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HOT SEAL Bride Page 22

by Lynn Raye Harris

  Viking stood at the head of the group and frowned. “Fan out. Find Ella. Let’s avoid the gathering if we can. If not, no shooting unless someone shoots first. Sounds like a party.”

  He called back to Ian Black at HQ and reported what they’d found.

  “Let me dial in the coordinates.”

  They exchanged surprised gazes. Black had access to an infrared satellite camera apparently, because he was back in a few moments with the news. Dude was dialed into the intelligence community at levels they could only guess at.

  “Twenty people in the courtyard. More inside, probably servants. Fahd appears to be having a party.”

  “You could have warned us about this earlier,” Cage grumbled.

  “Didn’t know. It wasn’t on his schedule. Unless it’s a celebratory gathering. He might have married the princess already.”

  “It’s not legitimate,” Cash said coldly. “She’s married to me.”

  “Wouldn’t stop him. This is Qu’rim. And he’ll never take her back to the US, so there’s that. It’s a minor diplomatic issue to him, nothing more. He will also, very likely, file an official annulment of your marriage with the Qu’rimi government just to cover his bases.”

  “Not if I can help it,” Cash growled.

  Black chuckled. “Go get your princess bride, tiger.”

  The rest of his team was staring at him. Not that he could see their eyes in the helmets and NVGs, but he could feel it.

  “Pussy whipped,” Cowboy said with a more than a hint of amusement.

  Cash’s skin flooded with heat. He’d teased these guys relentlessly about their wives and girlfriends. Swore up and down that there wasn’t one single woman in this world that could make him want only her.

  Well, he’d been wrong. Seriously wrong. Right now, he wanted Ella back in his arms. Back in his bed. Back in his life.

  Was that love? Maybe it was. And if it was, he was in it. Because he couldn’t imagine his life without her now. For the past few days, he’d missed her charm and wit, the way she got lost in her books, the faraway look in her eyes when she closed something she’d been reading. He missed how she lost herself in their lovemaking, how she shocked him and teased him and made him so hard it physically hurt. Mostly he missed her sweetness and the way she smiled at him when she looked up and caught him staring at her.

  He missed Ella—and he was going to get her back. She’d said he had no guts because he couldn’t admit he cared. She’d been right. He hoped like hell she hadn’t changed her mind about him because he’d fight to change it back again.

  “Yeah,” he said to Cowboy. “I guess I am.” He pulled the Glock from its holster. “Let’s go get my woman, fellas. You can laugh at me all you want after she’s safe.”

  Cage clapped him on the back. “Welcome to the club, sailor.”

  “What club?”

  “The club where men like us have figured out that we’re nothing without the special women in our lives.”

  “Lock and load, boys,” Viking said. “We’ve got a princess to rescue.”

  * * *

  Ella politely refused the glass of juice someone offered her and stood quietly by Sheikh Fahd’s side. They had married in a brief civil ceremony overseen by the man she’d assumed was a secretary at first.

  And she had not signed any paperwork. Fahd had seemed to conveniently forget he’d intended for her to sign a thing. Her aunt and uncle were utterly furious. They’d hissed at her when Fahd left her side to attend to some things, but she only smiled at them. That angered them further.

  Her aunt might have hit her if not for Fahd’s bodyguards standing nearby. They had watched and listened, and Ella’s relatives had controlled their tempers.

  Now she looked out on a crowd of business associates and friends. Fahd had planned a party to show her off, it seemed. People had come to congratulate them. One couple turned out to be Capriolan. She’d found that out when they dropped to their knees in front of her.

  “Your Majesty,” they’d said.

  Ella had been horrified. “Please, don’t kneel. I don’t want you to do that.”

  They’d stood, looking at her in awe. After a few moments, they’d moved on.

  Ella could see her aunt’s stiff form out of the corner of her eye and knew that the woman was livid. She clearly hated the idea of Ella being queen of Capriolo—and anyone acknowledging her as such—when her husband was second in line. Not for the first time, Ella considered it truly a miracle that she’d not been smothered in her sleep years ago.

  She was standing and staring off in the distance when someone screamed. Instantly, her attention was jerked back to the moment. A group of black-clad men rushed into the gathering, rifles slung low and aimed menacingly at the crowd. Fahd’s bodyguards were swiftly disarmed and made to lie on the ground, hands behind their heads.

  “The rest of you do the same,” one of the men said in a rough voice. “Except you, Princess,” he added when Ella started to drop to her knees.

  Her heart slammed her rib cage, but she obeyed. As the rest of the guests dropped to the ground and lay down, she stood and watched. Fahd’s face twisted in fury as he lay in his white robes on the tile of the courtyard patio.

  “Who are you? What right do you have to enter my home and treat my guests this way?”

  The man who’d spoken stalked toward them. He was tall, big, but she couldn’t see his face behind the balaclava he wore beneath a helmet. There was a microphone that curved from his ear to his lips and a visor was over his eyes. He lifted the visor slowly, and Ella’s heart began to race so fast it skipped over a couple of beats.

  “I’m Ella’s husband, asshole,” Cash snarled. “And I’m here to take her back.”

  He reached for her fingers with a black-gloved hand, tugged her against his side. She went willingly, her body melting in that way it did only for Cash.

  He was here. He’d come for her.

  She couldn’t seem to form any words as she stared at his profile. He was big and menacing and so gorgeous to her eyes that she could cry for joy. Once more, Cash McQuaid was standing up for her. Rescuing her.

  God, she loved him.

  The sound of a helicopter in the distance began to grow louder. She ignored it at first, but the helicopter was soon directly overhead, the wind gentle at the beginning and then beating the palm trees like a hurricane as the craft lowered itself onto the helipad Fahd had built for his personal use.

  “That’s our ride, honey,” Cash said. “You ready to go?”

  She nodded.

  “Run as fast as you can, okay?”

  “Okay, Cash.”

  He gave her a quick kiss on the mouth and pushed her toward the helipad. Something flashed off to her side, drawing her attention. Her aunt had something shiny in her hand, something she’d dragged from her purse. It only took Ella a split second to realize it was a gun.

  Everything seemed to happen in slow motion then. “Look out,” she cried, though the weapon was pointed at her.

  Cash’s head turned—and then he leaped in front of her as a flash erupted from the gun. A second later, Cash grunted and dropped with a groan. Ella screamed. She reached for the gun strapped at his side as he rolled toward her—

  And then she lifted and fired at the woman standing on her feet now, gun pointed, another flash exploding from the barrel as she fired at them again.

  Ella’s hands shook as adrenaline flooded her system. She emptied the magazine—and her aunt dropped like a stone. A moment later, someone dragged Ella into his arms and lifted her over his shoulder while she screamed at him to let her go.

  But he didn’t. Instead, he ran toward the helicopter. She bounced on his back, trying to see behind her. Trying to see Cash.

  She was flung into the helicopter and her rescuer climbed up beside her. The helicopter was a blur of bodies as men jumped into the craft.

  And then they were lifting off and Ella was trying to be heard above the impossible din of the rotors. Te
ars rolled down her cheeks as she frantically tried to communicate that she wanted Cash.

  The men were removing visors so that she could get a look at them. Viking, Cage, Camel, Blade. She knew these men.

  It was Camel who took her by the shoulders. His mouth moved, but she couldn’t make out the words. The guns had been so loud, and the helicopter drowned out everything. Her ears rang and everything was dull.

  Finally Camel turned her forcefully toward where a man lay against the rear bulkhead. Cash’s eyes were closed and his face was pale. Ella’s heart stopped.

  And then she flung herself at him.

  Chapter 31

  Soft lips pressed against his face. Liquid dripped onto his skin, and he opened his eyes to see Ella hovering over him, tears sliding down her cheeks. He couldn’t hear what she said because it was too fucking loud.

  But he got the gist of it. She’d thought he was dead. Thought her bitch of an aunt had killed him when he’d leaped in front of her to stop the bullet.

  He took her face between his hands and dragged her down to him. Then he kissed her hard, his tongue sliding between her lips to duel with hers. She melted instantly, her body going limp against him. He kissed her until he was pretty certain she must realize he wasn’t dying.

  Hell, he wasn’t even bleeding. But stopping a rain of bullets with a bulletproof vest wasn’t exactly a picnic. That shit hurt. He’d be bruised in the next couple of days. He’d taken three hits from that gun. The other three had gone wide. Thank God the damned woman had only had a pocket .380 instead of a double-stack 9mm. He did not like to think about how that would have gone.

  So he was sore and the breath had been knocked out of him. He’d made it back to the helicopter because Blade had dragged his ass. He hadn’t wanted to leave Ella’s side, but he’d known Camel was getting her.

  Holy shit, she’d grabbed his Glock and fired back. He still couldn’t believe she’d had the presence of mind to do it. Or the bravery.

  Damn, his girl was awesome. Cash kissed her again and pulled her close. She looked worried, but he gave her a grin. She was fucking hot with all that black stuff around her eyes. He let his gaze drop to the skin showing through the silk of the robes she wore. He didn’t like that others could see her bare skin, but he had to admit she looked amazing.

  The helicopter took them to the airport where a transport waited for them. Black had helped arrange it all, including the pickup of the van they’d left around the corner from Fahd’s place. They’d discussed returning to Black’s HQ, but he’d assured them he’d have a ride waiting. The dude hadn’t let them down.

  Cash thought maybe he wasn’t such a bad guy after all, no matter what he pretended to be.

  Cash disembarked from the helicopter and walked toward the plane on his own power. Ella had her arm around him as if he needed to be supported. Camel shot him a look and Cash merely grinned. No way was he pushing her away. Sweet, sweet Ella. His princess bride.

  As soon as they were on the plane, Ella turned to him. “Did she hit you? Are you bleeding?”

  She was a little bit loud, but it was understandable after the gunfire. When he’d been teaching her to shoot, she’d worn hearing protection. This was her first time experiencing gunfire without.

  “I’m wearing a vest, Ella. She knocked the breath from me, that’s all. It’s like being hit by a baseball bat—and since she got three shots on target, I took a beating. But I’m fine.”

  “Oh no,” she gasped, her eyes wide. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Honey, it’s fine.” He put his hands on her shoulders and gazed into her liquid brown eyes. “You okay?”

  Her gaze dropped. “I’m fine. Nothing happened.” She sucked in a breath and lifted her gaze again. “I think I killed her, Cash.”

  He squeezed her shoulders. “You might have. I think it’s more likely one of these guys did it though.”

  He could see her thinking about it. “I emptied the magazine. How could I have missed?”

  “Trigger control, baby. You’re still new to firing a weapon.” Even with a gun as accurate as a Glock, even with the practice she’d had, she’d never fired under pressure. Her shots had likely gone wild. One of his teammates had dropped Flavia Rossi because she’d been an active threat. Not that he blamed whomever had done it. He was just glad it hadn’t been him. Not because he didn’t dislike the bitch for all she’d done to Ella, but she had been part of Ella’s family. He didn’t want that hanging over them.

  “She did seem to stay on her feet for a few seconds after I fired.” Ella’s brows drew together. “I thought I killed her—but maybe it wasn’t me at all.”

  “Did you want it to be you?”

  She thought about it. “No, I don’t think so. I hated her, but she wasn’t all bad. How could she be if my cousins and my uncle cared for her?”

  As mean as she’d been to Ella? Starving her, stealing her money, forcing her to marry someone she didn’t love, kidnapping her—and then deciding to kill her? No, there wasn’t an ounce of kindness in that woman’s body.

  But Cash wouldn’t say that to Ella.

  “Right, honey,” he said, pushing her hair from her face. Stroking her skin and thinking how close he’d gotten to never touching her again. He dragged a thumb over her bottom lip, and then he pressed his mouth to hers again. It was a light, sweet kiss even though what he really wanted was to devour her.

  “Jesus, get a room!” Cowboy shouted at them.

  Ella giggled. Cash wound his fingers in hers and leaned back on the seat. The plane took off and climbed skyward.

  “Thank you for rescuing me,” she finally said. “Again.”

  Cash turned his head on the seat back and gazed at her. “I will always rescue you, Ella. Always.”

  She squeezed his hand. “I believe you will. But Cash…”

  She hesitated, and he squeezed her hand in return so she would look at him. “What, Princess?”

  “What does it mean?” she asked simply.

  His belly tightened for a second. But then his heart swelled and overruled the fear in his gut. “It means I’m yours for as long as you want me. And even when you don’t.”

  She looked very serious. “I will always want you, Cash McQuaid. I’m your wife and—” She bit her lip. “And I love you. You’re the best man I know.”

  Emotion detonated in his heart, his brain. No one had ever thought so highly of him. Or loved him like she did. He knew it in his soul now. And he knew he wasn’t ever letting her go.

  “I love you too, Ella McQuaid. No way in hell am I divorcing you.”

  She sucked in a breath that emerged as half laughter, half sob. “I think I have two husbands now. I married Fahd today, you know. I had to.”

  Cash wished he’d killed the fucker when he had the chance. “It’s not legitimate. He’ll back down when the pressure is on. Promise you that.”

  Ella sighed. “You know I believe anything you tell me, right? You could promise me the moon and I’d believe you.”

  “Not the moon, baby. But I promise to take care of you and make you as happy as possible.”

  “You do make me happy.”

  He frowned. “You sure you want to spend your life with someone like me? You’re rich, beautiful, sexy. You could have anyone—”

  She put a finger over his mouth. A hennaed finger. Designs swirled over her hands, up her arms. Sexy.

  “I want you, Cash. All of you. You’re the only man for me.” She laughed. “You told me I’d fall for the first man I had sex with. You were right. I fell hard. I’m still falling, every time I look at you.”

  He was raw inside. “You’re my first love, Ella. My only love. I promise you I’ve never said those words to another woman in my life.”

  She stretched up and pressed her mouth softly to his. “I know.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I know you.”

  It hit him in the gut, those words. She knew him. Knew. Somehow, even though they’d only
spent a short time together, she just did.

  “Yeah, you do.”

  And it was the best feeling in the world. Finally, he’d found his home. With Ella, the woman who rocked his world and made him feel for the first time. Without fear, without reservation.

  Ella, his virgin princess bride. His wife. His soul.


  * * *

  Two weeks later…

  * * *

  Ella rolled over in bed and slowly opened her eyes. She often wondered if she was dreaming, so she took her time waking up in case she found herself back in her aunt and uncle’s house because she’d been imagining the whole thing.

  Her eyes opened and… Nope, not a dream. Relief and happiness rushed through her, making her giddy. Beside her lay her husband. Her husband. He was gloriously naked. The covers were thrown back off his magnificent body, and his penis was at about half-mast.

  Ella crept from the bed and went to take care of morning necessaries. Then she returned, sidling over and pressing her naked body to his side. He stirred. And then he rolled over and dragged her beneath him. Ella giggled as her legs and arms parted for him.

  “Morning,” he said as he dropped a kiss on her shoulder.

  “Morning, Cash.”

  “Mmm, just what I wanted this morning,” he said, pulling a taut nipple into his mouth.

  Ella sighed and moaned, but he didn’t linger long. Within moments, he was between her legs, licking her into an orgasm that had her shuddering with pleasure and thrashing on the pillows as it crashed through her.

  He laughed as he stood and headed for the bathroom. She heard water running and knew he was brushing his teeth and washing his face. When he returned, his cock jutted from his body.

  He slipped on a condom, because they’d agreed they weren’t ready for kids just yet and she hadn’t been on birth control long enough to be safe, and then he was inside her, stretching her wide and taking her places she’d only dreamed of before she’d met him.

  “I love you,” she cried out when she came again.


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