Chasing Me

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Chasing Me Page 14

by Cat Mason

  Pushing her damp red hair over her shoulder, I nip and suck my way across her chest before running my tongue around her other nipple. Chase grinds against me desperately, but I can’t rush this. I don’t want it to be over too soon.

  Rolling us so that Chase is on her back, I pull her bottoms off and toss them to the floor. “You are beautiful.” I whisper, trailing kisses down her abdomen. “You have no idea how much I want you.”

  Settling between her thighs, I roll my hips. Teasing us both with how close I am to being inside her. The head of my cock rubbing back and forth against her clit; it’s fucking incredible. Chase arches her back, a moan escaping her lips. “Please Hunter, don’t make me wait. Show me. Show me how much you want me.” She pleads, tilting her hips.

  My hand grips her inner thigh, forcing her to spread wide for me. Sliding in an inch, her heat engulfs me. I watch inch by delicious fucking inch as I slide inside her. “You feel amazing.” I groan, covering her body with mine.

  Chase wraps her arms around my neck, my hips pumping and thrusting to the beat of a song in my head. Our song. The lyrics and melody crash together, driving me on. Blood roars in my ears, my heart slamming hard against my chest as Chase kisses me hungrily. Her cries lost to my mouth, devoured, as I push us both toward the release we need so badly. Writhing against me, she clamps down on my cock. So fucking tight. “Come for me, Tiger Lily.” I growl against her mouth.

  Her hips meet mine thrust for damn thrust, giving as much as she’s taking. My cock jerks inside her as I feel her body letting go. She screams her release into my mouth as her orgasm crashes over her. Digging her nails into my arms as she hangs on for the ride, she bucks wildly, sending me over the edge with her. My body stills, the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had hitting me so hard that it steals my damn breath. “Ah, Chase.” I pant, not wanting to stop. I never want this moment to end.

  Her eyes open meeting mine, hazel eyes filled with so much fucking love for me I could drown in it. “When you look at me like that…” I pant between breaths once I pull out of her, rolling us onto our sides.

  “How am I looking at you?” She asks, concern etching her face.

  Sweeping the hair from her cheek, I shrug. “Like this means something to you.” Taking a deep breath I say what I really mean. “That I mean something to you.” I know she says she loves me, but shit, words are just fucking words to most people. That’s why I don’t give away too much to just anyone. The pain I felt when she said that to me and I sent her away comes crashing back, regret tearing at me.

  Chase leans in, her lips almost brushing mine. “Because it does; it means everything to me. I love you, Hunter.” Her eyes fill with understanding. And I know she gets it, Chase gets me better than anyone ever has. “When I say that, I don’t mean it lightly. This, Hunter, here and now.” Her hand presses against my chest. “Us. It is everything.”

  Tucking her against me, I run my fingers through the drying tendrils of her hair. Neither of us saying any word as minutes turns into hours. Once Chase’s breathing evens out, I lie awake feeling her heart beat against my chest. The words ‘I love you too,’ scream inside my head, just begging to be said. But I can’t do it. Even with her sleeping soundly beside me, all I can do is lie there until sleep takes me.



  I wake to a hand gliding down my body. Tenderly, it caresses the slope of my hip, before stopping to knead my ass. Hunter. I grin, just as his other hand comes around cupping between my thighs. “Good morning.” I murmur sleepily. He chuckles, rocking his erection against me.

  “It’s gonna be pretty damn fantastic.” He admits. Rolling me beneath him, he buries his face in my neck.

  “What’re you doing?” I gasp when his teeth nip at the hollow of my throat.

  “Tiger Lily, explaining would only cost me valuable time that could be spent inside your pussy.” He teases. Wrapping my legs around him, Hunter grinds against me. Giving me just a taste of how explosive it is when our bodies come together. “It’s more fun in there than out here talking about it.”

  “Oh yeah,” I say quirking my brow, attempting to not show him how much he affects me. “Prove it.”

  His lips turn up at my challenge, silently accepting. “I’ll make you swallow those words, among other things.” He promises, making my body tremble.

  The door flies open, Hunter yanking the sheets up over him while attempting to cover our naked bodies. “Well, looks like I’m gonna have to start knockin’ now.” Henry says, turning his head.

  “What the hell, Cockzilla?” Hunter bites out. “The word of the day is boundaries. You’re scarin’ my hard on.”

  My face flames, I am going to die of embarrassment right here. I won’t have to worry about singing a duet or dealing with some trashy groupie, I’ll be buried out back. Luke can hear how his sister died in a pool of naked mortification underneath a very hard, naked rock star while he argued about ‘boundaries’ with his bodyguard/best friend.

  “Once your dick has exited the original man cave, we should be getting to the studio.” He deadpans leaving the room. “Unless, you want Gray and Aiden to go alone?”

  “The band may be a threesome, this isn’t!” Hunter shouts when Henry slams the door behind him. “Gimmie half an hour!”

  “Well,” I say pushing against his chest. “Fun as that was, honey, I’m gonna go get cleaned up. I’ve got plans with all the girls today.”

  His jaw goes slack, “You’re turnin’ me down?” Hunter asks shocked. “How could you be so cruel Tiger Lily? My poor penis is gonna lose all confidence in his abilities.”

  “Oh please, it’s a wonder you can walk through the door sometimes. You’re head is so freakin’ swelled, you don’t need me to stroke your ego.”

  Hunter smiles down at me, “That’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.” Leaning down he brushes his nose against mine. “You don’t have to stroke my ego, but you can stroke my…”

  “Hunter!” Jasmine shouts through the door, making him growl under his breath.

  “What is this, ‘National Cockblocker Day’?’” He grumbles. “Just a minute Jazzie. I’m getting ready.”

  “Okaaaaaay, but there’s bacon!” She shouts.

  Hunter’s eyes widen in excitement. Kissing me quickly, he jumps from the bed. “I never turn down the pleasure a stiff, delicious piece of meat can give me.” He teases, devilishly. Yanking on a pair of jeans and a ‘Shaft’ shirt, he grabs his boots by the door. “It’s a shame some people don’t have the same priorities. My song writing skills will suffer today.” He pouts, closing the door behind him.

  I can’t help laughing at him because he’s never had to deal with being interrupted. Maybe it’s that he’s never cared about being interrupted before? Either way, things are changing for him, for all of us. I am starting to enjoy watching Cunter fade into the background while Hunter shines. No doubt that I love the perverted, crazy things he says and does. His ‘Cunter’ persona just amplifies those things, allowing him to hide behind them when needed. I love the way he can take a crowd no matter if it’s ten or ten thousand and have you thinking it’s just you he’s singing to. Hunter Chesterfield got under my skin long before I ever danced with him at the strip club, whether I wanted to admit it then or not.

  Once I clean up, I toss on a jean skirt and black halter top. I brush my hair out and dig for my favorite heels. I’m five foot tall; heels are my best friend. The higher, the hotter, the better; these are no exception. Electric blue with silver spikes lining the back, they cost me a week’s pay but worth every penny. We all have vices people. Some women like expensive clothes, or jewelry; me, I live for a hot pair of heels, my bike, and new ink. Hot, exciting and full of adrenaline rush possibilities. Life is a rollercoaster ride baby, and my ride will be full of spots to throw up my hands and scream.

  “Mmm Bacon.” Jasmine says, sitting across from Hunter at the bar when I walk out of the bedroom. “Chase, you want some bacon?” She ask
s, holding out a piece.

  “No, you guys go ahead.” I answer, shaking my head. Walking over to the stove where Mack stands cooking, I grab a pancake off the plate. Rolling it up like a burrito, I take a bite.

  “Chase doesn’t like meat, Jazzie.” Hunter says winking at me before shoveling in a mouthful of bacon.

  Turning to look at me, Jasmine’s eyebrows shoot up. “Really?”

  “No, you’re daddy is silly honey.” The words rush out before I can stop them, but they feel right. This all just feels right. Jasmine nods, forking a piece of pancake. Hunter’s eyes jerk to mine, widening in surprise at the use of the word.

  He mouths the word ‘daddy’ several times, trying it out. Walking over, I kiss his cheek before looking at Jasmine. “So, you want to spend the day with Daisy, Cam and me?” I ask, knowing she can’t possibly go to the studio with the guys. “Maybe Daisy will make more cookies today, if you ask her real nice.”

  Jasmine’s eyes light up, “Can I really Hunter?” She asks, pushing her plate away. “We can have a tea party like real princesses. Please?” Jumping from the stool, she runs around yanking my hand.

  “Yeah, knock yourself out kid.” Hunter says, ruffling her hair. “Make sure you let Mack and Bits out into the yard, or they’ll pee in the house.”

  “I heard that asshole,” Mack growls, dumping the skillet into the sink, making Bits bark from under the bar.

  “I’d hope so, you’re standing right here.” Hunter teases, standing to his feet. “I’ll be back Jazzie, gotta go make some music.” Once she nods, he pulls me toward the stairs. “You sure you’re good with this?”

  “Yeah, I am.” I reply. “Wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t.” Pushing up onto my toes, I brush my lips over his. “Stop telling yourself that you’re burdening me. Go write some amazing lyrics and we’ll see you later.”

  “We’re both probably insane, you know that right?” He chuckles, wrapping his arms around me. “But you, even more so, because you’re here with me willingly. You don’t seem one bit afraid to take on all of this, all of me. That makes you padded cell ready right there, babe.”

  That’s where he’s wrong. I’m terrified that I’ll never hear the three words he can’t say. My worst fear is that I’ll be standing here loving him with everything I have, all while he cares for me but can never truly let himself love me. As much as I love him, it stings knowing he won’t say what he clearly feels. I saw it in his eyes last night like a flashing neon sign. We didn’t fuck last night, it was not just sex. What Hunter and I did was make love in every sense of the words.

  Should I be content with actions speaking louder than words here? I don’t know if I can be in the long term, no matter how much I want to. I would be denying myself something that, for the first time in my life, I am ready to accept from a man. But for right now, I have hope that man is Hunter. That just has to be enough.

  “I love our kind of crazy. I’m not one bit afraid to say that I love you, or that I’m taking on all of you, or the craziness that’s your life. You’re worth more than you give yourself credit for.” His eyes close, his lips move against mine, not opening but just seeking the touch. I’m hoping that the words; the meaning of what I’m really saying is sinking into not just his mind, but his heart.

  “I,” Hunter whispers, making my heart leap into my throat. “I gotta go, Tiger Lily.” He finishes, kissing me again before releasing me. If my disappointment shows on my face, he doesn’t say. He turns, waving to Jasmine before heading up the steps.

  Blowing out a breath, I turn in time to see Jasmine carrying a load of stuff nearly as big as she is. “He kisses you like a princess.” She says, dropping it to the floor beside the couch. Bits dives into it, dragging a purple and pink feather boa across the floor. “Okay, let’s do our make-up.” She says opening a dress up case Hunter bought her last night. “You too Uncle Mack,” She shouts excitedly, the loud clatter and banging of Mack cleaning dishes stops.

  “Not happenin’ beautiful.” He replies quickly, disappearing up the steps.

  “Oh goodie,” I walk over, sitting on the couch. My disappointment fades. I let the little princess in front of me cover me in half a pound of glitter and hot pink blush. All while she giggles.

  “Chase, you down here?” Cam shouts, her heels clicking down the steps. She giggles when she sees me, “Daisy, get your baby bakin’ ass down here and see this!” She yells up the steps. “Oh, Chase you should always let Jasmine do your make-up. I’d kill for an in-house stylist.”

  “Well, no need to worry.” I reply, cocking my head to the side. Patting the seat beside me, I grin at her. “It’s auntie Cam’s turn now Jazzie.”

  “Yay!” Jasmine says, running up to Cam. “I did Bits too, see?” And she did. The poor dog has a pink boa wrapped around his neck and chest, that she made me trim down to size. Bits has spent the better part of thirty minutes trying to gnaw a hole in himself to get free of the damn thing. His claws are painted pink with the clumpy nail polish from the kit, and she even managed to hold him still long enough to cover him in glitter and blush. “Uncle Mack said no and went upstairs.” She pouts.

  “I saw him. What a party pooper.” Cam replies dropping to the couch beside me. “Wow, you did that all by yourself? Good job.”

  “What do I need to…” Daisy stops, taking in all of us. “Where’s my camera, the guys need to see this.” She giggles, pulling out her phone. “The dog, oh my god! Hunter’s wiener is covered in glitter.”

  “Not the first time that’s happened, I’m sure.” Cam blurts, doubling over in a fit of laughter.

  “Hold still, you’ll make me mess up.” Jasmine scolds Cam before smearing glitter across Camaron’s cheeks with both hands. “That’s better.”

  “Much. I can’t believe I ever stopped wearing glitter in the first place.” Cam says sarcastically.

  Daisy snaps picture after picture, most of them with either Cam or me flipping the camera off when Jasmine isn’t looking. I’m sure Xandra isn’t as careful, but that’s a gesture I don’t want to have her tossing around like a thumbs up. The ‘Shaft Signal’ has age requirements. No need for our princess to go thug. Can’t have her walkin’ around throwin’ up glittered ‘fuck you’s’ to everyone. “If the preggotographer plans a dinner time slide show, I’m snapping the heels off of all her shoes.” I grit through my teeth at Cam.

  “I’ll put mascara on the bridge of her sunglasses.” She replies quietly.

  “I like that idea. We can do that anyway.” I whisper, bumping her fist. “Black ass nose streaks, pay back babe.”

  “Whatcha whisperin’ about, huh?” Daisy asks sitting down, crossing one leg over the other. “You wouldn’t be plottin’ would ya?” Leaning up she points her finger at us both. “Just ask Hunter, nobody gets me. He tries, often, and fails every time. Not with a bet, a wager, and definitely not with a prank.”

  “Is that so?” Cam asks, arching a brow.

  “That’s only because you have only bet Hunter.” I explain. “You’ve gotta take on the big dogs to really prove you’re invincible.”

  “Okay, if you two can manage to pull one over on me. I’ll let you name the baby.” She says, thinking carefully. “But if I win, and I will, I want a spa day. V.I.P package: massage, facial, hair and nails; you know the works.”

  “Going big on this one, huh?” Cam asks and I nod.

  “I’m in.” I reply.

  “Alright. Let the games begin.” Cam agrees.

  “Fine, fine,” Daisy nods, standing to her feet. “If you don’t hurry and wash your faces, we’ll be late for my appointment. I’ll go up and tell Mack we need to leave soon.”

  The minute the door closes, I tell Jazzie to go change into one of the outfits she picked out last night while I lock Bits in the cage thingy Hunter bought. Turns out it was a good idea, since the dog has been chewing on everything! Once she leaves the room, I turn to Cam. “I’ve got the perfect way to get our hormonally charged best friend.” I say and b
egin explaining my evil plot.


  Two hours later, and after a stop for cookies, we’re in a room waiting. Even though Mack pouted to come in with us, he was denied. Instead, we make him stay outside with the van Cam rented for us to use with the guys taking the ‘Burban to the studio. Daisy is lying on a table while the technician runs an ultrasound wand over her belly. I’m on pins and needles standing beside her. With Jasmine on my hip so that she can see, my other hand is being squeezed nervously by Daisy. While she does the same to Cam’s with her other hand.

  “Well, Mrs. Cole. I’m very happy to tell you, your baby looks to be very healthy. Everything looks good here.” The man says, clicking a button to print pictures off.

  “Do you know what it is?” Cam says, wincing in pain when Daisy squeezes our hands tighter.

  “Let me take another look, maybe I can see.” He replies, squinting at the screen as he moves the wand again.

  “That’s a baby?” Jasmine asks scrunching her nose, eyeing the screen skeptically. “Don’t look like one.”

  “I know right?” Cam chuckles.

  “Ssh.” I scold. “Let him concentrate.”

  “Aha!” He shouts. “Gotcha.” He zooms in and chuckles.

  “Well?” Daisy asks in frustration. “What is it?”

  “Congratulations Mrs. Cole, looks like you’re having a boy.”

  A sob rumbles up from her chest. “Oh my god.” Releasing both Cam’s hand and mine, she stares at the screen. “A boy…” She whispers like she can’t quite believe it.

  The technician hands Cam a towel to help Daisy clean the gel off her belly before giving her the printed photos. Daisy stares at the photos, not acknowledging him when he leaves the room. “Before the guys’ record releases, I’m going to be holding a little boy in my arms.”

  “It’s possible, yeah. Unless the kid decided to stage a sit in and not come out, then it could be anyone’s guess.” Cam says evenly.


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