Betsy: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 6)

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Betsy: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 6) Page 1

by M. Merin

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination and/or being used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblances to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations are entirely coincidental.

  Betsy: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 6)

  Copyright 2018 Maura O’Brien

  Cover Art by Madelene Martin

  Edited by Laura Iverson

  All rights reserved.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. No part of this book may be reproduced without the written permission of the author. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase, or it was not purchased for your use only then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Published in the United States of America.


  Northern Grizzlies MC

  (Book 6)

  Thank you.

  Each and every one of you.

  I am so lucky to have some great readers that I’ve come to consider friends.

  And Elisa Leigh – thank you for your advice, friendship, and books that always bring a smile to my face. Looking forward to meeting you in Myrtle Beach in May!

  Deja Voss – keep writing! I’m enjoying what you’ve done so far and can’t wait to see how you make use of all those covers you’re collecting!


  Summer 2016


  “Fuck Vice,” Deb slurs out, pointing her cigarette at me. “If Jasper calls for you again, you need to lock that shit down tight.”

  “Can you even imagine? Being the Pres’ Ol’ Lady?” Diamond giggles. “What I wouldn’t give to rule this roost.”

  I just shrug and turn back to my inventory. There aren’t a lot of choices served up in the bar and purchases have been out of proportion lately. I’ve got to keep the budget tight if I’m ever going to get Jasper to agree to a new set of washing machines.

  Fergie’s Glamorous comes over the speakers and I roll my eyes as dumb and dumber stand up to practice a dance for when the guys are around later instead of doing anything helpful now.

  Diamond is a train wreck, I think before grinning to myself. Trains really are her specialty around here. I’ve let two of the guys double up on me, just so I could see what it was like. But as Vice said to me when he first brought me around, it’s my choice on who I spread my legs for, as long as I’m flirty and useful, of course.

  Vice’s nice guy routine worked on me at first, and he definitely brings in the majority of Honey Holes and girls that become the more permanent, Girlies. But like a lot of things with him, that line was bullshit. I wouldn’t still have a place here if I hadn’t made myself useful in other ways.

  “Let me get a beer, Little Bit,” Russian’s voice startles me. I grab his favorite and slide it to him, getting a wink in return. “Take care of my room this morning?”

  “Sure thing.” I nearly sigh. Russian works security over at a couple of the resorts on the outskirt of town. And that’s almost the entirety of what I know about him after a year and half here. No one doubts how loyal he is, but until recently he never touched any of the women who party here. I’d heard Frank comment that Russian gets high-end tail over at the resorts and won’t lower himself to sloppy seconds from his Brothers.

  About six weeks ago, he returned to his room while I was cleaning the bathroom he shares with Shade. I nearly screamed when I noticed him watching me clean the shower tile before he flipped the lock on the door going into Shade’s room.


  I stood shock still as he sat on the toilet to watch me. After a moment, I took a step toward him. He held up his hand and repeated his command. I quickly undressed and leaving the glass door open, I cleaned myself. When I finished, he wrapped a towel around me and gently dried me off. Not a drop remained when he turned and walked out without another word.

  After a year of cleaning his and others’ rooms, I had no idea what to make of his actions but it was the first time I felt shitty taking the money he’d left for me to clean his room. The entire week went by without any further sign that he noticed my presence. At least until he had me repeat the shower scene again. The third time it happened, he dropped to his knees and licked me to orgasm. And holy fuck, did he know what he was doing.

  “You’re better than all this, Little Bit,” were his parting words that day.

  A couple days later I tried sitting on his lap. He shifted uncomfortably before excusing himself to hit the john.

  “Betsy?” Jasper calls out from the hallway bringing me back to the moment as I hear Deb and Diamond start laughing. God knows what they’re on this morning. He shoots them both a look, it’s no secret he can’t stand either one of them, so they scurry off.

  “What’s up, Pres?” I ask, following him back to his office.

  “Amy is calling me flipping out about parties some of the Ol’ Ladies want to have here. Same fucking day but they don’t want a kid’s – y’know I don’t give a shit who wants what. I don’t want to hear another fucking thing about it so it’s yours now,” he fumes, lighting up a cigarette.

  “Mine?” I ask confused.

  “Yep. Giving you a raise. You’ll be working with Amy now to…wait, have you been fucking any of the guys with Ol’ Ladies? Cause that’d be a shit show, if it comes out.”

  “No. I swear I haven’t been…I’ve been kind of…” I’m not sure how to explain to the President of the MC that I haven’t really been fucking anyone lately. I let him fuck me a couple months ago more out of curiosity than anything, but otherwise just Vice and now, well, whatever it is going on with Russian.

  “Yeah, Frank bitches about that constantly. ‘What good’s a club slut that ain’t fucking your Brothers?’ Look, you and me had a few good times, but I need shit handled. You’ve got the bar and meals locked down. You’re making side cash cleaning the rooms and I get that, cause of the shitty pay you’re getting from the MC.

  “But I’ll double what the Club’s paying you, if I never have to deal with fucking party planning,” he pleads with me.

  “And I don’t have to fuck Frank or any of the others unless I want to?” I push for the unthinkable.

  “Done, if you’ll deal with the other Girlies and Holes. They need to be crystal fucking clear what nights they need to be available and what days they don’t come by.”

  “You’ll say something to them? I mean, they probably won’t listen to me if I start telling them what to do. And, you and me…I mean it was nice and all…”

  “Betsy,” he winks. “You’re a sweet girl but I ain’t ever gonna patch you. Get your itch scratched where you want to. No one, not even me, will bother you otherwise.”

  “Thank you, Jasper,” I say, completely relieved. And suddenly a smile hits my face and Jasper just studies me. It occurs to me that I’m making a real place for myself. Jasper’s not likely to take an Ol’ Lady and I can really have a place here on my own terms. That’s something I’ve never had before.

  “I’ll have Wrench get you a new phone tomorrow. His Ol’ Lady’s been handling a lot of this shit so hopefully you and Amy get along. Now I got my own shit to deal with,” he nods to the door.

  “Yes, boss,” I’m nearly laughing as I walk out. Closing the door behind me, I see Russian heading up the stairs further down the hallway and remember I’ve got to get to his room. And hopefully, his shower.

  Chapter 1

  May 2018r />

  Son of a bitch! I almost back into the Mayor’s car as I’m leaving the grocery store to head up to the cabin the Grizzlies’ MC owns.

  ‘Go keep Russian company’, Vice orders like I’m his piece to pass around. Maybe when I first partied with him and was desperate to belong somewhere. Anywhere. To have a roof over my head and people who noticed me.

  Back then it wasn’t much different than how home had been. My step-brother started sneaking into my bed before my fifteenth birthday. Once he noticed his friends eyeing me, he started passing me around for favors or money. Who knows? I sure as hell had no say in it.

  My mom and his dad were strung out most the time and didn’t give two shits. Driving up into the mountains does nothing to calm me once I start thinking of them. It was after my seventeenth birthday that I realized I was pregnant and had no idea who the father was. Best part about finding out I was pregnant was that evil shit stopped touching me and his so called friends were terrified I’d pin the baby on one of them, so they all backed off.

  There was never any doubt in my mind of what I was going to do with the baby. It wasn’t going to be raised like I was, that was for damn sure. I sat down with an agency and spent weeks going over their applicants. When I was pretty sure of the couple I wanted, I asked to meet with them alone. The agency freaked out but relayed my request and a few days later I sat down with the potential parents.

  I shook them down.

  I didn’t get greedy. I had picked a solid middle-class couple over richer ones cause I didn’t want my little girl to grow up being an entitled bitch. The choice of who she went to was up to me and I let them know I wouldn’t be safe living where I was. That I needed a studio apartment and some living expenses, that I would work while I was still able but that an extra few grand or so after the birth would ensure they’d never see me again.

  They wanted my little girl something fierce because the next day, the woman came to pick me up. She said her name was Bethany, but who knows what it really was. She showed me the apartment they had found, with a six month lease – so I could stay a little while after giving birth. Bethany would come over once a week to check on me, always at odd times like she was expecting me to be up to something. It got so I’d leave a note on the coffee table when I was working my shifts down at the diner. She’d always leave groceries and an envelope of cash.

  Towards the end, I think Bethany started to care for me a bit. A week before the lease was up she came by with my going away payment and she looked pretty damn surprised when I handed her an envelope in return. In my note, I told her I knew she mustn’t think much of me but that I was proud of the choice that I made and begged her to love and protect our little one.

  Closing in on the MC’s cabin, I pull over to check my mascara. And yeah, thinking about having a kid out there somewhere always makes it run.

  Driving up, I see one of the front curtains move but Russian stays inside until I get the first of the grocery bags onto the porch.

  “What are you doing here?” his low voice comes out in his customary harsh tone.

  “Entertainment committee. Help me unload this stuff,” I call out as I walk back to my car.

  “Who sent you?”

  “I’m here, just fucking help with the bags,” I snap back at him. Wrong move.

  Russian’s long stride eats up the ground between us and he pushes me into my car. “Who fucking told you to come up here?”

  “You already know that,” I whisper, feeling ashamed at how wet I get when he’s rough with me.

  “Back to letting him…” he snarls in my ear.

  “NO!” I try to push away from the car but I could never match his strength. “You know I’m done with that crap. I came because it was you up here,” I hiss out.

  “You came for this?” He grinds his cock into my butt cheeks and I moan, arching back into him. Taking that as permission, he yanks my miniskirt up, ripping my thong off and without another word, he opens his jeans and sheaths himself in me.

  My eyes fly open, “Condom! Get out of me,” I wiggle and try to shake him free but his hands on my hips hold me tight against him.

  “No, Little Bit, you came for me, now I’m gonna cum for you,” he practically purrs into my ear as he thrusts into my pussy in long, hard strokes.

  “Please don’t,” I moan on repeat. Russian’s dick absolutely fucking does it for me but even on the pill, I can’t let him do that. When his hand wraps around my face to pull my mouth to his, he pauses and caresses the wetness he feels on my cheeks.

  Pulling out, he spins me around and reaches into his back pocket. I watch him, panting, as he suits up. Grinning down at me, he lifts me and thrusts back into me. My back is braced against the car behind me as he holds my body to his. I keep my face upturned making eye contact with him like he’s demanded in the past.

  “This ain’t for sharing, Little Bit. All mine,” Russian growls out as he brings us both home. I can feel his long dick pulsing inside me and close my eyes, imagining what it would feel like to have him fill me. To know that I was carrying his child.

  Chapter 2


  “Go on inside, I’ll get everything,” I lean in to kiss her soft lips, inhaling the sigh she lets out.

  “You’ve got to stop shredding my underwear,” Betsy pouts and starts to withdraw from me again.

  “Told you what would happen if you weren’t wearing the pieces I bought you,” I grin and smack her butt as she walks into the cabin.

  The other day, the State Troopers pulled me over hoping I’d have the mother-load packed in my saddlebags. They didn’t even find enough pot to roll a joint with, but the MC’s lawyer says I should lay low for four or five days. Looking in the trunk, Betsy’s bought enough food to keep us up here for a couple weeks. I smirk to myself and text Flint my intent before heading inside. No sense letting my girl go before she faces this thing between us.

  I’m done waiting.

  Done watching her bartend, cook, and flirt with the others. Knowing she’s only fucking me nowadays isn’t enough anymore. I need to break down the shit she’s keeping from me and get her to acknowledge that she’ll be mine.

  Not long after Vice brought her in, Jasper recognized that she filled an unexpected need around the clubhouse. Betsy’s a neat freak. An early riser, too. Vice had given her a room that was little better than a closet with a bed and sink in it. She’d get up early and clean the common areas, starting coffee and eventually breakfast for whoever was around.

  Jasper found her a better room and started paying her. One of the Brother’s had a chick puke all over his room, he went and told Betsy to clean it – she wouldn’t go in until he paid her. Then me and the others started paying her to clean our rooms. Next, Wrench’s Ol’ Lady got tired of Jas not giving a shit about party planning and Betsy was a natural with that, also.

  God knows I waited long enough for her to give up on Vice. Selfish bastard. If the MC was still running women, he’d be the pimp. He can always charm women to come in and party. Figures out pretty quick which ones he wants to stick around and he works on them. Pawning them off on others when he has a new treat he wants to play with, waving them back when he’s bored.

  He was different with Betsy though. I was interested but stayed away from her, thinking he might even patch her. Asshole just yo-yo’d her – a little harder than the others, but that dickwad had her number and played it.

  Betsy hooked up with a few of the others, but she was always more reserved than the usual sluts the MC kept around. I get shit from my Brothers but I’m not interested in licking up their left behinds and fuck if I don’t love to lick a sweet pussy.

  Last Christmas, I was stewing in the corner, watching Vice sweet talk her again. Before long she was on his lap and he pulled out a present for her. At that point, I stood up to leave. Game. Fucking. Over. Bree came over to talk to me, asking my opinion about some road trip she was trying to talk Flint into. I knew she was trying
to calm me down, that woman always seems to watch out for us strays. That night it was the best timing ever.

  I don’t know what was in the box or what Vice fucking said to her, but that turned out to be the moment I knew my Little Bit was done with his ass. Betsy stood up, I could see that her eyes were on fire from across the room and she shoved the box back to his chest and said something. I’ll never ask her what it was, just that I knew that whatever he had done – it was the last straw. I stayed listening to Bree for another few minutes before she grabbed my wrist.

  “Give her the night to cry it out,” Bree smiled at me. “It was always going to be you.”

  “What?!” I raise my eyebrows at her. Knowing I’d never pulled Betsy to me in view of the front room.

  “I think Vice cares about her as much as he can care about anyone but Betsy’s just learning to value herself. She’s got a little way to go still,” Bree shrugs. “She already knows you respect her, give her some space tonight then go get her.”

  I grin over to her, “You got all our numbers, don’t you?”

  “I’ve never been good at expressing my feelings, Russian. But I can read most everyone around me.”

  I raised an eyebrow in her direction, still torn on following Betsy. “My grandmother was like that, fucking scared the hell out of me when I was a kid. My mother always told me to listen to any advice she handed out.”

  “What was the best advice she ever gave you?”

  “Leave the country,” I smile at her. “I’m still alive, so she was right. That must be draining, though? What’s it called? Empath?”

  “Hell, Russian! I’m not a seer like your grandmother. I just…well, I feel a lot…anyway, I always found it easier to avoid getting close to people, but with Flint and all of you that’s not really an option anymore, is it?”

  “Funny, you come across all straight-laced, but you don’t bat an eye at my Baba being a wise woman.” She shrugged and her eyes were downcast with a half-smile on her face but suddenly Flint was beside us.


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