ROMANCE: Badass Boss (Billionaire Alpha Bad Boy Romance) (Western Mail Order Bride Calendar Contemporary)

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ROMANCE: Badass Boss (Billionaire Alpha Bad Boy Romance) (Western Mail Order Bride Calendar Contemporary) Page 12

by Susan Fleming

  She was afraid. This could go wrong in so many different ways. She didn't even know this man. Yet. While he was late, he showed up and apologized and that went a long ways for showing him as an honorable man. She appreciated a man who could apologize.

  “I would like to have dinner with you tonight. Bettina agreed to cook for us. Will you eat with me?” he asked her.

  “Okay, we can do that,” Julie told him as she looked up, really getting a good look at him.

  He looked tired, but that didn't detract from his rugged good looks. She understood that as a doctor, he had a responsibility to his patients, so she wasn't really mad at him for not showing up, at least he showed up now.

  “You're younger looking than I thought you would be,” he told her. He knew she was young, but she looked much younger than her nineteen years. Normally girls living in rugged environments aged quickly, yet her youthful appearance wasn't marred by hard work.

  “And your bigger and bushier than I thought you would be, so I guess we’re even,” she retorted and then gave him a quirky half smile.

  Marshal looked at her for a minute, then started to laugh. “Saucy aren't you?”

  “I can be, that's what happens when you're the oldest of ten,” she told him and then smiled at him. “I'm not mad at you, I'm just nervous about the whole thing. I traveled over a thousand miles to come marry a stranger. I would be nervous no matter what, so please don't take it personally.” Julie patted his arm to reassure him.

  “I understand, and even once we are married, I am willing to give you the time you need to acclimate yourself to being married. I won't push you. I'm not that kind of man to make demands at the expense of my woman's health, emotional or otherwise,” he told her, and then put his hat back on his head. “I need to go nap, I was up all night delivering that baby, and I'll be back in time for dinner. I just didn't want to leave you here not knowing what happened.”

  “Thank you,” Julie said, appreciating his honesty. He seemed like a good guy so far, she hoped it would work out well for both of them. They were both taking a risk on each other, it wasn't just her that was putting herself out there on a limb for a stranger. He was too.

  Chapter 4

  Getting To Know Each Other

  Julie put the pink dress back on, it fit her like it had been made for her, and she had never felt more beautiful. Bettina had helped her style her hair, piling the blond curls on her head with pins, framing her delicate face.

  She sat in her room, with the meat, veggies and bread sitting on two plates, the wine pitcher in between the two place settings with the empty cups waiting. A knock on the door and she relaxed a little, she hadn't realized she was worried he'd stand her up again until she was worried he was late.

  “Come in,” she called and then stood up as he walked in the room, she smoothed her hands on her dress, trying not to show how nervous she really was. She'd been looking forward to this, getting to know him. She was looking forward to being married and really felt like she was doing the right thing, even though being a mail ordered bride wasn't really the norm, but a girl had to do what a girl had to do.

  He walked over and stared at her, looking down at her, he towered above her head, making her feel tiny. She blinked up at him and then gave him a big smile.

  “Hungry?” She asked, trying to sound cheerful, not wanting to let her previous fears a moment before show. Acting insecure wasn't an attractive trait, she focused on smiling at him and getting to know him. Those were the important things right now.

  “Starving, smells good. Do you know how to cook? It doesn't matter if you don't, I can cook, believe it or not,” he asked her as he sat down and poured the wine for both of them.

  “I can cook, sew, and I can even butcher a pig if you really need me too. I also can ride horses, do basic book keeping, and I almost know the entire bible by heart,” she replied as she reached out and grabbed the bread and put a small bite in her mouth. “I can also bake, and I don't mind doing volunteer work, or if you need help with your doctoring. I also know some basic first aid and I've delivered my share of cow babies.”

  “Sounds like you've had your share of life experiences already,” Marshal told her as he cut his meat and put a bite in his mouth. He closed his eyes for a moment and enjoyed the bites of meat. He was hungry.

  “I've helped deliver four of my younger siblings, including the one born right before I came here on the train, so if you need help, I'm not squeamish,” she told him and continued to eat her meal, feeling content. He was relaxing to talk too, for a man as large and burly as him. She'd have expected him to be more intimidating, but he didn't scare her.

  “So you understand what happens between married couples I take it,” he asked her as he swiped some of the bread and put it into his mouth.

  “Yes, I get the gist, it's hard not too when you live in a three room house with more than ten people. There's no privacy, and we don't really talk about those things in details, as my parents considered it fairly private, but we got the gist,” she admitted, blushing at the idea of talking about sex and intimacy.

  “Are you prepared for the intimate relations once we are married?” Marshal asked her bluntly. “I find you attractive, and as I said earlier, I'm willing to wait as long as you need, but if you're up for it, I'd like to have our wedding night be a real wedding night.”

  Julie was drinking her wine and choked, the image of them naked together against white sheets danced in her head. She coughed hard, and glanced up at him through the watering of her eyes.

  He reached over and slapped her on the back, “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, sorry,” she muttered as she cleared her throat from the wine going down the wrong pipe.

  “Was the idea that shocking? Or?” He asked her as he leaned back and watched her, his expression bland.

  “No, the opposite to be exact, I have a good imagination, and... yeah, let us just leave it there and not talk about it anymore,” Julie said and then met his gaze as the blush went up her neck, cheeks and even turned the tip of her ears red.

  “So, you don't find the idea of the marriage bed distasteful?” he asked her to clarify.

  “No, I know that it's for producing children, but I also know my mother told me that it can be fun just for the sake of it. I wouldn't know since I saved myself for marriage, but the idea of it doesn't offend me, or scare me. I know logically the first time can be painful, but after that it shouldn't hurt anymore,” Julie wanted to impress him with knowledge, hoping that she'd seem worldly and more educated than she was, despite her innocence.

  “I find you beautiful, despite how young you appear on the surface. Your descriptions didn't do you justice, and your energy makes me smile. I think things will work out between us, I think we'll get along famously. I work long hours sometimes, and if you don't mind getting your hands dirty, I'll pay for you to train as a nurse so you can assist me eventually, but after we celebrate being married for a while first,” he told her, but the more he thought about her helping him, the more it seemed like a good idea. He could use an extra set of hands around, and she seemed eager to help.

  “I don't find you unappealing either. I also think what you do is an honorable profession. We need good men in this world, and helping others is a good thing,” she said and then placed her hand over his, smiling at him.

  “So, tell me about your horse?” Marshal changed the subject, thinking about sex with her made it hard to sit here and stare at her across the small table and not reach out and touch her. He could smell her lavender scent and it was hard not to kiss her, but he promised he wouldn't rush her, and he knew that she was the type to wait for marriage.

  She deserved to wait for marriage and be treated respectfully. He owed her that. Keeping it simple was the goal tonight.

  “I'll miss her, I raised her from birth, taught her everything she knew. I loved working with the animals on my farm, especially baby animals. I want you to tell me more about you, we have our whole life
ahead of us to learn intimate details, but what about the regular childhood ones?” Julie said, leaning forward, eager to get to know her new husband-to-be better.

  “I'm the youngest of four children, all boys. My mom died in childbirth with our little sister when I was a few years old. If we'd have had a doctor around, she might have lived. It's what made me decide to be a doctor. I always wished I'd been able to save her, and because of that experience, I have saved many women and children since I've become a doctor,” he told her and finished his meal then leaned back to visit with her.

  “What do your older brothers do?” she asked curiously, and didn't focus on the death part of what he shared. She appreciated that he shared it though, it gave her insight into his wiring.

  “One's in the military, one's a priest, and the other is a cowboy and has his own ranch down in Texas. We aren't in contact much anymore, we're sort of spread all out and it's a little too far to get together for family reunions. We send letters sometimes,” he replied and then checked his pocket watch. It was getting late. He hadn't realized that spending time with her would make the time pass so quickly.

  “I should be letting you rest. It's getting late, and we will have plenty of time after we are wed to talk about anything you want,” Marshal told her.

  “I appreciate your honesty. I also appreciate that you'll let me assist you. I hate sitting idle, and I want to be useful. I appreciate that you can find a use for me besides just being your wife,” she told him and then walked him to the door.

  Julie put her hand on his arm and stopped him before he left the room, leaning up on her tip toes, she pressed a gentle kiss to his mouth.

  Freezing, Marshal wasn't prepared for her to kiss him and it shocked him. He crushed her in a bear hug and kissed her back, his beard tickling her cheeks and face as his warm lips pressed against her small delicate ones. Placing one large hand on the back of her head, the other held the small of her back as he kissed her.

  Julie felt the tingles all the way to her toes, realizing that kissing felt pretty good, and she liked him. It was her first real kiss, and it had far surpassed her expectations. She'd been worried it would be sloppy and wet and gross, but he tasted like wine, and when his tongue plunged into her mouth and dominated her tongue, she melted against him.

  After a few minutes, Marshal pushed her away, he was breathing hard and Julie brought her fingers up to her swollen lips. Her heart was beating in her chest, feeling like she'd just run a mile without stopping.

  “I should leave,” Marshal told her as he stared down at her, trying to tear himself away and not let himself give in to temptation.

  “Okay,” Julie nodded, understanding that he cared for her reputation and her honor, though at the same time she wished he would keep kissing her.

  “We will be married soon enough. Bettina is going to help you get your wedding dress altered to fit you, let her know in the morning that you are ready,” Marshal leaned down and placed one smaller kiss to her forehead before leaving her for the night.

  Julie watched him go and then went and laid down on her bed, the knot in her stomach leaving her feeling like something was missing, with an ache that wouldn't go away. She didn't know how to fix it.

  Chapter 5

  The Marriage

  The week went by quickly, and she was walking down the aisle in the small church in the lace and pearl wedding gown. It covered her from her neck to the bottom of her toes, and she almost tripped on the train, she was having to walk carefully.

  There were a few people in the pews, people who knew Marshal, but she didn't recognize anyone but Bettina. Julie made it down to the priest who was there to wed them, and had expected to feel more nervous than she did. She got there and put her small hand in Marshal's and looked up at him and smiled.

  He gave her a wink and then turned towards the priest. The vows and wedding went quickly. There wasn't a lot of fanfare, but it would be a day she always remembered. Marshal pressed a kiss to her lips when the priest announced he could kiss the bride, and it was chaster than Julie would have liked.

  She'd decided she wanted to see what being married was actually like, and the first goal was to get him home and get out of their wedding clothes. They had a small reception with food in the other room. It went by in a quick blur, the multiple glasses of wine made everything kind of blur together, and in the end, when he finally helped her out to the horse and buggy, she was giggling.

  “Everything okay?” He asked her looking concerned when he saw how tipsy she was.

  “Perfect,” She grinned at him and hung on his arm.

  Marshal gave Julie a once over and then pulled the glass of alcohol out of her hand that she was still holding that he hadn't seen at first.

  “I think you've had enough of that, let's get you back to my house and you're going to have a killer hangover in the morning.” He gave a small chuckle as he urged the horses on and they started the ride back to their home together.

  Julie leaned against him and put her hand on his leg, having grown accustomed to spending time with him the last week, being near him, his smell. She wanted to be closer and was actually looking forward to tonight.

  They pulled down the long drive to his house as the sun was setting. He pulled around the back and unhitched the horses and took them into the barn. When he got back to the front, he saw Julie standing there just staring at the horizon, looking at the mountains, her face aimed at the sunset. The last of the sun with the red tint reflected off her blond hair and shadowed her face, giving her an innocent, sweet look.

  Walking up behind her, Marshal wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against his chest and rested his chin on the top of her head.

  “This is beautiful,” she told him, in awe as the sky changed colors from pink and red to purple and dark blue as the moon and stars started to come out in the sky.

  “Not as beautiful as you are,” Marshal turned her in his arms and kissed her, pressing his lips against hers and then picked her up and carried her into the house.

  He took her to the bedroom and set her down, sliding her against his body and started working on the hundreds of small buttons down the back of her wedding dress, to help her out of it. Inch by inch he revealed her under garments until the dress was off and she stood in front of him in her corset and silk shift.

  He unlaced the corset and helped her out of it and touched her arms softly, rubbing them up and down as he pressed gently ticklish kisses to her neck and cheeks, his beard rubbing against her tender skin.

  “I'm ready for this Marshal, you don't need to be scared or hold back, I want you too,” Julie told him, urging him, working on the buttons and suspenders on his clothes, trying to get him naked.

  When she got his shirt off, she saw the hair matted across his chest and ran her fingers over it and through it playfully, enjoying the texture of it. She pulled on his pants, trying to get them off, and then realized he was working her shift down her body until she stood before him completely naked.

  Subconsciously, she went to cover herself.

  “Don't do that Julie, you are beautiful, there's no reason to be shy between us. We are man and wife before God, let's enjoy our wedding night.” He grabbed her hand and guided her over to his bed. He'd bought new sheets and a new mattress for tonight to make the bed more comfortable for her, to make tonight better.

  Julie sat on the edge of the bed and watched him strip off the rest of his clothes before pulling back the covers of the bed and climbed into the bed, he patted the spot next to him and Julie scooted over and let him put the covers over her.

  His hands started to wander under the covers as Julie snuggled up to him. Her fingers tangled in his chest hair, and she pressed gentle kisses to his shoulder, enjoying the feel of his skin against her lips.

  When one of his large hands found her breast and cupped it, squeezing it, Julie let out a little giggle and then a moan as he started to play with her nipples and rubbing the rough palm over her ski

  She put her leg over his leg and rubbed it back and forth, his hairy legs were a contrast to her silky smooth legs and when his hands crawled down her belly to touch the hair between her legs, she pushed herself against his hand. She liked the way he touched her, stroking her, his fingers brushing back the hair and spreading the skin to touch her moist heat and sensitive nub hidden by the dark blond curls.

  Marshal stroked Julie until she was panting and moaning over and over against his mouth and her hips were grinding up against him, wanting more. When he brought her to the first shuddering release with his fingers, he captured the cry of her release out against his mouth, his tongue stroking between her lips.

  “I'm going to take you now, I need you to relax to keep it from hurting, I'll try to be careful,” he whispered as he climbed between her legs and position his hard cock against her slippery opening.

  “Okay, I trust you,” Julie told him, wrapping her arms around him, and spread her legs wide, liking the way his weight felt when he pressed her against the bed, supporting most of it on his hands to keep from squishing her completely.


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