Whispers on the Potomac_Room 312

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Whispers on the Potomac_Room 312 Page 8

by Mia Villano

  “I…I don’t know. It’s been a rough week. I’m exhausted.” I didn’t know what to say to her. My emotions are all over the place.

  “You aren’t being honest with me. I know you better than that.”

  “This is your night, and I don’t want to spoil it with my drama.”

  “I can’t stand to see you this upset. You know you can talk to me anytime. You’re still important to me, Daria.”

  There’s a long break of silence. She looks up at me with a different look in her eyes.

  Daria sucks in a shaky breath. “I never dreamed I would be here with you again. I didn’t think you would be running for president this soon. It’s just overwhelming,” she whispers and my body aches to pull her to me.

  “It was a big decision.” I swallow hard. Her body seems to ease closer to me as I stare down at her. I rack my brain, trying to think of things to keep talking about with her.

  “Seeing you again brings up too much emotion. It’s too much.”

  I put my finger up and ask her to hold on a second. I walk through to my dining room, looking for Annalise. She has her back to me and is talking to the same people, while Vick’s having a deep conversation with someone about gun control. My campaign staff is drinking and Curtis is talking to my driver. My mother has busied herself in the kitchen, so I take this moment as an opportunity to get Daria alone for a few minutes.

  I back into my living room, grab her hand, and pull her down the hall to my office. Within seconds of shutting the door, I have her body pressed up against the back of it. Glancing down at her, my heart pounds in my ears.

  Now that we’re alone, she can’t look at me.

  “Open your eyes, Daria, and look at me. Look at me.” Slowly, her eyes lift to meet mine. “Why did you leave me?”

  She turns her head, without answering me. I reach to turn her face towards me.

  “Please don’t touch me like this, Sebastian. Please. I can’t take it.” I ignore her and slide my hands up to her breasts, cupping them. She moans, as my thumbs rub her nipples through the sheer fabric of her dress. They harden instantly and I want to rip her dress to shreds and fuck her right up against this door.

  “You left me with no explanation. You walked out on me, and I was devastated. Do you know I looked for you for years, until I finally gave up? You have been fucking with my head since I saw you for the first time in six years at my fundraiser nearly two years ago. I can’t stop thinking about you, every minute of every day.” I feel her tremble against me. Her hands are still by her sides, as if she’s afraid to touch me.

  “I had to go away for a while. Things were bad for me. I didn’t want to hurt your political career if we were caught.”

  “That’s bullshit. You were with me a year and didn’t care who found out. Tell me why. Just give me that. Tell me why you left me like you did.” Brushing a tear away with my thumb, her skin’s dewy soft, just as I remembered.

  “I had to, Sebastian. I was your intern. I wanted you to succeed and you wouldn’t have gotten where you are if I stayed. Staying in your life would have hurt you.”

  I close my eyes to block out what she just said. “I needed you. I loved you, Daria, with every fiber of my being. You made me happy and gave me the strength I needed. You were my everything.”

  “You have Annalise. She’s more of the right woman for you. She’s the one you should be with.”

  “No, she’s not. I want you. I only ever wanted you.” I brush another tear from her cheek with my thumb.

  “Don’t do this now. You’re almost the president of the United States.”

  “I would give it up for you. All of it,” I whisper, shocked at what I just said. It isn’t the heat of the moment; what I said was the truth. I will give up my dreams and my life for her.

  “Don’t talk like that. You would be miserable.”

  “I’m miserable now, seeing you and not being able to touch you. It makes me sick. For the life of me, I don’t know how this happened.”

  “Neither do I, Sebastian. If you can’t stand to see me like this, then why do you keep inviting me to your functions?” She begins to cry and seeing her upset breaks my heart.

  “Because I can’t stay away from you. I think, each time, we will have a chance to be alone. So far, this is the first time I have been able to be alone with you.”

  I brush her hair out of her eyes. My body strains to be as close to her as I can. My cock throbs from the erection pushing against my zipper.

  “Do you know I never stopped loving you, not once? I would look for you everywhere I went. I remember every inch of your body, the way you taste, and how you feel when I’m inside you. You were the one. You are the one.”

  “You need to stop inviting me to your parties because I can't stay away. Seeing you is too much. You’re going to marry Annalise. Your life is planned and set. It’s on the news all the time.”

  “I’m not marrying Annalise. There is only one woman I would ever marry, and you and I know who that is. You were and always will be the other half of me. Walk out there right now with me and we will tell them everything. I will go on the news and proclaim my love for you tonight.”

  “You can’t do that.”

  She looks up at me with those big gray eyes. They’re spilling over with tears as I bend down and take her mouth. I devour her, taste her, and feel her soft lips on mine. Holy shit. She doesn’t stop me, pull back, or stiffen. She melts into me and accepts my kiss. My appetite for her is insatiable; I can’t get enough. My old dominant self I forgot about for six years is sneaking back in and I want to possess her, all of her.

  “Sebastian.” Her hands go to my hair. Something in the tone of her voice relaxes me and I’m home again.

  “I’ve never stopped wanting you, Daria. Not for a second. For the first time in my life, I didn’t know what to do when you walked out on me. You still owe me an explanation why you left so suddenly.” My lips brush hers back and forth and I slip my tongue inside. She sucks on it ever so slightly, and I know for sure I will never let her go again. My mouth trails down her jaw and I nuzzle her neck, taking in her scent. Kneeling in front of her, I pull up her dress, admiring her muscular thighs and flat stomach. Underneath she wears a sheer black thong. I rip it off her and stuff it in my pants pockets.

  “Sebastian,” she moans. I look up at her.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. You are everything I’ve ever wanted.”

  “I’m so sorry I hurt you,” she rasps out, as I bury my face in her soft warm pussy and breathe her in. Her hands tug at my hair and she pulls me tighter to her. My tongue slips into her effortlessly, parting her wet lips. A groan escapes me, and my cock is so hard it hurts. She tastes so good, I can’t get enough. I forget what is going on or where I am for a split second as my mouth sucks on her clit. I can feel her stiffen against me.

  “Let me have you, Daria,” I whisper.

  “Oh God, Sebastian. It feels… No, not here. Not now.”

  I want to fuck her so bad; to feel her come again. Not because I’m horny, but because it’s her and I want her more than anything.

  I pull away from her, knowing I won’t be able to stop myself if I continue. Standing up, I plead my case again. “Leave now and come with me on the campaign trail.”

  “I can’t do that, Sebastian. You know it will only hurt you right now.”

  “I don’t care anymore. I can’t take this. You are what I need.”

  “First, you need to become the president. That’s what you need right now. Everything else will happen in time if it’s truly meant to be.”

  She wipes under her lower eyelash with her finger and I hand her the hanky in my suit coat pocket. She smiles and wipes again under her eyes.

  I press my head to her forehead, listening to her speak and breathe. My body aches for her so bad I feel as if someone has beaten me up.

  “I will do anything to have you back in my life. My heart and soul belong to you. I hones
tly don’t care if Annalise knows, or if anyone knows.”

  “No, I won’t let you do that right now.” Someone knocks on my office door and we both jump.

  Daria puts her finger to her lips, gesturing for me to be quiet.

  “Sebastian, are you in there?” Standing outside my office door is Vick. Fuck the bastard. I lean into Daria’s ear and whisper, “It’s now or never. I will walk out there right now and let everyone know about us. That’s my campaign manager.”

  She shakes her head no. I hesitate, hoping she will change her mind, but she remains quiet.

  I sigh. “Go in my bathroom then and lock the door.” She nods, slips off her heels, and runs quickly to my bathroom.

  “I’ll be out in a minute, Vick.”

  To my shock, he tries to open my office door. The handle moves slowly and, at that moment, I open the door for him.

  “What is it?” I’m pissed he thinks it’s okay to barge in on my personal space.

  “Everyone’s looking for you. What the fuck are you doing in here? Is Annalise with you?” I can tell he’s hot happy.

  “No Vick, Annalise is not in here with me. I had to make a phone call, if that’s okay with you.”

  “You need to get your ass back out there. They want a speech. You have lipstick all over your mouth. You better wipe it off before you go out there.” His eyes roam behind me, as if he’s looking for someone.

  I let go of the door knob and wipe my lips with my fingers. “I’m coming. Christ, you can’t give me a fucking second without being up my ass. I’ll be there in two seconds.”

  Thankfully, he walks away and I shut the door again - this time, locking it behind me.

  Daria steps out of the bathroom, barefoot and carrying her heels.

  “That was close,” she whispers.

  “They’re looking for me. You better get out there too. Listen. I want to see you again. I need to spend some time with you, just the two of us. Remember, the bench by the Potomac?”

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Sebastian. I think you should wait till after the election.”

  “No, I’m not waiting any longer. I spent eight years waiting, and I refuse to wait for you another day. I wasn’t joking. I will walk out there right now and tell everyone about us.”

  She walks up to me, kisses her finger and presses it to my lips.

  “Be patient. We don’t need you in hell right now, with America and Annalise.” Standing in front of me, she looks so adorable. With her shoes in her hands, she’s gazing up at me with a slight bit of happiness in her face.

  “I’m already in hell without you.”

  “Concentrate on what you have to do. You’re almost there, Sebastian. It’s all almost in reach. I’m going to slip out so that you can do what you have to.”

  “I don’t want you to leave.” I pull her back to me.

  “I’m not going far. I’m with you all the time... right here.” She presses her hand over my heart and I place my hand over hers.



  I sneak out of my office and enter my living room, looking around for Annalise. She’s in deep conversation with Foster Graham. I’m not too fond of him, but Annalise always talks to him, and I’ve heard he’s hoping to be my Attorney General. He’s forever at my functions and sniffing around her whenever I turn my back. Tonight, is no different.

  I walk up and kiss her on the cheek, looking the prick dead in the eyes. Attorney General, my ass. I was obligated to invite him because he worked for me when I ran for Congress. I may not be in love with her, but he isn’t going to have her, and he certainly isn’t going to work with me.

  “Where were you?” she asks. I look around to get some idea I can throw at her.

  “I had to step out to my office for a minute to make a phone call. Hello, Foster.” She nods, either believing me; or not, I can’t tell. I reach out to shake Foster’s hand. We shake and exchange a few words about the campaign before he excuses himself, and walks away.

  “That weasel has the hots for you.”

  “Oh, stop it. That weasel wants to be Attorney General, if not run for the Senate. Besides, he’s not my type. You have lipstick on your mouth.” She points to the side of my mouth, and I straighten my tie.

  “My mother actually kissed me tonight. I think she’s had too much to drink.” I laugh, grabbing a napkin and wiping the corner of my mouth. I thought I’d wiped it all off earlier when Vick pointed it out to me.

  Thankfully, after another hour, the evening is over. I don’t see Daria leave, and that’s good. Watching her walk away again, even if it’s just my party, is incomprehensible. It’s after midnight when the last guest leaves, and I need to be up at five in the morning. Annalise decides to stay with me for the night. I’m aroused as fuck after being around Daria, however, Annalise is not who I want to spend the night with.

  I head back to my office, lost in my thoughts over the woman I can’t have right now. Putting my hand in my pants pocket, I feel her thong. Fuck. I hold it up to my face and breathe in her sweet scent. The thought of jacking off seems like the only way to work past my arousal. I don’t want to take the chance of someone barging in on me, so I jam her thong back in my pocket. Sitting at my desk, going over some new campaign ads, I close my eyes and picture her up against the door earlier this evening.

  I think I fell asleep because off in the distance, I hear someone’s voice. Annalise is standing in the doorway in my Harvard t-shirt, so thin from years of wear, and I notice she is completely bare underneath. Walking into my office, she looks desirable and horny.

  “Baby, I want you,” she whispers, as she positions herself in front of me. Through the dim desk lamp, I watch her lick her luscious lips and lower herself to her knees. Greediness takes over and I consider letting her do what she wants. Seeing this powerful, intelligent woman wanting to please me always was a turn on. She admitted to me once that she enjoyed blowing me more than fucking. I should consider her the woman of my dreams, but the feelings for her just aren’t there. Her fingers frantically work on my belt and zipper. I look down at her, trying to live in the moment and focus on what’s happening. Throwing my head back, I close my eyes and try to enjoy her mouth. Having had too much to drink and still half asleep, I lift my head and open my eyes, feeling her mouth on my cock.

  “Daria,” I groan, caught up in my fantasy. Annalise instantly stops and there’s no way I can deny what I just said. No way I can say “You heard me wrong,” or take it back. Her name is already out there, like a fog horn blaring in the silence of the night.

  Standing up abruptly, she looks heartbroken and pissed at the same time. “You have to be fucking kidding, right?”

  I don’t answer as I sit forward in my chair. What do I say? This is low, even for me. Annalise is used to my womanizing. The women are all over me and she’s never the jealous type. She knows it’s part of who I am, and they have described me for years as an “obsessive womanizer” in the papers. She knows what I’m about, but this isn’t okay and I know it.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You’re a fucking bastard. I didn't think anything of it earlier, until the two of you were both gone together at the same time. You came back with lipstick on your mouth, and apparently you think I’m stupid enough to believe it was your mother’s. I didn’t make a big deal out of it because it was your night and I didn’t want to make an ass out of you. I know what you were up to.” Annalise angrily stands up. Christ, I’d hoped it wasn’t obvious. If she noticed my awe of Daria, I’m sure others did as well.

  “I didn't go off with her, Annalise. We’ve been over this a million times.” I put myself back together, tucking my shirt in my pants and leaving my belt undone.

  I want to be left alone. I don’t want to explain myself to her. I’m tired, anxious, and not myself.

  Her eyes blink at me, as if she’s holding back tears. The thought of hurting her is upsetting, but I realize I already have. “Sebastian, it’s never going
to be me, is it?”

  I don’t respond right away. What do I say? We’ve had this discussion many times before. Why couldn’t she accept the fact that I loved her, but wasn’t in love with her.

  “Annalise, you know I can’t marry you. Be honest with yourself too. You don’t love me; you love the idea of what a marriage to me can bring you. I can’t marry anyone.”

  “I think you need to reword that. You can’t marry the one you want. Sebastian, I’ve been with you through all this campaign bullshit. I’ve seen you around this Daria. It’s not something you can hide. Your face changes as soon as she’s around. You don’t think other people see how you look at her? Everywhere she is, you’re drawn to her, like a magnet. You can look at someone and lie to their face about political issues, but you can’t lie about her. Your face gives you away every time.”

  I look over at her again. “I’m sorry. It wasn’t intentional. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Please know that.”

  “I know. You’re always sorry, and I always fall for your excuses, don’t I? You know what, I’m sorry this time. I’m sorry I’ve been with you for years, and nothing has changed since the first night we met. I’m sorry I’ve put my time and love into you, only for it to be one-sided. I’m sorry I wasted - yes, wasted - years of my life, to be continuously disappointed by you.” Tears slide down her face, taking her mascara with them in a long black line. I’m a fucking asshole. I’m just as bad as my brother, if not worse. I reach for her hand, but she jerks away from me.

  The tension is so thick, I can’t breathe.

  “I’m going home.” She walks toward the door.

  “You don’t have to leave.” I’m trying to lessen the blow.

  She gives me a laugh. “Don’t do me any favors, Sebastian. Have a nice night, and get this worked out before it drives you crazy. You’ll have a country to run soon. Think of someone besides yourself for once. If you truly love this girl, come clean.”

  Her words hurt, however, the time has come to put our relationship to an end. Maybe saying Daria’s name is the best thing I could have done.


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