The Dragon Guardian

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The Dragon Guardian Page 10

by Jessie Donovan

  With a deep breath, he focused on letting the cat out of his carrier. “What did you talk about with Arabella? Because whatever it was, you’ve nearly won her over and that’s quite a feat when it comes to Arabella MacLeod.”

  Gina answered as soon as her mouth was empty. “Not much. She hasn’t decorated a room for her triplets yet, so I’m going to go over there tomorrow and suggest some ideas.”

  He frowned. “Ara doesn’t strike me as the type to care about decorating things.”

  She pointed her fork at him. “You’d be surprised. Apparently, she loves picture of old doors. We can totally use that as a starting point and go from there.”

  Fergus couldn't care less about decorating rooms, but he loved the anticipation shining in Gina’s eyes. He’d bet his life that this was the first time in a long time the lass had forgotten about her past long enough to be happy. He only wished it was because of him.

  Stop it, Fergus. We’re a grown male. That may be true, but there was nothing wrong with making his lass a little happier.

  Walking over to her, he tucked a piece of stray hair behind her ear. “If you can get Arabella to vouch for you, then Finn will probably allow you to stay, lass.” He took her chin between his fingers. “And I hope you’ll stay.”

  As he stroked the soft skin of her jaw, Gina stopped breathing. She even leaned a few inches toward him.

  If he were noble, he would release his grip and allow the lass to eat. Yet as her pupils dilated and her heart rate kicked up, Fergus didn’t want to waste his chance. He squatted down until he was eye level and murmured, “You’re so lovely, Gina. Between the sparkle in your green eyes and your wild, curly hair, you are most definitely the bonniest lass I’ve ever seen.”

  She moved back a few inches. Only through his ironclad restraint did he keep his dragon in check as she replied, “Don’t do that, Fergus.”

  “Do what, lass?”

  “Say things you don’t mean. I know you’re my Guardian and I’m pretty sure your duties include keeping me happy. But don’t do it like that. A dragonman sweet-talked to me for several weeks before laughing in my face and abandoning me. Don’t lie to me, too.”

  He growled. “I’m not bloody lying. I’m sorry the bastard American treated you that way, but don’t compare me to him.” He leaned closer to her face. “You are beautiful, Gina. Don’t ever doubt it.”

  She opened her mouth, but not wanting to hear another excuse, he kissed her.


  Gina had been about to tell Fergus to leave when he kissed her.

  Part of her wanted to punch him in the dick for his audacity, but the other part of her breathed in relief. Ever since he’d had his hand on her thigh back at the MacKenzie household, her lips had pulsed with desire, wanting to be kissed.

  As he sucked and nibbled, she let out a sigh. Fergus made her feel as if she were the only woman in the world and he would stop at nothing to devour her. If only she could start over and have Fergus be the dragon-shifter she’d met in the bar; her life would be in a very different place.

  Yet as Fergus threaded his fingers through her hair and dug his nails lightly into her scalp, she forgot about everything in the past. They were alone with no one watching. Even if it was just this one kiss, Gina wanted to feel desired.

  Fergus pulled away but stayed close. His eyes were filled with heat and wanting. “Was that enough to convince you of how much I want you?”

  Say yes and dismiss him. Going any further could be dangerous.

  However, Fergus lightly brushed her cheek with a finger from his free hand and she shivered. He smiled slowly and added, “Does my touch make you burn, Gina MacDonald?” His eyes flashed to slits and back. “It’s taking everything I have not to carry you to bed and make love to you.”

  Her heart thumped as she saw the truth in his eyes. “I thought a Guardian was only supposed to protect me.”

  “Aye, in the old days. If you refuse me, I’ll still protect you with my life. But”—he brushed her cheek again—“I want more. I want to hold you close and wake up with you in my arms.” He moved his free hand to her pregnant belly. “I want to watch your son grow into a strong male.” He lifted his hand to trace the curve of her breast. “And I want to devour every inch of your skin and make you come harder than you ever have in your life.” He removed both hands from her. “The bigger question is, what do you want, Gina?”

  Recklessness had cost Gina her degree, her freedom, her friends, and even her family. Every sensible iota of her being screamed to order Fergus away and close off her heart from being hurt again.

  On the other hand, Fergus’s mere presence eased her stress. Also, her son loved to dance in the dragonman’s presence and Fergus had even volunteered to protect her with his life. True, he could be using pretty words to get into her pants, but her gut said Fergus MacKenzie was different.

  The only question was whether she took a chance and listened to her instinct or if she played it safe.

  As she debated the reasons to go one way or the other, her son kicked. Gina smiled when he did it again. Without thinking, she reached for Fergus’s hand and placed it on her stomach. As her son continued to kick and move around, Fergus’s deep voice filled the room. “I think maybe we should listen to the lad. He seems to like me and you don’t want to disappoint the bairn before he’s even born.”

  She snorted. “So you’re using my baby against me?”

  He grinned. “Aye. It’s best to get him on my side early on. With his help, I might be able to convince you to be my mate.”

  She drew in a breath. “Mate?”

  Rubbing her stomach in slow circles, his grin faded. “Not now, of course. I will take as long as it takes to win you over, Gina Louise. Even if it takes me years, you’ll be worth the wait.”

  She barely acknowledged the fact Fergus already knew her middle name. “But you just met me.”

  “I’ve been thinking of you every day since I first walked out of the lake in dragon form and tried not to laugh as you threatened me.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Hey, it wasn’t an idle threat.”

  “That may be, lass, but from that second, I loved your spirit. Whenever it fades, I can tell it’s because of the male that hurt you.” He paused, and then asked, “Maybe if you tell me about him, we can think of a way to purge your memories of his bastard self.”

  “You’re just saying that to eventually get me naked.”

  Fergus tilted his head. “If all I wanted was you naked, then you’d be naked already.”

  Gina tsked. “Someone’s cocky.”

  He laid a possessive hand on her thigh. “I want you to feel safe, Gina. But without knowing about your past, I can’t help you, let alone try to protect you and your son.” He squeezed her leg. “Tell me and the information will go with me to my grave.”

  She paused before asking, “What if it endangers your clan?”

  “Then I’ll persuade you to talk to Finn. But I won’t be the one to tell him.”

  As Fergus stared at her, Gina tried to decide what to do. If Fergus knew the extent of how much BroadBay wanted her child, he might run to his clan leader. She’d be on her ass outside Lochguard’s gate before Gina could do more than blink.

  Glancing down at Fergus’s large hand on her thigh, she attempted to think of a reason to keep her secrets.

  Fergus spoke up again, his accent thick when he said, “If you won’t tell me because you don’t want to burden me, then think of your son. I can’t protect him, either, without knowing all the facts.”

  She looked up at that. “So you’re guilt-tripping me into telling you the past?”

  He winked. “If this is guilt-tripping, then you wouldn’t stand a chance against my mum. She’s the queen of making someone feel guilty.”

  Smiling, she laid a hand over his. “Then I’ll have to ask Aunt Lorna for lessons the next time I see her.”

  “Aye, I’m sure she’ll give them to you, too.”

  Fergus fell
silent. He was giving her time to make a decision.

  Tears pricked her eyes. Even in this moment, when Fergus could easily overpower her and demand answers, he was patient. Kindness and something else she couldn’t name filled his eyes.

  Truth be told, it was easy to imagine a life where she woke up to her dragonman’s blue-eyed gaze.

  He could be hers if she took a risk.

  Before she could change her mind, Gina blurted out, “It started with a dare. Madison was my roommate. Whenever she’d had a little too much to drink, she always came up with the most ridiculous dares. For the most part, they were impossible.

  “But that night, we were at one of the bars at the edge of BroadBay’s land. Technically, the dragon-shifters weren’t allowed inside. But the owners knew the presence of dragon-shifters could be profitable in drawing crowds to gawk, so they encouraged it.

  “Anyway, Madison noticed a group of men with dragon-shifter tattoos. She was usually the one to go up to men and ask them to sit with us. This time, she was pretty drunk and dared me to do it since it was on my list of things to do before we graduated and there were only six months left.”

  Gina and Madison had written their lists as a joke during their freshmen year, but Madison had soon made it her mission to accomplish everything on that list by graduation.

  Peeking up at Fergus, his eyes asked for her to continue, so she did. “Despite what you may think, I’m shy in large social situations. It’s only when I’m alone or in small groups that I can stand my ground. Since the bar was packed, I took one last shot of tequila before approaching the table. I half-expected the dragonmen to sneer and dismiss me. But the tallest one with light brown hair and whiskey-colored eyes smiled at me before coaxing me to sit next to him. He made me laugh and even taught me a few things about his clan. Having been an admirer of dragon-shifters for years, it was like a dream come true.”

  In retrospect, Gina had been naïve. Only human sacrifices could live with the dragon clans, but deep down, she’d believed Travis’s promise about finding a way to be together.

  Alcohol and pent-up dreams had made her a temporary fool.

  Fergus lifted her chin until she met his eye. “Tell me what happened, lass.”

  She placed a hand on her stomach. “As you know the aftermath, it’s pretty obvious he wooed me into bed. He pretended to date me for a few weeks. Despite using condoms, they failed for us and I found myself pregnant. While scary, I was also ecstatic. As a mother to a dragon-shifter child, I really could have the chance to live with BroadBay and my charming dragonman.”

  Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm her nerves. The next part still upset her, but without it, Fergus would never know the truth. She only hoped he wouldn’t pity her. “As soon as my pregnancy was verified, I tried to see Travis. I should’ve known something was wrong when he showed up with an impatient look on his face. I asked him when we could go to the DDA to see about a special license. I knew they were giving a few out here in the UK, so I imagined it might be possible in the US. That’s when he laughed at me and told me I was a bet. His friends had bet him he couldn’t get ten females pregnant in a year, and he took it. He accomplished it by poking tiny holes in the condoms he used. I was the tenth female, hence why he was so determined to get me into bed since his year was nearly up.”

  Even after all these months, just remembering Travis’s sneer made her stomach churn. He’d told her about the bet as if he were talking about the weather; he didn’t care for her. His clan needed new blood and he was finding a way around the red tape of the sacrifice system. Half-dragon-shifter children needed to be watched by other dragon-shifters. US law dictated accidental pregnancies in favor of the dragon clans.

  Fergus’s voice was steely when he finally spoke up. “What’s his name?”

  She met his gaze and blinked at the fury burning in it. Fergus had always been so kind and patient that she sometimes forgot he was half-dragon. “His name doesn’t matter.”

  “It bloody well does. I would beat him to a bloody pulp and cut off his dick for what he’s done to you. But doing that would land me in prison and I won’t leave you unprotected. We need to involve the DDA in all of this. They will stop him.”

  Tears prickled Gina’s eyes. “Don’t you think I tried that? I filed an anonymous complaint and waited for weeks to see what they’d do. But nothing happened. Some of my friends saw Travis wooing other women in the same bar, as if nothing had happened.”

  “Travis of BroadBay. Good. Now I can find him.”

  Gina shook her head. “Don’t, Fergus. You promised that what I told you would stay between us.”

  He cupped her cheek. “I won’t do anything without your approval. But think of the other females, lass. You were strong and ran to keep your child, but how many of the others had to hand over their bairns or face a prison sentence? We owe it to all of them and any other victims to stop this bastard. At least think about it, Gina. Will you do that for me?”

  Fergus wiped the tears from her cheek with his thumb and she melted a little. “I wish I had met you instead. I can’t imagine you ever stooping to Travis’s level.”

  Fergus’s eyes flashed. “Don’t mention his name. My dragon is already roaring to seek revenge and the name only prods him further.”

  Placing a hand on his chest, she stared into his eyes and made a decision. “Then do whatever it takes to help ease him. If it takes me sitting in your lap again, then I can do that.”

  His jaw tightened before he replied, “What he wants I won’t do. It’s bloody selfish in this moment, right after you’ve told me about your past.”

  She moved her hand further down his chest. “And what’s that?”

  Fergus gritted out, “Don’t ask me, lass. Finish your dinner and I’ll come back in a little while.”

  Her dragonman moved to stand up, but she grabbed his shoulder. “Don’t leave me drowning in my memories, Fergus. Stay and help me make new ones.”

  His nostrils flared. “You don’t know what you’re asking, Gina. You’re vulnerable and I won’t take advantage.”

  Irritation flooded her body. “I’m twenty-two years old and aware of what I want. I holed myself up in that cottage thinking I could keep myself safe by blocking out the world. Then you glided down into my life and everything changed. I want you, Fergus MacKenzie. You’re kind, patient, and more noble than anyone I’ve ever met. I want you to stay with me. Please don’t go.”

  Chapter Ten

  Fergus’s honor warred with Gina’s need. Clearly, she was upset and emotionally distraught. Making love to her would be taking advantage of her.

  Yet as her eyes pleaded for him to stay, he wanted to do whatever he could to make her happy.

  His dragon, who had broken free several minutes earlier, growled. She wants to forget about the bastard. Let’s help her.

  Fergus was teetering. I don’t want her to wake up in the morning and regret everything. We should woo her more. She should trust us first.

  Gina looped her hands behind his neck and whispered, “If you truly want to help me, then kiss me, Fergus.” She brushed the back of his neck with her fingers and fire flooded his body at her touch. “Please.”

  Between her voice, her touch, and her scent, it was all too much and Fergus’s restraint shattered. He scooped her up and moved toward the bedroom down the hall. Gina laid her head against his chest. Each step only strengthened his decision. The lass would be his if she allowed it.

  Gently laying her on the bed, he let his eyes roam her breasts, her round belly, and her thighs. Starting at her bare ankle, he ran his hand up her calf, tickled the back of her knee, and stopped at the top of her inner thigh. As he stroked with his thumb, Gina moaned.

  Fergus met her gaze. “This is your last chance to back out, Gina. What will it be?”

  Irritation flashed in her eyes. “You don’t always have to be so patient with me, Fergus. I know from your kiss earlier that your dragon is demanding. It’s okay to embrace him som
etimes.” She opened her legs wider. “I actually look forward to it.”

  The scent of her arousal grew stronger and his beast roared. I agree with the human. Throw caution to the side for once. I want her. Hurry up and fuck her.

  Fergus moved his hand to the edge of Gina’s panties and teased her swollen flesh. Not fuck, dragon. With Gina, I’m going to make love.

  His beast huffed. Humans. I don’t care what you call it. Just do it.

  He dared to run his forefinger through her slit. She was so wet and the urge to taste her coursed through his body.

  On impulse, he sliced her underwear in two and spread her legs wider. She was pink and glistening. For him.

  His dragon roared to claim her, but Fergus held his beast back. After lightly teasing her flesh, he leaned down and licked slowly from her opening up to her clit. As he swirled around the tight bud, Gina moved her hips. “Fergus.”

  The sound of his name from her lips destroyed his last vestiges of restraint and he plunged his tongue into her core.

  Damn, she tastes good.

  Caressing her thighs as he continued to swirl and lap her pussy with his tongue, all he could think about was putting Gina on her hands and knees and taking her from behind.

  His dragon snarled. Now.

  No. Fergus would make sure his female came first. After everything she’d been through, she deserved it.

  He wished he could look into his female’s eyes as he devoured her, but her pregnant belly hid her face. So he let her know he was with her by rubbing her thighs, her lower abdomen, and even her hips. With each stroke of his tongue, his female opened her legs wider and melted a little more into the bed.

  He slowly licked up her folds and traced around her clit, never making contact with the bundle of nerves. He continued to tease but not touch and Gina wiggled her hips. “Please, Fergus.”

  His dragon snarled. Make her come. It’s the first step to claiming her.

  With a growl, he placed his hands under her arse and lifted before finally flicking her clit with his tongue. Gina sucked in a breath and moaned. The sound drove his beast crazy. Taste her again first.


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