Amare- Bloodlines

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Amare- Bloodlines Page 3

by J Gaines

  “You won’t let her die; we both know that, Amias.”

  Amias cut across him. “You don’t know anything about me. Do you think I care about people who aren’t like us?”

  Max laughed. “I know you do. I know everything about you.”

  “You know what Kaden’s told you.” He kept his eyes on Max’s and saw the conflict and confusion in his face. “Let her go.” His command rang out above the music which was still playing.

  Max looked around the pub as he began to doubt his own resolve. He then spat and looked at Amias. “Bullshit. I’m walking out of this pub with her. If you try anything her death will be on you. If you try and follow me she’ll die. If you do as I say she’ll live.”

  “Please,” the girl whispered through her tears. “Please don’t.” Max shuffled around Amias at a safe distance, still holding the girl and shouting at people to get out of his way. Amias watched helplessly as Max edged closer to the door. He clenched his jaw and fought against the angry desperation which was shaking inside of him.

  “Control,” he said quietly to himself. The girl whimpered as they finally reached the door and a smile spread across Max’s face.

  “I know you,” he shouted before backing out of the pub, still holding the girl. The moment they were out of sight Amias moved to the entrance, poking his head out the door so that he could see the direction Max was taking. He watched for a few moments before following him.

  Max was pushing his way through the pedestrians, holding tightly to the girl’s arm. As he reached a junction where people were waiting at a red light to cross the road, he looked back and saw Amias following him. Immediately he turned around and darted across the road, still holding the girl. The girl screamed as cars beeped their horns and swerved to avoid them. Max didn’t slow his pace and as he reached the middle of the road he let go of the girl; in a few strides, he was on the other side.

  Amias had wasted no time and was on the road running towards the girl. He glanced up as a large lorry sped towards her and he increased his speed. As the lorry reached the girl she screamed again, waiting for the collision. Amias was now also in front of the lorry and could feel the force of it within touching distance. In one motion, he picked the girl up in his arms and took two steps towards the other side before the lorry wheel clipped the back of his heel, causing him to trip and spin towards the ground. He only had enough time to protect the girl, wrapping his arms around her head and torso, pulling her into his chest. His shoulder and back smashed into the concrete and he grunted in pain. As they rolled along the ground another car sped towards them, missing them by inches.

  The pain in Amias’s shoulder was excruciating and as he relaxed his arms from around the girl’s head he glanced into her tear-filled eyes. They looked at each other for a moment before he leapt to his feet, pushing through the people who had stopped to help them. He could see Max further along the street and, ignoring the pain in his side and shoulder, he dashed after him.

  When Max saw Amias in pursuit again he changed direction, running towards an open door in which a man stood paying for a pizza delivery. He smashed the pizza out of his hands and ran through the door as the man shouted after him and followed him into his apartment. Seconds later Amias pushed past the pizza delivery woman and also ran into the apartment. He couldn’t see Max but followed the shouting; he ran through the hallway and into the living room to see a man standing protectively in front of a woman. Max was already making his way out of the room through a sliding patio door before quickly pulling the door shut behind him. Instead of stopping to open the door, Amias ran directly towards it, throwing himself through the glass and smashing into Max. They both lost their balance and fell into the concrete courtyard, showered with glass.

  Max was first to get back on his feet and Amias tried to grab his foot, missing it by inches. Max ran towards a wall encircling the small garden. He used his foot to give himself momentum and flipped over it in one motion. Amias slammed his fist into the concrete in anger and pulled himself to his feet. He looked towards the shocked couple in the living room before vaulting the wall and landing on the street on the other side. He followed Max who was running towards a large multi-storey carpark, gritting his teeth as he tried to shut out the pain. Max entered a door which led to the stairway, and Amias slowed his pace slightly as he approached. He stopped and placed his foot on the door, kicking it open and waiting for a moment to ensure Max wasn’t waiting behind it. He then quickly ran through the door and leapt up the stairs.

  He’d almost reached the first floor when suddenly Max flew around the stairs and launched a vicious kick towards Amias’s head. Amias managed to throw his arms up in defence but couldn’t avoid the full force of the kick and crashed backwards into the wall. Max gave him no respite and followed his kick with two more, using his high-ground advantage. Suddenly he pulled a Katana sword from out of his jacket; unsheathing it in one movement, he brought the sword down as Amias lifted his own unsheathed sword up to block his attack.

  Max pushed Amias backwards with the strength of his sword strikes, forcing him to step down as he used his blade to block each attack. Max held his weapon with both hands as Amias desperately parried his blows with one hand, using his other to balance himself as he was slowly forced to descend. He had to do something or Max would gain an advantage he couldn’t defend. As he blocked a downward blow, he dropped a step and then spun around, crouching down as he brought his sword around in a sweeping motion towards Max’s ankles. The strike missed as Max flipped backwards onto the top step, but it gave Amias the chance to recover and he held the still unsheathed sword across his face as he began to step slowly towards him.

  Max’s advantage was gone; he turned and ran up the stairs, leaving Amias to follow him. They sped up the steps and as they neared the top floor, Max suddenly leapt from the highest step onto the wall, slamming his foot into it and using his momentum to push himself into the air. He twisted around, bringing his sword in an arc until he held the hilt with both hands, and he brought it down with all the force he could muster. The blade whistled in a deadly sweep towards Amias. Without raising his head, Amias unsheathed his sword and brought it straight up, twisting it in his hands and bringing the blade up at a ninety-degree angle, bending his knees in readiness for the impact.

  As the blades crashed together an ear-piercing smash erupted in the stairway. Amias gritted his teeth as he felt the force ripple through his sword and across his arms. Sparks flew as Max’s blade broke in two from the force. Amias held his defensive stance as Max shouted in anger and surprise. Still holding the hilt of the sword, Max flipped backwards to the top of the stairs and turned, running to the door and pushing his way through. In an instant Amias also pushed his way through the door. The carpark was empty, and Max was standing, waiting for him. He threw the broken hilt at Amias’s feet.

  “Kaden’s Mashima sword.”

  “Virgil’s Mashima sword,” Amias replied.

  “It’s as beautiful as I’ve been told. A true leader’s sword.”

  Amias didn’t answer but sheathed his sword and placed it back under his coat. Max watched him and smiled.

  “What now. Will you take me with you, back to the other altéré or whatever you call yourselves?”

  Amias didn’t reply. He began to walk in a circle around Max who watched him carefully.

  “But that’s not your plan, is it, Amias?” He swallowed hard as Amias continued to circle him and then laughed again. The security lights that protruded from the carpark walls shone down on them, casting long, thin shadows. “Okay.” He dropped his coat in one motion and ran towards Amias, launching himself into a flying kick. He spun around instantly as Amias turned to engage his attack, throwing a punch which Amias also avoided by twisting his upper body. Another followed and Amias ducked to his side as the blow missed him completely. Max held his hands high with his fists clenched and laughed, relaxing his stanc
e and then regaining it as he let out a loud exhale.

  This time his attack was more focussed and Amias was surprised by his skill and strength. Instead of avoiding Max’s attacks he was forced to block and parry his kicks and punches. As he held his own stance, he stepped back steadily as Max continued his attack, driving him backwards. They reached the edge of the level and Amias felt his back against the wall. As Max approached again, he used the wall to propel himself forward and grabbed Max’s jacket, using his momentum to twist and throw him forcefully into the wall. His throw was successful but, instead of hitting the wall as Amias had planned, Max placed his foot on it and flipped backwards, landing on his feet behind Amias. He immediately seized his opportunity and grabbed Amias around the throat, locking his arms tightly around his neck. Amias felt his grip tighten and his air supply was lost as Max lynched onto his back, letting Amias carry his weight and putting all his effort into the chokehold. Amias placed his hands around Max’s muscular arms, desperately trying to concentrate and draw on all his strength to break free.

  His strength was already flowing through his body as he felt his heart pumping and his body tingling. He closed his eyes and saw stars against the blackness that was threatening to surround him. Even though he was drawing on his hyper-strength he still couldn’t break the lock. The lack of oxygen was making it hard to concentrate and he opened his eyes, fumbling to find the hilt of his sword. He growled as Max said something that he couldn’t make out. He closed his eyes again as the acceptance of what was happening took hold.

  Suddenly he was no longer in the carpark; he was in a garden and as he looked down, he saw broken glass covering the ground in front of him. He was being held from behind, around the neck. It was dark but a different time. Rain fell into his face and hot tears rolled down his cheeks. He looked down and saw a body, covered in blood and not moving. He fought to move his head closer, stooping slightly to get a better look. At first, he thought it was a girl’s face, scared and afraid. He desperately struggled his way closer to the body and as he fell onto his knees, he saw the face more clearly; it was his own. He opened his eyes and he was in the carpark again. His strength was almost gone, and although he was still standing he knew it wouldn’t be long before the darkness took him.

  “Not long now, Amias,” Max whispered through strained grunts.

  Amias felt his legs wobble and knew he had only one chance. He grasped the last strength he possessed and ran towards the carpark wall. When he reached the wall, he heard Max say his name in alarm before he threw himself over it, with Max still attached to his back. As they fell he still felt Max’s grip around his neck until an impact smashed into his body, breaking the grip and sending immense pain through his body and head. He lay on the concrete floor of the carpark and looked up; they had fallen at least four floors to a level which jutted out underneath the upper floors. He heard a groan beside him.

  “You’re a crazy bastard.” Max rolled and tried to get up before falling and spitting out blood.

  Amias fought against the pain and rolled into a kneeling press-up position; then he stood up and walked unsteadily towards Max. He pulled him up by his jacket and threw a punch into his face, which knocked him down again. Then he dropped to his knees across Max’s stomach and threw another heavy punch, followed by another.

  Suddenly numerous pairs of hands grabbed him from behind and pulled him backwards as he fought blindly against them. The people were saying his name repeatedly. As they desperately tried to pull him away his coat was ripped from his back and his t-shirt was almost torn off. To his surprise, he suddenly found himself free of his restraints. He fell back onto Max with his t-shirt hanging off his muscular torso and tried to throw another punch that never connected.

  “Stop it, Amias, you’re going to kill him.”

  He looked down at the face in front of him as he was pulled away again and he saw it was no longer Max; it was Blaise. He let his body go limp and tears rose up behind his eyes as he was wrestled to the ground. He managed to look back before more people fell on top of him and he saw Max lying unconscious.

  Chapter 3

  Amias watched as his team milled around Max’s body. He was sitting in the back of a large van with the doors open and he placed a medical pad he’d been handed against a cut on his face. He was in pain, and he sat quietly with his back hunched and his head down, although his eyes never left the motionless Max.

  “He’s alive. No thanks to you.”

  Amias looked up at the person standing in front of him.

  “Why didn’t you listen to Sophia?” Lucas watched him warily; his usually handsome features were darkened with an angry scowl, and he ran his hand over his dark cropped hair. Amias ignored him and threw the medical pad into the van. Sophia walked over to him; she smiled sympathetically and sat down.

  “Are you okay, Amias?”

  He clenched his jaw and didn’t reply, keeping his eyes fixed on Max.

  “I don’t think he’s going anywhere, you don’t need to worry,” she added.

  Amias turned his head to look at her. “Reuben. We need to find him.” He stood up shakily and she stood up with him, placing her hand on his shoulder. He felt the gentleness of her touch and felt a wave of sadness passing through him.

  “I’m sorry. Reuben’s body was found tonight.” She looked at him with a worried and slightly fearful expression, as if she were unsure of what his reaction would be. She hadn’t told him anything he didn’t already know, but the confirmation of Reuben’s death hurt him nonetheless, and he was surprised at the new pain that began to well inside of him.

  “Please sit down, Amias.” Her hand was still on his shoulder and he allowed her to guide him. He felt her searching eyes looking to meet his and then she glanced down shyly at his abdominal muscles. Lucas approached, stopping and standing over them both. He threw a sweatshirt at Amias and painfully he pulled it on over his head.

  “Have you told him about Reuben, Sophia?”

  She nodded in reply.

  “We need to get out of here. Max is injured but he’ll live… luckily for you.”

  Amias didn’t raise his eyes or reply.

  “I don’t think it’s fair to give Amias a hard time, Lucas. He’s done what we set out to do; he’s captured Max and he’s alive.”

  Lucas scowled at her. “Would he be alive if we hadn’t got here?”

  “Does it matter?” she responded angrily.

  “It matters,” replied Lucas in the same accusatory tone, turning his stare to Amias once again. “If he dies, then it’s one dead captain. If he lives and we’ve captured him, then we have the chance to learn something about Kaden’s plans. Other people like Reuben won’t have to die.”

  For the first time Amias met his gaze, and Lucas held his eyes until Sophia coughed nervously. Amias was the first to look away, returning to his vigil over Max.

  Lucas turned to the two men and two women who were attending to Max. “Get him into the van,” he ordered. “Amias, you’re in the front with me.”

  Amias pulled himself into the back of the van, however, and sat down on one of the benches. “I will travel with him,” he growled. Lucas was about to reply but hesitated, looking at Sophia and the others who were standing watching them. He turned on his heels, got into the driver’s side of the van and slammed the door behind him.

  The team carried Max to the van and placed him carefully in the back between the benches. His wrists and ankles were bound, even though he was still unconscious, and Amias watched him carefully as the team checked him for tracking devices. Max’s major wounds had been dressed and Amias’s team climbed into the van as Sophia sat next to him. They pulled the doors closed and the van started and pulled away.


  There were no windows in the back of the van but Amias didn’t need them; he knew their destination. They were returning to their base of operations, which was hid
den in an abandoned industrial site outside of London. The site had once been a cement factory that had been closed for around ten years, and it was remote enough to serve their purpose. The factory site and surrounding fields had been purchased by Amias’s new mentor, John. His team and the others had occupied it as their home for the last six months. They’d helped to repair and improve the fence that surrounded the perimeter, securing the area. The numerous offices had been transformed into living quarters, and the warehouses were cleared and were now being used as training and storage facilities. On the inside, it had become what they needed it to be, and on the outside, it still looked very much the same as it had before. The tall chimneys remained, as well as the numerous other oddly shaped buildings that had once been used by the cement factory and now stood derelict and out of bounds. The base now accommodated around two hundred people. Eighty-nine of these possessed the same abilities as Amias, and the others were people who knew their secrets and had joined them. Amias disliked everything about his new home. He found the buildings lifeless and depressing, and living with others of his kind even worse. As often as possible he would leave what John considered the safety of the surrounding complex, and make his way over the fence and into the lush, green countryside which surrounded it. There, he would sit alone for hours reading, or just lie in the grass watching the clouds pass by.

  Since the deaths of Blaise, Virgil and Jasmine, Mia had continued to be a part of his new life, whether he liked it or not. They hadn’t rekindled their romantic relationship, but instead they’d built a close bond that she claimed was more like best friends. Now she and John were all he had. John had tried his best to assign as much time as possible to Amias’s training but had found it difficult. Despite his resistance, John had been unanimously elected as their leader and had reluctantly accepted. Amias felt the responsibility was well-suited to him, but John disagreed. He consistently voiced his discontent at having to be involved in council meetings and decision-making, and often voiced his annoyance to Amias in their training sessions. Amias had learned a lot more about John over the past months since meeting him, although hardly any of it from John himself. It had always been evident to Amias that John was powerful, but he’d only found out just how powerful in their training. He was more than Amias’s match for strength, although John stressed how he believed Amias was capable of much more. John shared Virgil’s view that it was possible he was capable of more abilities than they had discovered. For Amias, there was only one thing which motivated him to train: killing Kaden was everything, and after that, it didn’t matter.


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