Love Notes and Football

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Love Notes and Football Page 5

by Laurel, Rhonda

  “And he insists on taking me with him. He’s as bad as you. We’ll have to order in tonight.”

  “Wait a minute!” Morgan yelled. “You’re trying to change the subject. You’re hurt.”

  “I’m fine, really. I do have crutches, just to forewarn you, and I will have to start physical therapy immediately.”

  “You make this all sound so casual.”

  “I’ve had injuries before.”

  “Seth, for a minute I thought you’d hit your head. You took an awful bad hit.”

  “Nothing can crack this thick skull, you know that. I have to change so I can get on the bus. I love you. I miss you and the kids.”

  Morgan sighed. “You said kids. That has such a nice ring to it. I love you too.”

  Seth ended the call and looked at his grapefruit sized ankle. He’d take two dozen ice packs back to the hotel and hopefully by tomorrow when he returned home he wouldn’t look like such a liar.

  Chapter Four

  Morgan thought her boys could use some refreshments after two hours of chewing the fat and making manly decisions during the Blake Enterprises board meeting. She’d made ten tuna fish sandwiches due to Seth’s appetite, which was through the roof these days, and brought them to Seth’s office where he and Jake were just wrapping up the conference call with J.J. and John Jacob. Seth stood at the wall safe rifling through papers, and Jake lay asleep on the couch.

  “Let me do that. You shouldn’t be moving around without your crutches.” Morgan put the tray of sandwiches down on his desk and scooted over to help him.

  “I had a good physical therapy session today. Todd said I should start walking around on my own. And I should be helping you.”

  “I’ll confirm that with Todd tomorrow. Besides, a sprained ankle trumps pregnancy.”

  Seth spied the tray full of food. “What have we here?”

  “I thought my two corporate raiders could use some nourishment after their meeting.” Morgan handed Seth a glass of iced tea.

  “Our newest board member had a lot to say today.” Seth grinned.

  “Before he fell asleep?”

  “Hey, a man can accomplish a lot before a good nap.”

  Morgan’s smiled faded when she saw what Seth had pulled from the safe—the dastardly blue leather binder that contained his will. Every time he took it out they talked about death and fiscal responsibility, as if looking at his injured ankle wasn’t indication enough that life could change irreparably in an instant.

  “I just need to make some notes before I meet with our attorney.” Seth caressed her cheek.

  “Here. Eat your lunch.” Morgan shoved a plate in his hands and turned to leave.

  Seth caught her arm. “Eat with me?”

  She shook her head. “I have things to do.”

  “Like what?”

  “Ummm…” She bit her lip.

  “That sounds very important, but I’d like to talk about the revisions I’m making to the will.” Seth slipped around the desk and blocked the doorway.

  The pouty look he gave her was almost as effective as Jake’s. Her feelings about the subject notwithstanding, it was something he obviously needed to discuss.

  Morgan took a seat and began nibbling on her sandwich. Memories of Saturday afternoons eating her mother’s tuna fish sandwiches came flooding back to her. Her father’s illness had her thinking about her mother a lot lately. By the time she drifted back to reality, Seth was on his third sandwich.

  She raised an eyebrow. “You’re really hungry today.”

  “I don’t know what you put in this tuna fish, but it’s delicious.” Seth closed his eyes.

  “Family secret. It was my mom’s recipe.”

  “Ah. The special ingredient is love?”

  “Love and relish.” She smiled.

  “We still have to get your will notarized one of these days.” Seth opened the folio and held up a cocktail napkin covered in her handwriting.

  Morgan took it from him. “I know I need to upgrade to something a little more professional. Perhaps one of the linen napkins in the dining room?”

  “I can help.”

  “Thanks.” Morgan sipped on her iced tea. “My dad asked me to go over his will with him. Apparently I am the executor.”

  “He trusts you to take care of everything.”

  “Or he just thought I was bossy enough to get the job done. I’m going over there Saturday afternoon to look over the papers with him. I don’t like all of this talk about mortality.”

  “Neither do I. But it has to be done.”

  She took a deep breath. Why did everything have to revolve around death, when all she wanted to do was revel in the new life within her, and her life with Seth. “When I saw you get tackled to the ground, I thought you’d hit your head or were paralyzed. My heart stopped beating. All of this means nothing if you’re not here with me. So please, no hopping around until you’re strong enough.” She rounded the desk and gingerly sat on his lap.

  “I promise.” Seth moved his hand over her belly. “Now eat up. My babies have got to be hungry.”

  * * *

  Sipping a crystal flute of sparkling grape juice “wine,” Morgan knew Nina’s team party was going to be phenomenal. Nina had chosen the Natural History Museum for the venue. The elegant table settings and fabulous food were sure to be a big hit with Jocelyn. The evening would be perfect, as long as Morgan didn’t run into Charisma and Lamont.

  Her cousin’s volatile relationship with the wide receiver was back on, and Morgan was sure there would be media hijinks aplenty, as usual. Charisma was nothing if not predictable.

  Morgan spotted Nina out in the hallway on her phone. She headed toward her, but the tuxedoed waiter carrying the crab salad on endive appetizers on a tray caused her to make a sharp left turn after him. Her eyes rolled back in head as soon as she took a bite.

  “Is it that good?” someone said from a distance.

  Morgan opened her eyes to see Lamont walking her way. “I’m pregnant, Lamont. Everything is good to me. But this is exceptional.”

  “Congratulations on the new babies.” He gave her the once over.

  “Thank you. I hear you and Charisma are back together.”

  “Well…not exactly together.”

  “Lamont, tell me something. Is your dance around commitment the same as your end zone dance?”

  Lamont looked at her, shocked. Morgan laughed to herself. There were no charming comebacks for that one.

  The babies started drumming her organs like bongos, and the hair on the back of her neck stood up. In the distance she could hear Charisma’s exaggerated laughter coming their way.

  Charisma appeared out of nowhere and linked arms with Lamont. “Lamont, is the queen bee giving you trouble?”

  Lamont remained quiet.

  “Hi, Charisma. Yes, your Uncle Curtis is recovering well at home since his bypass surgery. Thank you for asking.” Morgan’s jaw ticked.

  Charisma put her hand on her hip. “I know how he’s doing. Lamont and I stopped by the house and my mom calls Sydney daily. Did you hear I’m going to be on Match Wits too?”

  “Yes. I heard you will be on Ariana’s team. It’s so refreshing to see you doing something for the benefit of others.”

  Charisma rolled her eyes at her. “You’re not the only person in the family who has an interest in charity work.”

  “You know Charisma, true charity begins at home.” Morgan smiled.

  Seth came over and put his arm around Morgan’s waist. “Hey babe, did you find Nina?”

  “She’s still in the hall on the phone,” she answered, then turned back to Charisma and Lamont, who was looking as if he wanted to find the nearest exit. “If you two will excuse us, I’d like to have sex with my husband again, so we’re headed to the coat closet.” Morgan pulled on Seth’s hand and led him away.

  “I really do love it when you’re pregnant,” he chuckled.

  “Are they still looking at us?” she murmure

  Seth stole a glance over his shoulder. “Yep. Charisma looks disgusted and Lamont slightly turned on.”

  “If we have to be around those two, we may as well have some fun.”

  Chapter Five

  Seth exited the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist and went over to the sink. He lathered his face, ready to shave, when Jake opened the door.

  “Hey partner.”

  “Daddy you shave?” Jake grabbed the counter and rose up on his toes to see what Seth was doing.

  “Yes, I am. Want to join me? We’re going to go visit Grandpa.”

  Seth laughed when Jake opened the bottom drawer of the vanity and pulled out a small black bag and handed it to Seth. He opened the bathroom closet and retrieved a stool for Jake so he would be eye-level with the mirror. Jake opened the bag and retrieved the plastic toy razor from the Lil Shaver Kit Tate had gotten him for his birthday. Seth reached into the drawer and retrieved the baby-safe soap and worked it into a good lather. He then put some on Jake’s cheeks.

  “We’re going to start up here,” Seth pointed to a spot on his cheek, “and gently bring it down.”

  Jake followed as Seth guided him through getting a close, clean shave.

  “I wish I had my camera,” Morgan said as she stepped into the bathroom.

  Seth stopped her when she leaned forward to kiss Jake. “No kisses from his momma while he’s shaving.”

  Morgan raised an eyebrow. “Funny coming from a man whose momma still wipes his mouth when he’s finished eating.”

  “Jake is a quick learner. He’ll be shaving in no time.” Seth grinned.

  “Jake, don’t turn into a hairy monster on Mommy just yet. I still have a few cheek-squeezing years left and I intend to enjoy them.” Morgan tapped him on the nose.

  “Babe, why don’t you sleep in today?”

  “And miss the chance to harass my father about eating right? No way. Besides, I want to make sure you don’t do anything foolish. Every man in my life is determined to go against doctor’s orders.”

  “I go pee-pee Daddy.” Jake walked toward his potty training chair.

  “Oh my gosh,” Morgan gasped.

  Seth grabbed the can of shaving cream and sprayed some of the foam into the bowl. “OK Jake, aim and shoot, just like we practiced.”

  “You’re such a big boy!” Morgan applauded when Jake used the potty then went over to the sink and waited for Seth to turn on the water so he could wash his hands.

  When he was done, Jake sprinted out of the bathroom.

  “Where is he going?” Morgan peeked out the door.

  “We made a progress chart. A straight shot into the bowl is a touchdown.”

  “Today it’s potty training, next thing you know he’ll be going off to college. I think I need a sandwich.”

  When they arrived at the house, Morgan’s dad was milling around in the garage. She bolted out of the car, ready to give him a stern talking-to, but he distracted her with an unexpected bear hug.

  “How’s my beautiful daughter?” Curtis kissed her cheek.

  “I’m fine.” She returned the hug. “You shouldn’t be doing whatever it is you were getting ready to do.”

  Curtis laughed. “But since you can’t conclusively prove what I was about to do, your berating is unwarranted.”

  “Grandpa.” Jake handed his grandfather his stuffed bunny Benny, which his grandfather had returned weeks ago.

  “Thank you, Jake. Grandma and Avery are in the kitchen making cupcakes.”

  “Curtis, Jake is officially potty training.” Seth said. “He went all by himself this morning.”

  “Way to go Jake.” Curtis high fived his grandson. “How’s the physical therapy going, Seth?”

  “I’m almost a hundred percent.”

  “Well, don’t work too hard. Leave the heavy lifting to Jared.” Curtis chuckled.

  Jared came out of the garage with the electric hedge trimmer and joined them.

  Morgan surveyed the yard. “Dad, this yard looks pretty good already. Have you been doing yard work?”

  “No.” Curtis looked away.

  Morgan took Jake’s hand to lead him into the house.

  “He can stay out here with me.” Jake giggled as her father tickled him.

  “Why am I sure I’ll live to regret that?” Morgan said, and went inside to find Sydney.

  Two hours later the men took a break for lunch. Seth and Jared walked in, wiping sweat off their faces, while Curtis brought Jake in covered with dirt.

  “Dad! Why did you let him get so dirty?” Morgan lunged at Jake with a moist paper towel.

  “Boys need to dig holes and get dirty,” Curtis said. “Think of it as a rite of passage in the Reed back yard.”

  “You never let me play in the dirt when I was a kid.” Morgan put her hand on her hip.

  “Remember that day you were shoveling dirt into your pail and saw that worm and came screaming into the house?” Her father took the paper towel from her and cleaned Jake’s face.

  “What about her conspiracy theory that birds were trying to kill her?” Jared added, washing his hands at the kitchen sink. “That was a great five years. Or what about the time she wouldn’t—”

  “Shut it, Jared.” Morgan rolled her eyes.

  “Jake was telling me that you were teaching him about fire fighters. He said something about a pole in your bedroom.”

  “Oh, did he?” Morgan blushed and pretended to look for something.

  “Look at all this food. I am starving.” Seth looked away, grabbed a spoon out of the draw and plunged it into the macaroni salad.

  Morgan swatted at his hand. “Lunch is almost ready.”

  “All landscapers and junior landscapers get cleaned up so we can eat,” Sydney said. She then turned to Morgan’s father. “Curtis, isn’t it time for your meds?”

  “Yes it is. What would I do without you?” He kissed Sydney on the cheek.

  Morgan looked around. She loved this house. It was her childhood home. But for the first time, she felt like it was beginning to be too much for her father and Sydney to maintain. Maybe it really was time to think about hiring someone to help out. Or maybe even downsizing.

  * * *

  It was no surprise to Morgan that someone would come to visit, since Seth had an away game. She just didn’t expect it to be J.J. The oldest Blake brother bore a strong resemblance to Seth. But unlike Tyler, who was damn near Seth’s twin, J.J. had an edgier look to him. There was a deep intensity tucked behind those cool green eyes. His dimples were fainter than Seth’s, or maybe he just didn’t smile as much. His stormy marriage to Eden probably had much to do with it. The family didn’t push on that subject, but it didn’t mean Morgan didn’t worry about her brother-in-law’s happiness.

  “J.J.! I’m so happy to see you! What are you doing here?” Morgan gave him a big squeeze.

  “I had business in New York and thought I’d swing by and spend some time with you and Jake.” J.J. put his arm around her.

  “Jake will be delighted to see you. You just missed Seth. The team bus left about an hour ago.”

  “Morgan, you look radiant. Twins. I can’t believe it. Looks like Seth is getting that football team he wanted. How are you feeling?”

  “Most days I’m fine, but today I feel like they’re throwing around a football in there.” She put his hand on a kicking spot.

  “That is amazing. Those two of are going to be a handful.”

  “I think so too. How are things at the ranch?”

  “Everything is fine. Momma and Daddy can’t wait until your next visit.”

  “How’s Eden?” Morgan couldn’t stop the grimace she made when she said her sister-in-law’s name.

  “Morgan, you almost controlled your frown this time.” J.J. chuckled.

  “You saw that?”

  “Your reaction to Eden’s name is always the same. Either that, or you ate a bad pickle.”

  “Sorry about that.” Morgan bit her lip. “So
how are things between you two?”

  “Pretty much the same.”

  Morgan wished she kept a cattle prod in the penthouse. J.J.’s solemn expression at the mention of his wife yielded no clues of their current status. What was it going to take to get him to open up? “So what would you like to do this weekend? Besides watch the game in the war room on Sunday? I could show you around town.”

  J.J. laughed. “You don’t have to do that. Seth’s given me a tour.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Did his tour include a home cooked meal at my dad and Sydney’s house?”

  “No, it did not.”

  “Uncle J.J.!” Jake screamed and he ran into the living room.

  “Hey partner!” J.J. picked him up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “You’re growing like a weed.”

  “Rowdy?” Jake looked around for his pet border collie that resided on the ranch.

  “The last time I saw Rowdy he was near the barn following Isabelle around. But he said to tell you hello and that he can’t wait to see you again. I have something for you.” J.J. carried him over to his bags and pulled out a race car.

  “That ought to keep him busy for a full ten minutes.” Morgan laughed.

  J.J. took a seat on the couch. “I have an idea for a new construction project and I thought I’d talk to Jared while I was in town.”

  “Jared is a great architect. He built my first doll house and I’m sure he showed you the design for Jake’s tree house.” Morgan beamed.

  “That tree house is going to be awesome. Jake and the boys will have great adventures in it. I’ve ordered a special treated wood to make sure it’s durable and will last a long time.”

  “So what’s this new construction idea you’ve got? Is there a new land development project going on?”

  “This is something…personal. I’m thinking about making some home improvements.” J.J. winked at her.

  “Oh.” She blinked. Would a man make home improvements with a woman he was going to divorce? “Well, come on. Let’s get you unpacked.”


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