Soul Unleashed (Key to the Cursed Book 4)

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Soul Unleashed (Key to the Cursed Book 4) Page 17

by Jean Murray

  She gasped against his mouth when he pushed his cock deeper. A renewed heat bloomed in her chest, pushing more of the coldness away. She slid her legs up and around his hips and pulled him in tighter. He broke his kiss and pulled back to stare down at her. A crimson fire danced behind his eyes. A smear of blood covered his lower lip.

  He was the sexiest thing she had ever seen. She arched against the mattress when he rocked his hips slowly. “Feel like running,” he said with insecurity that broke her heart.

  “Fuck it,” she groaned and dug her fingers into his shoulder. Her body was already on fire from the first time. She pushed on his shoulders. “Let me on top.”

  “You are perfect where you are.” He kissed her hard, his tongue strong and demanding before he broke off to kiss down the column of her throat. He paused at the curve of her neck, and his thrust became more rapid. He groaned as she tightened down on him, heralding an incredible orgasm. Tilting her head further, she grabbed his head and pulled his mouth against her neck. “Take me.”

  He gripped her hips and thrust deeper, yet he still hesitated at her neck. She couldn’t hold back any longer. Her core twisted in a tight ball of ecstasy that burst pleasurable waves through her entire body. She arched and screamed his name.

  He clamped down on her neck, piercing her skin. His body jerked. Hot bursts of power shot through her as he came. Her orgasm surged again, leaving her shaking and breathless. The draw against her neck stopped and he groaned.

  His entire body went ridged and then ice cold.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He reached down between them, grabbed his shaft and jerked out of her. Pain burned through her vagina. He leapt off the bed and ran into the bathroom. She swung her legs out over the bed and chased after him, only to find the bathroom empty. Stunned, she looked around the room and ended up facing the mirror.

  Blood trickled down her collarbone. She grabbed a wash cloth and pressed it to the punctured marks. Warmth between her legs drew her gaze down. A small smudge of blood.

  “What the hell just happened?” she asked an empty room.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Kit stepped out of Kamen’s shower and stared at the stone door, wondering what she had done wrong. Everything seemed perfect, up until the last minutes of their love making. He had worried she would be the one to run. Now, she milled about Kamen’s room, waiting for him to return. She stared again at the door leading down to the chamber, confused as to whether she should pursue him or allow him the space he needed.

  She rubbed the towel through her hair and dried her body. Her insides ached, and tingled with a strange dark energy, no doubt awakening her demi-god form. Despite the euphoria, dread made her stomach tumble.

  The cold ache in her chest reminded her Apep’s evil was still clasped tightly onto her human soul. The fact that Kamen’s mark had yet to appear solidified her fear. She touched the two puncture marks and inspected them in the bathroom mirror. The thought that her blood was contaminated too made her cringe. Was that what chased him off?

  She pulled on her leather pants and grabbed Kamen’s shirt. Bringing the fabric to her nose, she inhaled. His scent filled her senses. She gathered the material and tied a knot in the waist.

  Sitting on the bed, she drew her legs into her chest and placed her chin on her knees. Her heart brought her back to Kamen’s room and she gladly surrendered it to him, what there was of it. For so long she had protected herself against getting hurt, leaving herself isolated and alone. At one time it gave her solace, now she hated it.

  He had to come back.

  Angry with herself, she kicked off the bed and went to Kendra’s room. She needed information, and if anyone knew about Kamen it was his family.

  Bakari opened the door. His nostrils flared before he looked past her and down the hall. Kendra appeared next to Bakari, dressed in her white robe with a gold belt. Her widened eyes settled on Kit’s neck. “I take it you found Kamen.”

  Kit had done more than find him, only to lose him again. “He locked himself in the chamber. I need to figure a way to get in there.”

  Her sister touched Bakari’s arm. “Do you mind getting Lilly?” He nodded and exited the door. Kendra grabbed Kit’s hand and pulled her into the room and to the chaise.

  Kit grunted, thinking she had come full circle. Right back on the chaise, confused and agitated. She flopped back and rested her head on the wall. Kendra sat next to her with her hands in her lap. “So Kamen agreed to see you.”

  “Yes. It was the best sex of my life,” Kit said, flatly.

  “That’s saying a lot.” Kendra giggled and squeezed Kit’s hand. “Oh, come on. I can say that now, can’t I?”

  “So you think now that you’ve had sex after all these years, you have the liberty of making fun of me.” Kit smirked, but it faded when she thought of Kamen. He had been a perfect lover up until the point he unplugged and ran. “I think this is payback for all the rotten things I did in life.”

  “What happened?”

  She rolled her head to stare at her younger sister. “Okay, this is just weird you asking me.”

  “Yeah, it is.” Kendra shrugged. “Spill.”

  Lilly opened the door and walked in. Kit eyed Asar and Bakari pacing outside the room before the door closed.

  “Hey, you haven’t gotten to the juicy details yet have you,” Lilly said with a smile, but then pulled up short of the chaise. “Why do you look that way?”

  “We were just getting to that,” Kendra answered.

  “He tasted you.” Lilly inhaled a soft breath and pointed to her neck.

  “Apparently I must taste like shit because he pulled out and disappeared.”

  “Oh.” Lilly sat down next to Kit. “I can see how that can be upsetting. I can talk to Asar, and see if he can find out why.”

  “Why don’t I just write a note that you can pass to Asar, who can pass it to Kamen and he can send it back?” Kit growled, hating Kamen wouldn’t come out and tell her what was wrong. Did he regret bonding with her? She leaned on Lilly’s shoulder. “Sorry. I give you permission to kick my ass for that one.”

  “Remind me later. I only suggested it because Asar knows more about Kamen than anyone.”

  “Kamen needs to be the one to tell me. I know he wants to protect me, but it feels like he is shutting me out.” She wanted to know everything about him. Hell, even now she would give anything to be with him.

  “If it’s any consolation, Asar is the same way. Once your bond is established, they can’t hide anything from you. It is a blessing but also a curse.”

  Heat flared under Kit’s skin and she fanned her face.

  “Your body is beginning to transition.” Lilly smiled.

  Kit frowned. Despite the flush of warmth throughout her body, her chest remained ice cold. Painfully so. Instinct told her Kamen had to be present when her transition took hold.

  Kendra jumped up and grabbed her book. “Of course, Kamen is the Devourer. He’s your antidote, Kit.”

  Kit rubbed the ache in her chest. Nausea rolled in her gut. “I need to get into the chamber.”

  “You don’t look so good.”

  Kit met Lilly’s concerned stare. “I don’t feel very well.”

  Lilly jumped up and ran to the door. Asar was waiting on the other side. “I think it’s happening.” Asar followed Lilly’s gaze to the chaise.

  Kit glanced down. A shadow of her hieroglyphics formed on her arms, much faster than it had for her sisters. She had finally joined the club. For all the hate she had for her demi-god form, she didn’t regret her decision to be with Kamen. She would come to terms with it for him. Her fingers trembled as she pulled the collar of her shirt. Kamen’s hieroglyphic symbols had yet to mark her chest. Based on the coldness in her soul, she worried they never would.

  Splinters of pain ignited as the fire pressed inward towards her heart. A cold clammy sweat broke over her skin. Kit staggered to her feet, pressing her fist into her sternum. “I need to g


  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Asar hurried Kit into Kamen’s bathroom and opened the door to the stairwell. She pressed one hand to the wall and descended down the stone steps, followed by Lilly, Kendra and Bakari. Asar pulled the heavy stone door shut behind the group.

  Kit followed down the dark stairwell until it dead ended at the large chamber door. The same door she had stood with Kamen.

  “I do not know what state Kamen will be in when you enter. I will need to close the door immediately once you are through. Once you are sealed in, only Kamen can open it from the inside.”

  Lilly grabbed her hand. “Are you sure about this?”

  Kit nodded. The battle raging in her chest would erupt as it did in her dream this morning. She needed to be as far from her sisters when it happened. Kit grabbed Lilly and Kendra in a big hug. “I love you both.”

  Asar released the lever inside the wall. Kit turned towards the stone slab. The heavy door rolled to the right. Taking a deep breath, she stepped into the chamber. She stole one last look at her sisters before Asar engaged the locking mechanism. The stone slammed shut, sealing her in. The impact echoed into the room.

  The bitterness burned her nose. She had smelt a similar bitterness when she was in Duat. In fact Apep smelled very much like what was in this chamber. Hairs prickled on the back of her neck as she swept the room. She was alone with one enormous heat signature.

  And other shapes of bluish hues—cold and lifeless.

  Staying along the wall, she edged her way towards the orange glow. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. She thought Kamen would be alone, thus no weapons. The blue shapes shifted towards her. A low guttural growl, similar to a lion, emanated from the far corner. She wasn’t sure if it was growling at her or the other shapes.

  Despite the danger, she continued along the stone. She must love the fool to get herself into this. The enormous orange figure moved so fast, she almost didn’t register the strike. A squeal bounced off the walls followed by the sound of bones crunching. One less blue shape. Three huddled together. Another stole across the expanse headed right towards her.

  She moved faster along the wall, but the soul, or what was left of it, reached out and grabbed her arm. Cold and slimy, she slipped out of its grasp. “Kamen,” she shouted in alarm. Despite her repulsion, there was a strange attraction to the fetid soul.

  The outline of the soul’s face shimmered in the darkness. Hard cold eyes. It launched itself at her. She planted a boot right in its chest, and it stumbled back into the center of the room. It lunged again, but a large animal swiped it mid-air. Several shrilled screams pierced the stale room. No more blue shapes, only her and…a beast.

  Her heart hammered in her chest as the beast finished its latest meal and turned its burning eyes on her. An all too familiar glare. She ground her teeth, finding what was left of her courage. The beast charged but stopped inches from her. Inhaling several large breaths it blew out the air in large puffs through its nose. Fur covered a large portion of the beast’s neck, shoulders and chest. Long saber teeth gleamed white. It nudged her with its nose, gentle at first and then a little harder.

  “Easy.” She held up her hands, having nowhere to go with her back pressed up against the wall.

  The creature dipped his nose and sniffed her crotch. “Hey, stay out of there.” She swatted its nose. Bad idea. The snarl about made her knees buckle. “Sorry, there are just places that are off limits when you’re like that. Thanks for taking that thing out by the way. I didn’t much like it touching me.”

  The beast’s nose flared and zeroed in on her arm. Black streaks marked her skin where the soul had touched her. A large pink tongue, rough as sandpaper, licked the slime free. “Ah, thanks.” Taking advantage of its head being so close, she touched its fur.

  The beast jerked back. She took a tentative step forward and held her palm up. Either she was going to lose it, or he would accept her. A soft velvet muzzle came to rest in her hand. She rubbed its chin and risked rubbing the top of its head with her other hand.

  “Why did you not want to tell me this?” she asked quietly. She sighed, knowing she would never get her answer from him in animal form or otherwise. At least she got to see him. Not dissimilar to his human form. Potent and powerful. The beast was surprisingly gentle considering its objective. It had to have sensed the evil in her chest. Hell, she did.

  “What am I going to do with you?” She leaned against the wall, the pain in her chest robbing her of strength. The beast loomed over her, but then soon settled next to her. She absently ran her fingers through its hair. Its chest vibrated in a rhythmical way similar to a house cat. A really gigantic house cat.

  Oddly at ease or just down right stupid, she grabbed on either side of its wide jaws and looked in its eyes. “Are you in there? We kind of need to talk. I don’t have much time.” It shook its head and broke her hold. The beast nudged her hand again. “Fine.” She went back to petting it.

  “I’m gauging I have only a few minutes before my body starts to really change. I need you here when that happens, okay? It’s going to be bad. Really bad.” She traced the velvet curve of the beast’s nose. Its orange eyes locked on her. “I almost think you understand me. I’ll come visit you regularly if you agree to let me have Kamen to myself.”

  The beast nipped at her fingertips. She jerked her hand back. “Hey, not cool.” Crossing her arms over her chest, she glared at it. It shoved its head under her arm, nudging her again. “If you are going to bite me, I’m not petting you.”

  It bared its teeth and nudged her again.

  “No. And don’t think intimidating me is going to work.” She gulped a breath.

  With a heavy paw it swiped at her but missed. Kit knew it was testing her, damn if it did about undo her courage. If the beast wanted to kill her, it could, instead it bellowed in her face, paced and then stalked off into the dark corner. It glowered at her with bright orange eyes.

  The pain in her chest forced her to sit down on the cold stone. She bent her legs and rested her elbows on her knees. A standoff, but she was alive. It finally lay down and rested its head on its legs. Now what? She wondered how long she would wait for him to turn back to Kamen. “Come on. How long are you going to make me wait?” Kit grumbled.

  Its head shot up, broke its gaze from her and looked at the opposite corner of the room on her side. The smell of bitter almonds wafted in the air. She pushed up off the floor and moved closer to the beast. Already up on its feet, it moved in front of her. She instinctively grabbed its coat. “What the hell is that?”

  Stabbing pain ripped through her heart. Crying out, she grasped her chest. If not for her grip on the beast’s back, her legs would have given out. The beast lunged forward and broke her hold. She fell to her hands and knees. Sourness gurgled up her throat. She choked as the fired burned in her chest. Scratching at her throat, she attempted to relieve the suffocating hold. Tears streamed down her face. The heat that had been kept at bay plunged daggers into the ice of her heart.

  “Kamen.” Kit struggled to lift her head to find him. Fire raced down her spine. Rivulets of blood rolled over her shoulders and dripped to the stone. The snake lifted from her back. Trapped under her shirt, the serpent bit her several times, trying to reestablish its hold on her. She grabbed the head and pulled it free. The serpent rolled and slithered back towards her.

  Another wave of pain exploded in her chest. She retched and black fetid blood dripped from her mouth. “Help me,” she begged the beast.

  The snake reared up to strike. The enormous animal tore into it and then turned on her. Large fangs clamped around the back of her neck and dragged her to the far corner. She whimpered as the teeth punctured her skin.

  As she heaved, more fowl blood ejected from her mouth. The beast dropped her and she collapsed face first into the stone. Hot heavy breaths cascaded over her face, worsening her already feverous body. Claws dug into her side and rolled her onto her back.
The beast loomed over her, baring its jagged teeth. A volcano erupted in her chest and throat. Kit screamed and arched off the floor as a dark force exploded from her chest and shot into the air. The shadow of Apep consolidated in the chamber.

  Kit’s vision blurred, her body in shock. A horrific bellow of beast and shade burst in the chamber. Her visions were a blur of the beast descending down upon the black being, much too large for him to defeat. Kit suddenly feared this had been the Dark Lord’s plan all along.

  Eliminate Apep’s only threat. Her one hope. Her one love.

  Anger, pure and violent, forced the icy pain out of her heart. Heat bloomed and rushed through her veins. Orange flickered in her vision as she rolled onto her hands and knees. She arched her back as fire raced down her spine where the snake had once taken hold. Her mind clouded with visions of death and destruction. The foul scent beckoned her. She would not be satisfied until she tasted blood.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Lying on his side curled into a ball, Kamen gasped in relief. Thank the gods, he had made it to the chamber. Since leaving Kit in his bed, everything went black. The beast claimed him the moment he tasted her blood.

  He crawled to the wall and pulled himself to stand. Following the circumference to the keyhole for the door lock, his foot kicked a fleshy object on the floor. He stooped and picked up the limp rattlesnake. His hands started to tremble.

  Alarmed, he threw the carcass to the floor. Slick black blood smeared the walls a few short steps away, along with shredded clothes. He dropped to his knees and clasped what was left of black leather.


  A soft whimper echoed from the center of the room. He snapped his head around.


  He scrambled across the floor.

  “Stay away from me.”


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