Taliff's Cure

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Taliff's Cure Page 3

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  She hugged her arms to her body, hunched her shoulders and dropped her chin to her chest. What should she do? “How do I know you’re telling the truth?” she whispered.

  “Why would I lie?”

  “I don’t know.” And she really didn’t. It wasn’t as if he didn’t have his pick of women on board the ship, even before he took her from her life.

  “Then there’s the answer you seek. Turn around, Eve. There’s no need to hide your fear from me.”

  Eve shrugged her shoulders, took a deep breath, and turned to face him. Yes, he was still naked. She was afraid of that. “I’m not afraid exactly.”

  He quirked a brow in response.

  “Okay, I’m a little scared. I never wanted a mate. I don’t want to be treated like I’m nothing but a broodmare while my mate screws everyone with two legs and breasts.”

  “The only way you’ll know if I speak the truth is if you let me prove it to you, Eve.”

  “I don’t know if I can.”

  “Then we’ll take this one step at a time. You live with me as my mate. And when you feel you can trust me, trust in us, we’ll go through the formal bond ceremony in the Mating Chamber on Chantrea, agreed?”

  She thought about it for another minute, before coming to a decision. Rather than tell him her choice with words, she’d do so with her actions. With infinite slowness, Eve slipped the top button of her shirt free from its buttonhole. She worked her way down, letting her top gape open to give him a small peek at what he would get by mating with her.

  She couldn’t be more nervous if she tried. The one time she’d been naked in front of a man, it’d been full dark, and clouds obscured the moon.

  She could feel Taliff’s eyes burn as they watched her every movement. It made her feel sexy, desired. When all the buttons were undone, she shrugged, letting the shirt fall to the floor in a heap.

  Her eyes locked onto his. She licked her lips. His eyes dilated and he gasped in response. She’d never acted so brazen before. It was liberating. She had Taliff’s full attention. Slowly she reached in front of her and popped the front clasp of her bra. Her breasts spilled free from their confinement.

  She allowed her gaze to roam his body as she worked the button on her jeans. His cock bobbed under the attention. Pre-cum leaked from its tip. She gripped the edge of her waistband, eased the jeans down past her ass, and let them fall to the floor in a puddle. She never wore underwear so she stood in front of him bare.

  Eve took the last of her courage in her hands, stepped over the pile of clothes, and held her hand out to Taliff. “Make love to me, Taliff.”

  “It will be my pleasure, mate.”

  She waited for Taliff to close the gap between him. Her courage only went so far. The next move was his.

  She didn’t have to wait long.

  Instead of pulling her in his arms as she expected, he grabbed her hands in both of his and gave a slight tug. “Follow me. I have a surprise for you.”

  Hand in hand, the pair walked toward the arched doorway on the right. “This leads to the sleeping quarters and bathing chamber.”

  Eve licked her lips. Her pulse jumped. If what Taliff said were true, a real Lionese man would finally make love to her. But he didn’t head for the massive bed that took of the majority of the room’s floor space. Instead, he led her to a smaller door and into a hedonist’s paradise.

  Eve gasped. She’d never seen such a beautiful room in her life. The chamber was easily twice the size of the bedroom. The bathing pool dominated the room but it was in no way the centerpiece of it. On a raised dais, lay a pallet covered in luxurious furs and decadent pillows of red and gold. Surrounded by candles, it too screamed luxury. But it was the walls that held her spellbound. Cream-colored tiles covered every square inch of the walls, and on each one, there was a pictograph etched in some kind of red dye.

  “Is that the history of your people?”

  “Our people,” he murmured. “And yes it is.”

  She heard the pride in his voice and wondered what it would be like to grow up believing in the strength of your people. How would it feel to know your history and learn from your mistakes rather than repeat them?

  “Will you teach me about the tiles? About what they say, what they mean?”

  “Of course. I’ll teach you all you need to know.”

  Eve wasn’t sure why that statement sounded ominous to her, but it did. She gave herself a mental shake. She wouldn’t start this new relationship questioning the meaning behind his words. At least, not intentionally, she qualified. She wouldn’t lie, even to herself.

  “This room is breathtaking.”

  “I’m glad you like it. I spend much time in here on shorter voyages. In here, I feel closer to Chantrea. Come, let us enjoy a bath together.” With her hand still clasped lightly in his, she followed where he led.

  Everything about tonight seemed surreal. She’d been abducted, brought aboard a spaceship, told of her people’s true origins and was about to become her kidnapper’s mate. It sounded like a sci-fi based soap opera.

  Already filled with steamy water, the sunken tub called to her more feminine side. She loved to take long baths after a stressful birthing. She’d had an especially difficult one just a few hours ago. It had been an eventful day to say the least and it wasn’t over yet.

  While she’d been lost in thought, Taliff had turned on the jets in the bath. It worked just like the hot tubs back home. Eve embraced this little piece of normality and stepped into the tub. Taliff stepped in right behind her.

  She fidgeted, dropped her gaze and caught sight of his engorged cock. Her head snapped up and a blush spread across her body. She noticed the twinkle in Taliff’s eyes and sighed. He was obviously trying not to laugh at her discomfort.

  “Sit. Rest easy. Nothing will happen until you’re ready.”

  Eve breathed a sigh of relief and sank into the deliciously warm water. Taliff moved up behind her, picked her up by the waist, moved to the bench seat and sat down with her atop his lap.

  She squeaked, went to jump up. He caught her and eased her back in place. “I thought nothing would happen.”

  “I didn’t say I wouldn’t try and convince you.”


  “No buts. You need to learn my body, get used to the feel of it pressed against yours.”

  Slowly, she eased back, rested her weight against him. His arms came up and wrapped around her, held her close to his heart. Her discomfort disappeared as they sat together and enjoyed the bubbling water. Her tense muscles relaxed. She curled into the curve of his body and his arms tightened around her.

  Hesitantly, she said, “This is nice.”

  “Hmmm…yes it is.”

  His heartbeat throbbed against her ear. Its rhythm matched her own. “Why do our hearts beat the same?”

  “I’ve told you this already. We’re a genetically mated pair. Our bodies know this. Our souls will soon follow.”

  “You have such confidence.”

  “Of course.”

  Eve rubbed her cheek against his chest and started to purr. Embarrassed that she couldn’t control her animal nature, she tried to sit up.

  “I like to hear you purr. It proves you’re feeling comfortable with me.”

  Taliff loosened his grip around her waist. One hand slid down her taut stomach to the swell of her hips. The gentle message sent currents of desire through her. Her thighs clenched. She could feel her clit swell. How could a simple touch inflame her body so easily?

  Blood pounded in her veins, her knees trembled. Her entire body felt electrified. She began to shake as his hands drifted lower, over her mound. His fingers lightly brushed her clit and she arched against him. “Oh, God,” she moaned.

  “That’s it. Just lay back and let me pleasure you.”

  The brush of his fingers against her pussy sent another jolt of pleasure through her. His other hand began an exploration of its own, lightly touching her hardened nipples, before it moved on.
He picked up a lock of her hair and caressed it gently, used it to turn her head toward his.

  He bent his head, looked into her eyes, and paused as though asking permission to taste her. When she nodded her approval, his mouth covered hers. His kiss was surprisingly gentle.

  Parting her lips, she raised herself to meet his kiss. Their tongues met, twined together in passion. She wrapped her arms around his neck, twisted her fingers into his hair and held on for dear life. Nothing in her life had prepared her for the feelings this man inspired in her. Her response to his touch shocked her. It was a kiss for her tired soul to sink into.

  She couldn’t take anymore. If he didn’t make love to her soon she’d die. “Make love to me, Taliff. Please.”

  “As you wish.”

  With incredible ease, Taliff stood, wrapped her legs around his waist, and carried her over to the pallet. Gently he eased her down on to the makeshift bed. His hands lightly traced a path across her skin. He bent his head, took a nipple in his mouth. She arched under his touch. Her body sang from the attention.

  She wanted to touch him, to explore his body as he was exploring hers.

  Just as she was reaching for him, an alarm blared through the cabin. The lights flickered.

  Oh, God. This could not be happening.

  “Commander Shi’Lan?”

  Taliff rested his head against her chest, took a deep breath and answered the computer.

  “Yes, Shoshoni. What has happened?”

  “We are under attack. You are needed on the Command Deck immediately.”

  “Understood and acknowledged.”

  Taliff looked at her with regret and eased his body away from hers. “I need you to keep the women calm. Can you do this for me?”

  She nodded. “Just find out what the hell is going on. They’ll want to know. And I really want to finish what we started,” she admitted.

  “I’ll walk you to the common room. You should find the women there.”

  As they walked to the sitting room, Eve noticed their scattered clothing. She bent over, went to reach for her clothes.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m getting dressed.”

  “No. You must remain unclothed until the next rising. Remember?”

  “You have got to be kidding me?”

  Taliff shook his head, reached for her hand, and dragged her reluctant body out into the hall. How in the hell was she going to face a bunch of strangers butt ass naked?


  Five steps outside their door, Eve skidded to a stop. “No. I won’t go in there naked, and dammit, neither will you.”

  “Tradition states…”

  “Look, we’re under attack, the woman don’t know me, and I’ll be damned if they’ll use my nakedness as a reason to gossip.”

  “We don’t have time for this, Eve. I must appear on the command deck now.”

  “And how intimidating are you going to appear to the people who fired on this ship with your dick hanging out?”

  “That isn’t the point.”

  “Well, it’s my point.” After giving Taliff a pointed stare, she slipped from his grasp and turned back to the door.

  It didn’t take Taliff long to respond to her taunt. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as he entered his security code into the lock pad. “You won’t always get your way, Eve.”

  She blew out a breath and nodded, fully aware she’d just overcome her first hurdle of the relationship. Taliff could and would bend when she felt strongly about something. Perhaps this mate thing wouldn’t be so terrible after all. Especially if it involved some more body on body action.

  As soon as the door slid open, she ran for the pile of scattered clothes. She really should be embarrassed about her apparent lack of morals, but she wasn’t that big a hypocrite. Eve dressed quickly, careful not to let Taliff see her disappointment when he covered his own nudity. She had no idea why all she could seem to think about was raunchy, sweaty sex, but it appeared to be the case all the same.

  Once dressed, she moved to the door to wait. She pushed Taliff enough for one day. She wouldn’t try his patience further by dallying.

  Less than five minutes later, Eve stood in front of the Common Room door, alone. What should she say to the women? Hell, would they even listen to her? It’s not like Taliff had the time to introduce her to the group. He just walked her to the door, squeezed her hand, and took off down the corridor. Not that she blamed him. He still needed to ascertain the nature of the threat.


  “Yes, Eve Roberts?”

  “What is the proper protocol to assume the leadership mantle of the women here on board?”

  “You must enter the Challenge Ring. There you must prove you’re the best to lead by winning the challenge?”

  “What’s the challenge ring and how is a winner determined?”

  “A Challenge Ring is an arena where challenges are fought in front of a panel of judges.”

  “And the winner is determined how, Shoshoni?”

  “Two ways, Eve Roberts. The victor is determined by drawing first blood, or the death of the opponent as a result of the challenge.”

  “Thank you, Shoshoni.”

  Well, no sense standing outside the door like an ass. With more grit than courage, Eve punched the code she’d watched Taliff use and opened the door.

  Gathered around the table, and scattered on furniture throughout the room, were dozens of women. They varied in age from late teens to early forties, and came in every shape, size, and color. No one could say that Taliff made his choices based on any certain characteristic. In fact, it looked as though he went out of his way to choose woman of every nationality on the planet.

  Eve observed them unnoticed for nearly a minute before a girl no older than nineteen looked her way. The teen wasn’t a great beauty, but her jade eyes and strawberry blonde hair gave her a delicate, ethereal glow. “Hi. I’m Amy. You must have come aboard the last time they locked us in our quarters. I’m so happy to see a new face in here,” she gushed.

  Taken aback by the young girl’s enthusiasm, Eve nodded, speech beyond her right now. She’d expected to find the women traumatized, or at least worried about their current situation. These women looked excited about their journey and not in the least concerned about their fate.

  What had Taliff told them? Hell, she didn’t even know why he kidnapped them except that it was out of desperation. She should have asked more questions, dammit, instead of jumping him as soon as they were alone. That was what she got for letting her hormones rule her brain. Now she was at a disadvantage and among a pride of women that was the last place you wanted to find yourself.

  Time to assert her dominance over the others, otherwise she’d find herself at the bottom of the social structure. And at the bottom, she’d be no help to Taliff or the women. Eve stiffened her spine and turned back to Amy. “Who seems to be in charge of the women?”

  “What do ya mean?”

  “Out of all the women in here, who has stepped in as the spokesman for you?”

  “Oh, you mean Myra the bitch.”

  “I take it she doesn’t treat you well?” Not that she really needed the answer. She could tell by the way Amy’s hair lifted from her shoulders, and the pure venom in her voice that she sat at the bottom of the food chain. It wasn’t a comfortable position to be in, especially for one so young and unable to truly defend herself.

  “You could say that. It’s like I’m her personal servant or something. She won’t even try to figure out the food machines, just orders me and the other girls to fetch it for her.”

  Eve nodded, fully aware of the attitude some wannabe alpha’s treated others. She wouldn’t allow it to continue. But first she had to make her stand, prove her dominance to Myra and the others. Then she’d set things right.

  “Which one is she?”

  Amy turned toward the crowd gathered around the table and pointed toward the Lionese woman sitting at its head.
She should have known. The woman’s sense of superiority wafted off of her like cheap perfume. It was downright nauseating.

  Blonde, blue-eyed, and buxom, the middle-aged woman sat in her chair as though she owned the world itself. The others sat around her, some in awe, others with fear etched across their features. Yes, something definitely needed to change around here. Miss Myra’s reign of terror was at an end.

  “Stay back, Amy, this might get a tad nasty.”

  “No. You might need me…or something.” Her voice trailed off. She couldn’t blame Amy for her nervousness.

  Eve didn’t argue with her, simply nodded instead and headed toward the crowd paying tribute to the alpha from hell. She waited until she became the center of everyone’s attention before she addressed Myra. “I believe you’re sitting in my seat.”

  Dead silence greeted her statement, and then a feline snarl reverberated throughout the room. “You think you can challenge me?” Myra snickered. “You’re nothing but another little girl playing grown-up. Talk to me after you’ve won a few challenges.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh. “Lady, I’m just going to skip to the head of the line—unless you think you can’t handle a little upstart like me.”

  Apparently tired of the insults, Myra pushed to her feet and towered over everyone at the table. “I think you might want to watch what you say to me. I will not back down from a challenge.”

  Eve knew it was impossible for the alpha to back down now that she issued a challenge, no matter her posturing. Until settled, Myra’s orders were questionable. By challenging her openly, Eve prevented her from using unscrupulous methods to win the confrontation.

  “Anytime, anyplace.”

  Myra paused, looked around the table at the expectant faces. She’d let her mouth get her into a situation she couldn’t talk herself out of. She knew it, Eve knew it, and every woman in the room knew it.

  She waited until it was obvious Myra made her decision, then said over her shoulder to Amy, “Push the tables and sofas against the walls. I have something to take care of.” She made sure not to break eye contact with Myra. It wouldn’t do to leave herself open to attack because of carelessness on her part.


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