Appetite of a Vampire [Vampire Love and Lust 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Appetite of a Vampire [Vampire Love and Lust 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 13

by Dani April

  The dress fell to the carpeting. She stood before him. She raised her chin proudly and let him stare at her. She wore only her bra and white cotton panties. Reaching behind her back, she felt for the clasp between her shoulder blades. When she had it in hand, the bra fell away, revealing her painfully erect nipples to the lamplight of his small office.

  No longer able to resist her, he merely stared. His mind told her what he saw. She was beautiful and all he had ever wanted. His trousers bulged out at the crotch. Not waiting to give him a chance to say no, she fell to her knees below him and took control of the fly of his pants. A buzz sounded in the silence of the office as she lowered his zipper. After a bout of fumbling with his shorts, she let free his cock. Springing to life in front of her eyes, the swollen muscle pointed straight in the air. She took it in her hand and then into her mouth. Above her, he groaned as she went to work on him. Taking him to the brink several times with her tongue bath, she was able to force him down and make him wait.

  His hands were on her now. They nestled in her hair and insisted that she continue. A steady rhythm developed between them. He was moving his hips in time to the suction from her lips. Reading every one of the thoughts flashing through his mind at the speed of light, she knew what she was making him feel and could almost feel it with him, so closely had she locked her mind onto his. Fear would enter his mind each time she would draw him to the verge of climax, and she would back off, remove her mouth, and let her hands take over, pumping the shaft in a tight grip that held him at bay.

  Unable to withstand her torture, he reached under her arms and pulled her off her knees. She just had time to plant a last kiss on the tip before she was back on her feet. About to go over the edge in a fit of lust, he pushed her backward until her butt collided with the top of his desk. Still wearing the clogs on her feet, she held her knees up in the air demurely for him. She felt his strong grip on her as he reached underneath and yanked her panties down her legs. Lowering herself down onto the desk she parted her legs.

  His cock head tested the lips of her pussy. Finding her wet, swollen, and ready, he thrust inside her. The first lunge took him up to the hilt. Deep inside her womb, the head was pressing her cervix. A scream escaped her lips. Knowing she had better be quiet because others on the floor could easily hear, she bit down on her lip to stifle further cries.

  He pushed violently inside her, stretching her and forcing her swollen sex to contract with near painful spasms. She bit harder on her lip. He was trying to force himself to last. The fight was a losing one. Each violent penetration brought him closer. Her lower lip was swelling, she bit down on it with such force.

  A last angry thrust between her legs, her shoulder collided with the desktop lamp, sending it crashing to the floor. She gagged back a scream building in her throat and stifled it before it broke. Warm liquid jets began pouring their load deep inside. A few more pumps to fully empty himself, and he crushed her with his body, falling on top of her.

  She held him in her arms and kissed the top of his head.

  * * * *

  Marty awoke inside a car in motion. The drugs and their weird effect had finally run their course, and she felt as if she was waking up from a long dream. Some of it had been horrible, and some of it had just been strange in that way dreams had, although she thought the strange parts had actually been pretty wonderful.

  At first she couldn’t remember where she was. The specifics of how she came to be asleep in that car didn’t return, but she knew she was in Dr. Bradon’s Volvo headed home. He had offered to drive her back after she recovered and had arranged for her to get the rest of the night off work.

  She looked across the leather seat. The doctor was driving, his eyes focused straight ahead on the road. Oh my God, what had they done? Marty sat up in her seat and looked sideways at him. How was she supposed to act around him now?

  He barely chanced a glance in her direction. “I hope you’re feeling better, Nurse Williams.”

  “I’m okay.” A minute of pained silence passed and stretched into a second. Raising her head, she was prepared to enter his mind and see what he was thinking but quickly thought better of it. Her mental ability mixed with the drug was what got them in trouble in the first place. If he wanted to tell her how he felt, it would be up to him to verbalize it to her. “Turn left up here at the light. My house is on the next street down.”

  Making the required traffic maneuvers, he kept his silence. Instead of reading his mind, Marty looked inside herself to see what she felt. Surprisingly, she didn’t feel all that bad. Other than worrying over Doctor Bradon’s reaction to what they had done, she did not have a problem with it. She thought of her three men back home. Would they be okay with her and another man? She had never lied to them or held anything back from them and was not about to start now.

  “My house is at the end of the lot down here.” The headlights of the Volvo grazed the front porch as the car pulled off the street and down the gravel-laden driveway. Inside, all the lights were on. Her guys were up waiting for her.

  “Have a good evening, Nurse Williams.” He didn’t even bother to look at her. He was staring straight ahead at nothing. She didn’t get out of the car right away. Instead, she just set and stared off with him.

  “Please tell me what you’re feeling, Doctor Bradon?”

  “Don’t you already know? Can’t you see it in my mind like you can everything else?” He was sarcastic, and by his tone she could tell he was not all right with their activity this night.

  “No, I’m not reading your mind. I apologize for doing that before. And I need to know what you’re feeling so I can know what I ought to be feeling right now.”

  “Don’t apologize to me, Nurse Williams.” He turned to her. She could see the conflicting emotions in him. “I am the one who is profoundly sorry here. I broke a sacred trust with you tonight. I am ashamed of my own actions.”

  For a moment she didn’t respond to him. She thought about what he said. Being in the same profession, she knew what he said was true. Then she reached out and grabbed up his hand.

  “Doctor Bradon, I share half the blame with you.” He was resisting hearing any argument from her, but she forged ahead. “We never really had a traditional doctor-patient relationship, and although I might wish we had moved a little bit slower, I’m not sorry for what we did.”

  “The problem is I had wanted to do that for a long time,” he said, relenting and looked back up at her.

  “Well, so had I,” she shot back at him. “And one more thing…”

  He looked at her suspiciously and waited for her to continue.

  “I’d like it very much if you would come inside my house with me.”

  His resistance had crumbled. “Very well. I want to meet the other members of your family. I’ve been curious as to just what sort of family my little vampire has.”

  “And one more thing…” She held him back inside the car. “I think our relationship has reached a first name basis by this time.”

  “I believe it has, too, Marty.”

  “Then come with me, Owen, and I’ll introduce you to the rest of the family.”

  Once they were inside and the other men had heard her story, they fully accepted Owen. From that point on, he became the newest member of Marty’s strange family. Even though Marty was coming to care for each man deeply, she cautioned them all that it could only be temporary. She was prepared to give them all up the moment she met her maker.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Robert Fair. The name flashed into Marty’s mind like a revelation. It was her night off from the hospital. She was washing dishes in the kitchen. She couldn’t make dinner for the guys because she hated the smell of food. To make it up to them, she always argued her way into getting the dish-washing chores on her nights off work.

  As she dried off the dishes one by one and set them back up neatly in the overhead cupboards, her own beverage was set before her on the countertop. She took an occasional drink f
rom the tall glass designed to hold wine instead of blood. True to his word, Owen had made a new batch of the blood beverage and colored it with a cherry-red dye. It now looked presentable, as if she was drinking punch, and it tasted reasonably well, too. Most importantly, it gave her constant nourishment throughout the night, so she was no longer prone to bouts of bloodlust.

  When the name entered her conscious, she whirled around to Derrick, who was sitting behind her at the kitchen table. His laptop was out, and he was going over some of his online investment portfolio. She had been engaged in light banter with him, and that was when, like a bolt of lightning, the name had appeared before her mind’s eye.

  “Robert Fair!” she shouted at Derrick. He looked up from his spreadsheet at her without the slightest clue as to what she was talking about. “Robert Fair!” she said, repeating the name and wanting to shout for joy.

  “Who or what are you talking about?”

  “Derrick, I just remembered my lover’s name from the past. His name was Robert Fair.”

  Derrick shoved his laptop aside and scratched his chin. “Well, he sure sounds like a vampire.”

  “Don’t joke. I’m serious,” she chided him. “It’s all starting to come back to me now. I think if I try real hard I can even start to see his face.”

  Derrick didn’t look happy.

  “I know this is a touchy subject for you,” she told him.

  “Not only for me, but for all of us.” Derrick sighed. “We know what it’ll mean for us if you find your knight in shining armor.”

  Marty sat down across the table from him. “Okay,” she said. “I don’t have to read your mind right now to know you’re jealous.”

  He went over to the counter to pour himself a glass of wine. Picking up her nearly empty glass, he showed it to her. “Can I get you a refill?”

  “Yes. Thanks.”

  He returned to the table with his wine and her blood. He handed her the glass and took the seat next to hers. “You win,” he told her. “I admit I am jealous of this guy.”

  Marty took a sip of her blood and laughed at his reaction. “Strangely enough, you guys aren’t jealous of one another.”

  “We’re all human.” Derrick had a ready answer for her. “This other guy is an all-powerful vampire.” He reached out and took her face in one of his hands. “It makes me angry thinking about this guy entering our lives and making love to my little vampire.”

  “I know I’m not being fair to you guys,” Marty admitted. “But I’ve been honest with you. You all know this relationship that we have now, as good as it is at times, is only temporary.”

  “You’ve told us all that a million times. I guess I just keep hoping you’re going to come to your senses and change your mind.”

  She shrugged away from him and stood up. “I can’t help myself, Derrick. No matter what argument you make against it, I’ll still know it’s my destiny to find this vampire. Everything I’ve done until now has been aimed at finding him.”

  “You know, Aaron and I should have been back on the road with our bikes weeks ago.” He let that thought hang between them for a moment.

  “Then why don’t you go,” she told him, but she knew she hadn’t done a good job of hiding the hurt in her voice.

  “I’ve been thinking about it.”

  “Maybe you should.”

  He came up behind her and took her in his arms. “If I left and if Aaron left, we’d be leaving a part of ourselves behind. When you bit us, you took more than just our blood. You also took a little bit of our hearts.”

  She reached down and kissed the hands that were holding her. “I’ve been incredibly selfish with all of you. I’ve used you. I’m so sorry.”

  “We care about you, Marty.” He squeezed her tighter in his grip and nuzzled her face with the stubble of his beard. “If you really want to find this kingpin vampire then I guess, despite my better judgment, we’ll have to help you try.”

  She turned around in his arms and looked up at him. Her mind was already racing forward. “Derrick, I think I’m close to finding him. I remember where he lived, even. His family owned a small business in the city. It was like a store, maybe a grocery.”

  “I didn’t know vampires had families.”

  “That’s just it, I never met them. I remember now that was always a point of contention between us because I’d brought him back here to the house to meet my dad several times. He never once let me meet his family. I thought it was strange at the time, but I loved him and didn’t care.”

  “Was he a student at your college?”

  “He said he was, but I wonder now if even that was true.”

  “So Robert Fair is the name of our mystery vampire.”

  “I think it is.”

  “What else do you remember about him?” Marty’s heart went out to Derrick. She knew how much against this plan he was, and yet, for her, he was willing to put aside his feelings and help.

  “I think I remember what he looks like. It’s all still kind of foggy, but it’s coming back.”

  “Other than the fangs, do you remember anything specific?”

  She slapped his shoulder but couldn’t help laughing with him. “Yes, I remember him. He was very attractive but very distinctive-looking for that era.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He had long hair. This was the midsixties and a couple of years before men felt comfortable wearing their hair long. So he always stood out wherever we went. He was also very strong. My car had a flat once, and he was able to force the tire off without even using a jack. I think he could read my mind, too. He always seemed to know what to say to me to get me to respond just the way he wanted. I used to hate how he would do that.”

  “But it never once occurred to you back then that he might be something other than human?”

  “Of course not. Back then I didn’t believe in the supernatural. Anyway, according to Owen, it’s not really supernatural. What I have and what Robert gave me is just a rare virus.”

  “How did you meet him?”

  “I think it was at college my freshman year. I thought he was the same age as me, but now I guess he could have been a lot older.”

  Derrick took her back inside the embrace of his arms and held her tightly against his chest. She gladly accepted him. She knew the whole topic caused him nothing but pain and felt him sigh against her.

  “Oh, Marty, if I ever meet this guy I don’t know if I’ll punch him, or worse, for what he did to you, or thank him and shake his hand.”

  “Thank him?” She was confused.

  “If he hadn’t ever done what he did, none of us would ever have had the chance to meet you. These last couple of months have been the craziest, most unforgettable, and best of my whole life.”

  “I feel the same way, Derrick. At times I didn’t think I was going to live through it, and some people think a vampire is dead already, but this has been the best time of my life.”

  “Then, Marty, why do you want to find this guy who dumped you all those years ago and throw away the life you’ve built now?” He looked down at her with pleading eyes. But she only shook her head, not wanting to argue the issue with him again. Her mind was made up. She got up and moved away from him.

  “I just remembered something else about Robert,” she told him.

  “Oh yeah, what’s that?”

  “He wasn’t a regular student at the college. He claimed he couldn’t get a scholarship, and his family didn’t have enough money for him to go full time.”

  “How do you mean—not a regular student?”

  “He was enrolled only in night school.”

  * * * *

  Marty had taken her own laptop computer down to her hideaway under the floor the night before and sat it on the end of the mattress. That day, Barry had slept with her. They had made love just before the sun rose and then fallen back against the king-sized mattress to sleep the day away. Marty was restless and could not sleep well. She was naked except for her
wristwatch which she was never without, even in the shower. She made a quick check of the time and found that she still had five more minutes before the sun went down.

  Feeling too impatient to wait, she opened her computer and got herself logged onto the Internet. Barry tuned over at her side. She had awakened him.

  “What are you doing up?” he asked her through a sleep-filled voice.

  “Go back to sleep. The sun isn’t even down yet.” As she slept that day, an inspiration had come to her, and she was now checking out some websites to see where it would lead her.

  He rolled out from beneath the blankets and crawled down to the other end of the bed to be at her side. He was way too tall to even begin to sit upright in the narrow space of her hideaway. But fortunately, he was not claustrophobic, and he seemed to thrive in the intimate space of the little getaway.

  “What are you looking at?” he asked as he peered over her shoulder at the LCD screen.

  “I’m looking at web pages that might assist me in finding Robert.”

  “That’s good. You must have some ideas.”

  Marty looked back down at him. Barry was not a man to hold his emotions back. One hardly needed to be a mind reader to interpret what he was thinking most of the time. He was the only one of the four men she was involved with who was actively supporting her efforts to find Robert. Marty was puzzled by his eagerness to go in search of the long lost vampire where the other men could barely stand speaking about the issue.

  “Sorry if I woke you up.” She reached back and gave him a good-evening kiss on the lips.

  “That’s okay. I’ve got work to do anyway. I’m starting on patching up the roof of our house tonight. It’s going to be one bitch of a job.”

  “Well, at least working entirely at night, you won’t risk getting a heatstroke up there on that roof.”


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