Angelica (The Family Book 1)

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Angelica (The Family Book 1) Page 8

by Jones, Angelique

  An Angel born of darkness sits outside my window.

  She sits and waits.

  She waits for me.

  She calls to me through the darkness.

  She knows my sins.

  She knows my soul.

  She sang from the stage, her body swaying like a cobra’s, entrancing everyone.

  Into the darkness she flies.

  Calling to me, my freedom awaits.

  Murder and death are her gift to take.

  Join her now.

  Be her king.

  Fuck, she was really singing that song. Her voice was as beautiful as she was, so no one was even listening to the lyrics, just the melody of her voice. She had said Enzo wouldn’t live past tonight. Did she plan to kill him in front of a room full of armed men? She’d be shot down. Discreetly, Lucca put his hand under his jacket, but his father stopped him. Placing his hand on Lucca’s arm, his father leaned over, his lips barely moving, his voice so soft only Lucca could hear. “Wait.” Leaving his hand where it was, Lucca left his gun in its holster and turned to watch her, hoping she knew what she was doing.

  She cursed me to the fire,

  she cursed me with her hate;

  as she made me burn,

  she laughed so loud the other angels looked down.

  Moving through the crowd, Angie went, making her way to Enzo, the promise in her eyes and the smile on her lips for him alone. Even knowing what she was doing, the focus she gave Enzo pissed Lucca off. Finally reaching Enzo’s table, Angie went around until she stood in front of him. Taking her hands, she cupped his face and tilted it up. Tense, Lucca watched as she placed her lips to Enzo’s for a long moment before releasing him and moving away. What the fuck was going on? Everyone was so focused on her as she moved away toward the door that no one noticed when Enzo gripped his heart until he fell from his chair.

  Join me now as I bring you death.

  In hell you will burn.

  The queen has called you home.

  It’s now your turn.

  I shall watch you burn.

  As you take your last breath, think of me.

  Know that I never bore love for thee.

  Know that I find joy in knowing that I have killed thee.

  Without looking back, she finished her song, most still so focused on her that they didn’t realize what was going on. As the last words left her mouth, so did Enzo’s last breath. Loud cheers beat through the room as she regally bowed her head. Looking at her in this moment, she was magnificent; her costume gave her a sinister beauty, and Lucca had no problem seeing her as she had once described herself: the Angel of Death. In no hurry, she moved past the guards who had been stationed at the entrance. They even opened the doors for her as she left, disappearing without a trace into the night.

  Chapter 13

  Pulling up to the house, Angie got out and walked to the lake. She was right to set them up here. It was a beautiful place for a young boy to grow up. Sitting on the bench by the water as she waited for them to come home from school, she let the peace of this place wash over her. Everything had gone as planned; Enzo was dead and it had been ruled natural causes. The doctor he’d retained had provided proof of a preexisting heart condition that had been kept quiet. The poison she’d used wouldn’t be detected, even if it was searched for. It was very rare and not something that ever would be tested for in the States. Angie hoped Enzo enjoyed her final kiss as he burned in hell.

  Maria had her revenge, and the last man she needed to kill was dead. It was almost finished. They were looking for her, and she didn’t mean just Lucca and Maria. Most of the men at the show were looking for her not because they thought she did anything but because they wanted to possess her. She was cursed. Even if she wanted to go back, she couldn’t. She would be a burden to Lucca. Even if he didn’t still want her, he and his family would feel honor bound to protect her after what she had done. Besides, Lucca was just a fascination. She didn’t want a man in her life. Hadn’t she learned her lesson with her mother and father? Did she want her own daughter one day to have to do what she had done?

  No, once she brought Michael to their uncle it was over. She would remain long enough to ensure his happiness; then she would watch over him from a distance. He would never have the curse of having to protect her. Angie wouldn’t risk him. Hadn’t she done all this not just for revenge but to make sure he was safe? She never expected happiness in her life. She knew what her duty was. Turning as she heard the car approach, Angie smiled. She had been right to take the little maid all those years ago. Eva had been terrified of her, and at first she did what Angie asked out of fear. Later, she did it out of love for Michael. Eva had been sold to Lorenzo by her father and shipped to the States at only sixteen.

  That night, once they were safely away, Angie struck a deal with Eva. Eva would care for Michael until she had finished her duty, and in exchange, Angie would make sure that Eva was set for life, never having to work again. Eva knew her options were limited; a girl with no education, in the country illegally, she had agreed. Eva’s only duty had been to care for her brother Michael. Angie took care of everything else and made sure they wanted for nothing. It was the only way to assail her guilt for not being there. It was too dangerous for them if she remained, so Angie only visited for a short time twice a year, making sure she was never seen by anyone but them.

  Getting up as Michael burst from the car and ran to her, Angie smiled. He was their father’s image. Michael launched into her open arms, taking them both to the ground. “You’re here, you’re here.” Michael yelled happily. Getting up, he held onto her arm, pulling her up. “Come on; Eva made cookies,” he said, keeping hold of her as he talked a mile a minute, telling her about school and everything that had been going on since the last time she was here. Keeping up the one-sided conversation the rest of the afternoon, it was no wonder he fell right asleep after dinner.

  Leaving Eva to finish cleaning up, Angie went out to the porch, sat down and waited for Eva to join her. Michael was so happy here; maybe she should just let their family keep thinking they were dead. Angie had enough money that Michael would never have to worry about anything. What kind of a life would he have among those people? Their father had made sure that everything in their names were legitimate, and Michael could just take over those portions of the family business and never have to be involved with the others. But with the blood that flowed through his veins, he was born to be a boss. Uncle Angelo had no sons of his own, only daughters, and he would take to Michael, teaching him everything he knew. He would take one look at Michael, see his beloved brother, and never let go.

  There was also the problem that Uncle Angelo didn’t know that Lorenzo had been behind there father’s murder and the death of their mother. He actually thought Lorenzo had died in the fire, trying to save her and her mother. The fuckers who had killed her father had been gunned down before they could talk, and the others who had escaped the fire never made a move with Lorenzo dead. If she took Michael back, she would have to tell him the whole truth, and she knew that it would hurt him. He had actually placed a shrine the whole family went to on the anniversary of their deaths to mourn the deaths of his beloved brother’s family and honor Lorenzo’s sacrifice.

  Angie looked over at Eva, who had joined her and had been quietly waiting for her to speak. “It’s finished.” She didn’t need to say any more than that. Eva Looked over her shoulder, as if she expected Michael to be there, she nodded before looking back at Angie to hear the rest. “The house is yours, and everything has been transferred into your account that was promised. I want you to travel with us and stay with Michael until he is settled. He is going to have enough changes in his life and needs to have one constant through it.”

  Tears were in Eva’s eyes which she quickly hid. “Of course I’ll go with him.” The girl had had no life outside Michael for ten years.

  “You can remain with him as long as you want. I am not trying to put you out of his life. I know
what you’ve given up to do what I demanded of you and am in no way trying to lessen it.”

  Getting up, Eva mumbled a good night and rushed inside.

  Staying there on the porch Angie look out into the darkness, tomorrow would be hard. Tomorrow she had to explain to Michael that they had a family and that she had kept them from him. Though she couldn’t tell him the true reason they had been separated. When he was older she’d tell him the truth; when he was older she’d finish breaking his heart.

  Chapter 14

  The day had come. Today was the anniversary of their deaths, and everyone was gathered at their old house for the party. Uncle Angelo had moved his family into their home, giving up his own. He couldn’t sell it because Angie’s body hadn’t been found, so it remained hers. Instead of letting it fall into disrepair, he gave up his wife’s dream home to protect hers. He went as far as to seal off her parents’ and her rooms. Like shrines, they stayed the same as the day they died.

  Angie and Eva had spent the last four weeks at the house by the lake, easing Michael into getting used to the idea of leaving and letting him get used to the idea of Angie being around. He was excited at the prospect of the move and beyond thrilled about the idea of more family. The truth was that they stayed at the lake more for Eva and Angie’s sake than for Michael. Once Angie stepped out and revealed them, she would never again be able to hide in the shadows. She had a duty to Michael and she would have to be around the family to fulfill it.

  Eva had decided to sell the house and buy one close to Michael when the time came. Michael was the most important thing in her life and she wasn’t ready to let go. Parking the car, Angie looked up at the gate in the distance. Guards stood there, ready to stop anyone who didn’t belong. Looking at Eva, she nodded her head before looking over the seat at Michael. He was still excited but worried now that they were there. “Are you sure they want us? What if they don’t like me?” he asked, touching what was left of her heart, which was reserved only for him.

  “They, my love, are going to adore you,” Angie whispered, turning back and getting out of the car, knowing that if she didn’t they wouldn’t. Slowly, the other doors opened and they joined her, Michael held Eva’s hand in a death grip. Handing Eva the keys, Angie walked forward with them falling in behind her. If something went wrong, they would have to go through me, giving Eva a chance to take Michael and get away. As they moved closer, the guards, who had been lounging, were now standing up straight. The closer they came, the better look they got of Angie. She could hear them saying, “Fuck, I’ve died and gone to heaven. Is that for real?” Ignoring their words, she moved closer, watching each of them like a hawk. If they went for their guns, it would be the last mistake they ever made.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Angie caught a movement. Turning her head to get a better look but keeping the rest in sight, she smiled a small, wistful smile. She couldn’t help it. As she looked at the man approaching, who still hadn’t noticed them, she remembered all the times she would pester him to give her a piggyback ride or play tea party with her. He always did it, no matter how the other guards laughed, saying that they were just jealous because he got cookies and they didn’t. Seeing the other guards frozen like statues, he reached for his gun, thinking there was trouble. Stopping ten feet from the gate, Angie waited for him to notice her, and when he did, she thought the shock might kill him.

  Sharply, he turned, looking for what held the others captive; until his eyes landed on them. At first she could tell he wasn’t sure what the problem was, but as he looked closer he began to stumble forward. Dropping his gun, he reached out a hand toward her, while the other clutched his heart as he slumped on the wall behind him. Squeezing his eyes tightly shut, he wiped his hand across his face before opening them again. The guards were now shouting, racing to him. When they reached him, they put their hands out, only to have them slapped away. Pushing himself from the wall, he made his way to Angie, stopping when they were within arm’s length of one another. Reaching out, he placed his hand on her arm. She thought by the look on his face that he was expecting it to pass through.

  Taking her hand, Angie placed it over his and squeezed. He raised tear-filled eyes to hers and she smiled. “I’ve missed you too, Alfonso,” Angie whispered, which was all he seemed to need. Pulling her into him, he gripped her tight. She allowed it, knowing he needed it. Standing the contact as long as she could before she stepped back, Angie still smiling, turned her head to Michael. Turning to see what she was looking at, Alfonso held her arm harder, seeing a miniature version of her father staring at him. Wanting to give him a moment to collect himself, she motioned Michael and Eva forward. “Al, this is Michael and Eva. Michael, this is Alfonso.”

  When he saw his sister’s nod, Michael held out his hand. “Hello. It’s nice to meet you, Alfonso.”

  Giving a shaky laugh, Al wiped the back of his hand across his face before holding it out. “It is my absolute pleasure to meet you, Michael,” he said. Nodding her head back at the other guards who were staring at them. Al wasn’t exactly the crying type. Turning, he growled, “Get back to your posts; this ain’t no Broadway show,” seeming satisfied when they rushed back to their posts, though they kept looking back to stare at Angie, which he wasn’t going to tolerate. Moving in front of her to block their view, he gave them a look that told them exactly what would happen if they didn’t mind where their eyes fell.

  “It’s going to take them a while to get used to me, so try not to do any permanent damage for a while,” She said, earning a hoarse laugh.

  “I’m not making any promises,” he replied, shaking his head.

  Looking at her as if he was going to tear up again, She moved to cut it off. “Do you think it would be all right if we went in?”

  He gave her a look as if she was crazy before he noticed the twinkle in her eyes. “Come on; I see some things haven’t changed.” Letting go of Angie’s arm, he started walking. Moving through the gates of her childhood home, the ghosts of her past began to crowd her. Everywhere they passed, she saw the girl she once was, making her want to run the other way. Everything had changed. What she was showing Al wasn’t what she was but what he wanted to see. While Angie remembered Al fondly. The love she once felt for him was gone, along with the love she once felt for the family. All she had left in her was loyalty and the ability of the most consummate actress.

  The backyard they were led to was packed with several hundred people. As they began to be noticed, some stared at the extremely beautiful woman, while others stared at the ghost. Silence began to descend; words were lost as they passed. Uncle Angelo and Aunt Camilla were on the patio with two of their younger girls, talking to their guests. Eventually, the silence became so pronounced that they began to look around. Aunt Camilla saw Angie first, which ended up with her screaming and falling to her knees. The girls and Uncle Angelo raced to her frantically, asking what was wrong. Unable to form the words, she raised her arm and pointed her finger at Angie. Turning, Uncle Angelo’s gaze clashed with hers. All color left his face as he stood, leaving his wife on the ground. At first she heard him whisper, “Helen,” before he shook his head and pushed out in an agonized voice, “Angelica.” Nodding her head, she turned and held out my hand for Michael.

  Looking at her brother, Angie felt as if a weight was being lifted from her. At last she was fulfilling her last duty to her mother. Bringing Michael to walk next to her, they stepped onto the patio together. Turning her gaze back to Angelo and his family, Angie saw that the girls had gotten their weeping mother into a chair. They joined her in tears as they stared. Total disbelief filled Angelo’s gaze as he stared at Michael. Stopping about ten feet from them, Angie squeezed Michael’s hand, letting him know not to be afraid. “Michael, this is your uncle Angelo, who is now your father, and that is your aunt Camilla, who is now your mother,” She said in a loud, clear voice, which carried through the silent crowd, her tone challenging them to deny it. Walking to them, Uncle Angelo looked into he
r eyes, nodding his head, accepting the duty she had just given him.

  Kneeling down in front of Michael, he pulled him forward into his embrace. “My son,” he said loudly, his voice cracking as he claimed him.

  Aunt Camilla rose from the chair and shakily made her way forward with the girls’ help. Falling to her knees, “My son,” she got out, wrapping her arms around Michael and her husband. Stepping back to Eva, Angie looked on. She had done the right thing; he needed a father. She could see in Eva’s eyes that she agreed. Angie knew Eva had worried as much as she had, worried that if something had happened to them, he would have been left alone.

  Uncle Angelo got up and helped his wife up. Leaning down, he kissed the top of Michael’s head. “Camilla, enough; you’re going to drown the boy,” he said, earning a laugh from the emotional crowd. “Why don’t you and the girls take Michael and get him something to eat?” Holding a hand over her mouth, Camilla held Michael to her body as she rested her forehead on her husband’s shoulder. Raising her head, tears of joy filled her eyes as she nodded.

  Angelo’s gaze was already on Angie; he would want answers. “Eva, go with Michael,” She said. Swinging her gaze to Angie, Camilla looked as if she was going to burst into tears again before she got hold of herself and held her free hand out to Eva. She still hadn’t loosened her grip on Michael, as if she was afraid if she let go, he’d disappear. Once Eva reached her, Camilla grabbed her tight, taking her with Michael and the girls through the open patio doors.

  Walking to Angelo, Angie reached out and took his hands in hers, squeezing them. Leaning in and kissed one cheek, then the other. “Uncle.”

  “Niece,” he whispered, kissing her forehead formally. Keeping hold of one of her hands, he turned them to the crowd. “My friends, my family, today is a day for celebration. The children of Michael Gagliardi, my brother, have returned to us. Eat, drink, rejoice, and I will return to you soon, after I have spoken with my beloved niece.” Taking Angie’s arm, Angelo led her toward the house. Looking over to Alfonso, she let him know with her eyes what she needed. Nodding his head, he followed them as far as the dining room where the food had been set up and went to stand near Michael.


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