Savor Me

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Savor Me Page 9

by Kailin Gow

  “Call me lazy, but today, I wanted to concentrate entirely on you. I don’t want to have to think about where to go or how to get there.” He wrapped his arms around her and held her close as he looked intently into her eyes. “And I want to have both hands free for this.”

  Her heart swelled, filled with such intense emotions, she thought she’d burst. He was everything she could have ever wished for. Strong and enigmatic. Loving and tender. Intriguing and intelligent.

  The touch of his hands on her skin not only stirred her sexual hunger, but soothed her questioning heart, and calmed her fears.

  Damn it. I love you, Errol. She bit her lip to keep the words from coming out.

  He kissed her, soft and tender for all of five seconds then hard and demanding. And Taryn gave back just as hard as she took. Hungry for him, she wrapped her arms around him and pressed her body to his. His hardness pressed against her and the need to taste him overwhelmed her.

  She slid off the leather seat and kneeled before him. For a long moment she simply stared at him, drinking in the sight of the beautiful man he was. With a will of their own, her hands trailed up inside his pant leg, traveling over his calves and up to his thighs. His pants too tight to go any further, she was allowed only the slightest touch of his aroused member.

  Errol let out a restrained hiss as his eyes hooded and Taryn let her finger ride along the length of his hardness once more before pulling her hands out. She reached out to unbuttoned his shirt down to his waist then concentrated on her own shirt. One by one, she slowly unbuttoned her blouse to reveal a delicately laced lavender bra.

  Errol’s gaze immediately fell to her breasts. Licking his lips, he reached out to finger the delicate lace.

  While he remained entranced by her breasts, she wiggled out of her jeans. In only her bra and thong, she brought her attention back to him. With his muscular chest exposed, she leaned in to suck his nipple and occupied her hands with the removal of his pants.

  “I don’t believe I’ve ever enjoyed a ride through New York the way I’m enjoying this one,” he murmured.

  “And the ride has just begun.” She reached into his boxer briefs and lightly ran her hand over the hardened shaft. Frowning, she looked at him with reproach. “Hmm, it doesn’t look like you're very interested.”

  “More interested and I’d have a heart attack.”

  “You think? Let’s check to make sure.” She took a firm hold of his erection and slowly pulled up to the tip. As rigid and hard as he was, she felt a pulsation of increased arousal pump through the length of his erection.

  “That’s one way of checking,” Errol said through labored breaths. “But how about checking with your lips, or with your tongue?”

  “I’m not sure. Maybe it wouldn’t change anything.”

  “Try,” he whispered.

  Taryn leaned into his crotch and kissed the soft tip of his erection. “That didn’t really make much of a difference,” she said with a shake of her head.

  “Try again,” he groaned.

  She kissed the tip of his erection again, and snaked her tongue out to lick the length of his hardness.

  “Am I aroused enough for you now?” Errol muttered as he sank his fingers into her hair and brought her closer.

  She took him fully into her mouth and applied pressure as she pulled back. “I think I’ve got your interest.” Her lips and tongue played over the stiff shaft as his increasingly loud groans of rapture filled the car. The sounds of his pleasure made her suck him harder, arousing her as much as it aroused him. God, it felt good to know how much pleasure she could give him.

  Just as his cries reached the threshold of ecstasy, she abruptly stopped.

  “Isn’t that the Empire State Building we just passed?”

  “Forget that.” He took a firm hold of his aching shaft. “This is the only empire you need to tend to.”

  “Don’t you think we should take advantage of this marvelous tour? I’ve never seen New York quite this way.” She tried to maintain an air of innocence, but knew her gaze on him was bold and daring.

  “I’ll tell Russell to start all over again when we’re through. It’ll all be even more beguiling as darkness sets in.” He grasped her hips. “Now turn around and let me see your ass.”

  Playing with the thin strips of her thong, she turned around and leaned forward to give Errol the full view. He slapped her lightly and groaned.

  “You're such a delicious slut when you want to be.”

  “Delicious? How can you tell?”

  With a firm grip on her hips, he pulled her up until her knees rested on the seat on either side of his legs. Meanwhile her head lay on the floor of the limo and she let out a girlish giggle. His fingers played along her buttocks, under her thong and into the crevice in which it disappeared. He pulled the thin strip of fabric out of the crevice and licked the length of the tender pink skin that hungered for him. “Like I said, you are delicious, Taryn,” he licked furiously.

  He worked his tongue over the flesh, titillating and thrilling, teasing her mercilessly one moment, then lavishing her with such exquisite pleasure, she was certain all of New York could hear her feral cries.

  Just as her orgasm swept over her, Errol reached down and took a hold of her waist and pulled her up into a sitting position. Wasting little time, he sat her on his shaft and proceeded to pump her with surprising speed and ardor.

  Taryn took on the pumping motion, freeing Errol’s hand so that he could take a firm hold of the bouncing orbs. He filled her, enthralled her, and completed her. Once again she found herself drowning in too many emotions. The sex was irresistibly great, but she couldn’t keep her heart from becoming involved.

  Damn, she thought as she sat back on Errol’s lap. Bobby’s right. I can’t just let it be sex. I can’t keep from falling in love with him.

  Chapter 13

  Fully dressed and sitting properly in their respective seats, Errol and Taryn enjoyed the tour around the city.

  “There’s an interesting exhibit at the Met. Do you like art?”

  She hesitated. “Not that I don’t admire artists and their talent, but I guess I just never had the time to really appreciate it.”

  “Maybe we can take the time someday to get you caught up.”

  The limo turned into Central Park and Errol flicked a switch to lower the window that separated them from Russell. “Can you pull over? We’ll go for a little walk.”

  The car rolled to a stop and Errol popped out before Russell could come around. “We’ll roam around for twenty minutes or so and be right back.”

  “Take your time, sir.”

  Hand in hand they strolled down a meandering path. “I can’t resist a stroll in the park, especially in the fall. It smells great, and the color of the leaves makes it absolutely gorgeous. Besides, you can’t beat this weather. It’s the perfect ending to any day.”

  “Funny. I can’t really imagine you strolling through the park.”

  “Okay, so it’s not something I do every day, but it is something I enjoy. It was one of my favorite places when I was a kid, and I still love it. How ‘bout you?”

  “I can’t say I really have any connection with Central Park. I think we might have driven through it once when I was a kid, but it was quick and that was it.”

  “How can you have lived in New York all your life without picnicking in Central Park or taking a carriage ride, or skipping stones in the pond?”

  Taryn shrugged. “My mother has always been… how can I say…?” She almost choked and chuckled on the description that came to mind. “Pragmatic. She had to be. When she wasn’t working at the restaurant, she was helping us with homework, keeping a clean house, cooking and everything else that comes along with raising two kids all by herself.” She stopped suddenly and turned to Errol. “Don’t get me wrong. My mother has always been great with us. Amidst all that, she had time to play Monopoly with us at least once a week and when we were really little she’d take us to the local
park every once in a while.”

  “Do you think you missed out on being a kid because your dad skipped out?”

  “No, not really. I just had a childhood that was a little different from some kids… then again, I think there are a lot of kids out there who’ve probably gone through similar stuff… or worse.”

  “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, huh?”

  “I guess. You know, a lot of my friends had it easy. Both parents worked, money came in, they never had to work… I can’t say I didn’t envy them. Just before graduating from high school, I started to wonder if I’d be able to make it. I was going to school all week, working three nights a week plus weekends, taking care of Bobby in whatever capacity I could and I was trying to come up with great recipes to impress every culinary school I knew.”

  “I’m sure this made you the capable and industrious girl you are today.”

  “Yeah, I can’t deny it was a great training ground. Bobby was a young teenager and part of him wanted to rebel and raise hell, but he’s always had this part of him that wanted to be the man about the house. You know, protective and everything.”

  “So, I noticed.”

  They stopped to let a horse drawn carriage pass. Taryn looked at the large white horse with adoration then glanced at the couple in the carriage and smiled. Holding hands, they cuddled close together and gazed out at the gorgeous colors of the park. For a second, Taryn felt a tinged of jealousy. The couple was so much in love. The woman had no doubt the man she was with, loved her. Taryn swallowed. She had passion; she had excitement with Errol, but did she have his undying love? Was she the one for him or the one of many?

  “I have an idea,” Errol said as he put his arm around her shoulders. “I think we both need a day off.”

  “That we need one is one thing; that we can have one is another.”

  “Let me take care of it. Tomorrow I’ll have an expert team at Sam’s. I’ll contact everyone tonight, give specific instructions and tomorrow, you and I are going to go to Coney Island.”

  “That’s impossible, Errol.”

  “Let me take care of it,” Errol took her hand and kissed each knuckle. “I want a day with you just enjoying yourself, outside of the restaurant. Please. If not for you, for me.”

  “Why?” Taryn asked, looking into his brilliant blue eyes.

  Errol licked his lips. “It’s adorable that you still don’t realize how you’ve captivated me, Taryn.


  With a fluffy cloud of pink cotton candy in one hand and a caramel apple in the other, Taryn enjoyed her sugar rush as they waited in line for a ride on the roller coaster.

  “That is so high,” she whispered as she looked up and up. “I can’t believe I’m going to go up that high?”

  “Afraid of heights?” He plucked off a wad of cotton candy and set it on his tongue.

  “I don’t know. We’ll find out soon.” Thrilled and a little intimidated, she watched the screaming and excited kids who rode the roller coaster to unbelievable heights. “Maybe eating all this isn’t the best idea.”

  Errol followed her gaze. “It doesn’t look that bad.”

  She shot him an amused gaze. He was being so unerringly sweet.

  Since arriving, Taryn noticed how girls were drawn to Errol. They turned to look at him, licked their lips provocatively and tried to give him the eye. She’d even seen a few bolder girls come up to him and try to engage him in a conversation, all while completely ignoring her presence.

  Through it all, Errol was polite, but showed a distinct lack of interest in any of them, even the buxom blonde who was all too proud to come shove her newly inflated chest up to his. He dedicated his full attention to Taryn. Every chance he got, he wrapped his arms around her, held her hand and kissed her.

  Errol leaned over her to take a bite of the caramel apple Taryn was eating before she threw the core and stick away just as they arrived to the head of the line.

  “Front, middle or back?” Errol said.

  Without answering, Taryn headed to a middle stall, but a serious case of the jitters took over.

  “You okay?”

  “Yep.” Her gaze darted over the faces of the returning passengers. All were thrilled, smiling, laughing and many were eager to do it all over again. “Yep, I’m fine.”

  “Having second thoughts?”

  “No. I want to do this.”

  “This may sound like a silly question, but, have you ever been on a roller coaster… I mean, any roller coaster?”

  A little put off by his question, she turned to him. “Of course I have.” Biting her lip she looked down at the empty seat and hesitated. “Of course it was the kiddy roller coaster at one of those fly by night carnivals they set up at the mall.”

  “If it makes you feel any better, I’ve never been on one of these things either. We can be roller coaster virgins together.” He took her hand and pressed it reassuringly.

  Taryn got into the little red car and allowed the young employee to secure her in. She glanced at Errol.

  “Ready?” he said with a wink.

  She reached for his hand as the series of cars began to chugalug their way up, and up, and up. The view was incredible, beautiful, and breathtaking until the moment they reached the summit and quickly plummeted into the steel belly of the beast. Her screams, at first frightened and horrified, nearly drowned out the roar of the beast as it twirled them around, and around, up and down in a tailspin, in a corkscrew in a ridiculous barrel roll.

  As the wind whipped her hair back and the spinning motions tickled her, her screams quickly filled with glee and the excitement of the next ride. By the time the car came to a stop, she radiated joy.

  “Okay, we have to do that again.”

  They went on to ride the roller coaster three more times, then moved on to a calming ride on the carousel and finally a quiet and romantic stroll on the beach.

  “In sixth grade, the whole class was brought here,” Taryn confided. “That is, the students who were able to pay the fee and get their parents’ permission.”

  “You didn’t get to go?”

  She pressed her lips together and shook her head. “I remember telling my mom that I didn’t really want to go anyway. I mean, I knew she couldn’t afford it. I didn’t want her to feel guilty about my missing out on that trip. She worked so hard at the restaurant and, no matter how many hours she put in, it seemed there was never enough money for extras.” Taryn stopped talking as a wave of dark frightening memories filled her mind. It wasn’t always so hard for her mother. Taryn remembered seeing her mother always dressed up when her father was around. It was different when he was there. They had money for things back then. If she wanted, and her father was around, she would have gone to Coney Island all the time.

  “But you would have liked to go?” Errol asked, shaking Taryn out of her thoughts.

  “Hmm…yes. When Mrs. Wellington, my teacher, surprised us with the announcement that we were all going to Coney Island, I was ecstatic. It seemed everyone I knew had gone at least once in their lifetime and I had only heard about it. But the moment she mentioned how much it would cost, I knew I wouldn’t be able to go. The following Monday when the kids all came back to school, they exchanged stories, remembering the rides they’d liked the most and all the junk they’d eaten and how much fun they’d had. I tried to shrug it off, but it really killed me. I was dying of envy, but I just listened to them and smiled like an idiot.”

  He draped his arm over her shoulder and pulled her close. “I know I can’t make up for the things you missed in your childhood, and I want to, but…”

  “This has been great, Errol. I might not be twelve, but, I have to admit, a few times today, I felt like I was. It was perfect, from the cotton candy in my hair, to the caramel in my teeth to the turning in my stomach.” She stopped and spun around to face him. “Besides, I got to do it all with you. That’s a lot cooler than doing it all with a bunch of pimply faced kids, right?”

bsp; Errol kissed her hungrily for several seconds and pulled her so close to him, she can feel the hardness of him tight against her soft skin. “It’s certainly a lot sexier.” He pulled away enough to gently cup her face. “Whatever you missed out on when you were a child, I want to fulfill.”

  Taryn gulped at the intensity in his blue eyes as he stared at her, his thumbs rubbing her lower lip. Did he really mean it?

  “Why?” Taryn asked.

  “Because,” Errol said so softly it was like a whisper against her cheek, “I want to see your eyes smile like it did today. I want to see your face light up with wonder as you experience things like riding a roller coaster for the first time.”

  “You love that I’m so inexperienced in the world then,” Taryn said.

  “No,” Errol took her hand. “If I wanted someone naïve, I can take my pick of anyone, but no, I wanted you from the first time I saw your photo and read about your desires in life. Something about you intrigued me from the start.”

  “That could be creepy,” Taryn smiled.

  “Or,” Errol said, leaning in, “it could be because you’re not prepared for the passion I could unleash in you.”

  His fingers played with her neck and collarbone, sending thrills of excitement through Taryn. The day had been a perfectly sweet day, but she knew, just looking at Errol that her night with him tonight would be nothing sweet.

  “In case you didn’t know,” Errol whispered against her ear, “I enjoyed this day with you immensely. Now, my sweet Taryn, I can’t wait to begin this evening with you.”

  Chapter 14

  “Hey,” Errol said as he came into Sam’s kitchen and wrapped his arms around Taryn’s waist from behind, pulling her in for a kiss. “With things quieting down here, how ‘bout coming over to La Benicoise? You haven’t even come to see it yet.”


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