SHIFTED: The midnight series

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SHIFTED: The midnight series Page 19

by Toni Goode

  “You’ll always have my friendship Bree but like I said before and I stand behind it, he doesn’t deserve you.” He said with a soft smile.

  “He’s really trying, you know.” Briana said honestly as Steele laughed a bit sarcastically.

  “Yeah trying to be an ass.” He laughed as John stood up now. Just let it be John. Her thoughts filled John’s head. “Your friend is cute though, single?” Steele smiled, and Briana couldn’t help but laugh now. “What?” He smirked.

  “She is single, but she is also human, and she can’t know about us.” Briana began, and Steele rolled his eyes.

  “Oh boy he is already rubbing off on you. Look at you being, all on the straight and narrow.” He rolled his eyes playfully. “But I won’t say anything, scouts honor.” He grinned.

  “I bet you were never a scout Steele.” Briana laughed some. Are those drinks ready yet? Johns words filled her head and she sighed as the bartender put their shots on the counter.” We should go back and drink these up.” She grabbed two and so did he.

  “You know I am always there for you right Bree?” he said seriously as he looked at her.

  “I know, and I appreciate that.” She smiled at him. “Emma seems to have a crush.” She added as Steele grinned.

  “I may have to investigate that.” He grinned as they got to the table and Emma smiled big as Steele handed her a shot. “What shall we drink to?” He began, and John downed his shot before they made a toast.

  Briana looked at John who quickly wiped his mouth. “I need another one.” He said as he got up quick and Briana huffed,

  “I will be right back.” She said as he downed the shot.

  “And then there was two.” Steele grinned at Emma. “To new friends. “He began.

  “And new adventures.” Emma smirked as they both downed their drink.

  Briana got up to John who was waiting on another shot already. “I’m fine. I don’t want to talk about it or think about it.” He said with annoyance, but Briana took his arm anyway.

  “Do you not believe that I love you? Would you feel better if I shouted it?” She said with a smirk.

  “I would feel better if you moved in with me.” He said quickly as the bartender put his shot on the counter and Briana ordered a pitcher of beer and four glasses.

  “You know you make it seem like its just this cut and dry thing.” She said honestly, and he sighed.

  “It can be.” He looked at her.

  “I will think about it.” She smiled some and he rolled his eyes now.

  “Your killing me.” He said with a sigh as the bartender brought over the pitcher and John grabbed it as Briana grabbed the cups.

  As they neared the table Emma was all smiles as she quickly got up and walked over to Briana. “Bathroom run, come with me.” She said with a grin and Briana had really missed Emma. She placed down the glasses and then she looked at John. Behave yourself. Her thoughts filled his head as she walked to the bathroom with Emma.

  “So, twenty years of friendship is gone like that?” Steele said as he began pouring beers into the glasses.

  John looked at him. “Depends on how you act tonight I suppose.” He said dryly, and Steele rolled his eyes at him.

  “I never saw you this worked up over a girl. Hell, if I remember correctly back in the 90’s we had the time of our lives with the twins in Vegas.” Steele said seriously. “I think we even got them mixed up too. Brand and Sandy, I think.”

  “No, it was Kat and Carol.” John said quickly as Steele looked at him.

  “I think your right because Kat only wanted to be called Kitty.” Steele smirked.

  “She kept on meowing that night. “John shuddered at the memory.

  “No, it was a purr man, she was definitely purring.” Steele laughed some and then John did. “Those were some crazy nights.” He shook his head.

  “I’m too old for all that shit now. I just want life to slow down a bit.” John said honestly.

  “Yeah you are pretty old, your about to hit that great big 100.” Steele said as they sipped their beers.

  “Yeah don’t remind me.” John said honestly.

  Briana looked at herself in the mirror as Emma went into one of the stalls. She wondered if she looked any different to Emma. How was she possibly going to be able to hide this from her. You could put everyone’s lives in danger if you tell her. Johns words filled her mind and she huffed.

  “So, tell me everything you know about Steele.” Emma began as she was in the stall.

  “I see you two are hitting it off.” Briana said quickly, and she wondered if she should even sell the idea of Steele to Emma because she wasn’t sure if they would even be able to hang out considering him being a wolf and all. A rogue one at that.

  “He is super-hot Bree. I mean is this town full of like super-hot guys or what?” She said as she got out of the stall and looked at Briana. “I can kind of see why you would stay even though I am still pissed at you, by the way I meant to ask you what Steele meant earlier about John being engaged?”

  Briana sighed, she had hoped that Emma would have forgotten all about what Steele had said but she should have known better. “What? Nothing.” Briana said quickly, and Emma got in front of her now.

  “Don’t tell me that he is engaged Bree?” Emma said in shock and Briana sighed heavily.” Oh my god Bree, no. absolutely no!” She snapped angrily. “You did not give up everything for this guy who is engaged!”

  “Listen it’s not even like that.” Briana began but she knew that anyway she said this it would seem bad.

  “Really? I’m waiting, how is it not like that.” Emma stood and waited for an answer.

  “He is going to break it off with her.” Briana said quickly, and Emma rolled her eyes. “No, he really is, he just can’t do it right now and he didn’t want to marry her anyways!” Briana said quickly. Careful, Briana. She could hear John warn her and she huffed loudly.

  Just get out of my head for one damn second! Her words filled his head. Briana looked at Emma. “It’s complicated.” She finally said as Emma rolled her eyes.

  “Your better than this Bree, I don’t care how hung up you are on the guy.” Emma said seriously.

  “I don’t want to talk about it anymore.” Briana said honestly as Emma got close to her.

  “You deserve someone who chooses you and only you Bree.” Emma said softly. “I know Chris messed you up, but I didn’t think it was this bad.”

  “I don’t want to talk about Chris. He’s not even in the same category as John!” Briana began to get loud. She felt her blood pressure rising. It was getting hot in there. Briana calm down. Don’t get yourself riled up. John warned.

  “Yeah well one asshole doesn’t make another asshole ok.” Emma said, and Briana felt her head starting to pound.

  “Oh shit.” John got up as he looked at Steele. “This isn’t good.” He said as he ran for the bathroom and before he got there he heard a loud scream as Steele ran over with him. John swung open the bathroom door and saw a completely freaked out Emma who was yelling out and there was Briana in her wolf form as she growled and showed her teeth.

  “What the hell!” Emma yelled out and then she fell back as she passed out. Steele caught her before she hit the floor.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Briana growled and then quickly backed up as she hit into the wall. She had watched Emma fall to the ground as Steele caught her. She felt out of control and John was coming over to her, but her skin hurt so bad and she shook her head as John came closer.

  “Briana just breathe, everything is ok.” John said as he walked over to her, but she felt like she couldn’t breathe in there. The room seemed so small, she needed to get out. She watched Steele pick up Emma and she felt the overwhelming urge to run. She needed to run, and she saw an opening in the door as she took off for it. She could hear John yelling for her as she crashed into the wall and then skidded as she ran for the exit.

  “Shit!” John said as he ran out of the b

  “She is bad ass.” Steele said with a laugh.

  “Shut up and get her back to my place” John tossed him the keys to the car and his place as he ran after Briana.

  Briana ran until she felt her legs start to give out. Her mind screamed at her to stop and she finally forced herself to stop as she got to the water’s edge and collapsed into it.

  John ran up to her in his wolf form as he watched her change back to her human form. She laid half in and half out of the water as he quickly shifted and ran to her. He picked her up in his arms as she panted. “Jesus Briana you can’t do that, you scared the shit out of me.” He said as looked at her.

  “I had to get out of there. I almost wanted to hurt her.” She said out of breath. “Is she ok?”

  “Yeah she is. We have to work on your control.” He said seriously.

  “Do you hate me?” She looked up at him with heavy eyes, now she was exhausted, but she also wanted something else. She wanted him as she reached up and touched his face. She was quickly beginning to realize that her wolf side always left her completely lustful.

  “No Briana I don’t hate you.” He said as he sighed, and she wrapped her hands around his neck and she kissed him, softly at first and then more urgently. John pulled back as he looked at her.

  “I need you.” She pulled his mouth to hers again as he kissed her hungrily now. Soon he had them on the ground and he was entering her fast and swift as she cried out. Clawing against his back he groaned as thrust into her and then she was grabbing hold of him as she rolled them until she was on top of him.

  His hands went to her hips as she rode against him until they were both finding their release. Afterwards they laid on the ground as John ran his fingers up and down her back. “We really need to get back.” He said honestly as she sighed.

  “I really messed up.” She said with worry. She hadn’t meant to turn in front of Emma, but she couldn’t help herself and something took over her when she felt threatened. She felt out of control and it scared her.

  “Yeah you kind of did.” John said honestly as she lifted her head up and looked at him. “I’m already on the council’s shit list so its not like this is going to make it much worse.” He said lightly, and she sat up now.

  “Damn it we have no clothes again.” She huffed as she sat there.

  “Yep and I actually liked my jeans.” John smirked, and she hit his arm playfully.

  “I need to work on control.” She said as she stood.

  “Yes, you do, you know I could help you with that.” He said as he stood up now and ran a hand through his hair.

  “And let me guess it would be easier to do that if I moved in?” She rolled his eyes at him.

  He playfully smacked her ass and then pulled her closer as her body became flushed with his. She couldn’t help the moan that left her mouth. “Control is a good thing Briana, it keeps you from losing your head.” He brushed a piece of her hair back and she smiled lazily at him.

  “Can we do it naked?” She smirked and now John rolled his eyes.

  “We can do anything naked, hell if you move in with me you don’t ever have to wear clothes again.” He kissed her lips softly.

  “I like you naked.” She bit his bottom lip and he groaned deep as she let go of it.

  “The feeling is mutual, trust me.” He captured her lips once more before pulling back. “But we need to check on your friend and come up with a plan that doesn’t involve death for us all.” John said quickly.

  “Well since you say it that way.” She smirked as she took his hand and they headed back to his place.

  They got to John’s place and saw the living room light on. “Wait here.” He said as he quickly made his way into the house. Steele was in the Livingroom with Emma who sat on the couch with her legs crossed and a drink in her hand. She looked completely freaked out as she looked at him.

  “Oh my god.” She finally said as she covered her face from his nude body.

  “Nice John. Maybe get some clothes on.” Steele said as John shook his head with annoyance and then a loud crash was heard upstairs and they both looked up.

  “Sorry, just me breaking in.” Briana yelled as John quickly made his way upstairs only to find Briana standing in one of the guest rooms. “Sorry it was quicker than waiting for you to avert all the eyes.” She said with a smirk. “But she isn’t screaming so that is a good sign.”

  “She looked absolutely freaked out. Probably in shock.” John said honestly as he ran a hand through his hair. “I should get you something to wear.”

  “Yeah you would think that I would eventually remember to bring an extra pair of clothes with me. This is going to be an expensive lifestyle.” She smirked.

  “Well if you plan better it wouldn’t be so bad.” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Yeah I’m going to work on that.” She said with a shake of her head.

  “Come on let’s see what I got in my room.” He said as he walked her down the hall and then into his bedroom. She was actually kind of shocked that he was letting her in there. “It’s not like its your first time in here.” He said as he looked at her and she swallowed hard. Busted, she thought as she stood there. “You do know that we have an impeccable ability to smell, right? Oh, and you know that little thing where we can read each other’s minds.” He rolled his eyes.

  “I wasn’t snooping.” She began. “Ok maybe I was but I was just curious.” She said with embarrassment for getting caught.

  “All you ever have to do is ask me and I will tell you anything.” He said honestly as he grabbed one of his t-shirts and a pair of shorts for her.

  “Thanks.” She said as she put them on quick and he got dressed too. Her eyes kept glancing at the wedding picture and he looked at her and then at the dresser where the picture was. “She was very pretty.” She said quickly.

  “Yeah she was.” He said honestly. “And just so you know, you’re not a replacement for her. “He said, and her eyes got wide. He had heard everything that she had been thinking. “I’m kind of irritated that Michael told you that and I’m a little irritated that you believed it.” He said honestly.

  “I mean, listen I didn’t fully believe it.” She began as he looked at her. “Ok maybe a little but it’s only because of how she looks.” She said quickly, and he rolled his eyes.

  “I don’t limit my particular tastes to hair color Briana. You could be bald, and I would still be just as attracted to you.” He said quickly.

  “Oh, I doubt that, I would look hideous.” She smirked now as the mood lightened.

  He walked over to her and put his hand on her arm. “You need to stop thinking so much and ask me if you question something Briana. This is new for me too and I mean it when I said that I have never felt this way about anymore and yes that includes Kate.” He said honestly, and Briana couldn’t help but swallow hard. “So maybe Clara is right about this soul bound thing.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head.

  “I don’t ever want this to go away.” She said as she fell into his hug. He felt like home.

  “I love you Briana.” He said as she pulled her head back from his chest.

  “I love you too.” She said as he leaned down and kissed her lips softly.

  “We really need to check on your friend.” John said as Briana smiled nervously.

  “She is going to hate me.” She sighed.

  “I seriously doubt that, but we need to make sure she is ok.” John said seriously as they went downstairs.

  Emma was still on the couch sipping a drink as they walked in the room. “I explained to Emma what had happened and as you can see she is a bit confused.” Steele said as he stood up.

  “How much did you tell her Steele?” John asked with concern.

  Emma spoke before Steele did. “I’m a smart girl. I was able to put one and one together.” She said as they all looked at her. They were a bit surprised that she was being as calm as she was. “Now I’m not saying that I understa
nd how any of this works, but I ran into a lot of crazy things before I ended up here and I thought a lot of it was fake but now.” Her voice trailed as she sipped her drink.

  “I’m sorry, I know this is all confusing and scary.” Briana began as Emma put the cup down. “I wouldn’t have hurt you, I promise you that.”

  “So, let me guess this right.” Emma took a deep breath as she looked at them. “You are wolves, all of you?” She began as they nodded their head. “And that club I went to that had all the weirdos with fangs, well that was real too?” She swallowed hard.

  “What club?” John interjected quickly.

  “Just a club I ended up going into. It was called the Double D, or something like that.” She said with a shake of her head.

  “You went to the Double D Club? And you talked to people there?” John was feeling his blood pressure rising as she shook her head quickly.

  “They were the ones who pointed me in this direction. There was an old dude there. I think his name was Jacob or something like that, but he offered to help me.” She said quickly as John began to pace back and forth. “Why is there something wrong?” Emma said with concern. “He said he wanted to help me.”

  “John what is going on. Isn’t that the club that you went to when you were looking for those damn fangers that killed Kate?” Steele said as John felt his blood begin to boil.

  “John what is it? Who is Jacob?” Briana said as Johns thoughts began to go crazy.

  “Just give me a second to process this!” John snapped as he looked at Emma. “Did he say anything to you? Anything else?” John was nearly frantic now as Emma shook her head.

  “Your freaking me out man, he’s not about to turn into a wolf, is he?” Emma pulled her legs closer to her body as Briana walked over to her and she jumped some.

  “John your freaking her out. Just get him out of here for a second.” Briana said to Steele who went over to John.

  “Don’t touch me!” John snapped at Steele. “Did he or did he not say anything to you?” John growled deep as he spoke.


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