Riding the Surf

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Riding the Surf Page 3

by E. L. Todd


  Even her name was hot. “Do you know her?”

  “We’re friendly,” Thatcher said.

  “You’ve got to introduce me.”

  “Weren’t you just talking to her?”

  “Yeah…but it didn’t go well. I kinda made a total idiot of myself.”

  Thatcher smiled. “Someone is smitten.”

  “Have you seen her? She’s like the hottest chick I’ve ever seen in my life.”

  Thatcher shrugged. “I’ve seen better.”

  Derek rolled his eyes. “That’s right. You’re in love.”

  “When you fall in love, your partner becomes the most beautiful thing to you. She outshines everyone, makes everyone seem dull in comparison. Even the sunrise looks dark.”

  Derek stared at Paola again.

  “You know she was the winner of the competition for the girl’s section, right?”

  “She was?” Derek asked. “I don’t pay attention to the girls.”

  “Apparently,” he said with a laugh.

  “That explains a lot.”


  Derek stood up then grabbed his board. He stared at her for a long time before he finally turned away, walking back to his truck.

  “Can we drive separately tomorrow?” Derek asked.

  Thatcher smiled. “I figured you’d ask that.”

  “I’m going to try to talk to her.”

  “Are you going to sound intelligent this time?”

  “What do you know about her?”

  Thatcher shook his head. “Not much. I said we’re friendly, not friends. When you’re surfer, you tend to know everyone on a first name basis.”

  “I guess I’ll find out more tomorrow.”

  “Good luck.”

  “I have a feeling I’m going to need it.”


  Derek sat down at the table in the cafeteria then leaned back in his chair. His appetite wasn’t as strong as it normally was. Now Paola was on his mind, her tight waist and her powerful legs. He never felt so embarrassed in his life. He sounded like he had the intellectual capacity of a five year old when he spoke to her.

  “What’s your problem?” Coen asked. He wasn’t affectionate with Sydney like he normally was. His hands were on the table and he wasn’t close to her. Sydney picked at her cup of fruit and didn’t touch him either. The frustration was evident in Coen’s tone. He was dark and angry today.

  “She didn’t put out?” Derek asked.

  “Not yet,” he said with a sigh.

  Sydney glanced at him then ate a strawberry.

  “It’s only a matter of time,” Derek said.

  Henry eyed the newlyweds then turned to Ren. “I couldn’t last.”

  “Neither could I,” she said with a smile.

  Derek watched Coen and Sydney again. “It’s like you hate each other.”

  “Well, we aren’t too fond of one another,” Sydney said without looking at Coen.

  Coen glared at her then faced Derek. “So what’s your problem?”

  “Oh,” Derek said. “It’s nothing…just some girl.”

  “A girl?” Sydney asked. “Who?”

  “Her name is Paola.”

  “Ooh,” Henry said. “I like it.”

  Derek ignored him. “I saw her on the beach this morning. She’s a surfer and she’s awesome at it. I mean, she’s better than me. Her hair is brown but it’s blonde at the same time.” He talked with his hands, pretending that he was feeling the strands. “It’s hard to explain. And she has a gorgeous body. I mean, I was fucking drooling. Her thighs were thick and her ass…yowza. She isn’t skinny. She’s toned and strong. It’s so freaking hot.”

  “So she has a body like Sydney?” Coen said.

  Derek grimaced. “Eww. Gross!”

  “Ouch,” Sydney said.

  “Sorry,” Derek said. “I just see you as a sister. I imagined you in a swimsuit and I wanted to vomit.”

  “Uh, thanks…” Sydney said.

  Coen laughed. “I like that response.

  “And she was the winner of the women’s competition, so she’s even cooler. Her face is so…elegant. She has a tiny freckle in the corner of her mouth that’s hard to see, but it’s there. She doesn’t wear any makeup and she still looks amazing. I mean, wow. She wears this—”

  “Okay,” Henry said. “We get it.”

  “Yeah,” Sydney said. “You’re totally hooked.”

  “Why didn’t you talk to her?” Coen said.

  “I did…actually,” Derek said.

  Henry raised an eyebrow. “That didn’t go well?”

  “No,” Derek said with a sigh. “I sounded like a total weirdo.”

  “That’s not surprising,” Coen said.

  Derek glared at him. “I don’t know what happened. I just lost my mind. My words poured out my mouth without any thought. I sounded so stupid.”

  “So you were yourself?” Sydney teased.

  Coen looked at her. “He reminds me of you.”

  “What?” she said.

  Coen smiled. “You sounded so stupid when we met. I couldn’t believe you were the top of our class after listening to the crap that came out of your mouth.”

  Sydney stared at him. “If this is your way of seducing me, it’s not working.”

  Henry glanced at the fighting couple then looked at Derek. “Try again.”

  ‘I don’t want to freak her out,” Derek said.

  “You probably already did,” Coen said with a laugh.

  Derek sighed then took a bite of his pizza, not sure what else to do. He chewed it while Sydney continued to glare at Coen. Henry leaned toward Ren’s ear and whispered to her. She giggled then kissed him gently.

  When he looked toward the left, he saw the light colored hair he’d seen that morning. Paola walked to the table carrying a tray. She and two girls took a seat by the window. When she sat down, she crossed her legs and kept her back straight. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before she grabbed her fork and ate her salad. Derek stared at her, glancing at her legs underneath the table. She was wearing jean shorts and a black tank top. Her breasts were curved and the shirt was tight around her waist. He felt his heart pound. “That’s her,” he whispered.

  “Who?” Henry asked.

  Derek nodded to the left. “Paola. She’s wearing black. Is she not the hottest girl you’ve ever seen?”

  Coen stared straight ahead, not looking at Paola. Henry looked down at his phone.

  Sydney rolled her eyes. “I know you check out other girls when I’m not around. So stop pretending.”

  “Baby, I don’t look at anyone else.”

  “I thought you weren’t a liar?” Sydney said.

  “I’m not,” Coen said as he looked her in the eye. “Why would I when I have you?”

  Her eyes softened but she said nothing.

  Ren smiled at Henry. “You can look.”

  “I’ll just take Derek’s word for it.”

  Ren shook her head. “It really doesn’t bother me. “

  “It’s disrespectful,” Henry said.

  “Whatever,” Sydney said. “I’m looking.” She turned and stared at Paola. “Damn, she’s fine, Derek.”

  Ren nodded. “If I were a guy, I’d be up in that.”

  Coen turned his head and looked at Paola. He nodded his head in approval. “Go talk to her.”

  Derek shook his head quickly. “And make an idiot out of myself again?”

  Henry eyed Paola then looked away.

  Coen stared at Derek. “Girls that like that are hardly ever single, and when they are, they aren’t for long. Make your move. Quick.”

  Derek sighed. “Ladies, help me out.”

  “What do you want us to do?” Sydney asked.

  “Give me some tips,” Derek said.

  “You know how to hit on women,” Coen said. “This isn’t any different. She poops and farts just like the rest of us.”

  Sydney laughed at his wo

  Derek looked at the girls. “Come on. Any secrets you can share?”

  “Well,” Sydney said. “Girls like it when they aren’t being hit on. Like, be a little mysterious about it. If you are blunt about it, it chases them off.”

  Derek raised an eyebrow. “That sounds confusing.”

  “We like to be chased,” Ren said. “But we also like it when it’s casual. So don’t straight up ask her out. Start talking to her first.”

  Derek was still confused.

  “So go over there and just start talking to her like you’re friends,” Sydney said.

  “About what?” Derek said.

  “You both surf, don’t you?” Coen asked.

  “Yeah…” Derek said.

  Coen nodded his head. “Well, there you go.”

  Sydney glanced at Paola. “And be nice to her friends. Their approval is also important.”

  Derek sighed. “I don’t want to do this.”

  “Just grow a pair,” Coen said. “You want to fuck her or not?”

  “Who said anything about that?” Derek said. “I just want to talk to her.”

  Sydney nodded. “Oh…”

  Derek looked at her. “Oh what?”

  “That’s why you don’t know how to talk to her,” Sydney said. “Because when you hit on girls, it’s just to get laid. You’ve never tried to ask someone on a date. Well, besides Nancy.”

  Derek shrugged. “I guess.”

  “Wow,” Coen said. “Derek has it bad.”

  “I don’t even know her,” Derek said quickly.

  “Well, get to know her,” Coen said.

  “Then what?” Derek said. “Do I ask her out?”

  “No,” Sydney said. “When you see her on the beach tomorrow, ignore her.”

  Derek shook his head. “I don’t want to play games.”

  Sydney sighed. “Derek, this chick is super gorgeous. You’re going to have to do this right.”

  “She probably gets hit on all the time,” Coen said. “Give her a false sense of security first.”

  Derek took a deep breath. “Okay. Here I go.”

  “Good luck,” they all whispered.

  Derek walked to her table, feeling his heart accelerate with every step. She was talking to her friends, oblivious of his approach. Derek grabbed a chair and pulled it to her table.

  “So what wax do you use on your board?” he asked without preamble.

  She turned to him, her eyes wide, and then glanced at her two friends, silently communicating with them. “I just use regular wax. There isn’t a big selection.”

  “I’m only asking because your board is really smooth on the waves.”

  “That’s because of me, not the board.”

  Derek nodded. “So, you’re the winner of this year’s surf competition?”

  “Yes,” she said, leaning back in her chair and looking at him.

  Derek tried to play it cool but he felt his heart rise to his throat. He wasn’t sure why this was so difficult. “That’s really cool. How long have you been surfing?”

  She thought for a moment. “About ten years.”

  “Cool. I’ve been surfing for about the same amount of time.”

  Paola looked at him, her green eyes bright and breathtaking. She seemed calm and collected even though Derek was asking her a million questions. A strand of hair fell loose and she tucked it away. Her eyes didn’t flinch as she stared at him. He could see the confidence in her very soul.

  “So, what’s your major?” he asked.




  “I wasn’t expecting that. What do you want to do? Work on Wallstreet?”

  “No, I’m applying to medical school.”


  She nodded. “It’s always good to be rounded. It’s very typical to have your degree in science, so I chose a different major while completing my prerequisites.

  Derek didn’t know what to say. Now she was a genius too. There had to be something wrong with her. “That’s cool.”

  “What’s your major?”


  “And what are your ambitions?”

  “I’m not sure yet.”

  “I guess we’re all kinda lost.”

  He turned to her friends and introduced himself. “Hello, I’m Derek. I apologize for interrupting your meal.”

  They both nodded but remained quiet.

  “Well, it was nice talking to you, Derek,” Paola said.

  Derek felt his heart fall. He was being dismissed. He totally struck out. “See you later.” He left the chair and returned to his friends, his heart heavy.

  Coen cringed. “That bad?”

  He shrugged. “She’s not interested in me. I don’t know why I ever thought I had a chance.”

  “Don’t give up yet,” Sydney said. “Go to the beach and ignore her.”

  “You should show off on your board,” Henry said. “Attract her attention.”

  “I guess it’s worth the shot. But she probably has a boyfriend. I can’t see her being single.”

  “Did you ask?” Coen asked.


  “Well, if I were her man,” Sydney said. “I would be sitting with her right now, making sure the whole world knew she was mine.”

  Coen looked at her, a smile on his face. “Baby, should I be worried?”

  “No,” she said quickly.

  “It seems like you have a crush on Paola.”

  Sydney rolled her eyes. “It’s not rocket science to know someone of the same sex is attractive.”

  “I think you have a crush on her,” Coen teased.

  “Maybe I should fool around with her since my husband can’t deliver.”

  “Oh, I can deliver,” Coen said. “But I would rather watch you two get it on.”

  Sydney turned away. “You’re lucky we’re married.”

  “And I’m lucky I married a bisexual woman.”

  She hit his shoulder. “I’m not bi.”

  “Sure…” Coen said.

  “I think she’s hot too,” Ren said. “I guess I’m a little gay.”

  Derek laughed. “I didn’t realize my competition would be my girlfriends, not my guy ones.”

  “Get in line,” Ren said with a smile.


  When Derek arrived at Thatcher’s the next morning, he came to the front door.

  “I’m just grabbing my gear,” Thatcher said as he put his bag over his shoulder.

  “Actually, can I talk to Nancy?”

  “I think she’s still asleep.”

  “Can you wake her?”

  “I can try.” Thatcher walked into the bedroom then reappeared five minutes later.

  Nancy yawned when she came out, wearing his t-shirt and shorts. “What do you want?”

  “It’s nice to see you too,” Derek said sarcastically.

  “It’s not nice at six in the morning.”

  “Can you come with us today?”

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Well, there’s this girl…”

  “Paola?” Thatcher asked.

  Derek nodded. He looked at Nancy and suddenly felt awkward. She was his ex-girlfriend and his request was inappropriate.

  Nancy caught the look. “Derek, it’s okay.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m living with my boyfriend. Believe me, I’m fine.”

  “Okay,” Derek said. “There’s this girl I met on the beach yesterday, and I really want to talk to her. The two times I tried…it didn’t go well.”

  “And what do you want me to do?” Nancy asked.

  “I want you to talk to her.”

  “I don’t even know her.”

  “Thatcher does. Just make small talk.”

  “And what’s the point of that?” she asked.

  “I want you to casually talk about me, say good things.”

  “Why don’t you just talk to her?”

nbsp; He sighed. “Because I already did and it didn’t work. Now I’m going to ignore her. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, but I would appreciate it.”

  “You must really like this girl. Normally, if you don’t land her right away, you just move onto someone else.”

  Derek shrugged. “I guess this is different. I can’t explain it.”

  “I’ll help you.”

  “Thank you,” he said. “Thank you.”

  “But you owe me.”

  “I still owe you,” he said. “I’ll bring you a coffee next time I see you.”

  “It better be a venti with a pump of espresso.”

  “Whatever you want,” Derek said. “Thanks for doing this.”

  “What do you want me to say?”

  “That I’m smart, good-looking, an amazing catch.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You want me to lie?”

  He nudged her in the stomach. “Come on.”

  “Alright. I’ll think of something.”

  They drove to the beach then walked across the sand.

  “So, are you just trying to sleep with her?” Nancy asked.

  “No,” Derek said quickly. “I’m done with that. I really just want to talk to her. She’s out of my league, but I have to give it a shot.”

  “You’re making a lot of effort,” Thatcher noted.

  “Well, I think she’s…” He looked at Nancy then dropped his words.

  She rolled her eyes. “I thought we were friends?”

  “We are,” Derek said.

  “You can be honest around me. I’m in love with Thatcher. I don’t mean to be cold, but I’m not hurt by the idea of you being with someone else. Please don’t act differently around me.”

  “Okay,” he said. “She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. She’s poised and elegant, but she’s strong. She has this look in her eyes, like she can see right through you. And her body…I want to kiss it everywhere.”

  Thatcher laughed. “Someone’s got it bad.”

  “You have no idea,” Derek. “I’ve only talked to her twice and I’m already obsessed.”

  “I can’t wait to get a look at this girl,” Nancy said.

  “Sydney and Ren think she’s hot,” Derek said.

  “What?” Nancy said. “For real?”

  Derek shrugged. “That’s what they said.”

  “Weirdos,” Nancy said.

  Derek adjusted his swimsuit then grabbed his board. When he looked over his shoulder, he saw Paola approaching. “That’s her,” he whispered.


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