behind us before we make it to the rental house. “Are you okay?” Hunter whispers, squeezing my hand tighter.


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