Breaking Routine

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Breaking Routine Page 15

by Melissa Tereze

  Harper’s heart fluttered. “She means the world to me, too.”

  “And I’d give you the speech about how I don’t want you to hurt her, but I know you wouldn’t. If this wasn’t serious for you, you wouldn’t have gone to the trouble of coming here and asking me to give her the night off. You would have just planned something unexpected.”

  “I just want it to be perfect,” Harper said, shoving her hands in her pockets. “I want to get it right; she deserves that. She deserves the world. She’s just…never mind.”

  “No. Go on…”

  “She’s amazing,” Harper breathed out, her voice trembling. “And I’d really appreciate it if you kept this between us.”

  “Count me in. It’s about time she found someone who cared about her.”

  “I won’t hurt her, Jude. I give you my word.”

  Footsteps startled Harper, a familiar perfume enveloping her. “What’s going on here? You both look like you’re planning my death.”

  Harper spun. She really hoped Cait hadn’t heard any of what she’d said. “I’ve misplaced a USB, and I wondered if I’d left it here when I was staying. Thought I’d pop in and check.”

  “Oh. I don’t believe the cleaners have come across anything. Did it have important stuff on it?”

  “It’s fine. I’ve got it backed up. Just wanted the USB to be honest.” Harper shrugged. “Anyway, I thought you were at the supplier.”

  “It helps if I have the credit card with me. Realised I’d forgotten it when I got into town.”

  “Oh, well, I’ll let you get on.” Harper placed a gentle hand on Cait’s shoulder, offering a smile. “Maybe I’ll catch you later if you’re free for that coffee?”

  “If things aren’t too hectic here, absolutely.”

  Harper stepped out onto the drive of the B&B, turning back and holding seven fingers up at Jude. He nodded, throwing in a wink for good measure. “See you both soon. Bye.”

  As Harper made her way back down the block, her insides swirled with delight. This time next week, she would be preparing to have Cait over for a surprise date. So long as Cait wasn’t horrified when she walked through the door, the night surely couldn’t go wrong.

  Cait relaxed back against the couch, her feet throbbing from the never-ending up and down she’d done all day. Jude had been great, holding the fort at the B&B, but Cait really couldn’t bear the thought of ever walking into town again. She’d driven out of town for the supplier, but once she got home, Cait had to make several trips up the road. Yes, she loved the area and the views, but now, she was ready to call it a night. And it was only seven in the evening.

  With breakfast prepped for tomorrow morning, Tom unable to make it into work, Cait knew it would be another early one. Honestly, she didn’t have the strength to think about it tonight. Her back ached from spending the last two hours in the office, every invoice now filed away appropriately, and her calves burned. God, she could really do with a massage.

  She took her phone from the arm of the couch, chewing her lip as she brought Harper’s name up on the screen. She wanted to see her, wanted to relax and allow the day’s events to evaporate from her mind, but Cait really wouldn’t be any fun this evening. As she focused on her phone, her eyes fluttered closed. That was never a good sign. But she should at least let Harper know that she was ready to turn in for the night. She’d already had to cancel coffee this afternoon.

  C: Hey, sorry about today. One thing after another here.

  Cait smiled as Harper immediately started to respond. Not many women were so eager for Cait’s attention.

  H: Don’t worry about it. I love your success. It means us women are doing something right, right?

  Cait grinned. Harper was so enthusiastic that it rubbed off on her from an entirely different building.

  C: Definitely. But unfortunately, I’m just about ready to close my eyes.

  H: That’s a shame.

  C: I know. I was looking forward to seeing you. But this is the life of a B&B owner.

  Cait instantly regretted sending that message. She may have been disappointed to have to cancel with Harper, but it didn’t mean Cait had to put Harper off her completely.

  H: I’m sure there will be plenty of other times…

  C: You know, I appreciate your understanding. Not many others do.

  H: What are you doing right now?

  C: Sitting on the couch, trying to keep my eyes open.

  H: What time are you planning on sleeping?

  C: I need to make dinner. Then shower. Then bed. So, 9 maybe.

  H: Text me when you’re in bed.

  C: Why?

  H: Just text me.

  Cait frowned as she stared down at the screen. Was Harper planning on coming over here and keeping Cait warm? She certainly wouldn’t turn down that offer.

  C: Okay. Give me a couple of hours.

  H: I’ll be waiting…

  A shiver ran down Cait’s spine at those parting words. Nobody had ever been waiting for Cait, but Harper? She definitely was. And it was a thrilling experience.

  Cait sunk down into the mattress, the cover pulled tight against her as the cold air snuck in through the gaps at the bottom of the bed. She couldn’t sleep with the heat on; it made her feel stuffy the following day. That only left Cait dreaming about the possibility of having someone to keep her warm someday. But not just anybody. Only Harper.

  She took her phone from beneath the blanket, bringing up her previous conversation with Harper. She tapped the reply tab, smiling as she got comfortable.

  C: In bed. So?

  H: Are you ready to sleep?

  C: Without a doubt.

  Cait expected a reply, instead receiving a call from Harper. She accepted the call, her body warming instantly as Harper’s light breathing filtered down the line. “Hi.”

  “Hi,” Harper responded. “It’s cold tonight.”

  “What are you doing?” Cait asked, turning on her side and flicking off the bedside lamp.

  “Same as you. Lying in bed.”

  Cait eyed her alarm clock. “It’s only nine.”

  “Your point being?” Harper teased, her tone light. “You’re the one who brought me to bed early.”


  “You were going to bed, so I figured I’d be bored without you and decided to go to bed, too.”

  Cait really wished Harper were here with her. But it was far too soon to even contemplate that. “Hey, do you snuggle?”

  “What kind of question is that? I’m a lesbian; of course I snuggle.”

  “Big spoon or little spoon?” Cait enquired.

  “Big. I like to feel as though I’m being protective. Not in a creepy kinda way, but in a loving girlfriend kinda way.”

  Cait was more than on board with that. The sooner it happened, the better. She could picture it all in her mind. Harper with her arms wrapped around her, Cait nestled into her chest and sleeping soundly. She didn’t imagine Harper snored, but, even if she did, Cait wouldn’t mind. It would be nice to know that someone was beside her through the night. And then Cait imagined the opposite. Her holding Harper, stroking the skin of her hip, breathing in her shampoo. God, it was all she wanted right now. Not lying here alone.

  “Cait? You there?”

  “I’m here,” Cait breathed out. “I was just thinking.”

  “About what?”

  “How happy you’ve made me feel in the short amount of time that I’ve known you.”

  She felt Harper smiling down the line. “It’s what I’m here for. Don’t ever forget that.”

  “And I wish I’d seen you tonight.”

  “I wish I’d seen you, too.”

  Cait fell silent again, the sound of Harper’s soft voice soothing her into a world she really wished to be in. If Cait closed her eyes and just listened, it almost felt as though Harper was beside her. Holding her exactly the way she said she would. Protecting her and warming her body. And if she concentrated, she could feel Harper’s
arms around her. She could smell that gentle perfume Harper wore. Everything about this evening was perfect.

  “Tell me something about you,” Harper said, interrupting the perfect visions Cait was conjuring up in her own mind. “Anything.”

  “I’ve never left this town…”


  Cait smiled faintly, her eyes no longer wishing to remain open. “No. Never. I don’t even own a passport.”

  “Wow. So, you’ve never been abroad? To Europe for a holiday?”

  “No. I hate the sun. We get so little of it here that I’m used to the ideal temperature. And I love the rain. I could stand in it for hours when it’s summer.”

  “Is that something I’ll have to do with you?”

  Cait snuggled down, bringing the blanket up to her chin. “It depends if you’re planning on sticking around in my life for that long.”

  “Planning to be around much longer than that.”

  Cait’s body thrummed with an electricity she’d never felt before. Harper brought out everything she could possibly ever want in herself. The priority being the happiness she felt. “You’re sure?”

  “If you asked me to come over and hold you right now, I would. I’m not just in this for the fun. I’m in it for the long haul.”

  “How can you be so sure about me?” Cait asked, avoiding what Harper had previously said. If Cait thought about the offer too long, Harper would be climbing into bed with her right now.

  “I think I’ve always been sure in some way. You just have this pull I can’t seem to drag myself away from. And you’re sweet, kind. You have every quality I could hope for in the woman I’m dating…but I don’t think you see it in yourself.”

  Cait’s eyes filled with tears. “You’re right. I don’t.”

  “Then I want you to listen to me, okay?”


  “You, Cait Taylor, are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. Your dedication to everything around you is astounding, and I’ll never forget the help you offered me when I moved here. But it’s not only that kindness I saw. I saw the deeper you. The part of you that wanted more from life. And I’m going to be with you to experience that. I’m going to laugh with you and snuggle with you and just be myself. Because that’s all you’ve ever seen from me. Myself. No mask, no lies. Just me. And you liked it…”

  “I did like it. I still do.”

  “I’ve learned to be myself around you. Something I never felt I could be around Callie. She always demanded something more, something false. But you got me at my worst, and I’ll never forget that.”

  If Cait could wrap her arms around her phone, she would. “I wasn’t looking until you knocked on the door.”

  “Good. Because the thought of you being taken really sucks.”

  “I’ve never been taken, Harper. I’ve spent my life pushing everyone away.”

  “But you won’t push me away, will you?”

  Cait sighed lightly. She couldn’t even if she tried. “No. Never.”

  “This could be something really beautiful,” Harper whispered. “And it’s kind of ideal that we met in the winter.”

  “It is?” Cait’s eyes remained closed as she inhaled the fresh scent from her bedding.

  “Mm. It gives me a reason to cuddle you whenever I want to.”

  “Oh it does, does it?”

  Harper fell silent for a brief moment. “I mean, when that’s something you want, yeah.”

  “I’m just playing with you, Harper. I know exactly what you mean. Something about the winter just makes everything around me feel more romantic.”

  “I love me some romance. Just so you know.”

  Cait yawned. “I will bear that in mind.”

  “Hey, you should get some sleep. I don’t like knowing you’re tired.”

  “I’m fine.” Cait yawned again, her eyes beginning to water. “Just keep talking.”

  “No. Because if I do that, I’m going to scale your drainpipe and climb into your bedroom.”

  Oh, that would be wonderful. “It wouldn’t be the worst idea anyone has ever put to me.”

  “Goodnight, Cait.” Harper’s voice remained soft and gentle. “Put me two pieces of eggy bread on at eight. I’ll be there. I have a busy day tomorrow with work.”

  “I’ll put that extra bacon on that you like.”

  “Night, beautiful.” Harper sighed, clearly refusing to end the call.

  Cait wanted to speak, she wanted to respond, but Harper calling her beautiful had knocked the wind well and truly out of her sails.

  “Go to sleep, Cait. If your body is telling you to, you should listen…”

  Cait didn’t respond. Instead, she wandered off into a world filled with Harper and her beautiful smile. Her infectious laugh. Her calming presence.

  As Cait’s body started to feel lighter, succumbing to her sleep inevitable, Harper sighed lightly and whispered, “You’re so pretty.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  With a slightly elevated heart rate, Cait grabbed the bouquet of roses from her kitchen counter, blowing out a deep breath as she stopped behind her front door. She would leave soon, no doubt about it, she just needed a moment to herself.

  She wasn’t second guessing all of this with Harper, no way, but they hadn’t even discussed the fact that it was Valentine’s Day. In all honesty, Cait had almost forgotten. She was hardly used to remembering the date for a particular reason; it usually came and went without a second thought.

  If the B&B were full around this time of year, she would put in some effort. Scattering fresh rose petals across guests’ beds before they arrived, perhaps a complimentary box of chocolates for the happy couple. But in reality, Cait had always hated this day. It only reminded her of everything she didn’t have.

  Of course, she loved seeing married couples and those newly dating giving one another the ‘come to bed’ eyes, but it still stung deep down. As wonderful as everyone always described Cait, she’d never had that someone special in her life on the most romantic day of the year.

  But in Cait’s mind, she didn’t need a day dedicated to romance and costly gifts. If she was involved, that romance and gift giving was a year-round kinda thing. If she was in love, it was more and more each day, not just on a particular day that had been commercialised to the hilt.

  As Cait placed her hand on the door handle, a light knock startled her. She wasn’t expecting any visitors. She didn’t even know if Harper would be home when she eventually convinced herself to stop by. Harper had been crazy busy with work over the last week or so, but Cait was thankful for any time they managed to spend together. It didn’t always work out, though. And as she stood here this evening, Cait was wondering if it would be something Harper would eventually regret about them.

  Three times this week, Cait had turned down a dinner invitation on the lake with Harper. She simply didn’t have the time to stop what she was doing and leave the B&B. And with Jude gone for three days earlier this week, Cait didn’t have the option to ask him to step in. So now, she had to hope that Harper wasn’t having second thoughts because of the lack of time Cait had dedicated to her. It really would break her heart.

  Another knock came, reminding Cait that she had a visitor. She opened the door to find Jude standing on the other side. “Hi. Everything okay?” Cait kept the bouquet hidden behind the door. If Jude was about to require her help, she didn’t want him to know that she hoped to spend a few hours with Harper. It would only leave him guilty. “Did you need a hand?”

  “No,” he said. “I actually came here to see if you wanted to take what’s left of the night off?”

  “Oh. Well I was hoping to call and see Harper for an hour, if that’s okay? I won’t stay long. She’s been mad busy all week.”

  “Sure. No rush to get back. I’ve just given room 3 directions to the Italian up in town, and room 2 and 7 are about to head out to their pre-booked dinners.”

  Cait breathed a sigh of relief. She really did want to se
e Harper just for a little while tonight. “Thanks. I’ll leave soon.”

  “You know today is Valentine’s Day, don’t you?”

  Cait opened the door fully, revealing the bouquet of rich red roses in her hand. “Yeah. I remembered.”

  “Wow. That’s an extraordinary bunch.”

  Cait chewed her lip, ushering Jude inside her flat. “You don’t think it’s too much?”

  “Too much?”

  “Harper hasn’t even brought up the fact that it’s Valentine’s Day, Jude. I don’t want to knock on her door and be disappointed when she’s not impressed that I’m there.”

  “Are you having issues?” Jude frowned.

  “No, not at all. Quite the opposite, actually.”

  “Then I don’t understand why you think Harper wouldn’t be happy to see you.”

  Cait shrugged, looking down at the flowers. “Just me being daft, I suppose.”

  “Sit down for a moment,” Jude insisted, closing Cait’s front door. He perched himself on the arm of her couch, a right bug bear of Cait’s. “I know you haven’t done this in a long time, but I’m sure Harper is really going to be thrilled to see you standing on her doorstep with those roses.”

  “What if she hates Valentine’s Day?”

  “Who the hell hates Valentine’s Day?”

  Cait placed the roses on her coffee table, careful not to ruin the petals. “At one time…me.”

  “No, you just didn’t appreciate it as much as some people because you had no one to spend it with. But now you do.”

  “Yeah.” Cait released a slow breath, running her hands down her thighs. She’d gone for a simple pair of jeans this evening, her favourite thick oversized sweater keeping her warm. “Just panicking, is all.”

  “Cait, go and spend the evening with Harper. And if things do go well, stay the night. We’re not at full capacity, and unless a woman walks through the door tonight looking for me, I have no plans whatsoever.”

  “Maybe now that I’ve found someone, it could be your turn to do the same,” Cait pressed, choosing to avoid what Jude had said. Just to see Harper would be incredible this evening; the thought of spending the night had Cait’s heart rate through the roof.


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