Fighting Chance: (A male/male enemies to lovers erotic RomCom between a young musician and his idol)

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Fighting Chance: (A male/male enemies to lovers erotic RomCom between a young musician and his idol) Page 6

by T L Dasha

  The bartender traded both of our empty glasses for another set of vodka tonics without even asking. The Rumbling Bee was a show sponsor, and drinks were free on elimination nights for the bands. I lifted the glass to my lips when a cold pair of hands dropped on my and Logan’s shoulders with unexpected force.

  “Drowning out your failure with liquor, I see.” Lance snickered. I jerked my shoulder out of his grip, and spun around in the bar stool, sucking vodka through my straw while I caught eye contact. Logan joined me.

  “You legitimately bested all of us. What can I say? You’ve got incredible talent.” I gave Lance my sweetest and most innocent smile.

  “It really was an incredible song. Gave me chills.” Logan chimed in, a twinkle in his eye.

  Lance was taken aback. “It was- I mean, your song…” His eyes shifted between us, searching for the catch. “It’s good that you like losing so much.” His voice was barely a mumble.

  “It’s not so bad when your competitor buys you drinks after.” I found Marcus in the crowd and lifted my glass with a nod. He caught my gaze and returned a thumbs up. Lance turned to face him, and gave him a scowl. Marcus immediately rescinded his smile.

  “Whatever. Prepare to repeat this next week.” Lance left in a huff, and disappeared onto the dance floor. I twisted my chair back around and grinned over at Logan.

  “You always have to ruin everything, Roland. He probably rehearsed all of the gloating and potential comebacks he was going to use on you for hours, and you had to go turn it into a compliment?” Logan gave me a pat on the shoulder, barely able to contain his laughing through his words.

  “The fastest way to piss off a contrarian is to agree with them.” I smirked into my glass, polishing off another drink.

  “Ohmigawd!” A shrill voice came from the other side of the bar, interrupting my smug victory. “Aren’t you guys on that show?” A blond woman tapped her friend’s shoulder as she pointed at me and Logan. The purple overhead lights of The Rumbling Bee shimmered in every sequin of her cheap dress. Fuck. I know where this is going. I had half the mind to beg Lance to come back so he could distract them.

  “Oh! You’re right!” Her brown haired friend practically fell out of her seat. They moved around the countertop until they reached the open seats on either side of us.

  “I’m Natalie, and this is Kaylin.” The blond girl pushed in beside me. Her words were clear, but her eyes were glazed over. She offered me her hand, but not before signaling the bartender for a round of shots. I couldn’t even begin to guess how many she had already had. “We both voted for you last round! You deserved to be first!”

  The bartender poured out four shots of tequila and distributed them among us.

  Logan gave me a sideways glance, then shifted his attention to the petite brunette. In a snap, he switched from “Logan, my weird best friend” to “Logan, the jewelry selling stud.” He was perfectly at home with the attention. I should have been, too, but somehow, the thought of dealing with these girls was filling me with more dread than I had dealing with Lance Gold.

  Natalie downed her shot first, then motioned with her head for me to do the same. I hesitated.

  “I didn’t picture you to be the silent type.” She nudged herself closer to me. “It’s Roland Finley, right? Am I the first fan you’ve ever met? Relax- I’m not going to bite your head off.”

  I forced a smile to chill myself out. We were here to have a good time, and this was the kind of attention I would have to get used to. It probably didn’t help that I was supposed to flirt with these fans when I knew Jay wanted to intentionally spend time with me tonight. If I had known he would ask me…

  I shook my head to dismiss the thought. This is what I agreed to. I had to try to ignore the growing pit in my stomach.

  “Of course. Sorry- trying to process the concept of people knowing who I am, before I know who they are.” I attempted to dispel my awkwardness with a laugh. When that didn’t work, I downed the shot in hopes that the alcohol would work its magic instead.

  I signaled for another.

  “If you’re this uncomfortable now, what are you going to do when you win?” She chuckled as her hand found my back. “Maybe you just need to meet someone nice before you get too famous.” Her fingers moved up my spine, feeling the contours of my muscles through my leather jacket.

  Logan got up, letting himself be dragged onto the dance floor. He gave me a nod as he left. I held to my seat.

  “I know a girl who would treat you really nice.” Natalie whispered into my ear. Her fingers moved up into my hair. I downed another shot.

  “Sorry, I’ve already got someone.” I blurted out, jerking my head just enough to signal for her to back off. She pouted, moving back just enough to allow me some space.

  “Who? Your band mate?” Natalie rolled those glossed over eyes. “Kay and I were betting that you might be gay.”

  “No, it’s not like that.” I shook my head.

  “Oh, so your ‘someone’ just isn’t here then.”

  “No, but-”

  “Then maybe it’s time you got someone else.” She ordered another round of shots and dared me to down it with her. I don’t know why I obliged. I guess I didn’t want to risk losing fans this early in my career. I needed to come off as normal.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I immediately reached for it.

  “Sorry, I’ve gotta take this.”

  It was a text, rather than a call, but she didn’t need to know that. I put the phone to my ear and held up a finger as I stepped out to the back patio.

  -Have you found that ‘first love’ yet?- Jay’s voice played in my head as I read his text, dripping with doubt and sarcasm.

  -You’ve heard my lyrics. I’ve found lots of love.-

  -Your lyrics reflect your actual experience? So you’re still a virgin then.-

  -Is anyone a virgin after high school anymore?-

  -Masturbation doesn’t count.-

  My face flushed. Was I that transparent? No, I mean, he’s just messing with me. That’s what Jay does. Before I could even think to reply, another text came through.

  -Where are you right now?-

  -A bar.-

  -That’s vague.-

  -A sponsor owns it, I guess.- I paused for a moment. Probably shouldn’t reveal more than that. - Anyway, I already told you. I’m celebrating with Logan.- Honestly, I wanted to tell him, but in the back of my mind, I knew I shouldn’t. Besides, this was supposed to be my night with Logan. Well, I guess my night to be Logan’s wing man, since he seemed pretty preoccupied. I frowned outwardly, then my phone buzzed again.

  -And yet, here you are, spending all your time on your phone with me. Shouldn’t you be trying to get laid?-

  -That’s WHY I’m on the phone with you.- I grinned at my own text. Too easy. I felt that much more pleased with myself when he didn’t have a response. Even the mighty Jay McClintock can be rattled. I shoved the phone in my pocket, not wanting to come off as any more eager than I already did, and returned to the bar.

  The blond girl was still waiting for me. I could almost hear my groans over the throbbing techno. My attempt to duck out before she noticed me didn’t stand a chance against her predator like instincts.

  “Roland! I got you a drink.” Natalie pushed herself through the dance floor, and handed me a cocktail. A tequila sunrise in the middle of the night? Well, at least she’s staying consistent with her liquor.

  “Thanks, but I think I’m going to head out.” My eyes scanned the dance floor for Logan, but I couldn’t seem to find him. Inconvenient. He was my ride.

  “How about just one drink and one dance. I promise it’ll be worth it.” She smiled up at me, taking a sip of her own cocktail before signaling for me to drink mine. Give the fans what they want, right?

  I took a gulp and let the liquor flow through me. If I couldn’t find Logan, I was going to need to be drunk to get through the rest of the night. Fuck it.

  I downed the rest, then to
ok her onto the dance floor, squeezing into the crowd. She was aggressive, not at all shy about pressing her barely covered breasts into my shirt. I twirled her around to build some distance, but she quickly closed the gap again. No use fighting it.

  I gave myself to the pulsing of the bass. The more I moved, the better I felt. A waitress walked by, and I grabbed another drink, downing it quickly before returning the glass to her tray.

  “I love this song!” Natalie grabbed hold of me again to get my attention. She looked up at me and pulled my waist tightly against hers. Brad Garza’s New Moon (Give Me a Chance) poured through the room. Of course she loves this song. Everyone loves this song.

  It was a slow, romantic ballad. Brad’s low and sultry voice set the mood for the dance floor.

  ~I just know you’d taste so sweet. Let my fingers find your secrets in between the sheets~

  I closed my eyes, focusing on nothing but the vibration of Brad’s growl. His words just did it for me. Natalie reached a hand up to my shoulder, then slid her fingers up my neck, stopping as she cupped my jaw. Everything seemed to feel so good in my current haze, that I didn’t care enough to stop her. I ran my hands up her sequined dress on instinct. She moved in. Her bright red lips parted as she stood on her tip toes.

  “Mind if I cut in?” A firm hand took a hold of mine, pulling me out of one embrace and into another. My face fell against soft cotton, and the scent of sweat and alcohol on the dance floor was replaced by sage cologne.

  I looked up into Jay’s steel blue eyes. I had to be seeing things. He couldn’t be here. But no matter how many times I tried to blinked, he was still there.

  He stood over me, dressed in black, with his shirt unbuttoned just enough to get the slightest glimpse of his collarbone. A silver chain sparkled around his neck, catching the purple overhead lights. His hair fell around his glasses in that stylishly disheveled way it always does, while the lightest traces of a five-o-clock shadow teased his chin. He must not have had time to tidy himself up before coming over.

  Why was that so impossibly sexy? Maybe that’s the liquor talking.

  “Dance.” He whispered into my ear. I could practically feel the playful grin on his lips. He didn’t have to ask twice.

  ~Hold me in that darkness. Hold me for the night. Hold me as the moon gives up its final light.~

  He took the lead, and I was more than willing to let him. I pulled myself closer to him, grinding my hips against his in seductive rhythm. I wanted to feel him get a little out of control. Make him want me as much as I wanted him right now.

  I touched my lips to his ear so he would be able to hear me over the speakers. “How did you find me?”

  “Let’s call it a lucky guess.” Jay rolled his eyes.

  Right. He works in the industry. I’m sure he knows most of our sponsors. Though I wouldn’t have expected him to know all of our sponsor’s side businesses…

  “Won’t it be a problem if someone recognizes you?”

  “For me? Or for you?” He spun me around, then pulled me back close. “You like Brad Garza?”

  “He’s got a way with words.” I ran a hand down his chest with enough pressure to feel every muscle. Jay just smirked in response. Wait a minute… “Those are your words… Aren’t they… ”

  He laughed. “It’s his voice that makes them powerful.”

  “I wonder how your words would sound in my voice.” I placed my arms on his shoulders, and pressed our foreheads together, close enough for our breath to intermingle. The warmth that teased my lips was nothing compared to the heat that was taking my body.

  “You’re bold tonight.” His fingertips slid down my waist. “You’re right, we should go. It’ll be trouble if we end up on SINapse Entertainment News.”

  Jay released his hold on me then started making his way off the dance floor. I hurried after him. My vision was starting to blur, making it difficult to keep up.

  “Roland, wait!” Natalie caught me by the arm. I had completely forgotten about her. “Can’t we just get one more dance in?”

  “Sorry, maybe next time. Something came up.” I was still trying my best to let her down easy.

  “With that guy? I knew it-“ She cut herself off with a shake of her head. “Can I get your number then? Raincheck, maybe?”

  “Mr. Finley is very busy right now, and you’ll have to excuse him.” Jay stepped in to shut her down much more assertively than I could have. “You can get in touch with the studio for further inquiries. Have a lovely night.”

  He grabbed my hand and dragged me outside, leaving Natalie drunk, angry, and disappointed. Probably for the best.

  The valet wasted no time bringing his car around. It was exactly what I would have imagined a guy like Jay McClintock driving. A sleek black Mercedes, understated but sophisticated, and more power than most people knew how to handle. I sat in the passenger seat, and Jay took the wheel.

  It wasn’t until I sat back and closed my eyes that I realized exactly how much my world was spinning. Maybe I shouldn’t have mixed vodka and tequila. I grabbed hold of the passenger handle, and tried to force my vision to focus. Nausea gripped my throat, and the music on the radio distorted in my ears.

  Then everything went black.


  The impulse to puke ripped me out of my darkness, and I scrambled for a ledge. A waste bin appeared on the hardwood floor below me. I emptied the entire contents of my stomach into the plastic lined canister.

  I was still stumbling to catch my breath, when a bottle of cold water touched my forehead, offering the slightest relief from the pounding that was taking over my skull. My eyes closed, and I impulsively relaxed into the soothing sensation.

  “Drink.” A deep, commanding voice broke me out of my daze. I looked up, and took in the cool blue stare on the other side of his spectacles.

  “Jay.” Right. I ran into Jay at the club. But then what happened?

  “I said drink.” He tossed the bottle beside me on the bed and placed a bottle of mouthwash on the night stand. The bed. The nightstand…

  “How did I get in your bed?!” I was on my feet in an instant, wrestling with the covers, trying to free myself from the grasp of Jay’s satin. Those hurried movements didn’t help. I was back on my knees, heaving into the waste bin again, before I could even begin to assess the situation. Once I gathered my bearings, I reached for the mouthwash to get the taste of tequila and stomach bile off my tongue, then I downed the bottle of water.

  “Your idea of a celebration is a little different than mine.” Jay sat down a few feet away, his elbow propped up on this desk, legs crossed, and his chair swiveled around to face me. His expression was cold. Distant. Disappointed.

  I looked back and forth from him to the bed. “I… We didn’t…”

  “No. We didn’t.”

  A sigh of relief escaped my lips. Though I’m not sure if I was more relieved that we didn’t sleep together or more relieved that I wasn’t unconscious for our first time.

  Wait, our first time? Because I’m assuming there will be more times? I shook my head and settled in on the floor, staying close to the waste bin. I let my back fall against the side of the bed for support.

  Jay’s lips cocked in a half smile. “I prefer my partners to be… active participants.”

  “I see.” The room fell silent. Jay watched me as if he was studying a wounded animal. I guess he was waiting for me to speak. “So then… what happened exactly?”

  “What do you think happened?” Jay arched an eyebrow. It was incredible how such a subtle movement so effortlessly made me feel incredibly stupid.

  “I… drank too much and blacked out?”

  He didn’t say anything. Just continued to stare. I pulled my knees to my chest in an effort to feel a little less vulnerable under his gaze.

  “Then you carried me to safety?”

  Jay remained silent. I fidgeted on the floor. “And I assume this is… your bed.”

  “Who was that girl, exactly?”

/>   “Huh?”

  “The one you were about to make out with before I showed up?”

  “Right… I just met her. She was a fan.” Wait a second, is Jay jealous?

  “Interesting.” Jay ran a hand through his hair, pushing disheveled strands out of his face. “That explains her desperation. I take it that was your first time ever being roofied?”


  Jay removed his glasses and set them on the table. He looked like a completely different person without that glass barrier between us. He stood up. I swallowed hard.

  “You live in a different world now, you know. However small time this show may seem, to these people, you’re a celebrity.” Jay moved closer me. “Now more than ever, not everyone who smiles at you is your friend.”

  He crouched down in front of me, putting himself level with my gaze. I couldn’t break the hold of those sharp blue eyes for long enough to make any kind of move. I pulled my knees more tightly against myself.

  He continued. “By the time I showed up, you were already pretty pliable. I’ll take partial responsibility, since I was probably distracting you while she spiked your drink.” A glimmer of satisfaction flashed in his eyes. “But you can’t be that careless. If I hadn’t found you when I did…”

  For once, Jay seemed to be at a loss for words.

  I reached forward, touching my hand to his cheek. I let my thumb gently trace the dark circle under his eye. He hadn’t gotten sleep. How long was I out? Was he that worried about me?

  My hand fell to his collar, and my fingers tangled in the fabric. I gripped firmly, and I pulled his mouth to mine. I could feel in the way his lips involuntarily parted that I had caught him off guard. And I could feel in the way he grasped the back of my head to deepen our kiss that he didn’t mind. I kept his mouth distracted while my fingers found the buttons on his shirt, relieving them one at a time. Maybe I was still a little drunk or still a little drugged, but at this moment, I knew exactly what I wanted.


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