A Hunted Man (The Men of Halfway House)

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A Hunted Man (The Men of Halfway House) Page 33

by Reese, Jaime

  "What's the other option?" Cameron asked.

  "Option B. Leave. Witness Security Protection."

  "Witness protection?"

  Aidan nodded. "Clean slate, new identity, new life. No one would know your WITSEC location other than the FBI agent assigned to your case, his boss who leads the protection assignment department, and me. Hunter knows both the FBI agent assigned, Connor Ellis, and his boss, but I've already checked them both out just to be safe. We've got a house ready for you, with big windows on the east side for a great view of the sunrise each morning and a big yard in dire need of landscaping. It was an old estate home so it's got tons of space. You will have one neighbor and he's far enough away to ignore. It's a very private house, sitting on three acres in the country. The only catch is, when you leave, you're gone. No further contact with anyone. Friends, family, no one. We won't run the risk of anyone finding out where you're located."

  Cam didn't really know what to say. He heard a hum in his head that seemed to get louder. Only a few select people would know his location. To everyone else, he'd vanish. Hunter wouldn't know his location. He wrapped his arms around his midsection to fight off the sudden chill in his body.

  "Cam?" Aidan prompted before his phone chirped. "Think about your answer. I'll be right back," he said before exiting.


  The way Hunter said his name was loaded with tons of emotions. He looked over to him and saw confusion in his piercing silver eyes.

  "This is a no brainer," Hunter said, leaning forward.

  Cam shrugged. He did want to escape this nightmare and option B held much more promise except for one huge factor…Hunter. He didn't care what he had to go through as long as he had Hunter by his side.

  "Cam? I can't imagine you'd want to stay here," Hunter said, frowning.

  Cam stood and began pacing the room with his arms crossed, trying to hide how his fingers drummed while his mind raced. He wanted to go but he needed to stay. He finally stopped pacing and turned to Hunter. "I want to stay with you. Looking over my shoulder, pfft, I've been doing that for so many years I'm kinda used to it by now."

  Hunter crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. "Doing that for the rest of your life is going to wear you out." He paused for a moment and just stared at Cam. A smile slowly spread across his face. "Besides, I told you, I wasn't going away."

  Cam slowly uncrossed his arms and shoved his hands into his back pockets. "You'd come with me?"

  Hunter simply nodded.

  "But your job—"

  "My heart's not in it anymore."

  "What if you change your mind? Once you leave, you're gone."

  "I'm too stubborn to change my mind. I already had the governor talk to me about running for mayor in the upcoming election and I turned him down. After everything that's happened, I just can't do this anymore."

  Cam resumed his pacing. His mind raced with what-if scenarios. "Your dad—"

  "I've already spoken to him about it."

  Cam thought about Hunter's last minute trip this past weekend and stopped pacing again. "Is this where you went to when you were gone this weekend? To see the house?"

  Hunter nodded. "I hated not being with you but I wanted to make sure the house had the sunrise views and the land for your gardening before getting Aidan to push the offer through."

  Cam smiled warmly. He'd love to escape and finally have a home with Hunter but his thoughts drifted to Thomas. He deflated at the thought of Hunter's father being alone. "I can't let you abandon your father. I know what that feels like and I can't do it to him," he said sadly as his mind drifted to the morning after the attack when they were at Thomas's house making breakfast.

  Hunter stood and reached for Cam's hand, snapping him out of his thoughts. "He already gave me a lecture about life being too short and how I'm a wuss. He finally stopped when I told him I had every intention of going with you."

  Cam shook his head. "You're all he's got. I can't hurt him like that."

  "Cam, I've already told you. I go where you go. You're not getting rid of me that easily," he said, placing a hand on the side of Cam's neck, pulling him closer. His thumb gently stroked Cam's cheek as he delivered one of those wicked half smiles of his. Hunter's other hand reached under Cam's shirt to his lower back.

  Cam closed his eyes, relaxing under the gentle ministrations.

  Hunter's warm breath tickled his ear. "Besides, where we're going, you get to see snow."

  Cam immediately opened his eyes. "Snow? I've never seen snow."

  "I know. Where we're going, you get snow, hot summers, changing leaves, sunrises, and a whole lotta me," he finished with a low rumble chuckle that sent sparks throughout Cam's body.

  Cam shook his head and laughed. "I'll go with option B on one condition."

  "What's that?"

  "Your dad comes with us. Aidan said the house was an old estate home so it should be big enough for us and then some. Right?"

  "It's got plenty of bedrooms and part of the house is actually separate so it would work. I'm just not sure I can handle the two of you ganging up on me," Hunter teased.

  "Well, that's the deal. Take it or leave it." Cam backed off and crossed his arms in a very poor attempt to appear as if he had the upper hand in this negotiation.

  "Deal," Hunter said before pulling Cam in for a quick kiss. "But you're the one who's going to break the news to him."


  Hunter chuckled and placed his hands on his hips. "You think I'm sappy? Get ready for the waterworks when you ask if he'll come along."

  Cam shuffled his feet and bit his lower lip. "I don't want to upset him. He was more of a dad to me in that one weekend than my father ever was. I'd love to have him around all the time."

  Hunter looked at him with a smirk and arched an eyebrow.

  "What?" Cam yelled, raising his arms.

  "Are you gonna tell him that when you ask him to come with us?"

  "Yeah. Why?"

  Hunter chuckled. "Take a box of tissues with you when you do."

  When Aidan returned, Cam informed him of his decision and condition. Aidan assured him there would be no problem as long as Thomas agreed. They spoke further regarding the arrangements, finances, what could be taken, and what had to stay.

  "It's going to take me a few days to get everything in order," Aidan asked.


  "You want to leave this Saturday?"

  Cam nodded. "Is that enough time?"

  "I'll make it happen," Aidan confirmed in his typical matter-of-fact nature as he made a notation in his file.

  That evening, Hunter and Cam stopped by to invite Hunter's father to join them when they left. Cam told Thomas the best part of having a boyfriend with a father like him was that he could finally have a dad who gave a shit.

  Thomas willingly accepted the invitation.

  One box of tissues wasn't enough.

  Hunter hurriedly left the office and headed to the halfway house late Friday afternoon. When he arrived, he saw Aidan's SUV parked in the back area, waiting for him.

  "What took you so long?" Aidan asked.

  "Sorry, man. I had to make sure Jessie was up to date on all the cases should something come up. He's on his own now."

  "He'll be fine." Aidan approached the back porch and knocked on the door.

  "Hey," Matt said, opening the door. "Come on in."

  Hunter was immediately greeted by an armful of Cam. "Hi," he said with a grin as he gave Cam a chaste peck. "You all packed?"

  Cam quickly nodded. "Bag's already by the door. Hi, Aidan."

  Aidan smiled in response.

  Hunter tightened his hold on Cam's waist. "This shouldn't take long." He herded Matt, Julian, and Cole into the kitchen with them. "You guys know we're leaving," Hunter said.

  "A clean start is good," Matt said. "I think it's exactly what Cam needs to finally get his life back."

  Hunter placed a file on the table. "Well, we've got everything square
d away except for one thing."

  Matt cocked his head. "If I need to get something done, you don't have to worry. I'll take care of it."

  Hunter shook his head. "Aidan's keeping my house but that leaves one other thing. I can't take my car with me so I've got a proposition."

  "Proposition?" Julian asked.

  Hunter looked over to Cole. "Cam mentioned how you've been there to listen to him when he needed to talk, especially before I found out about what had happened."

  "Part of talking so much is listening," Cole said with a devilish grin.

  "So I'm willing to make you a deal." Hunter propped his elbows on the table and clasped his hands. "I'll give you my car if you stay out of trouble."

  Cole blanched. "What?"

  Hunter reached into his suit jacket pocket and withdrew his key fob. "You heard me. She's yours if you get your act together. That means, no more boosting cars, no more back-talking Julian, and you need to keep a job for the rest of your six-month term here. If you get fired, no car. If you get in trouble, no car. Do anything to land you back in prison, no car. Got it?"

  Cole was uncharacteristically speechless. He was hypnotized, staring at the small rectangle that served as the key for the car.

  Cole looked up. "Luke's working and even got another offer. I've had three jobs but they've sent me home at the end of the day." He shrugged and looked away. "No one wants me."

  "What about the diner? I'm leaving, so they could use someone," Cam offered.

  Julian looked at Cam with a deathly serious expression. "You've had a chance to get to know Bill. How do you think that would work?"

  Cam chuckled and slapped Cole on his back. "Sorry, Boost Boy. I think you'd turn Bill homicidal."

  "We need to work on that brain-mouth filter of yours," Julian said with a half smile.

  "I've already talked to my brother. He'll take you," Aidan said.

  Cole crossed his arms and pursed his lips. "I'm not a joint you can just pass around." He frowned and fidgeted in his seat, uncrossing then crossing his arms again. "I don't even know what the hell he would expect—"

  "He works with exotics and collectibles."

  Cole stilled. The frown disappeared from his face and his eyes widened. "Oh."

  "I figured you could learn to work on them rather than boost them," Aidan said.

  Cole inched forward in his seat and leaned over the table. "I know how to work on them, it's just that boosting them is more fun," he said with a hint of mischief that was quickly erased from his face when he looked over to Hunter. He straightened and sat still in his seat, placing both hands in his lap.

  "Do you understand my proposition?" Hunter asked.

  Cole tugged on his beanie. "But you're leaving, how will you know?"

  "Aidan's going to watch the car and he'll keep her safe until your term is up here."

  "Aidan? Hell no!" Cole stood and paced the room.

  "Why?" Aidan asked.

  Cole stopped and put his hands on his waist. "Dude, I've seen you drive. You'll wreck her in an hour and I'll never get her."

  Aidan laughed. "My brother's going to keep her stowed away at his shop. She'll be safe there and you can drool over her whenever you want as long as it doesn't interfere with your work."

  Cole scratched his head through his beanie. After a few moments, he took his seat again. "Sorry," he said to Aidan.

  "But if you screw up, I won't hesitate to put you back inside, and he will keep her instead," Aidan finished with a wicked grin. "He'd love to have her."

  Cole looked at Hunter pleadingly. "He works with cars all the time. He wouldn't want her, she's a sleeper. She's mine, right?"

  Hunter gave Cole one of his courtroom glares. "Only if you stay out of trouble. Period. You won't get her until you're finished here and with a spotless record. And after you're out of here, if you get in trouble, you lose her. I've put her title in a trust, and I've got a contract if you agree to these terms."

  Cole looked as if he had sucked a lemon. "Dude, a contract? Seriously?"

  Cam laughed. "Cole, he's a lawyer. You didn't think he'd walk in here with an offer like this without one, did you?"

  Cole grumbled. "If I get her, I'll be good."

  "If you're good, then you'll get her," Julian corrected with a quirked eyebrow.

  "I'll be good. Where do I sign," he grumbled.

  After letting Cole take a gleeful drive in the car, they finally said their good-byes. Hunter watched as Cam hugged each of the guys and thanked them for putting up with his shit while he was there.

  They finally left Halfway House and swung by the diner. Cam refused to leave without a proper good-bye to Lucy and Bill even if that broke the standard rules of witness protection. After a tearful departure with tons of hugs and a box of cookies for the trip, they left the car at Aidan's brother's shop. Aidan then dropped them off at Hunter's house with a promise to pick them up early in the morning for their flight.

  "I can't believe we're leaving tomorrow," Cam said quietly.

  "Yup," Hunter said, snaking an arm around Cam's waist. "I already called my dad and he's all packed and ready to go."

  Cam nodded.

  "You okay?" Hunter asked, dipping his head.

  Cam looked up and smiled. "More than okay," he said before wrapping his arms around Hunter's neck and resting his head on his shoulder.

  "Any regrets?"

  "Nope," Cam said.

  "Good," he said, wrapping his other arm around Cam's waist.

  He looked forward to his new life with Cam and couldn't wait to get away. He pulled Cam closer and rested his cheek against the side of Cam's head.

  "You in the mood for a shower," he asked in that tempting tone he knew always seemed to set Cam off.

  Cam groaned. "Always."

  Hunter guided Cam to the bedroom and neither wasted a single moment before stripping down. They'd leave tomorrow, but their time together started a blessed day early.

  "Wake up," Cam heard whispered in his ear. He didn't want to open his eyes. He was surrounded in heated bliss, a hard-muscled chest pressed against his back, a leg wedged between his, and an arm slung across his waist. Goose bumps spread over his flesh as puffs of warm breath danced across his skin. "It's midnight, wake up." He heard the soothing voice as a kiss was placed at the side of his head.

  Cameron groaned. "I don't want to," he finally said.

  "I'll make it worth your while." Hunter squeezed his arms tighter around Cam's waist.

  "You always do, but I've got a really comfortable spot. I don't wanna move." He didn't care if his voice bordered on whiney.

  Hunter pulled his leg from between Cam's and withdrew his arm from around his waist.

  Cam turned, his back now flat on the bed as he glared at Hunter. "That was cruel, Mr. Donovan."

  "Happy birthday," Hunter said with a huge smile.

  "My birthday's not today."

  "It's after midnight. Technically, it is."

  Cam sighed. "How did you know?"

  Hunter sat up and rested his weight on his elbow and looked at Cam in disbelief. "Did you seriously think I wouldn't know?"

  "I never told you."

  "You do realize it's in your file?"

  Cam exhaled heavily and pushed his head back farther into the pillow. He wasn't sure what upset him more, that most of his life had been exposed to everyone who looked at his file, or that Hunter had not let on at all that he knew today was his birthday.

  "Don't you think I know that's why you picked today to leave and start over?"

  Cam looked at Hunter with a glare. "Tomorrow."

  "Today." Hunter reiterated with an equally firm scowl.

  "Tomorrow," he repeated stubbornly.

  "Okay, then you'll wait until tomorrow to get your gift. Good night." Hunter turned and pulled the sheets over his shoulder.

  Cam sat up like a rocket. "Wait, you got me a gift?" He hadn't received a birthday or Christmas gift in so many years the thought of unwrapping anythin
g was exciting. "Really?"

  "Uh huh, but it can wait until tomorrow. Night!" Hunter pulled the sheets higher and tugged the pillow more comfortably under his head.

  Cam pushed Hunter's body. "Fine, I'm up. Don't be a dick. I'll give you a blow job if you give me my present."

  Hunter turned with a grin. "You'd give me one anyway."

  "Yeah, I would," Cam grumbled and rubbed his face. "My brain is still asleep. I can't come up with anything witty right now so cut me some slack."

  Hunter chuckled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. He reached over the side of the bed to retrieve a flat, wrapped box.

  Cam took the present and tried to ignore the tightness in his chest. The gift was beautifully decorated in blue paper with a large silver bow. Hunter probably picked the paper to match Cam's eyes and wouldn't put it past him to have picked the ribbon color because of his own. He couldn't resist teasing. "Is the bow silver for the same reason the paper is blue?"

  Hunter's face heated. "Just open it."

  "Yes, sir," he said then smiled when Hunter's cheeks reddened further. His heart raced as he ripped the paper open to reveal a plain white box. "You didn't get me a tie, did you?"

  Hunter arched an eyebrow. "That would be one hell of a big tie."

  "Maybe you got matching socks, underwear, or something," he said, wanting to enjoy the mystery of the gift for a few moments more. "Maybe you want to play dress up."

  Hunter chuckled. "Just open it."

  Cam pulled off the top and separated the tissue paper to reveal the gift. The smile slid off his face. His heart beat furiously, and he found it difficult to swallow or voice words with the lump in his throat. He couldn't focus on anything but the face staring back at him in the picture of the one person from his past who had loved him, standing alongside a younger, smaller version of himself holding a ribbon.

  His eyes burned as he turned to Hunter with a questioning look.

  Hunter leaned over and placed a tender kiss on Cam's lips. "You said you didn't have any pictures of your mom. I remember you told me you entered that contest with her and got fifth place. I know local papers sometimes publish stuff like that so I did some poking around and found a newspaper that had published an article on it. They didn't have the negatives in archive anymore but they did have the actual photograph from that day so I was able to get it. We can probably get it scanned and enlarged—"


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