Vampire Seduction

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by JT Schultz

  Cade’s dark brows lifted, and his dark eyes stared at his sister. “Interesting twist? I can only imagine, after hearing about his previous escapades, what happened.” He scowled. “If I didn’t owe him my life, I would kill you and Lance both for what I have this sinking suspicion you did.”

  “Cade, you don’t know—”

  “You’re in Lance’s robe!”

  Monty cleared his throat. “Mr. Vermont, perhaps you and your sister should continue this conversation in the kitchen over a cup of coffee.”

  Anya’s heart tightened. “It wasn’t our intention.” How did she tell Cade she cherished his best friend and didn’t want one of the men their parents approved of, but instead a vampire?

  “Please come into the kitchen. Have a coffee and something to eat. Don’t be upset with her.”

  With all her heart, Anya seriously hoped her brother took the good butler’s advice.

  Sighing, Cade hooked his sunglasses on the collar of his shirt and covered his face with his hands. “I can’t believe this.” He glanced up over his fingers and shook his head. “Let’s have that coffee, though I feel like spiking mine with hard liquor for this talk.” Without waiting for Monty or Anya, Cade walked off in the direction of the kitchen.

  Monty shut the door and cast a worried expression.

  She blinked up at him through long lashes. “I don’t need his approval, but his acceptance would be nice.”

  He brushed the hair back from her face. “I know. Let’s go calm the protective brother down.”

  She rolled her eyes and spun on her heel. “Great, a vampire on a hissy fit, lucky me.”

  He wrapped an arm around her in a quick hug, then led her to the kitchen. Cade stood with a mug of coffee already in his hand. “Where is Lance?”

  “He’s resting,” Anya responded, unsure if her brother was faking his calm or taking the notion she had shared his best friend’s bed with a grain of salt.

  Cade’s expression turned bleak, and he blinked, then darted a quick look to Anya before glancing to Monty. “How’s he been?”

  “He tires easy,” he confessed as she stepped deeper into the room. “Things will not improve.” They exchanged a look, and a sick, invisible punch hit Anya in the stomach.

  Something is wrong.

  “Cade, Monty?” Her voice came out foreign to her own ears, worry covering her words. “What’s wrong with Lance?”

  Her brother shook his head, and Monty sighed, then glanced to Cade with a bleak expression.

  “I’m sorry, sir. I thought she knew.”

  Cade shook his head. “Nope, but something tells me she is about to find out.”

  Chapter Four

  Anya’s heart came to a stop for the second time in five minutes. It was one thing for your overprotective brother to figure out you had been bedded by his best friend, but the look Cade and Monty exchanged only froze her soul. “What’s wrong with Lance?” She darted a look to her brother, who met her gaze.

  Monty heaved a sigh so heavy his shoulders and chest rose, then lowered. “He’s slowly dying.”

  Swallowing hard, she held her breath as she asked the dreaded question. “From what?” Her voice cracked, and sorrow wrapped an icy hand around her soul.

  Her brother set his mug down on the counter and glanced out the window. After a moment, he exchanged a worried look with Monty. “Can I talk to my sister alone for a minute?”

  Monty nodded. “Of course, sir, but don’t lose your temper with her.” Although the words were simple enough, the tone held firmness, a gentle warning, and her heart skipped a beat. He glanced to Anya. “I’m going to check on the master.” His faint smile warmed her, and she smiled back.

  Would my brother believe me if I tried to express how I feel? Doubtful.

  They remained quiet while Monty exited the kitchen. She then again held her breath, waiting for Cade to say something.

  “What the hell were you thinking, Anya?”

  At least I didn’t have to wait long.

  “Last night was very bad. I almost ended up kibble to wolves. As usual, Lance was there to rescue me and brought me here since the rain was coming down hard. I guess I gave him a pretty good scare. A moment longer alone with those werewolves, and I don’t think I would be standing here this morning under that scrutinizing gaze of yours.”

  “I gathered that part. I mean this morning. Anya, you aren’t naïve in regard to Lance’s sexual exploits, though we try not to hold such conversations around you. Mom and Dad would lose their ever-loving minds if they even suspected what has transpired. They’re talking to the Sutters, shipping tycoons, about getting you and Freddie together.”

  “I don’t want Freddie. I don’t want any other guy.” She hung her head and had no clue where to begin. Inhaling deeply, she glanced back to her brother. She knew in her heart that he wanted the best for her. “I always adored Lance, and if I had my way, it’s him I’d have.”

  He sighed and shook his head. “When you were born, I was ten and hated the fact I had a sister, but soon I found it pretty cool, and you became cute and so full of energy. Now, I’d do anything to keep you safe. The same goes for Lance. I was twenty when I was brutally attacked, and owe him my life. Mom and Dad adore him, but don’t particularly care for his overtly sexual lifestyle.”

  “They’ve never held it against him, Cade.”

  “No, but you didn’t end up in his bed before either.”

  Biting her tongue, she decided not to say anything about the bathroom counter or the shower prior to the bed. “I love him.”

  He sighed and stepped toward her. “Christ, Anya, any moron can tell you love him. Hell, I can’t even tell you how long you have or how long I’ve known. It’s not a simple situation.”

  “No, because Lance is dying. Now tell me why.” She resented the fact fat tears filled her eyes, and an invisible grip tightened around her heart at the thought of losing her friend and now lover.

  “He didn’t want you to know. He’s as protective over you as I am.”

  Anger and frustration blended with her fear. “Tell me what the hell is wrong with him.” A rebel tear fell over her lashes, and she quickly brushed it away.

  “He needs to feed. He’s not a convert like me. He was a born a vampire. He may have women share his bed, but he’s never been able to bring himself to feed on one. It’s risky. She could either die or convert, and as much as he may enjoy bedding the women, none of them means enough to keep around. The lady would be tied to him forever.”

  Well, I would . . .

  His dark gaze ran over her face, and his eyes widened. “Hell no! Go get dressed, and wipe that idea from your mind right now. I’ll drive you home.”

  Her brother had no right to read her mind. “I’m not going home. Besides, how do you know what I am thinking?”

  “Because your brother is smart and knows you as well, if not better, than I do.”


  She swung her gaze to the entry of the kitchen and took in the sight. Monty stood just behind his master on the threshold of the kitchen entrance. Lance stepped toward her, his heated gaze raked over her, and he grinned. “You do look lovely in my robe, by the way.”

  She wasn’t sure what to say. He’d had sex with her, he adored her, but . . .

  Her temper kicked up, and her pride took a sting. She folded her arms across her chest. Never once did her gaze waver from the gorgeous blond vampire in a navy robe that reflected the blue of his eyes. “Thanks for the compliment, but what good is it if I’m just like every other woman you’ve fucked?”

  “Oh dear!” Monty let out a low whistle. “I should leave you, sir.”

  “No, you can stay for this talk.” Lance’s blue gaze never once wavered from her.

  Cade ran a hand over his face and picked up his mug. “Anya—”

  “Save it, Cade! I don’t want to hear it.” She shook her head. Her heart ached. Why did she

  think . . . “I’m going to get dressed.” She didn�
�t wait for any of the men to comment, and hurried out of the kitchen. When her foot hit the first stair, she finally allowed tears to fall down her face.

  * * * *

  Lance let out a heavy sigh and glanced to the empty threshold. Seeing how hurt she looked cut through his heart. He darted an unsure look to Cade. “I bet you are ready to kill me.”

  “I admit, knowing she ended up in your bed is not the highlight of my morning.” He frowned. “Why Anya? Women flock around you by the droves.”

  He exchanged a glance with Monty. The butler remained quiet. Lance cleared his throat. “If I simply wanted a fucking, I could have gotten it anywhere, you’re right. Plenty of offers, but they aren’t what I want.”

  The expression on Cade’s face revealed his confusion. “Then why did you have a tryst and God knows what else with Anya?”

  He glanced to Monty. He’d always been there for him and carried wise advice. “Be honest with him, master.”

  Lance focused back on Cade and sighed. “I refuse to bind myself to a woman I have absolutely no feelings for. I deserve more, and lately I’ve considered looking for a permanent to share my life with.”

  Cade blinked in surprise. “You are over six hundred years old and just now debating marriage?” He shook his head and stared up at the ceiling a moment, as if debating, then looked back at him. “Aren’t you getting a little old for this? Besides, could you really go to bed with one woman every night for the rest of your life?”

  “No to being too old, some vampires marry well into their seven hundreds. As to the last question, yes. I love her, Cade.” Lance’s heart tightened. “I have for a very long time, but hold reservations. I would have to feed off the lady I choose. I fear for Anya. Her converting is one thing, but . . .”

  Fear tightened every muscle in his body, and he recalled memories of vampire friends feeding only to have death find the women of their choosing dying in their arms. Some were never the same, and one took his own life at four hundred and forty-three since the woman he believed he would be with for eternity didn’t survive.

  “If she died, my life would be of little regard. Do you understand? I may have life, but my soul would ache. It’s not as if she’s a stranger, and your family would be devastated. I couldn’t do that to you all. When she was a child, your parents let me babysit. When she was a teen, she talked to me about the boys and shopping and—”

  “I know my mother blames you for her expensive and purely decadent fashion choices.”

  His friend made an excellent point. Lance knew he was an incredible dresser with a penchant for designer clothes, come to think of it, designer everything, which explained the decadence of the house and the elegant furnishings.

  Anya would want for nothing.

  He didn’t care if Cade read his thoughts. The words in his mind were more of an assurance to his own soul. “However, I’m also aware that having her older brother a vampire and hanging out with his vampire friend wasn’t an easy feat. Especially since she tried to keep up.”

  Cade grinned finally, then nodded. “She did keep up, and every stupid extreme sport we did, she did too. Her need for adrenaline runs a little high even now.”

  “As much as I fantasized about your sister, Cade, I never meant for what occurred this morning to ever happen. The sex with her was divine. I will spare you the details, though.”

  “I appreciate that. Thank you.” His words were laced with sarcasm, and silence stretched between them. “You can’t do it.” Cade’s gaze held the same awe and grief as his tone. “You can’t take a chance with her, so you’re choosing death.” A faint smile crossed his lips, and understanding reached his eyes. “You won’t risk her life, and for that I also thank you.”

  So many emotions tore through him. “I love her and cherish everything about her.” His chest grew heavy, and his soul ached. “She may be upset with me for quite some time over this.”

  His friend’s expression held sorrow, and he shook his head. “She loves you.” Sighing deeply, he paused. “If you feed, I mean more than a snack, which I am sure has kept you going, how long will you live?”

  A fair question.

  “I’m not a convert like you and Monty, or even Suez. I eventually need a great deal of blood, but I refuse to kill, and I didn’t plan on being bound to a woman. I only want Anya.” Even now, his cock stiffened at the images of his thick erection plummeting into Anya playing in his mind. “I would have another five or six hundred years, maybe longer.”

  Cade stepped closer to where Lance stood near Monty. “I’m going to go and leave you to bring my sister home, but let me say this. You would never give her injuries as I suffered. Also, if Monty or Suez is near, you won’t drain her.”

  His heart picked up speed. “Are you suggesting—”

  “I don’t want to give you my blessing, but you saved my life, and frankly, Lance, if you die, I’m afraid you’ll take a huge part of my sister with you. Plus, I lose my best friend.” He sighed and walked to the threshold of the kitchen, then glanced back. “I’ll leave you to figure it out. Give me a call later and keep me posted on what you decide.”

  Lance’s chest tightened to the point breath became impossible. Having Anya forever would be heaven. Even now, beneath his robe, his cock stood straight and ached to be buried in her mouth while she sucked his seed and swallowed his release. He bit back a groan and thought of the repercussions of feeding on her delicate throat.

  To risk her death wasn’t an option. Last night when he arrived in the clearing as the wolves closed in on her was the most terrifying experience of his life, strange since he no longer had immortality. When she had climaxed the last time this morning and had collapsed against his chest, he had heard the strength of her heartbeat.

  “Are you all right, sir?”

  Monty’s quiet question brought him back into the moment. For three hundred years, he had had Monty’s loyal service. He had been converted later in his life than Cade, but had stood by him through the centuries. The words he had to choke out were the hardest he would ever have to say. “You and Cade are right. I can’t do it. I won’t feed off her.”

  Pain and grief washed over his butler’s face, but in true form, he forced a small smile. “I understand. Will you think about it a little longer before you decide? Since Anya hasn’t come flying down the stairs dressed, wanting to leave, my guess is she is soaking in the tub in the guest room.”

  A valid point. He thought again of her words and the expression on her face. “Would you go check on her, please? Maybe soothe her. Try to help alleviate her anger. Like always, please make sure she wants for nothing.”

  “She is probably naked in a tub big enough to hold four large men, and you want me to go in and talk to her?” He cleared his throat. “I don’t mean to question you, sir, but that does hover on inappropriate.”

  Lance couldn’t resist the smile spreading across his face. “Please keep her modesty in mind.”

  “I would never make her feel anything less than comfortable.”

  “She is probably ready to put a stake through me, so do whatever you need to comfort her.” He patted his faithful servant’s back. “Reassure her she wasn’t just a piece of ass, please, I beg of you.”

  “I will see what I can do.”

  “Now go deal with my angel before she decides to come down here and argue with me.” He admitted silently, though, she became sexier when her fiery temper sparked her eyes. Life—no matter how long—would never be dull with her to share every day.

  “Of course.” Monty nodded and left the room.

  Lance sighed, and exhaustion settled over him. He probably shouldn’t have pushed himself so much this morning, but the very willing Anya was more than he could resist. He glanced at the spread of food, completely untouched, and wondered if he had indeed made the right decision by not risking her life and, in turn, sentencing himself to death.

  * * * *

  “What was I thinking?” Anya groaned, placing the brush on
the expensive vanity counter of the guest bedroom’s large bathroom. She stared at her reflection. “What the hell is Lance thinking?”

  Doesn’t he know I would do anything for him?

  “I think Lance is trying to do what he does best, and that is protecting you.”

  She turned to the entry of the enormous en suite bathroom and noticed Monty leaning against the frame. “Can I say he is being a dumbass?”

  “Only if you let me agree with you, Miss Vermont,” he replied with a grin. He pushed his shoulder from the threshold and stepped toward where she sat on the plush velour stool.

  “Agree all you want.” She wished Lance had come up to check on her, though she was still a little pissed off at him.

  “The master has been stubborn ever since I have known him, when he took me in, nursed me, and gave me a job.” A reminiscent smile and a tender look crossed his face. “He is a good man who helps others whenever possible.”

  Anya’s pride still stung, and she still wasn’t happy with Lance. What good would yelling and screaming do? He obviously didn’t care about her as much as his words proclaimed. Then again, men often said things they didn’t mean while they had their cock buried in you. “Too bad he can’t help himself.”

  “He fears for your safety.” Monty almost sounded convincing—almost. “Do you have everything you need?”

  Anya nodded “Yes, thank you. Where’s Lance?”

  “He’s in the kitchen. He needed some time alone and thought I should check on you.”

  “I don’t want him to die. He tells me how he adores me, then treats me just like every woman he has ruthlessly fucked then discarded.”

  His dark eyes narrowed, and his expression turned to one of displeasure. “You are nothing like the other women. You are so completely different. Don’t ever doubt that.” Sadness clouded his eyes. “Nor do I want death to find him, but there isn’t much we can do.” His hand lifted and gently brushed back her hair from in front of one eye. “Feeding off you is complicated. You could die, and he won’t risk the possibility you won’t survive.”


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