Inferno & The Good Girl:  (Brothers of Devils Comfort MC)

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Inferno & The Good Girl:  (Brothers of Devils Comfort MC) Page 16

by Brair Lake

  For the next hour, we just meander round the countryside, going to no place in particular, ensuring that we are not been followed. When we feel it is clear and that it is safe we head off to meet Sinbad and his brothers.

  Trax, Sundance and Tabby had already delivered the merchandise early on to the prearranged meeting spot, leaving it in the tender loving care of Sundance, Twiggy and Crabby.

  Drawing the bikes off the main road, we head out for about twenty miles.

  “Any problems” I ask when we arrive at the designated spot.

  “Nah, it’s been quiet, Trax and Sundance owe me a couple of hundred dollars”

  “Playing cards on company time now” I laugh

  “Ha, got to do something, its been deadly out here, besides it stopped Sundance from telling us ghost stories , ain’t that right Trax”

  Yeah, after our run in with Boris and his crew, we have finally managed to relax and the banter is helping to calm us.

  The sounds of approaching engines are heard, and before long, the place was filling up with Scarlet Runners.

  After several of us have back slapped each other in greeting we get down to business and Sinbad finally gives his ok to transfer the supplies from our cage to his. Just as the transfer is completed, we become aware of more motorcycles heading our way. Looking at the Scarlet Runners President, he shrugs his shoulders

  “Not mine”

  “None of mine either”, by now we have become alert and have drawn our weapons, ready for whoever is heading in our direction.

  As the bikers come closer, we recognize them as Black County Stewards.

  By now, we have our guns aimed at the bikers; however, they are not intimidated and climb off their bikes, removing their guns, and aim them. Dickheads, do they really think they are going to get away with this.

  “Evening Gentlemen” Boris greets for the second time this evening, walking up to us. As he stands before Sinbad and me, he motions to his men towards the truck

  “We’ll be taking that”

  Looking directly at the truck and not at Boris “I don’t think so”, I reply.

  “Hey now Inferno, you’re the one that doesn’t want us to sell our shit in your territory, so I’ll just take this and pass it on”

  “Don’t think so” this came from Sinbad, who at the same time threw a punch at Boris’s face, causing him to stagger and fall to his knees, by the time the president of Black County Stewards gathers his composure, and looks up, Sinbad and I, both have our guns pointing directly at him

  “Tell your men to back off and get on their bikes and crawl back to that piss hole that they’ve crawled out of.”

  Checking out his options, Boris begins to rise from the ground giving the order.

  Soon the yard is vacant of our unwanted visitors, and as a collective, we all let our breaths out, able to breathe again with ease. Fuck, I need a drink.

  “Stupid fucker, has he got a death wish?” Sinbad mutters

  Watching as the lane clears of bike taillights “That or something, dickhead that he is”

  Slapping once again on the back, Sinbad heads for his Harley. With a cigarette between his lips, the smoke curling up into the night air, his gaze finds mine.

  “Anymore shit like that and I’ll want a discount”

  Understanding what he is saying, I know we need to sort this turf war out, which is on going with Black County Stewards, it is also going to turn dirty.

  Returning to the clubhouse, I call an emergency meeting.

  I am riled up over those bastards and looking for blood.

  “Dec, how the fuck did they know where the meeting was being held?” I demand

  “Don’t have a fuck of an idea, the roads were definitely clear and no one was following us.

  “Linc, Tabby, it looks like we might have a traitor amongst us, find out who. Fudge, get Sinbad and get him to question his men, any shit from him, pass him to me.”

  With a concession of yeses, I am confident that this matter will soon be resolved and who ever supplied the intel, will be dead, no matter which club he belonged to or who he is.

  “No more messing around with the Black Country bastards, we are getting this war settled once and for all, and if it means clearing the charter out, we clear the charter out. I’m fucking fed up of them fucking everything up”

  “Think you need to put it off for a couple of weeks, pres” Sundance pipes up

  “What the fuck, shithead we clear it now”

  “It’s just that it’s Baby Blu’s and Tommy’s hearing next week, and I didn’t think you’d want anything to interfere with that”

  “Fuck, ok, keep things on the quite; just cause a little disturbance ok. Sundance, you got the name of the judge who’s covering the case?”

  “Yep” and with that one answer, he passes a piece of paper over with the details that I require

  Twisting the paper in my hand “How come I’m only just hearing about this”

  Not even rattled, Sundance casually leans back in his chair “Info only cleared this evening”

  Knowing that Baby Blu was not going to be home tonight and that it had been a shit day, I head for the bar and spend the night with my brothers.

  Chapter 22

  This morning I heard from the solicitor, who was representing me in Tommy’s guardianship case, informing me that a final date for Tommy’s hearing has been arranged for next week. On completion of the call, I arranged to take time off from school to attend the hearing.

  Compared to the last six years, my life was finally falling in to place and I was feeling both contented and loved. After the shooting had happened, I had refused to come back to Comfort Springs and I knew this had upset my dad, and placed an unnecessary strain on our relationship, but guilt had eaten at me, over losing Josie and that I had lived.

  When I had first returned, there had been some tension between dad and me, and slowly we have mended the bridge and though our relation has changed, compared to the one when I first moved in with him, it was stronger.

  There has also been a notable change in him, he no longer appears to be as stressed as he was, and I think part of this is having Tommy round. Tommy is getting a good male influence in his life and knows that if he makes a mistake that he will not be on the receiving end of a punch or belt.

  Dad gets another male opinion in the household and they sit for hours talking about sports, cars and music. That was another reason, why I was hesitant about moving in with Inferno. After the hearing, I would need to talk to dad about moving and my relationship with Inferno. Up to now, he has understood; however, I am not sure how he would feel if Inferno and I were to become permanent.

  As I was at a loose end this weekend I dialed Cassie’s number and asked her if she fancied a girly day, date night was approaching and I need to be prepped, which meant having my nails done, waxing and getting my hair done, as well as finding the right outfit. Cassie and I could have done the pampering and toiletries between us, but it was a great way to relax and every girl needs to be spoilt.

  When Saturday rolled round, I dressed in jeans, t-shirt that had a rock band motif on it, jacket and ankle boots. Knowing that I was going dress shopping, I packed a pair of shoes, so that we could check the dress out to its true potential. A tip I had received off Cassie.

  Tommy knew I would not be coming to football practice this morning.

  “No problem, gramps will drive us” Shortly after Christmas, Tommy had dropped the Mr Jenson and had started calling dad, ’Gramps‘. The first time this had happened, my father had been both surprised and delighted. Since then, he is taking on the role of being a grandfather, seriously. Please the boy is fourteen.

  Linc brought Cassie to the clubhouse Saturday morning so that we could go shopping. She too was dressed casually, in jeans, a vest top, jacket and black boots that had tassels round the ankles.

  “Come girl lets go get beautiful” linking her arm in mine, Cassie drags me away from Inferno’s arms and kisses

  “Spoilsport” I mutter to her, having enjoyed the kisses that Inferno was laying on me. When we reach the door to leave, I turn round and blow a kiss to Inferno, which Fudge intercepted, and places it over his own heart. Inferno laughing swipes his hand across Fudges head and returns my kiss, which I catch on my fingers and place on my lips.

  “Shit girl, grow up”

  “Hey” I tease her “I’m still in post clitoral state”

  Rolling her eyes “Too much info, but do tell me more”

  Hugging Cassie, I pull her towards the car. After losing Josie, I was not to sure if I would want another bestie, but Cassie has clawed her way into my heart and I am thankful for it. She has helped my transition in to the MC and with her help; we manage to keep the club whores and the club in order.

  By the time we are finished at the spa and bought our outfits, this time I’d bought a short black dress that was very modest in the upstairs department, but scandalous on the bottom half, the base of the skirt was a panel of large netting of material , that again just covered my ass. This time I had bought matching black bra and thong, silk nude tights and silver strappy sandals, with three inch heals. Thinking about this, its hard to believe that six months ago I wouldn’t have been caught dead in them, put I know my man likes to see me dress this way, and only for him and only on date night.

  It was late afternoon when we arrive at the restaurant for a late lunch early dinner. I order salmon, Cassie ordered steak, and we both went for baked potato and a selection of vegetables. As the waiter returns with our drinks, Cassie going for wine, I went for a Scarlet lady. Taking a closer look at Cassie and from her posture to the way her face is set, I could tell she was stressed.

  “Everything OK Cassie”

  With a far off look, she just nods, reaching my hand across the table. Taking hers in mine.

  “Talk to me, it will help.”

  “No it won’t”

  “It does Cassie, just talking about it, sometimes brings things into prospective”

  Taking a deep breath and a mouthful of her wine, “Linc and I are trying for a baby”

  “That’s great”

  Shaking her head and looking at our hands entwined “No its not, we’ve been trying for a year and nothing”

  With another swallow of her wine “Three months ago I did some research on the net, bought a thermometer and chart, worked out when was the best time for us to have sex in the hope of getting pregnant.”

  Giving her the time, she needs to collect her thoughts, before I say anything.

  “Sex used to be fun, I loved sex, now I hate it. Linc finds excuses so that he doesn’t have to fuck or make love”

  “His words, “I’m not a fucking stud horse Cassie” There’s been a couple of times he hasn’t come home”

  Listening, I am not sure what to say, Cassie and Linc seemed a strong couple. I wondered if Linc has said anything to Inferno about his home situation. With this thought, I then wonder if Inferno has mention to the guys that I will not move in with him.

  Bring my mind back to the present problem on the table and latching on to her last statement “You don’t think he’s screwing behind your back?”

  There was a look of pure horror in my direction “NO!”

  “Fuck he wouldn’t,” she mumbles under her breath now a little unsure of herself.

  Shit, I wish I had not mentioned it; obviously, the thought had not crossed her mind until then.

  With another firm shake of her head “No, he’s not cheating on me, I’d smell it, if he was, those skanks smell cheep”

  With a sad smile and a squeeze to my hand, “No, he hasn’t cheated on me Baby Blu”

  Our waiter brings our food to our table, with another round of drink.

  “We’re going for tests on Monday, to find out if there’s anything wrong”

  “Dam it, Baby Blu; I don’t know how I’ll take it if we can’t have children, its one of the things I’ve always wanted, two girls and a boy. A boy to protect my girls as they grow up. The girl to protect my boy and warn him all about the evil that girls can and will do to him.”

  With all my training as a councilor, I have no idea what to say to my friend and this makes me feel useless and inadequate.

  Gripping her fingers “No matter what the doctor says, I’ll be here for you, even if it’s just for you to rant and rave at, OK.”

  With a weak smile “OK.”

  Thinking what I could do to cheer Cassie up I make a decision.

  “Hey, why don’t we blow the guys off to night and go clubbing, a girls night out”

  Wiping the tears away with a tissue that had been falling, “Yeah, I’d like that.”

  Since returning to Comfort Springs the only places I have ever been for a night out was either the Clubhouse or the Dance Club with Inferno, date nights were always private, nowhere public.

  As I was getting ready to go out, feeling great in the outfit, I have picked, which is dissimilar to what I would wear for Inferno or at the clubhouse, but it was still sexy as hell. We were going out dancing, not to hook up with other men, but that did not mean we could not dance with other men if asked.

  Inferno had rung a couple of times, but I had ignored his calls, just sending him a quick text - Will meet you later

  The club that we had chosen was busy and as the night drew on, Cassie got a little drunker, we flirted with a couple of guys, but I had no intention of cheating on Inferno, only he had the power to turn me on and when anybody else touched me it left me cold.

  Towards the end of the night, my phone started to vibrate

  Where the fucks are you?

  Dancing x


  At a club xx

  Is Cassie with you?

  Yeah and we’re having fun xxx

  You have all the fun you want baby because when you get home you are getting your ass spanked xx

  Promise xxx

  Just tell me where you are, Linc is getting frustrated

  Texting him the address, Inferno shortly appears, he must have broken all of the speed limits in the time it has taken him to reach the club.

  When the boys arrived, we are dancing with a couple of white-collar workers, considering the look on Inferno and Linc’s face, means that we are in trouble. It is time for me to flirt with my man and get him into a good mood.

  The club has a no jeans policy, yet some how and I was not going to ask, they both still had on their cut and jeans.

  “Hi, baby” I whisper flinging my arms round his neck, kissing him on the chin”

  Pulling me close, he slaps my ass, “You are in big trouble girl, never do this again without letting me know where you are”

  “I told you I’d see you later, and here we are, seeing each other”

  Kissing my ear, “You won’t be sitting down for a week baby if you don’t start behaving”

  Giving him a big wet sloppy kiss, I grind a little closer to him.

  “Come let’s get out of here” I have already forgotten about the guy who I was dancing with, I was in the arms of the man I wanted and loved.


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