Mad About You

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Mad About You Page 35

by Sinéad Moriarty

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  I would especially like to thank the many people who told me their stories about stalking. I was shocked to find out how prevalent it is. A special thanks to Orla Tormey for being so generous with her time and for sharing her own incredible story with me.

  Thanks also to, Rachel Pierce, my editor, whose help and advice were, as always, invaluable; Patricia Deevy, for all of her support and encouragement; Michael McLoughlin, Cliona Lewis, Patricia McVeigh, Brian Walker, and all the team at Penguin Ireland for making the publishing process so enjoyable; to all in the Penguin UK office, especially Tom Weldon, Joanna Prior and the fantastic sales, marketing and creative teams; to my agent Marianne Gunn O’Connor, thanks for believing in me; to Hazel Orme, as always, for her wonderful copy-editing; to Mum, Dad, Sue, Mike and my extended family for their unwavering support and loyalty, which mean so much; to my nephews, Mikey, James, Jack, Sam and Finn, and to my nieces, Cathy and Isabel; to Hugo, Geordy and Amy, you truly are the sunshine in my life. And as always, the biggest thank you to Troy.

  Finally … this book is dedicated to my girlfriends. Thank you for your love, loyalty and especially for all the laughs. Thanks for the late-night chats, for your honesty and for your support over all these years. Here’s to many more.


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  First published 2013

  Copyright © Sinéad Moriarty, 2013

  The moral right of the author has been asserted

  Cover photograph © Béla Molnár

  All rights reserved

  Typeset by Palimpsest Book Production Ltd, Falkirk, Stirlingshire

  ISBN: 978-0-241-96339-5




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