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Her Perfect Candidate

Page 15

by Candace Shaw

  “You think I’m stupid?”

  “No. I think you’re making a big deal out of nothing. You remember the first pictures that circled the net with us? How I was leaning over and whispering in your ear and you were supposedly staring at me all mesmerized according to the media. When actually I was screaming in your ear because the music was loud, and you were staring up at me to listen better.”

  Megan sighed and sat on the couch. She closed her eyes and rested her head on the pillow. She didn’t know what to believe anymore. She loved Steven, but she was beginning to grow tired of life in the spotlight especially now with this Veronica thing. Even though it was probably innocent, the media didn’t perceive it that way. He had come full circle and cleaned up his reputation during the past few months thanks to her but also thanks to his determination.

  His scent whiffed in her nose, and she sensed he was kneeling in front of her. She opened her eyes as tears fell from them, and he reached up and wiped them just as more silent ones began to fall.

  “I’m not him, Megan. I would never cheat on you or disrespect you. I love you way too much to do that.”

  He gathered her in his arms and moved to the couch, positioning her on his lap. She laid her head on his chest as he gently rubbed her hair.

  “I love you, too, Steven, and I do believe and trust you. I just don’t trust Veronica.”

  “Megan, Veronica isn’t interested in me at all. Believe me, she wants Judge Hill. She only invited me to the event at the last minute because she’s a friend of the president at Atlanta Memorial College, and she wanted to make a good impression. It was all for show for her. That’s it.”

  “Well, when I walked in yesterday she was all over you...”

  “Before you walked in, she wasn’t. She always does that whenever she meets whoever I’m dating. She likes to intimidate people.”

  “Well, she doesn’t intimidate me.”

  “That’s my girl,” he said planting delicate kisses on her neck and ears. He ran his hand down her side. “I see you’re wearing my favorite dress tonight.”

  “I wanted tonight to be special since I’m leaving in the morning.”

  “And it will still be special, I promise.” He kissed her lightly on the lips. “I smell Thai food.”

  “Yes, it was delivered right before you arrived.” She tried to scoot out of his embrace, but he pulled her closer.

  “How about dessert first,” he suggested as his sexy, dark gaze rested on her face, and he pulled the hem of her dress up to her thighs.

  “That sounds wonderful...” She was interrupted by Steven’s cell phone ringing.

  “Sorry, babe, I told Shawn to only call if it was absolutely necessary. I’ll put it on speaker so I can continue my tongue journey on your body.”

  “Shawn, what’s going on?” Steven asked as he still held on to Megan and ran his finger alongside her face.

  “Man, we have a major problem. A reporter just called asking if you were in a relationship with Megan only to clean up your image. I told him of course not, and you two were very much in love.”

  “Okay, that’s true. So what’s the problem?” Steven asked as Megan listened intently.

  “He also stated he had a reliable source that could state otherwise. This reliable source claims she overheard Megan getting upset on the phone about having to sleep in the same bed as you in D.C.”

  Megan sat up when she realized who it was. “Susan. She must’ve heard me say that on the plane. Oh, no! Steven, I’m so sorry.”

  “That’s bull! Why is Susan doing this to me?” Steven said as Megan slid off of his lap with wide eyes. He got up and walked away from her and into the kitchen with the phone still on speaker in his hand.

  “Well, apparently her and Bryce were having an affair, but he broke it off with her recently and then fired her yesterday.”

  “I had no idea about them, but why punish me?”

  “Bryce said she’s trying to extort money from him. When he refused to give her what she asked for, she threatened to tell the media about what she overheard Megan say that day on the flight. I told the reporter none of that was true and hung up the phone. But you know women. Some of them never forgive or forget. They hold grudges for a long time. Man, try to have a nice evening with Megan. I just wanted you to know so you wouldn’t hear it or read about it first from another source. I’ll release a statement as soon as it comes out in the news.”

  * * *

  Steven pounded his fist on the island in the kitchen. He knew he shouldn’t be worried, but he was announcing his candidacy for the U.S. Senate seat in a few days. He shook his head. Megan rubbed his back to console him.

  “Baby, don’t worry about this. Like Shawn said, she’s a female with a grudge who just wants money. We know the truth and that’s what matters. Your constituents are more interested in what you can do for them not who you’re dating,” Megan said, trying to comfort him.

  “I guess you know I don’t handle stress well.”

  “I know you don’t. However, you have people around you that care about you and have your best interests in mind, especially me. Shawn said he would take care of it, right?”

  “Baby, I don’t know what I would do without your love and support. I love you so much,” Steven said looking into her eyes.

  “I love you, too,” Megan responded smiling up at him as he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom.

  He placed her down on the floor, and she slowly unzipped the side zipper of her dress, letting it fall off of her feet. His eyes raked over her body and then he pulled her to him. His fingers slid down her back, unhooking her bra on the way to her bottom where he pulled her panties down over her heels.

  “Leave them on,” he whispered in Megan’s ear.

  “With pleasure, Senator Monroe.”

  He kissed her softly, twirling his tongue around hers in an unhurried, loving caress. Picking her up again, he carried her to the bed, their lips still on each other. Once on top of her, his kisses became more intense. He kissed her deeply with all of the passion he had in him to prove to her that he needed only her. He hated the thought of ever losing her over something that wasn’t true.

  “I love you, Megan. You hear me. You’re the only woman I’ve ever loved.” He kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose and her lips, which formed a huge smile.

  “I love you, too, Steven and would love to show you as soon as you take off your clothes.”

  He slid off the bed and starting unbuckling his pants. “You’re right. Why am I fully clothed, and you’re lying there with your sexy self wearing nothing but heels and perfume?”

  She giggled. “Hurry up.”

  He rejoined her, laying his body on top of hers once more and claiming her lips in a seductive kiss.

  * * *

  Megan could feel his erection in between her legs. She wanted to wiggle her hips so he could slip in, but she also wanted to savor tonight since she was leaving in the morning. Instead, she kissed him ferociously on the lips while his hands roamed her smooth body.

  She took in his kisses and touches hungrily. She felt the urgency in him as she forced her tongue deeper into his mouth to mingle with his. She wanted him to know that she was all his. Being in his loving arms again made her feel safe and secure.

  Megan let out soft moans while he kissed her neck and shoulders before trailing down to her breasts that ached for his caress. When he finally reached her stomach, Megan knew where he was going next. She arched back and let him kiss her inner thighs and then the sweet spot in between that had missed his savory tongue. Megan moaned his name over and over again as his tongue licked her most sensitive spot. Once she climaxed, Steven looked up into her heat-filled eyes and knew she was ready for him to take her.

  Steven reached in her nightstand and put on his pro
tection. He grabbed her close to him and flipped them over so she was on top. He guided her down inch by inch until he was buried all the way inside. She breathed out and began to slowly move up and down as his hands clasped her butt and pulled her all the way down on him. Her cries of passion became louder as their rhythm increased with each stroke.

  Waves of pleasure crashed through her body as her orgasm erupted, shaking her to the core. He flipped her over as they were still joined together and began to give slow, tantalizing thrusts that caused more sensations to flow through every cell of her body. She wasn’t sure how much more she could take as she held on to his shoulders as each thrust from him summoned an erotic moan from her. She began to meet his thrusts pulling him deeper into her heart and soul. Their eyes never strayed from each other’s faces as the glow of the candles settled on them. They climaxed together moments later, still kissing and staring at each other intently. He kissed her eyes that were lightly misted with tears.

  She giggled. “That tickles.”

  “You’re ticklish everywhere. You even laugh sometimes when I’m kissing your other set of lovely lips.”

  “Only when you have a five o’clock shadow.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “You’re adorable, you know that?”

  “And hungry. You wore me out.” She slid from under him, and he repositioned them so that she could place her head on his chest.

  “Hmm...whenever we have Thai food we always have dessert first.”

  “Then we should have Thai food more often. Um...Steven?”

  “Yes, babe?”

  “Can I take my heels off now?”

  He laughed out loud and patted her butt. “Of course, babe, and then let’s go eat. You know, I’m really going to miss you.”

  She kicked her shoes off and kissed his cheek. “I’m going to miss you, too.”

  He captured her lips and flipped her over on her back.

  Chapter 13

  “Girl, I am so glad we have a day of rest,” Megan said as she and Jade lay out by the pool of the beach house that they were staying in on Hilton Head while decorating the home next door. It was Sunday morning, and the ladies were finally able to relax. They had spent three long days going over the renovations with the crew. On Monday, they were to shop for furniture while the crew finished putting in the new kitchen cabinets and granite counter tops that Megan and Jade had chosen.

  Megan was glad for the busy work, though. She hated to admit it, but she needed a break away from her life in Atlanta. With the Veronica situation and then Susan trying to expose Megan’s relationship with Steven, she needed a breather. She felt better after Shawn released a statement stating that while Megan did tell Steven she didn’t want to sleep in the same bed with him, it was because they’d just began dating and she would feel uncomfortable sleeping next to him so early in the relationship. The media seemed to believe it and some of the reports stated that Megan had moral values and other young ladies should follow suit.

  Megan was disappointed when she couldn’t be by Steven’s side on Friday as he officially announced he was running for the U.S. Senate seat. She was able to speak with him briefly afterward before having to meet with the producers of the show about the progress thus far.

  “What do you feel like doing today?” Megan asked.

  “Sip on mimosas and eat lobster tails,” Jade answered as her and Megan toasted their champagne glasses. “But seriously, let’s go have lunch at the restaurant that is catering the food for the show. Those shrimp and grits...”

  “...were to die for.”

  Thirty minutes later, they were dressed in sundresses and headed toward the front door.

  “What’s all that noise?” Megan asked, grabbing her purse from the foyer table and putting on her shades. She handed Jade her purse and shades, as well.

  “I don’t know. Is the crew working on the house? I thought we were all off today.” Jade shrugged as they walked toward the front door.

  Megan opened it and was immediately bombarded with cameras flashing, microphones and tape recorders in her face. All the people were speaking at once saying her name, Steven’s name and Veronica’s name, but she couldn’t understand what they were asking. Jade stood in front of her and shielded her away from the reporters, pushing them back with her hands.

  “Stand back,” Jade yelled. “Ms. Chase isn’t answering any of your questions. Now leave. You’re trespassing on private property.”

  “But we just want to know how she feels about this,” a reporter said, handing Jade an Atlanta Newspaper along with a few loose photos.

  Jade glanced down at them and then back at the reporters. “She has no comment, and I suggest you leave before I call the police or I take my mace or something else out of my purse,” Jade said, unzipping her purse on her arm as the reporters stepped back. She turned around, pushed Megan back into the house, and slammed the door and locked it.

  “Oh, my goodness!” Megan screamed. “This is ridiculous. Why are they here asking about those pictures taken at the Women’s Day Program? It wasn’t that big of a deal.” Megan plopped on the couch and raised her knees up to her chin. “If they watch the video, they’ll clearly see they weren’t holding hands. She was pulling him.”

  Jade glanced back at the newspaper and then the photos in her hand. She sat next to her best friend and spoke softly. “Megan, this is today’s newspaper, and the pictures are from last night.” She sighed as she handed Megan the paper.

  Megan looked at the picture, and her heart immediately sank. In the picture, Steven and Veronica’s arms were wrapped around one another as they spoke to another couple at the banquet that Steven had said he wasn’t taking Veronica to.

  “That lying bastard!” Megan threw the paper across the room.

  “You took the words right out of my mouth.”

  “He said he wasn’t taking her to the banquet. When I spoke to him last night, he said Shawn suggested that he go because he’d just announced his candidacy for the Senate ticket. He said Bryce was picking him up.” Megan paced back and forth with tears running down her face. “I’m just so tired of this. Is this what my life has become? Now I have reporters hounding me down out of town looking for a statement!”

  “Girl, I’m so sorry. Maybe...he...” Jade comforted, handing Megan a tissue and sitting her back on the couch.

  Megan shook her head and dried her eyes but more tears came rushing down. “No...this is too much. Apparently, something is still going on with them. The first time...I let it slide, but this is different. He said he wasn’t taking her. Heck, he wasn’t even going and now that I’m out of town, he decided to take her!”

  Megan’s phone began to ring from inside of her purse. She knew it was Steven because of the ringtone.

  Megan answered it as calm as possible. “What?”

  “Baby, it’s not what you think, I promise.”

  “You sound like a broken record, and I’m going to turn it off right now.” Megan pressed the end button on the screen and then turned off her cell phone. She handed Jade the photos from the couch and the newspaper off the floor. “Can you burn these? But I guess it doesn’t matter. They’re all over the internet.”

  “Of course. Anything else? A glass a wine? A shoulder to cry on?”

  “Both,” Megan stammered as the tears began to fall uncontrollably.

  * * *

  Steven rang the doorbell at the beach house and then banged on the door. He’d been calling Megan and even Jade but neither would answer their cell phones. He found out from his cousin Justine exactly where Megan was staying and flew out on his private plane to see her face-to-face.

  He rang the doorbell again, and Jade opened the door with a scowl and her hands on her hips.

  “What?” she asked with an attitude.

  “I need to see

  “Humph. Not today you won’t. Now back up so the door won’t hit you when I slam it.”

  Steven was already frustrated, and he didn’t need Megan’s best friend to instigate.

  “I just want to speak to Megan,” he said calmly.

  “She doesn’t want to see you ever again. Now I suggest you...”

  “It’s okay,” Megan said walking into the foyer and standing next Jade. “I know I told you make him go away, but I need to tell him exactly how I feel.”

  Jade stepped back and let Steven inside. “Okay, I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me.” She cut her eyes at Steven before walking out of the room.

  Megan walked to the living room and Steven followed her. He hated the situation they were in, but he planned on making it right. He wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and comfort her. He hated that her eyes were red and her tear-stained face was swollen from crying. He hated that she’d been crying over something that wasn’t even true.

  She stood by the window that overlooked the ocean with her back to him. She breathed in deeply before turning around with a glare of anger and a fed-up expression in her eyes. But when she spoke her voice was calm and steady.

  “Steven, I’ve had some time to think this afternoon about our relationship. How we met, how we started to date and why we dated in the first place. I knew you were a playboy. I knew about your ex-wife and your past escapades, but I still fell in love with you despite the mixed reservations that I had. But I can’t do this anymore.”

  Tears started to well in her eyes, and she turned away. He then grabbed her and pulled her toward him to face him.

  “What are you saying?” He screamed out, surprised at the hatred in her eyes.

  “This is a life I don’t want. I’m tired of the reporters, your past women, the time away from you. I want my life back the way it was. I went to work, I came home, worked on projects, went to lunch, on shopping sprees, the spa with my girlfriends and lousy blind dates. Today just made me realize even more that this is not the lifestyle I want to be a part of.”


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