Taliff's Cure

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Taliff's Cure Page 5

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

“Redirect power from weapons to shields. When that ship blows apart I don’t want to be caught in the crossfire.”

  “Energy transfer complete. Shields are at ninety percent power. Weapons power is at forty-five percent.

  “Reverse the engines. Put as much space between our ships as possible.”

  “Yes, Commander.”

  Taliff felt the engines shift into reverse. He continued to watch through the view port as the Warrior continued to grow smaller as Shoshoni increased the difference between them. Seconds later, a massive explosion rippled through the crippled ship. It sent a colossal shock wave through space. When Taliff’s ship passed through the shock wave, he peered out of the view port to witness the evidence of the Warrior’s destruction. All that was left of the Warrior were thousands of pieces of metal that drifted aimlessly through space, some no bigger than his fist. All that was left of his childhood hero was vapor dust and a slew of decades old memories.

  A wave of sorrow washed over him. He would miss Shivo, though he’d never forgive him for his betrayal of their people. How many men just lost their lives because one man and his officers felt they should just take what they wanted? The saddest thing about the whole situation is that Shivo’s mate may already be aboard the Wanderer. His own impatience caused his death. Impatience and envy.

  “Shoshoni, did anyone manage to escape the ship before it exploded?”

  “No, Commander. All escape shuttles were still aboard The Warrior prior to the explosion.”

  “And there is nowhere for the crew to transport either?”

  “No, Sir. Not that I’m aware.”

  “Thank you, Shoshoni.” Taliff leaned against the nearest bulkhead. His legs felt weak. His hands continued to shake. He didn’t have time to rest, but he couldn’t force himself to move. He needed to ensure his ship remained in top condition as Shivo may not have planned this attack alone. But what he really needed was his mate.


  “Yes, Commander Shi’Lan?”

  “What is the current location of Eve Roberts?”

  “Eve Roberts is in the infirmary.”

  Taliff straightened from the wall, his every thought now focused on the welfare of his mate. “Why is she at the infirmary?”

  “She is currently receiving medical treatment for several injuries, sir.”

  “How is it that she received these injuries and why wasn’t I informed right way?” Before Shoshoni could answer, he’d already started for the door. He needed to see Eve’s injuries for himself. He’d find out later why his computer failed to notify him of her condition. “Never mind, Shoshoni. I’ll ask Eve myself. I’ll be at the infirmary if there are any more problems.”

  “Yes, Commander.”

  Taliff made his way to the infirmary in record time. When he entered the room, his gaze immediately zeroed in on her location. He was by her side an instant later. Eve lay silent and unmoving in the enclosed bed. It looked similar to a newborn’s incubator, but sized for adults. He watched on as the computer continued to beep at him while it healed her injuries. Until the lid opened on its own, he wouldn’t be able to see for himself just how grave her condition had truly been.

  Movement to his right startled him from his silent contemplation. He’d been so focused on Eve, he didn’t even realize others were in the room. Carelessness like that could get him killed.

  A young girl, no more than nineteen if he remembered right, slowly approached him. She looked nervous. She probably thought he’d shoot the messenger, but he needed answers and she appeared to be the only one around who could give them to him. “What happened here?”

  Several times she seemed to open her mouth to speak, but each time she shut it just as quickly. Finally, it looked as if she’d figured out what to tell him because she straightened her shoulders and walked right up to him. A Lionese woman, confident that she held all the power, now replaced the nervous teen. It was a remarkable transformation.

  “Eve received several injuries in the Challenge Ring. Your computer showed us the way here and told me what to do to ensure all her wounds were healed properly.”

  “Why was she in the Challenge Ring to begin with?”

  “Eve felt the only way she’d be heard and obeyed was if she took over leadership of the pride. Myra did not want to give up her place and issued a formal challenge. After Eve defeated Myra, the lioness attacked Eve, hence her current injuries.”

  “She attacked while Eve’s back was turned?”

  “Yes. I tried to warn Eve, but wasn’t quick enough.”

  “Where is Myra now?”

  “I had her sent to her chambers once the Medical Unit released her.”

  “What injuries did she sustain?”

  “Eve took her left paw in the battle.”

  Taliff nodded, satisfied with the girl’s answers. “By the way, what’s your name?”


  “Thank you for taking care of Eve for me, Amy.” Taliff heard the tonal sequence that indicated the patient had been healed and bent over the unit just as the lid swung open. He watched as Eve’s eyelids flickered, then finally opened.

  He didn’t even give her the opportunity to speak, just lifted her out of the bed and started toward the door. He looked down into his mate’s face and said, “You and I have to talk.”

  “Oh, hell,” Eve muttered, and promptly closed her eyes as he carried her down the corridor to their rooms.


  Eve looked up at Taliff as he carried her down the hallway. Her heart lurched. A brief shiver rippled through her as she witnessed the tenderness and worry etched on his features. It must have terrified him to find her lying motionless inside the Medical Unit with no knowledge of the seriousness of her injuries.

  Though his worry was evident, she didn’t imagine it would prevent him from demanding answers from her. What could she say to him? How could she justify her actions? She maimed another woman he’s responsible for. How would he ever forgive her? Eve worried her bottom lip with her teeth. What would happen now?

  To Eve, it didn’t take very long to get to their quarters. She couldn’t tell if he rushed through the halls because he needed to vent his anger in private or because she’d scared him so badly that he needed to get her alone to see for himself that she came out of the fight with just minor damage.

  Taliff managed to open the lock to their door without so much as a jostle to her. She tilted her head back to peer at his face. Why hadn’t he said anything since he lifted her into his arms and stalked off with her? If his intent was to make her nervous, his methods were quite effective.

  Rather than put her down once they entered their quarters, he headed toward the sleeping chamber. Only once he stood at the foot of their bed, did he let her slide down the length of his body.

  The rigid length of his cock brushed her belly as she slowly slid her feet to the floor. Her cunt clenched in response to his blatant arousal.

  He tilted his head to the side and studied her for a moment. Then ever so slowly he lifted his hand and ran it through the length of her hair. The gentle movement brought tears to her eyes. “Are you all right, Eve?”

  Eve blinked back the tears that hovered on her lashes. His voice dripped with love and shook with worry. It moved her as nothing else had in a long time. How could his feelings, his concerns, become important to her so quickly? She couldn’t claim to be in love with him, but his opinion of her mattered and she would do just about anything to ensure his feelings never changed.

  “I’m fine. I didn’t mean to worry you, Taliff.”

  He continued to look down at her, all the while he ran his fingers through her hair in soothing strokes. “What happened, Eve? You can’t put yourself in danger this way.” Raw hurt glimmered in his golden eyes.

  Her gaze darted nervously back and forth. How to explain her actions so he’d understand. He stared back as he waited silently. She licked her lips, shuffled from foot to foot, before she finally looked into his
patience-filled eyes. “I had no choice, Taliff. I needed to assert dominance and after she lost in the Challenge Ring, she attacked after I turned my back.”

  “So you took her paw?”

  Afraid she’d see condemnation in his eyes, she lowered her gaze to the floor. “Yes, it was either her paw or her life. Maybe I should have killed her outright, but what lesson would that have taught the others?”

  Taliff gently raised her chin with his finger. “You did the right thing, moya.”

  She wanted to sigh in relief but something he’d just said caught her attention. She tilted her head in confusion. “What does moya mean?”

  Taliff flushed. His golden brown skin took on a rosy hue. “It roughly translates into ‘my love’.”

  Eve didn’t know what to say in response to his endearment so she went back to the previous topic. “I really am fine, Taliff.”

  “I’d like to see that for myself, if you don’t mind. Besides, we’re in our quarters and you’re supposed to remain naked until the next rising.”

  For a long moment she looked back at him before she reached for the buttons of her blood-soaked shirt. She’d be glad when she could toss the ruined garment in the trash. She wanted no reminders of what she’d done. And if she interpreted the heat in Taliff’s gaze correctly, she’d be too busy to even think about the prior events of the day.

  Once she tossed her ruined shirt, and tiny scrap of a bra to the floor, she eased the zipper of her jeans down. She kicked off her sneakers and toed of her socks, before letting her jeans fall to the carpet in a puddle. The entire time she stripped she never broke eye contact with Taliff. He had extraordinary golden eyes, flecked and ringed with amber. They entranced her. Hell, his animal magnetism, his charisma, and yes, his looks, simply captivated her.

  Taliff circled her slowly, turned her this way and that. His eyes scrutinized every inch of her skin. He paid careful attention to the still pink scar on her neck. He frowned his displeasure and looked as though he very much wanted to give in to his need to lecture her about the risks she took to gain control of the pride. She needed to do something to distract him before he upset himself again.

  When it appeared that all he intended was to inspect her for injuries, Eve decided to take matters in her own hands. With as much grace as she could manage, she sauntered closer to Taliff, careful to leave just a hand’s width between them.

  With forced nonchalance, Eve trailed her hand down his chest, until she reached his jeans. She glanced up to see Taliff’s reaction and was pleased to see a heated glitter to his gaze. He definitely approved of what she had on her mind. She’d have to remember to use seduction as a distraction in the future if his heated glances were anything to go by.

  Eve slowly lowered the zipper, conscious of the fact he hadn’t put on anything under his jeans when they’d dressed in a hurry earlier. His thick cock jutted from the opening of his pants as if begging for even the slightest touch.

  She licked her lips in obvious appreciation. She doubted many men, human or Lionese could boast of such a huge dick. She couldn’t wait to find out just what he could do with it.

  Unable to resist the delicious temptation in front of her, Eve slowly dropped to her knees, ran her fingernail down the length of his shaft, and gazed up at him with as much mischievousness as she felt. Though she’d never given head before, she couldn’t wait to try.

  With deliberate slowness, she lowered her mouth to his throbbing dick. With confidence she didn’t feel, she ran her tongue from the base of his shaft to the tip of his cock. She rimmed the head of his penis with her tongue, licking up the pre-cum that leaked from its tip, before she once again swirled her tongue down the length of his shaft.

  Taliff groaned his pleasure. She felt his rumbling purr ripple through his shaft, and gave an answering purr in acknowledgement. It made her insides quiver to know just how much he seemed to enjoy her ministrations.

  Eve gripped the base of his cock with one hand, and guided it to her mouth, taking his length deep into her throat. She slowly stroked up the length of his cock, and down until she felt his hands tangle into her hair. His thrusts became more forceful as he held her head in place. “Goddess, Eve. You’re killing me.”

  She smiled around the head of his cock. Not bad for an amateur. She could get quite used to this type of power. She had a grown Lionese warrior practically hers to command.

  “I can’t take anymore, Eve.”

  She could hear the desperation in his voice. With great reluctance, she took pity upon him and released his throbbing manhood from her mouth.

  With shaky legs she made to stand, leaning more of her weight against him than she wanted. Who knew that giving a blowjob was as exciting as receiving one? With hands that still held a slight tremor, Taliff helped Eve to her feet and swung her up into his heavily-muscled arms. She couldn’t stop herself from stroking his chest through the thin material of his t-shirt. There couldn’t be an ounce of fat on his physique. All in all, he made an impressive figure. Power and strength radiated from him in waves.

  In two long steps, Taliff reached the side of the bed where he tenderly placed her among the pillows. Eve tried to sit up, but Taliff placed his hand against her chest to urge her to lie back. She tried to reach for his shirt while he bent over her but he stepped away only to lift the shirt over his head and carelessly toss it across the room.

  “I wanted to do that for you, dammit,” Eve scolded.

  Taliff just smiled and shook his head.

  Eve gasped as she watched him lower his pants passed his powerful thighs until he too kicked them away. He stood before her, glorious in his nakedness. His red-gold hair gleamed in the light, swinging around his waist with every movement he made. His brilliant golden amber eyes glittered with passion as he once again closed the distance between them. With the ease of a feline comfortable with his strength and agility, Taliff gently lowered himself over her body.

  “Now I have you exactly where I want you, Eve. And there is nothing you can do about it.”

  “Who said anything about getting away?”

  Taliff chuckled. “Hmmm…” he whispered as his lips slowly grazed her ear, her neck until they finally slid down to the base of her throat. He gently nipped her at her pulse point then swirled his tongue over the tiny wound. Goosebumps rippled across her skin as he continued to lave her with his rough tongue. She arched into his touch, desperate to feel his lips glide further down her body.

  As though he could read her mind, Taliff’s mouth drifted down past her neck until he reached the crests of her breasts. Eve couldn’t hold back her moan as his tongue flicked over her rigid nipples. Again and again, he stroked her hardened peaks while gently rasping his teeth against them.

  When she thought she could take no more, he eased away from her nipples and swirled his tongue on the underside of her breasts, his obvious intent to drive her mad. After taking each of her nipples into his mouth one last time, he released them with a pop before moving down her belly to her navel.

  “Goddess, Tal. What are you trying to do to me?”

  “Turnabout is fair play, moya.”

  Again she couldn’t help but arch into his touch. She needed release, and she needed it now. “Please, Tal. Stop torturing me already.”

  Goosebumps once again spread across her skin, her every nerve ending felt on fire, and still he methodically trailed his lips past her naval, her cunt, until he finally reached the inner thigh of her left leg. He nipped her, leaving his mark on her pale skin, then eased the tiny ache with his tongue before he drifted lower down her body.

  Eve screamed her displeasure when he skipped over her pussy. She was desperate to feel his tongue delving into her aching cunt. But no, he was bent on seduction and torture, she was sure of it.

  His lips slowly trailed down her thigh, her calf, and then to her ankle, all the time he ignored her pleas for mercy. After suckling on the toes on her left foot he moved to her right, kissing and nipping his way up her right leg
. Whoever introduced Tal into the world of love play definitely knew what they were doing.

  Eve thought she’d die if he didn’t stop this slow act of seduction. Taliff looked up into Eve’s passion glazed eyes, and gave her an audacious wink, before he carefully eased her thighs apart. With exaggerated slowness, Taliff bent his head, and softly blew on her turgid clit.

  When her clit started to drip with her passion’s juices, he tenderly took it between his teeth and gave it a slight tug. Eve screamed her pleasure. Her body shook with pent up need. One more good tug on her clit and she’d explode. She couldn’t stop the purr of contentment that rumbled from her chest. She was so close to climax. If she didn’t get off soon, she might just kill him if he didn’t kill her first. But damn, the wait just might be worth dying over.

  “Taliff, let me come, please.”

  “Patience, Eve. The more drawn out the lovemaking is, the greater the pleasure you will feel.”

  “Ughhh... You can’t expect me to last much longer, Taliff. I really can’t take it.”

  Taliff smirked at her. Devilment lightened his eyes. “You’ll take whatever I give you and love it, moya.”

  His touch gentle, Taliff spread her nether lips apart with his fingers, exposing her pussy to his gaze. “You have such a beautiful pink cunt, moya. I can’t wait to taste your nectar. Cats do so love the sweet taste of cream.”

  He put his words to action and bent his head to her pussy. A deep purr rumbled from his chest as he stroked her pussy with his tongue. He swirled it around her erect clit, and between her pussy lips as he drank her juices.

  Oh, Goddess. The pleasure was so intense, unlike anything she ever felt before in her life. Eve couldn’t take much more and started to squirm. Apparently, Taliff would have none of that because he gripped her by her thighs and held her immobile as he continued to eat at her cunt.

  He must have realized she could take no more, for he eased away, gave each of her thighs a tiny peck, then lifted her by her waist and flipped Eve to her stomach. He quickly replaced his lips with his throbbing cock. Slowly he stretched her tight pussy as he sunk into her honeyed depths. He eased himself in and out ever so gently until he reached full penetration.


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