With My Soul

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With My Soul Page 15

by Jade Powers

  “We already called her. She’s on her way.”

  “I can go home?” Jana asked. She sounded so hopeful. It broke Bryce’s heart.

  As it turned out, Stan was also dead. Death by stapler. Not many people fell to that sort of weapon.

  Thinking about Stan’s strange death, Bryce realized that he was walking physical evidence of foul play done by Kendall and Stan. He asked the policewoman, “Is there a way you can test for something in my system? When I came to get Jana, Stan, the guy that was hit in the head injected me with something. It put me out for a few hours. My arm is still sore at the injection site.”

  They sent Bryce to the lab to have blood work done. He said, “Can you have an officer accompany the sample. I’m not normally a paranoid person, but Kendall was extremely powerful and he might have folks working in the hospital with a vested interest in making evidence disappear.”

  One of the older detectives raised an eyebrow and said, “You think this is my first rodeo?”

  Flustered, Bryce said, “No. It’s not that. I just...”

  One of the other officers said, “I’ll accompany your blood-work through process. It’s almost nine. The lab technicians should be in by now.”

  That’s why Bryce felt so crappy. He had no idea it was so late..or actually, so early. He’d been there for hours upon hours. It was hard leaving Gail alone. She gave him a smile and a nod. It helped him follow the officer out.

  When everything was said and done, Jana returned home with her mom. Gail and Bryce answered questions until Drake’s assistance rode to the rescue in the form of a high powered attorney who spoke with the police for about fifteen minutes before telling Gail and Bryce that they could go home.

  Finally they were in the car. Bryce certainly couldn’t drive, and Gail didn’t have enough energy to make the trip. In the end, they rented a hotel room, one that neither could enjoy because they actually slept, but only for about three hours before Gail was ready to drive home.

  Chapter 18

  IT WAS SEVEN O’CLOCK in the evening when Gail and Bryce finally crashed a second time. Although Bryce and Gail had made love a few times, they hadn’t quite gotten to the place where Bryce shared her bed on a nightly basis.

  The night they returned, Bryce slid into the sleeping bag with the air conditioner blowing cold air into the room and a sense of exhausted calm. His mind was still groggy from the sedative. Fortunately, it was deemed safe for him to go home. Given the access Stan had to drug cocktails, he could have easily killed Bryce. Having slept most of the car ride home, Bryce still felt weary enough to sleep until the next morning.

  Turning to his side, he closed his eyes and let the night fall.

  It was full dark when the screaming woke Bryce.

  His first thought was that somehow Kendall’s men had come for revenge and started with Gail. He ran for Gail’s room, ready to attack whatever intruder harassed her. When he turned on the light, she was alone in her bed, sitting up with her hands over her face.

  “Gail? Are you okay?” Bryce felt like an idiot standing there in his boxers and tank top. When boys are growing up, why don’t their mothers ever tell them how to handle a girlfriend’s nightmare? The important instructions always seemed left out.

  Gail’s voice was wobbly when she said, “I’m fine. Just a bad dream.”

  Bryce loved Gail. His attraction to her over the last year had matured into a solid state of warmth and love. He asked, “Do you want me to stay with you?”

  “Yes. In the dream Jana was Kendall. I mean, she was the one bleeding and I just watched her, like I did with Kendall.” Gail scooted over, opening a spot for Bryce. He snuggled in, opening his arms and they cuddled.

  Bryce was silent. He didn’t have the right words. He didn’t even know how to ask Gail what she needed. He drew her closer and let her sigh into him. Sometimes a man didn’t need words.

  In a small voice Gail said, “I knew what I was doing. I mean, while he was dying, I knew I could save him. I pretended to be in shock so I wouldn’t have to. I murdered him. I think that makes me evil.”

  It was the kind of confession that Bryce knew would get Gail imprisoned for a long time, and her admission was a huge trust in him. Bryce said, “Kendall had my father beaten nearly to death to punish me for bugging his office. He chased Lucas and Lauren out of Miami, afraid for their lives. Drake thinks he was behind three of the tech company suicides. If he had lived, more people would have died at his hand. You’re a hero.”

  “That’s not how I feel. I feel dirty.”

  Her hair smelled like shampoo. Gail had spent a long time in the shower last night and then a longer time blow drying her hair. Bryce rubbed his chin against her hair. She was clean, inside and out, a mama protecting her young.

  “Had you let him live and lost Jana, you would feel worse. Kendall would have killed Jana to spite you. It would have come in the form of an accident, but he would have found a way to tell you that he was behind it,” Bryce said. He wished that he could take this from her. Gail would spend the rest of her life in the quiet hours of the night retracing steps back to that hospital and trying to think of ways she could have changed fate. He added, “It will fade with time. You might think of it now and again, but eventually you’ll be able to forgive yourself. In my opinion, there’s nothing to forgive.”

  “Thank you.”

  Bryce slept very little that night. He stood guard against Gail’s nightmares, holding her close and feeling that he had won a precious treasure, one that wouldn’t fade with time. The love he felt for Gail was so powerful, so strong. Bryce held her that night with a new understanding of passion. Desire is an element of love, but there was this gentle connection, a trust that built a foundation to last a lifetime.

  When the phone rang in the morning, Bryce slipped out of bed to answer. Drake was on the line.

  “Jana and her mother are traveling to Sun Valley to get the implants removed. If you and Gail would like to travel with them, I’m sending the jet tomorrow at one o’clock. You’re welcome to join them. Maybe spend Christmas with your family?” Drake said.

  It was a lot to think about. Bryce wanted Gail to meet his parents. His dad was out of danger now and might even be home in time for Christmas. Bryce said, “I’ll have to speak with Gail. When you remove the implants, will Jana lose her sight again?”

  Drake had the kind of deep voice that made every thought sound like a pronouncement. Even when he himself wasn’t certain, he sounded certain. With that voice, he said, “The doctors won’t know until they examine her. We’ll know more in a couple of days.”

  What Drake wasn’t saying, what only the exhaustion in his own voice bore out was that he was in the middle of a crisis of his own with a pregnant girlfriend ready to give birth any day. Bryce hoped that when he was older he could be a man like Drake. He said, “Thanks for everything. You’ve gone above and beyond, and I won’t forget.”

  There was a bit of humble discourse and then the call ended.

  GAIL’S BOSS WOULDN’T give her the two weeks off, not with only a day’s notice. For that reason, Gail sat in the seat next to Bryce on Drake’s private jet looking out the window and worrying about rent. In a fit of pique, Gail had quit. It was Christmas and her sister needed her. She had no idea what she would do after the new year.

  Bryce took her hand and leaned so close to her ear that his breath tickled her ear and whispered, “There’s a bed in back...with fresh sheets.”

  The worry line in her brow relaxed and she smiled at Bryce. He was waggling his eyebrows and giving her his best goofy grin. Gail whispered back, “My sister’s hearing is fine.”

  “Do you want to see how quiet we can make it?” Bryce asked. In a husky voice that had too much laughter, he said, “Haven’t you ever wanted to experience love in the skies. We can pretend we are eagles and copulate while we’re landing.”

  Gail shook with silent laughter. She said, “Well, since you used the word copulate, I’m in. Besides,
I want to join the mile high club.”

  “So daring. That’s why I love you,” Bryce held out a hand for Gail. She promptly clasped his hand, and they moved to the back of the plane, shutting the curtain behind them.

  Bryce waited for Jana to pipe up in that childlike singsong, Mommy, where are they going?

  When she didn’t, he sighed happily. First hurdle bypassed.

  They moved quietly to the back. Bryce pulled his suitcase out from under the bed. He grinned up at Gail and said, “I’ve been waiting for this moment.”

  Bryce unzipped the suitcase and pulled out a pair of towels. He pushed back the covers and laid the towels on the sheets. Gail tapped her fingers up his shoulder blade and joked, “That’s so romantic.”

  Turning sharply, Bryce wrapped his arms around Gail and said, “I live to romance you. I have an idea...maybe some music would cover our fun times.” Bryce pulled out a boom box, complete with a CD full of romantic music. He set it next to the curtain facing directly toward the other half of the cabin and hit play.

  He would have kissed her, but Gail was a step ahead. She moved to her tippy-toes and gently kissed him. They enjoyed a long and leisurely moment until Bryce lifted Gail and repositioned her on the bed, following her down to continue their kiss.

  “You taste sweet,” Gail said, her tongue exploring his mouth.

  “It’s a gift,” Bryce joked. He and Gail had shared a box of chocolate turtles before the flight. Apparently caramel was a must for pleasant kisses.

  Bryce slowly unbuttoned Gail’s blouse. Bryce was going to become an expert at de-blousing. He kissed her again while he finished with the last button.

  “Your turn.” Gail said. She ripped his t-shirt off...or, well, tried. Bryce laughed when one of his arms got stuck.

  “Jeez, Gail, you’re a tigress, but I wish you had claws so you could unbind me from this foul trap,” Bryce struggled and finally yanked himself clear. They were both giggling.

  Gail said, “Shhh...we’re being too loud.”

  Bryce pulled down his shorts and said, “I feel like a pop star. I could sing to you.”

  “I’ve heard you sing. You’re not half-bad.”

  “That only makes me only half-good, Sweetheart. Hey, could you take off your jeans? I need an all-access pass to your...” Bryce trailed off.

  “You couldn’t think of anything witty to call it?” Gail giggled. She unzipped her jeans while Bryce played with her breasts.

  “Um...tunnel of delight?” Bryce couldn’t hide his cheesy grin. He was very pleased with that particular metaphor and with himself for coming up with it.

  “So get your flashlight over here you sexy beast and let’s explore together,” Gail spoke in a hushed and humored undertone while she jumped him. That was the only word Bryce could come up with to explain it because he couldn’t think for several minutes. Gail did things to him that made a man go a little crazy inside.

  He was near to bursting. Bryce decided that Gail needed a little attention herself. He whispered, “I’m going to make you feel things, are you ready?”

  They were just inches apart. She was a Cyclops eye, they were so close. He loved that super-close perspective.

  Bryce found her sweet spot and caressed Gail until she arched beside him.

  Gail clutched Bryce’s shoulders and said, “Give me everything you’ve got.”

  If the plane wobbled a little on the flight to Sun Valley, it was no doubt air pressure changes and weather. For Bryce the whole world dwindled into a single point of light, Gail. He released inside her, his whole body in flames.

  They giggled while they dressed.

  “You are amazing, Gail Annabelle Gantry, and I love you with all my soul,” Bryce felt so full at that moment, full of hope, full of love, full of happiness. And he made love on a plane...how cool was that?

  “I love you too.” Gail wrapped her arms around him and went in for some more deep kissing.

  The pilot came on the intercom and said they were landing in ten minutes. Bryce and Gail slowly disentangled themselves. Bryce joked, “To be continued.”

  Gail smiled. She slid her cheek against his as if she would whisper into his ear and then nibbled on his earlobe. Bryce could feel her smile against his cheek when she stopped nibbling and whispered, “You’re all mine. And I shall have my wicked way with you before the week is through.”

  “A week?” Bryce might have squeaked the question, though he would never admit it.

  “The wait will be more than worth it,” Gail breathed. She sounded so sexy when she tried. Then she suddenly backed away, untangled herself, and with a teasing smile said, “Time to go! It’s Christmas!”

  Chapter 19

  BRYCE HELD GAIL’S HAND in the waiting room. Jana had just gone in for surgery to remove the implants. The waiting room was tiny, a small couch, a handful of books. After listening to the doctor’s list of possible complications, Gail almost wanted her mom to call it off. It had been Drake who said, “You can’t imagine the feeling of helplessness when someone else has control of your body. I can’t advise you here. I just want you to remember that as long as those implants remain, Jana is in danger of becoming someone else’s tool.”

  And now they waited.

  Gail felt the worry in the back of her throat and in her stomach. Bryce brought her a sandwich that she could barely eat. She said, “It feels like we’ve been sitting here forever.”

  “It’s only been a half hour. As soon as he knows anything, we’ll hear.”

  Jana’s mother sat on the other side of Gail, stoically. She said, “I’m sorry I didn’t listen to her. I was so focused on the possibility that she might see. I’m such a fool.”

  “Mom, I was there when those doctors threatened us. If it weren’t for the way Jana sounded when she called, I wouldn’t have believed it, either. They made it look so normal when we visited.”

  Her mom squeezed her hand, and Gail squeezed it back. Both of her hands were being held. Her mom was a little more crushing. Gail felt claustrophobic in that little room squashed between her mom and Bryce. She said, “Wanna go for a walk?”

  “Now?” her mom asked.

  “This is driving me crazy. Just a quick walk around the complex. The doc said the surgery will take two hours at a minimum. It’s been fifteen minutes.” Gail loved Jana as much as a sibling could love. She just couldn’t stand the wait.

  “I’ll walk with you,” Bryce said. Gail was grateful for his soothing spirit. He always seemed to know the right things to say, even when he was the first person to think that he didn’t.

  “You two go on ahead. I’ll wait. I’m sure everything will be fine,” Gail’s mom said. She hated it when her mom lied. Hearing her mom’s words, Gail was certain that her mom really didn’t believe that the surgery would be a success. There was a dark fear tainting the undercurrent of the natural optimism of the words.

  Bryce was the first to stand up. He kept Gail’s hand but waited next to her while she lurched up from the sagging middle of the giant sofa. Bryce kissed Gail on the forehead and said, “Let me get our coats,”

  As they walked into the crisp mountain air, Gail said, “Thanks for coming out. I was going crazy in there. I don’t think Mom believes Jana will come through the surgery intact.”

  “Brain surgery is a scary thing, but Hannah turned out okay.” Bryce said.

  Drake’s lover, Hannah, had been implanted as well. No one really knew how deep the level of human experimentation had gone. From Gail’s count, at least forty people lived their lives out in the world with mind control implants. She wondered how the rest would get their implants removed...and what it meant for the future.

  Gail cuddled closer to Bryce, their hands already clasped tightly. She said, “I hope she can see. I think that’s what my mom is really worried about...fifty percent odds aren’t that great.”

  “No, but they’re not terrible. Only a few hours and we’ll know.” Bryce said.

  He didn’t add that it didn�
�t help to fret, although Gail imagined that that might have been tacked on in his mind. They walked in silence together on a quiet winter sidewalk, each wrapped in their own thoughts.

  They walked until their cheeks were red with cold. Gail tracked the time, half-hour, and then an hour. She was grateful that Bryce stayed with her, his presence a comforting buffer to the fears that lurked in the back of her mind. Somehow Bryce’s steady spirit gave her an optimism that everything would be okay.

  From block to block, they walked the sidewalks, looping back across the brick building that seemed too small for a hospital that performed advanced surgery. As they passed the front of the building for the third time Gail said, “I think it’s time to head back in.”

  Bryce still held her hand. He squeezed it and said, “I’m sure everything is going well.”

  They returned to the waiting room and spent another twenty minutes pacing before the doctor came out. Jana’s surgery was a success. Her eyesight was unaffected by the removal of the implants, much to everyone’s relief. Gail laughed and cried. The hardest part was over. Now, there was just Christmas with Bryce’s family.

  ON CHRISTMAS MORNING, the Langden family and the Gantry family joined in celebration. Jana received the benefit of a double Christmas with two families doting on her, while Bryce bought a sprig of mistletoe from the Christmas store and carried it in his pocket to whip out and surprise Gail at inconvenient moments.

  Tom Langden hugged his son. He walked with a cane and sometimes had memory lapses, but he was healing. It was indeed, a blessed morning. After Christmas breakfast Bryce asked Gail’s mother if he could speak to her outside.

  “Ma’am, I’m in love with your daughter. I think you know that,” Bryce swallowed several times. His throat felt like it was crusted with crackers, it was so dry.


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