Amare- Bloodlines

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Amare- Bloodlines Page 7

by J Gaines

  Amias hesitated, searching for John’s approval. John gave the slightest nod and smiled.

  “I believe only by surprise,” Amias went on, “and with united force. If we have people who are powerful, then we’ll need to attack him together. This is the only hope we have: he’s too difficult to target alone and a bullet will never be enough to kill him. I fear he’s too fast to be killed that way, and if his healing ability is like mine, he may heal, unless it’s a head-shot. Either way, unless I’m up close enough to see him die, I won’t believe it.”

  “We are all mortal, Amias, even Kaden,” replied Xavier.

  “I know, but Kaden is different – how much I don’t know.” He glanced at Xavier. “I’ve spent time with my people for the last year, and his fighting ability is more advanced. He’s stronger and quicker and he knows it. His control is complete. Not even John is his equal.”

  “How do you think he’s become so strong?” asked Olivia.

  “Natural ability, possibly a different physiology… I don’t know. He has dedicated his life to becoming the best. He wants to learn everything he can about others who show excellence in their abilities. That’s why he wanted me.”

  “And what about the men who have joined him?” queried Xavier.

  “We must look to break his support – with his captains, he’s even stronger. Andre is his outright number two, and we have captured Max. He has others, but they are the strongest. If possible, our next target should be Andre. He’s even more psychotic than Kaden, and from what we’ve heard, a brilliant and brutal fighter.”

  There was a prolonged silence as everyone in the room digested what Amias had told them. John was the first to speak. “I would like to hear individually from all of the altéré at this table. You have been invited here because you are men and women of honour.” He stopped as one of the guards approached him and spoke quietly into his ear. He stood up as the guard walked away. “I’m sorry, I’ve received some news which I must attend to. Please continue without me.” He turned to Xavier. “Can I ask you to lead the discussions, old friend?”

  Xavier said something that only John could hear and nodded, smiling warmly. John nodded back and strode towards the door, joined by Mia.

  Xavier turned to the people who remained. “As John requested, let’s hear from each of you.”

  The discussions continued well into the evening, broken only for refreshments which were brought to them. As John, had asked, each person at the table had their say. Some gave their thoughts on Kaden, others simply confirmed their support for the cause. Amias found it hard to concentrate; he was itching to leave and find out what had drawn John away from such an important assembly. Surely, it was news of Kaden! He felt a conflict of excitement and dread building inside him. Was it news of Kaden’s whereabouts, or had he murdered another of their kind?

  Xavier had done well in John’s absence. He’d managed to obtain the support of all the altéré around the table except for Victor, who hadn’t returned. Finally, Xavier announced that dinner would be served in the room next door, and people slowly made their way towards the exit. Amias was beginning to push his way through, eager to find John and hear what news he’d been given, when he heard someone call his name. He turned to see Xavier, Olivia, Lucas and another man, all standing together.

  “Amias? Please join us before you leave so we can introduce ourselves properly,” Xavier persisted.

  Amias glanced towards the door before reluctantly joining them.

  “Thank you, Amias.” Xavier began making introductions. “This is William; he’s travelled very far to be with us today. He is from New Zealand.”

  William nodded and clasped Amias firmly by the hand as Amias gave his best effort at a smile.

  “This is Olivia. She is an old friend of mine and John’s.”

  “And Virgil’s,” Olivia added sadly.

  Amias shook her by the hand and turned to Xavier. “And you were John’s trainer, I’ve heard much about you and have learned many of your teachings–”

  Xavier looked embarrassed and held up his hands to interrupt Amias. “You’re mistaken. I wasn’t John’s trainer.” He turned. “Olivia was the one who trained John, Virgil and me.”

  Amias’s eyes widened in surprise and for a moment he was lost for words. He turned in embarrassment towards Olivia. She smiled at him kindly. “It’s okay, it’s not the first time somebody has made that mistake. And knowing John, he neglected to fill you in on any of the details, such as my name.”

  Amias fumbled for the best response. “But… you’re not old enough.”

  Xavier laughed loudly. “And you think I am?”

  Amias shook his head and this time didn’t manage any words, just ending up with a confused look on his face.

  Olivia searched for Amias’s eyes and held them. “I wasn’t the first trainer they had. They were all identified by an elder, as is our way, and trained from childhood. Later in their lives they made a choice to find me and train with me.”

  “Olivia is the greatest fighter of the altéré. Her trainer was Itaru Mashima himself,” Xavier added.

  “The person who forged my sword?” Amias mumbled, even more surprised.

  “That’s right,” said Olivia. “John has told me about your sword. It is one of the most precious items that any of us possess, it may even be the last known sword made by Master Mashima. Kaden would have been sorely hurt to lose such a weapon. As was Virgil.”

  Amias studied her face as if it were the first time that he’d seen her. It was difficult to tell her age; she looked much younger than Xavier and John. She was almost a foot shorter than Amias and her brown hair was pulled tightly into a ponytail. As he looked at her he realised she had a hidden beauty that was beginning to reveal itself, as if only now she had allowed it to. Her brown eyes were the only part of her that Amias marked as betraying her youthful looks. They were dark brown and reminded him of someone. “Jasmine,” he said aloud.

  Olivia nodded sadly. “Jasmine was my last student. I was deeply saddened to hear of her loss. She was a model student.” She searched his eyes as she spoke, as if looking for emotion that would betray him. He looked down but felt her gaze still upon him. “But she was young, Amias. You yourself know how convincing Kaden can be. She and Blaise were only exposed to the true Kaden at the end, when sadly it was too late.”

  Amias ignored her last comments and the mention of Blaise. “It’s time I found John. Excuse me.” He turned without giving them a chance to respond and walked quickly towards the door. The guards were no longer there, and he strode into the main hall. Tables had been placed throughout the hall and they were lined with people eating. He hurried through the hall, hoping he wouldn’t be noticed, and had successfully reached the door when he felt someone firmly clasp his arm.

  “Please don’t leave, Amias.” Xavier spoke softly and smiled at him, releasing his arm at the same time.

  “I need to find John. He must have received news on Kaden.”

  “That is very likely. But whatever he has learned, it can wait. I would be honoured if you had dinner with us. There’s lots more I’d like to learn from you.”

  Amias shook his head. “There’s isn’t anything else you need to know about Kaden, and nothing more I can tell you.”

  “I meant about you. John has told me so much about you, I’ve been waiting to meet you for a long time.”

  Amias looked at him in surprise and noticed his bright blue eyes for the first time. They looked sad for an instant, but then he smiled again and gestured towards the tables. Amias followed his hand and saw Lucas and Olivia already seated, deep in conversation. Her brown eyes flashed into his mind: they were almost the same as the brown eyes he’d fallen in love with.

  “I’m sorry, Xavier. I’m sure we will have time to talk and get to know each other better. I don’t feel hungry right now, though.”

bsp; Xavier nodded knowingly. “Okay, I understand.” He paused. “You have lost so much for someone so young. I know it may not be my place to say, but don’t dwell on the past. It will consume you if you let it. I know this.”

  Amias turned away and then stopped with his back to Xavier. “Have you lost someone you loved?” He waited for a few moments and turned to see Xavier was no longer standing behind him; he was walking through the makeshift dinner hall and he took the seat next to Lucas. As Amias gazed at the table, suddenly Xavier turned and looked directly at him. Amias frowned and felt slightly embarrassed; he turned and made his way to where he knew he would find John.


  He could see people moving around in the debrief room through the misted glass in the door. He was about to knock when the door swung open, narrowly missing him.

  “Ah, Amias! We wondered when you would get here. I thought you’d have arrived ages ago. It seems I don’t know you as well as I thought I did… and John knows you better than I thought he did! It’s interesting, really, because I guess it makes total sense that you’d know each other so well, considering the amount of time you’re spending together. The training, the–”

  Amias chose his moment. “What’s happening, Mia?”

  She stopped, as if she were about to tell him off for interrupting, and then pulled the door slowly closed. “Well… it just so happens that we’ve come across some intel on one of Kaden’s captains, Andre. We believe he’ll be overseeing a weapons shipment tomorrow night.”

  “Will Kaden be there?” Amias asked hopefully.

  Mia threw him a quizzical look. “Come on, you and I both know Kaden wouldn’t attend something like this. As important as it is to him, he would send somebody he trusts, so it makes perfect sense that Andre will be there.”

  “How do we know this?” asked Amias suspiciously.

  She stopped and gave Amias a knowing look. “We can trust them, don’t worry.”

  Amias nodded slowly, and then looked at the figures he could see through the glass. “Who’s he sending?”

  Mia sighed. “I honestly don’t know. If it’s any consolation to you, I told them I thought you should lead the team, or at least be part of it. I must admit, John has a point regarding the methods you used to apprehend Max, but he can’t argue with your results, can he?”

  Amias turned to look at her and smiled. “Thanks, Mia.”


  As Amias closed the door to the debrief room behind him, he was greeted with angry scowls from at least three of the many men and women who were busy in conversation. He found John sitting behind his desk, intensely studying some documents. He looked up before Amias moved and placed the documents in the drawer, beckoning him forwards.

  “Hello, Amias. How did it go with the others?”

  “It went well, they’re all in.”

  John raised his eyebrows. “All of them?”

  “Everyone except Victor. He didn’t return.”

  John nodded. “I know. He came to see me before he left. He can be impulsive, but he’s not disrespectful. He is returning to the US and has told me he won’t be committing any of his people to our aid.”

  “Fine,” replied Amias indignantly.

  “It’s not fine, I’m afraid. Victor commands one of the largest organisations in the world and is the most influential man we have, both with the altéré and people without our abilities. His rejection is a bitter blow to us, although I’ll admit it’s not unexpected. You should show him your respect.”

  “The same respect he showed you?” retorted Amias angrily.

  “I seem to remember you showing me the very same disrespect only days ago.”

  Amias bowed his head and gritted his teeth.

  “Victor is a brave man,” continued John. “He has fought long to protect and liberate us, and he should be given the respect to make his own decision… whether we agree with it or not.”

  “Then why isn’t he committed to helping us now, when we’re threatened by someone as powerful as Kaden?” Amias growled.

  “I don’t know.” John seemed to look through Amias as if trying to remember something.

  Amias coughed to regain John’s attention. “Mia told me there’s news on Andre?”

  John eyed him shrewdly. “That’s correct.”

  “Have you decided what you’re going to do yet?”


  Amias felt himself beginning to anger. “And what are you going to do?”

  “I’m sending a team in.”

  “You’re not making this easy, John.”

  “Then why don’t you get to the point and ask me what you want to know! You want to know whether I’m going to send you?”

  Amias nodded. “Of course.” For a moment, he wished he were back in the gym, attacking John with a stick.

  “Well, you’ll be pleased to know I am. Andre is Kaden’s most dangerous captain. Your team will need you there to help them. The message has been sent for your team to meet here in an hour, and we’ll go through the details.”

  Amias smiled. “Thank you.” As he turned away from the desk and began to make his way towards the door, John’s voice rang out behind him.

  “You’ll go with your team, but Lucas will lead the mission.”

  Amias spun around angrily and approached the desk. John didn’t move in his chair; he just sat there watching him with narrowed eyes. “You’re the best fighter we have, Amias, but you’ve proved you’re not ready to lead a team yet. Until you can prove to me that you care more about getting the job done than extracting revenge on Kaden and his captains, Lucas will lead.”

  “You expect me to take orders from him?” Amias blurted out furiously.

  “If you want to go on the mission… yes.”

  “If you do this, you’ll undermine me to everyone, especially my team. They’ll never respect me and follow me in the way you want them to. It doesn’t make sense!”

  “It doesn’t matter if it makes sense to you. I’ve made my decision. If you’re not back here in an hour, I’ll understand.”

  They stood for a moment, glaring at each other, before Amias turned and walked through the room. It was only as he slammed the door shut that he realised there was complete silence behind him.

  Chapter 7

  As Amias made his way angrily down the abandoned corridors, he kept replaying the conversation with John in his mind. If he was serious about not allowing him to lead the team, then he was making a big mistake. Lucas isn’t ready. He strode quickly across a large courtyard towards a brightly lit two-storey building. Outside the entrance were four heavily armed guards, awaiting his approach and tightly gripping their automatic rifles.

  “Hello, Amias?”

  He knew the greeting was also a question, and all four guards watched him intently.

  “Hello, Russ. I’ve come to see the prisoner. Max.”

  “John didn’t let us know you’d be coming.”

  “Does he have to?” responded Amias, slightly raising his voice.

  “No… but usually he’ll tell us if any of the prisoners are going to be interrogated.”

  “I’m not going to interrogate him. That’s why John hasn’t made you aware I’m coming. I just need to talk to him… alone.”

  Russ looked at him suspiciously. “Talk to him… Isn’t that interrogating him?”

  Amias began to feel worried that his ruse wasn’t going to work. “Yes, I need to talk to him urgently.” He knew John wouldn’t agree with what he was about to do, but something told him he had a chance of gaining information from Max.

  Russ hesitated and then shook his head. “I’m sorry, Amias, we’ll need clearance from John on that.”

  “Okay, you go get clearance from John. And whilst you’re there, you can explain why I’ve been delayed getting urgent information that will
assist in the capture of another of Kaden’s captains. You do know it was me who captured Max, right?”

  “Yes… and that’s why I think we’ll need clearance from John,” replied the guard with a smirk.

  Amias frowned. They’ve seen what I did to him. “If that’s what you’re worried about, you don’t need to be. I don’t want access to the cell and I won’t be taking Max out of it. I’ll stay outside at all times. The door will be locked and unless you unlock it, I won’t be able to enter. As you know, nobody could break through the reinforced glass, so what’s the problem?” One of the other guards approached Russ and whispered something that Amias couldn’t hear. Russ cocked his head and listened, before nodding slowly.

  “Okay, Amias. But we’ll need to search you first, as we do with everyone who enters the detention building.”

  Amias feigned anger and clenched his jaw. “If you must.” He held his hands in the air. “Are we going to do it here?”

  Russ shook his head. “No, we’ll do it inside. Also, two of my team will be directly outside the cell area where Max is being held… at all times.”

  “Anything else?” Amias asked.

  “No. Follow me.”


  He followed the guards through the security doors and was taken to a room where he was thoroughly searched. He kept up the pretence that he was displeased at having to undergo the normal security measures, but inside he was just grateful he’d been granted access. When the guards were satisfied he wasn’t carrying anything that violated their security protocols, he was led out of the room and into a long corridor. Long strip-lights flickered brightly. He looked at the many doors lining each side of the corridor; which one was Max behind? They passed a large room, from which came a familiar smell that seemed unusual for a prison. Amias peered into the room and saw rows of sheets hanging from makeshift washing lines. Russ turned and laughed.

  “We have to do the best with what we’ve got. It’s not quite the functioning prison we need.”


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