Love Notes and Football

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Love Notes and Football Page 2

by Laurel, Rhonda

  “What would you have done?”

  “Forced him to go to the doctor.”

  “I talked to Sydney and she’d been on a daily campaign to get your father to see his physician. It’s hard to watch someone you love be stubborn about something as important as his health.”

  “Avery must have been scared out of her mind.”

  “She’s a smart girl with good instincts. Thank goodness she was there for him.”

  “Do you think this will traumatize Jake somehow?”

  “I doubt he’ll remember what happened but we can keep an eye on him. I’m just happy you had another Benny the Bunny in his toy chest.”

  Morgan cleared her throat. “That’s Benny’s cousin Denny. He knows the difference.”

  Seth laughed. “Of course he does.”

  “The hardest part about my mother dying was thinking she would be OK when everyone around me knew otherwise. It was like a hard slap to the face. Promise me, no matter what, you’ll always tell me the truth,” Morgan said in a low voice.

  “I promise.” He kissed her. “Tell me about her.”

  Morgan closed her eyes. “She smelled good, all the time. I can still smell her perfume some days. On rainy days she would let me put on my rain gear and we’d go for long walks. On cold days, she would put my pajamas in the dryer twenty minutes before I put them on, so I could feel warm and cozy when I got ready for bed.”

  Seth smiled. “You do that for Jake.”

  “You’re right.” She blinked.

  They were silent for a few moments.



  “I’m scared.”

  “I know. But he’s one of the strongest people I know. I don’t believe he’ll let this lick him.”

  * * *

  Seth’s excitement about the new season had diminished since the news of his father-in-law’s heart attack, but he vowed to keep his head in the game. There had been some trades and a few new players, but the structure of the team remained intact. His teammates Patton, Elton and Mike were in a good mood, happy that he had re-signed with the team. His agent, Luke, informed him that there were some new endorsement deals coming down the pike, including Hard Target. The footwear retailer wanted to do another buddy commercial with Patton and him. They’d had a blast shooting the last one.

  Seth walked back to the locker room, in desperate need of his custom shower after the grueling practice. He smiled when he opened his locker and saw the picture of Morgan and Jake on the door. He listened as the guys were ribbing each other about their off-season antics. There had been parties and wild exotic vacations. He used to be the go-to guy for parties, but these days he scheduled play dates. Since he was no longer the most eligible bachelor in Philadelphia, he’d turned into the old man of the team.

  “Blake, we’re going out. You in?” Lamont called out behind him.

  Seth sighed. “No thanks, Lamont.” He was determined to stay as far away from Lamont Brayer as he could. His attempts to be friendly to him ended last year after that fiasco of a dinner party. Seth turned around and caught Lamont looking at the picture of Morgan and Jake. He closed his locker and pulled a T-shirt over his head.

  “Wife got you on a short leash?” Lamont laughed.

  “Sure does. And it has a diamond-studded collar.” Seth grinned.

  There were a few laughs from the other guys. Lamont’s jaw ticked but he didn’t respond. “What about you, Patton?”

  Patton slammed his locker shut. “Nina has some work to do tonight, so I have bedtime duty with Gabby.”

  “I wouldn’t let no wife and kids slow me down,” Lamont said, shaking his head.

  “I’ll leave the night life to you single boys. I like going home to my woman, who I love very much, and I get to read my little boy a story tonight.” Seth slung his duffle bag over his shoulder. “Patton, you ready?”

  Seth and Patton burst out laughing as they made their way around the corner to the elevators. Lamont’s attempt to make them feel bad for being happily married had fallen short in a big way.

  “Can you believe that idiot?” Patton asked.

  Seth scratched at his five o’clock shadow. “I liked it better when Lamont hated my guts.”

  “How’s your father-in-law?”

  “He’s doing a little better, but we’re still waiting to hear more.”

  “Is it OK to bring Gabby over on Saturday?”

  “Of course. I miss my goddaughter. I haven’t seen her in months.”

  “I feel for Jake. He can’t get away from her. She follows him around the penthouse.”

  Seth laughed. “Well, it’s good practice for having a sibling. I used to follow my brother J.J. everywhere he went. It irritated the hell out of him until one day he gave up and accepted that I wasn’t going anywhere.”

  He hoped arranging play dates would help Jake be open to the impending new addition to the family. Gabby followed him around the house as best she could before Jake would finally ditch her to avoid the kisses she often tried to give him. But Jake was a good-natured child and took it in stride. Seth thought maybe he secretly liked having the ladies hot on his heels, like the rest of the Blake boys.

  * * *

  Morgan leaned the empty boxes against the wall of the guest room. Some of the accent pieces would be packed and moved to the remaining bedrooms, and the rest would go into storage to make room for the new nursery. She surveyed the room and a note on the bed caught her eye. Morgan knew Seth’s embellished handwriting anywhere.


  I know it is tempting to organize the room behind my back, but I have to remind you of the promise you made. No heavy lifting for the mother-to-be, or Daddy-to-be will be forced to withhold sex for a month.

  Love, Seth

  “Baby! Where are you?” Seth bellowed from the hallway.

  “I’m in the new nursery.” Morgan rose from the bed when he entered the room. “How was practice?”

  “Great. Everyone is ready to kick ass this season.” Seth kissed her and rubbed her belly.

  “Glad to hear it. The team looks good this year. Everyone who was injured last season has had an eighty-nine percent recovery rate, or better.”

  Seth stood there, stunned.

  “Surprised I know that?” Morgan grinned.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “I was just coming in to do an assessment.” Morgan waved the note at him.

  Seth raised an eyebrow. “You don’t need boxes for an assessment.”

  “This is torture. You know organizing things helps me stave off nervous energy.”

  “Well, let this be an exercise in delegating. You made me a promise, and I expect you to keep it.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Morgan perused the dresser drawers.

  “Did I tell you that you are the most beautiful pregnant woman I’ve ever seen?” Seth pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

  “Yes. After breakfast, and then again when you left for practice.” Morgan put her arms around him and rested her chin on his chest.

  “What time is Nina coming home with Jake?”

  Morgan giggled and pulled on his hand, leading him to their bedroom. “We have a few hours. What do you have in mind?”

  “I like that sexy little dance you did for me the other night after you got out of the shower.” He waggled his eye brows.

  “I should have made you return that damn portable pole.” She sighed. “It’s bad enough we got busted and had to convince Jake we were playing firemen.”

  “That was quick thinking on your part.” He ran a hand up her arm and drew his finger along her shoulder.

  “My pole dancing days are over. Besides, I can’t keep my hands on the pole and a turkey leg at the same time.”

  Seth lifted her chin and placed a kiss on her pouting lips. “We’ll work it into the act.”

  * * *

  Morgan felt invigorated as soon as she walked through the door of her bookstore. She was pleased with her decision to
promote her friend Michelle to store manager. She had great marketing ideas and ran a tight, but friendly, ship. She’d even drafted a business plan for expansion.

  Michelle was waiting at the door with her arms open. “Get in here, prego.”

  “I missed you.” Morgan hugged her tightly. “I brought you cannoli.”

  “Thanks. I missed you too. How’s your dad?”

  “He’s stabilized. I hate that word—stabilized.”

  “I sent him a fruit basket and I put aside a few mystery novels he might like. Maybe you could read to him when you’re there.”

  “That’s a great idea.” Morgan put her arm around her friend and stepped into the store.

  Michelle had done some redecorating. Her friend had exceptional taste and a great eye for art. The place was furnished with bold colors that awakened the senses. Reds, blues, greens and earth tones ran rampant through the rooms and in the cafe. Customers commented on the unique design of the bookstore all the time, but they were going to love this.

  “This is gorgeous,” Morgan said. “When did you find the time for all the new décor?”

  “When I was waiting around like a chump for your brother-in-law to come to town and take me to dinner,” Michelle said with a look that said she was none too happy about the situation.

  “I told you Tyler was trouble. If it’s any consolation, the guys had a bet going on with their golf game. Loser had to hand wash everyone’s underwear for a month. Last I heard, Tyler was losing.”

  “Good, I hope they throw in a few funky jock straps too. What are you doing here? I thought you were coming back next week?”

  “Jared is going with me to the hospital. He had a meeting around the corner so I told him to pick me up here.”

  “Didn’t want to go by yourself?”

  Morgan shook her head. “Strength in numbers.”

  “Give your dad a hug for me. Oh, let me get those books I set aside for him.”

  Morgan kept herself busy around the bookstore while she waited for her brother Jared. She took out the list of books she wanted to add to Jake’s library at home. Benny the Bunny had made his way west to California, and Seattle was his next stop in the series. She enjoyed reading to him each night. She loved his curious mind, asking questions like when was the baby going to arrive because he wanted to meet his little brother or sister.

  “Hey, squirt. You ready to go?”

  “I just have a few things to do before I leave.” Morgan picked up the book she’d put aside for him. “I saw this and thought it may help with working through the divorce.”

  Jared laughed. “You have a book for every occasion.”

  “If I didn’t, I shouldn’t be in the bookselling business.” Morgan went over to the café and poured a glass of cranberry juice. “Would you like something to drink?”


  Jared flipped through the book while Morgan drank her juice.

  “You still mad at me for not telling you about Dad?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Yes.”

  “I didn’t want to upset you.”

  “I know. But I’m still mad.”

  “Have a cookie.” Jared went over to the counter and got a cookie out of the case.

  “Jared Oliver Reed, if you think plying me with sweets will earn you easy forgiveness, you’re severely mistaken. You’re lucky I don’t jump across this table and throttle you.”

  He looked down at the cookie, shrugged, and took a bite. “You are mellower with this pregnancy. When you were pregnant with Jake, you actually did try to choke me at Thanksgiving dinner.”

  She put her finger to her lips. “Didn’t I challenge you to an arm wrestling match too?”

  “Yeah, I thought that was a sucker’s bet until you won. But what really hurt was that you were eating that ham sandwich while you did it.”

  She sighed. “This one sleeps most of the day and eats in the middle of the night.”

  “Before I forget, I’ve been working on something in my spare time.” Jared pulled out his phone and handed it to her.

  “What’s this?”

  “Jake’s new tree house. I took a look at some of the trees in your backyard at the ranch when I was there for the party.”

  Morgan took a closer look. It was a three-dimensional mockup of a spacious tree house, complete with a ladder and a dumbwaiter. “You are an awesome uncle. I’m sure Seth can get someone to build it.”

  “Already arranged. Tyler said if I could design it, he would build it.”

  “Jake is going to love it. Thank you.”

  “So does this mean I’m forgiven for not telling you about Dad?”

  Morgan felt her momentary joy plummet back to earth. “I’m scared, Jared. I’m not sure what to do for him.”

  Jared stood and offered her a hand. “Me neither. This heart attack brought back memories of when mom died, which I hadn’t thought about in years. I know it was even tougher for you because you were so young. So if you ever want to talk, I’m here.”

  Morgan gave him a big bear hug. “Will you hold my hand like you used to do when I was little girl?”

  “I could even manage a reassuring hug and half of my cookie.”

  Morgan smiled and grabbed her purse. “You’re my favorite brother in this whole, wide bookstore.”

  “Heck with that, then. Get your own cookie.”

  Chapter Two

  Morgan opened her eyes and glanced at the clock. It was a little past midnight and they’d had a perfectly good meal a few hours ago, but she was once again famished. She rolled over to find the other side of the bed empty. Seth wasn’t sleeping much these days. The new season, the baby, and her dad being sick had kept him pacing in his study most nights well after she’d gone to bed.

  Morgan padded down the hall in search of her husband. She stopped at Jake’s room to see if he was in there. Jake was sleeping soundly in his bed, but Seth wasn’t there. She checked the study—also empty. Hearing the sounds of soft music from the living room, she rounded the corner to find the coffee table awash in candle light and Chinese food containers, and Seth sitting on the sofa waiting for her with a pair of chop sticks in his hand.

  “You think you know me so well, don’t you?” She folded her arms over her chest.

  Seth rubbed her belly. “I would never presume to know all the mysteries of my wife. But I do know my son is hungry, like he is every night at this time.”

  Morgan swatted at his hand. “You mean your daughter. I can’t wait until the sonogram next week so I can shut you up.”

  Seth chuckled. “I’m telling you, it’s a boy.”

  Before Morgan could rebut his declaration, Seth pulled her into his arms and covered her mouth with his. Damn him, he knew a few good kisses would wipe her memory clean.

  Her stomach rumbled. The baby was reminding her that food was the first priority, not hanky-panky with Daddy.

  “OK, I get the picture,” Seth said. He settled onto the couch and pulled her against his chest. “I took the liberty of preparing Baby a plate.”

  Morgan noticed the plate loaded with her favorites.

  “Open,” Seth mumbled as he put a spring roll to her lips.

  She complied and took a nibble from the corner of it. “What else did you get?”

  “There’s some egg foo yong, lo mein, and your favorite, steamed broccoli in garlic sauce.”

  “Yum.” Morgan smacked her lips as she took another bite of the spring roll.

  He nuzzled her neck. “So Jared and I volunteered to share the landscaping duties of your father’s house.”

  “That’s nice of you.” Morgan rested her head on his shoulder.

  “I’m a nice guy.” With one swift movement, Seth was facing Morgan and began trailing kisses down her neck while unbuttoning the satin pajama top. He pulled down the lace camisole and moved his tongue over her nipple. She groaned as the sensations activated the homing beacon in her clit. Seth gently held her nipple between the chopsticks and began to suckl
e. Morgan shrugged off the other strap. She ran her fingers through his hair and reached for another dumpling.

  “Did you just reach for food?” Seth nipped at her breast.

  “This chopstick thing totally works for me.” Morgan leaned forward and let him take a bite of the dumpling between her lips.

  “Oh yeah? You should see what else I can do with chopsticks.” Seth flashed a wicked grin.

  Morgan smiled when Seth liberated her from her pajama bottoms and panties and spread her legs. He caught her clit between his teeth and like the precision of a skilled surgeon, he held them perfectly still as he began a slow, darting rhythm with his tongue that made her whole vagina convulse. Morgan dropped the spring roll she was reaching for and fisted Seth’s short hair in her hand as he sucked and coaxed her climax. Morgan let out a taut yelp, on the verge of eruption. Then Seth pulled back, making her wait for it. She gripped his hair so tightly she thought she’d pull his hair out.

  He rose up, pulled down his shorts and exposed his massive erection. Seth didn’t waste any time delving back onto the couch and into her, careful to keep his weight off her. Morgan slid her hands under his T-shirt and gripped his shoulders. Seth deepened the kiss and sank even deeper into her. She closed her eyes as Seth hit her G-spot each time he thrust into her. When she came, she bit his shoulder hard. He let out a rough growl and climaxed right after her.

  Seth rolled off her and turned her to nestle beside him, tickling her as he rubbed his facial hair along her shoulder. Morgan leaned over to get another spring roll.

  Seth took a big bite as she put it to her lips.

  “Hey!” Morgan pouted.

  “Hey yourself.” Seth kissed her on the cheek. “Are you cold?”

  “Not really, but maybe we should cover up in case Jake comes into the room. I don’t think playing firemen will cut it this time.”

  “I’m going to put a bell around that boy’s neck,” Seth mused.


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