Fur and Feathers [A Raven Saga Book 2]

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Fur and Feathers [A Raven Saga Book 2] Page 13

by Crymsyn R. Hart

  "You were never going to come back!” someone yelled from the outer fringes of the circle.

  Alena spun around to face them. Her blood pumped hot in her veins. She wondered if this was what running after prey felt like. “That's beside the point. Someone should have come after me. Now I'm here to help save the pack that didn't care about a child nearly beaten to death by her only living relative. I'm here because I don't want any more to die. If any of you, either bitten or born, have a problem with me, then bring it on. I used to be afraid of what would happen if I ever came back here. But I've learned a valuable lesson. You can't run away from your past. You have to face it no matter what the consequences. I am pack by right and by blood. I might not be able to ever change again for what my uncle did, but I'll be damned if I'm going to let someone else tell me I am not welcome here."

  She turned around to face Vincent, and he was seething. Alena was tired of being looked down upon and assumed she was going to do whatever the pack wanted. She was not going to bow at Vincent's feet because he was the pack leader. She had enough of him. She'd had enough of all of them. As she turned around, she saw the smile on Darius's face, and when he realized she had seen him, he dropped the look and returned her glance with one of stone. No one said anything to her. Alena met Vincent's gaze, waiting for him to speak, but he didn't. He puffed up his chest as if he were the cause of her speaking up and standing up for herself.

  "Does anyone else have anything to say to me?"

  There was no more response from the pack. Those she did see did not meet her gaze while she turned around and stared every one of them down. In pack hierarchy, if she looked away it meant that she was below them, that she was afraid, and Alena was neither. At that very moment, with her blood pumping in her veins, the jumping energy of the pack pressing down on her, she felt like she belonged more than ever. She swallowed and then stepped back into place. All eyes turned to their pack leader. Collectively, they held their breath. Alena sensed her acceptance into pack life would not be questioned again. She was glad of that. Now their thoughts had turned toward catching the animal who was stalking their children.

  "All right everyone, those coming with us, let's go."

  Darius, the old timer, Ivan, Vincent, and Ben stepped forward. The rest of the pack wanted to stay with their families and keep them safe. Others knew the moon would draw them into the woods, and they did not want to be caught in the middle of the forest. For now, Alena watched the rest of the pack disperse and decided to stay outside and mull over everything that had occurred. She never thought she would have to stand up for herself to the pack. By doing that, her status had changed among them. No one would ever say anything to her ever again about being human. Her place was set, and that made her feel somewhat complete.

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  Chapter Thirteen

  Darius sat in the back of a pickup truck. The vehicle slowly wound up the side of the mountain where the cave was located. The wolves had said nothing to him during the trip but kept looking at him as if he were a noonday snack. Since today was the first day of the full moon, he could sense their animalistic natures rolling off of them like thunderclouds before a big boomer of a storm. All were itching to have fur and to run four-legged underneath the silvery moonlight. No matter how much they stared at him imagining munching on his thigh, he was not intimidated. They might have been shape-shifters, but he had more magick and power in his pinkie than they had ever dreamed about. Only because they were wolves did they think they were high and mighty. Like one of them had said, he might not have been born a shifter, but he was still considered one in the paranormal realms.

  During the ride, Darius's thoughts traveled back to what Alena had said to the rest of the pack. He felt proud she had stood up for herself. He liked that about her. She wasn't afraid to look people in the eye and tell them what she thought. The Scotsman was reminded of Marija and how what a spitfire she was. He still saw that in the gypsy, but time seemed to have tempered her a little. Now she had an aura about her which was more stable and at home. She was in her element just like Alena was when she was cooking. Darius licked his lips thinking of the breakfast he had sampled this morning. He sensed she had wanted to talk to him, but Marija had stopped her. Darius mulled over what had happened the night before. He had been so close, and then he had started to change. Now, looking back, he understood Alena had put herself out on a limb by inviting him into her bed. Her emotions were as closed off and screwed up as his feelings were. They seemed to make a perfect match. But did he love her? She had confessed her feelings to him last night, and he had thrown them back into her face. Part of him felt bad, and another part knew she had gotten what she deserved. He was starting to side with the part of him which felt bad.

  His leader had told him in order for him to fuck—to make love, he corrected himself—he had to have feelings for the woman. There were times when Alena was in his arms like on the cliff he had felt something for her. Was the warmth he felt for her the stirrings of love. He had cared for her in that moment and had desired to protect her. Last night, he had those same feelings at first before he lost focus and let his base yearnings take over. Maybe that was the problem. Maybe his base desires had gotten him into trouble in the first place. The Raven Warrior growled inwardly. Maybe that was what Caleb meant about loving the act versus the woman. He shook his head. It was too much to think about.

  The pickup lurched to a stop. The wolves jumped out and landed easily on their feet. He did the same after a moment. He followed the old time werewolf down and around the side of the mountain until they came to the cave. The cavern was just the way he had left it. Even in the bright daylight, the inside was still pitch dark.

  "Well, this is it,” Darius said.

  Vincent motioned for the wolves to go into the cave. One of them took out a flashlight from the back of his jeans. The Raven Warrior watched the pack go into the cave. He wondered if they would find anything. He extended his senses, and they told him there was nothing. There was no magick around the cave. He wondered if this had been a setup in the first place.

  "So, Raven Warrior, it seems you have feelings for my cousin."

  Darius stared at Vincent. He hadn't liked him since first meeting him. “There is nothing between me and Alena. If there were anything between us, it would be none of your business.” Darius began to walk into the cave, but Vincent grabbed his arm tightly and forced him to stay where he was. The Warrior noticed his eyes had a yellow tint to them that had not been there before.

  "I would let go if I were you.” Darius gathered his power ready to let the shadows take him before Vincent could do anything.

  "What will you do? Run me through with that silver sword of yours? That would be bad form now, wouldn't it, since you are supposed to be helping us. I suggest you leave Alena alone. She is destined to be mine.” Vincent growled.

  "I think she is woman enough to make her on decisions, don't you? Besides, I don't think she really wants anything to do with you. Or did she already wound more than your pride?” Darius asked.

  Behind him, there was a loud growl and a scream from the bowels of the cave. Darius didn't wait for Vincent's answer and went to go see what was wrong when he felt something sharp slide into his side. After a moment, a burning sensation crept into his flesh. He saw the glint of silver and recognized the blade from the one Marija had put to his throat when he arrived. The enchanted one.

  "What did you do?” he whispered to Vincent.

  "Do you really think I was that stupid? I know what this is. I overheard Marija and you when you showed up. It's too bad Alena will never know the truth. She'll be mine before your corpse is cold."

  Darius couldn't think except to let his power take him. He felt his body go into shock. The poison was working on his system faster than he realized. Marija must have soaked the blade into more poison than he realized. His power brought him to the sanctuary where he normally went during the days of the full moon. Every Warr
ior had his own cabin. He didn't make it far. Everything was blurry while he stumbled toward Jet's cabin hoping his brother Warrior would be there. He knew Vincent was an ass and had the hots for Alena, but Darius hadn't realized how much the pack leader assumed he was going to be taking charge of her life. The wolf truly wanted her for his mate. Wolves normally mated for life. He couldn't let that happen. He had to get to her. He didn't know what would happen if one died and the other survived. Maybe the other was able to find another mate. He squinted through his tunneled vision and thought he saw someone in the practice field. The Raven Warrior made his way over there, his side searing his flesh working through his veins like liquid fire. He reached out toward the figure he saw not sure who it was.

  "Help.” Darius had never felt such agony. Not even when he changed for the first time. He fell to his knees and reached out toward the figure. He heard shouting through the din, but darkness had started to claim him. The last thing he thought about was not himself but of Alena, which he thought was strange. He didn't want to leave her alone.

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  Chapter Fourteen

  Alena bided her time while Vincent was gone looking into the cave. All the while, she had a bad feeling. The whole pack was restless, and with their leader having been gone for half of the day, they were getting even more edgy than normal. To work off some of the nervous energy, she went into the kitchen and started to organize the pots and pans and cooking utensils. The cabinets were in a horrible state of disarray that she was surprised anyone could find anything when they wanted to make a simple bowl of nuked mac and cheese. Pots had been stuffed into the oven. Plates were in the cupboards with glasses stacked on top of them. Spices were in the refrigerator when they should have been in the dry storage or next to the stove. Because she ran her own restaurant, the pack's disregard for the kitchen disgusted her. While she cleaned, she also took stock of what there was to eat. Someone had loaded the fridge and the cupboards after she and Marija had cooked that morning. At least they kept the place well supplied. If I were here all the time, I would make sure this place was kept neat the way it should be so people could cook.

  Amazed that she had even thought it, she paused. She had only been there a few days and already she was starting to think of it as a home. Not her permanent home, but one she could learn to like now that she had the respect from the other wolves. And if they didn't respect her, they were not letting her know because they knew now she could read their emotions. Alena shook her head and began to take out stuff to make lunch. She started by making a salad, and while she was cutting up the cucumbers, she put water on to boil to make potato salad. She remembered her mother had always made good potato salad. The pot she had going would hold at least ten pounds of potatoes, and since she was cooking for an army of werewolves, she knew she wasn't going overboard. Once the salad was done, she started working on dicing up chicken breasts while humming. Her mind was somewhat at ease and she was in the zone.

  Alena liked that the pack enjoyed her food, and if they didn't, she hadn't received any complaints so far. Humming along to her own internal tune, she felt a sudden, sharp pain in her side. She stumbled and doubled over, gripping the counter hard trying not to fall over. The pain spread up into her chest, and she was having trouble breathing. This agony wasn't like the burning from her wolf awakening she had in her gut when she was with Darius. This was something different. She drew in a deep breath, but the searing pain seemed to race through her system like fast-growing ivy wrapping barbed wire leaves around her insides.

  "What's happening to me?” she whispered. She tried to get to the door of the kitchen to call for help but blackness overtook her, and the void was a relief.

  * * * *

  Alena opened her eyes to very bright surroundings. She winced at the light. Everything seemed so bright. For a moment, she thought she was dead, but then heard feminine laughter behind her. She looked over and saw Darius kneeling at the feet of a woman wearing a silver dress. Her hair was dark like night sprinkled with glittering stars. On her feet were brown sandals, which wove up her legs and under her dress. Her skin was tan, and her face drawn. Darius was not dressed in his normal black attire, but he wore a red plaid kilt and black tunic, and he had his silver broad sword strapped across his back. He had her hand to his lips.

  Alena wondered who the woman was whom Darius revered so much when he had issues with women. She tried to gage the woman's emotions, but found that when her mind touched the woman's mind, every emotion was swirling around her. At her mental tether, the woman looked up. Her eyes were lavender, and she smiled and motioned for Alena to come forward. Darius looked up also but did not get up from his kneeling position.

  "Come here, child. I will not bite you."

  Alena took a hesitant step forward, not knowing what to expect. Power radiated from the woman like waves that Alena could feel crashing against her skin. “Who are you?” Alena asked when she was closer. She couldn't help the awe in her voice. The closer she was to the woman, the more love she felt almost as if this woman were her mother.

  "I'm called many things. Darius calls me Morrigain. Marija calls me Morena. I am a goddess. I am the one who rules over the Raven Warriors. I am their Dark Mistress."

  "Alena, what are you doing here?” Darius said with concern.

  Ignoring the goddess, which was strange to think about, Alena knelt next to the Warrior, and her feelings for Darius rushed over her. She reached out and caressed the side of his face. The bristles of his beard tickled her hand. Clipped close with no mustache, she liked the character it gave his face. It was not a full beard, but made his jaw appear even stronger. Her breath caught in her throat when he cupped her hand and he kissed the center of her palm.

  "Darius, what is all of this?” she whispered.

  "Two lovebirds. It's about time you met your match, Darius,” the goddess said.

  Both Alena and Darius looked up at her. “Why am I here?” Alena asked the goddess.

  "Darius has been poisoned. His soul hangs on the balance of life and death. If you look in the distance, Azrael waits for you, Darius. It is a privilege reserved for the Warriors that the Dark Angel himself comes to collect your soul. It is even a privilege to see him for his true self."

  Alena squinted and could see a dark figure off in the distance, like a black blot on white canvas of the place surrounding her.

  "You, child, have been pulled here because you are his heartmate. His soul mate."

  Darius looked at the goddess. “Mistress, forgive my insolence, but if it were true and Alena were my match, then why did I begin to turn back into the raven when I was last with her."

  Alena watched Morrigain shake her head and sighed. When she opened her eyelids, her eyes were black as her hair. “Men. Always thinking with their other head."

  Alena giggled in agreement with the goddess.

  Morrigain smiled. “Darius, here at my feet is the woman who loves you heart and soul. You were ambushed by her cousin, and the last thing on your mind was protecting Alena from the pack leader who wants her as his mate."

  Alena let out a gasp. “Ambushed? I'll give Vincent something to chew on when I wake up."

  The goddess held up her hand. “Alena, there will be time for that later. The poison in Darius's body is affecting you as well. As he lies dying, so do you. You are tied at the heart. Both of you have accepted it only to a certain point. You have to go the distance or both of you will die. Darius is pigheaded, and you, dear, still have to face everything you are. The wolf is alive in you, which you know, but will you accept it as a part of you and this man's love. Break down your walls, child. Only if you can do that can life await you."

  Alena went to say something, but the goddess had disappeared, and she was left alone in the white room with Darius. When she looked back at the Angel of Death, he seemed a little closer. That was not a good sign. She thought about what Morrigain had said. She knew the wolf was awakening inside of her, but could she e
mbrace the beast? Could she shatter the walls around her mind and emotions and find the young girl who had been battered and abused, shuffled around in foster homes for years, who finally grew so distant that Alena had made a new life for herself. The first step she had taken was coming back to the pack. The other was getting them to accept her and feel at home among them and she did for the most part. She felt tears slipping from her eyes.

  "No, Alena. Please don't cry."

  Darius brought her back from her internal turmoil. She looked over at him amazed there was concern in his voice after the way he had treated her the other night. Part of her was flip-flopping between calling him an asshole and the other part wanted him to be all right. “Why do you care, Darius? You basically told me to go fuck myself last night. I didn't do anything to you. Marija told me how she cursed you. You can't keep taking your hatred of her out on other women, me especially."

  "I do care, Alena. I don't know how to show you. I've never had anyone that I've been able to say that about.” He looked down ashamed as his pale skin grew as red as his beard.

  "I told you I love you. Do you know how hard it was for me to say that? I haven't told that to a man since I don't know when. Every freaking relationship I've had has always ended in turmoil because I can't let them in. They don't understand I feel what they do. Their minds are like large print, and I can see their emotions. They don't know I can kill if I want. Do you know how hard it is being what I am? Always having a wall around your mind. It's like being half alive. And then when I dared let my walls crash down, you shoved all your hatred and pain down my throat. I should have shot it right back at you, but I didn't. I took it all. I never do that. You know why, because part of me loves you. I—” Tears were rivers on her cheeks. Her words fell into sobs.

  Darius took her into the shelter of his arms and hugged her. “Please don't cry, Alena. I'm sorry,” he whispered into her ear. His fingers played with her hair as he cradled her head. “I've never had anyone like you. I didn't know you existed. Please believe me when I tell you I'm sorry."


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