Taliff's Cure

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Taliff's Cure Page 8

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  Taliff’s rolled his eyes.

  Was that a good sign or not? He probably thought the idea was asinine. She waited for his response and cringed when he chuckled.

  “Shoshoni, I want you to do exactly as Eve has suggested. Use whatever chemical compound mixture will get the job done, so long as it won’t interfere with our mission to return to Chantrea in one piece. Expel the cargo we would have used for trade if the opportunity had presented itself. It will go toward saving our lives instead of filling our coffers. And make sure the explosion, expulsion of cargo, and cloaking happen simultaneously. As soon as you’re ready, make it happen.”

  Taliff grabbed Eve’s hand again, smiled at her with joy twinkling in his eyes. “Hold on. This won’t take long.”

  She was both relieved and stunned that he’d listened to her. He hadn’t been scoffing her after all, just laughing in relief. Eve’s lips lifted in a small smile. She felt a small tremor of surprise that she could find something to smile about when their very lives were in danger.




  The computer’s voice droned on, and Eve moved closer to her mate. If this went badly she wanted to be holding onto him when it happened. After looping her arms around his neck, and laying her head on his chest, she silently waited.

  She felt Taliff’s arms wrap around her waist and his chin rest atop her head, then waited as the computer continued the countdown.




  Before too long, Eve voiced the fear plaguing her. “Are we doing the right thing, Taliff?”

  * * * *

  Taliff looked down at his mate, amazed that all his hopes and dreams were held firmly within his grasp inside this beautiful woman. He wouldn’t lie to her, not even if it would make her feel better. “I don’t know, Eve. I can’t think of one positive reason that all these ships are out here and avoiding communications. And all the reasons I can come up with don’t bode well for us, but especially for you and the other women.”

  He pulled her even closer against him. Not a millimeter of space separated them, and yet, it was still too much distance for his peace of mind. If he could put her in his pocket and hide her there, he would. If he could absorb her through his skin to keep her safe, he’d do that too.

  Eve tensed in his arms. “What do you mean?”

  “They’d kill me Eve, but they’d capture you and the others. If they could breed females off of you, they’d have no reason to treat you as anything other than incubators for their future mates, whether they had to use rape to impregnate you or not.”

  “Oh…” She shivered against him, her body wracked with chills. All he could do was hold her tighter and pray to the Goddess Alana that they survive the next few minutes.




  The silence that followed was deafening. The ship shuddered beneath his feet as the engines engaged, and the cargo was transported into space. A deafening explosion rocked the ship, before the stabilizing thrusters engaged. He could only hope the ship was cloaked and that their enemies were fooled—at least for now, anyway.

  He’d worry about the rest of the trip home after they were clear of this latest complication. For ten minutes, neither he nor Eve moved. No one spoke. No one dared.

  When Taliff thought his nerves were about to implode, Shoshoni beeped his wrist communicator. Hell, he’d forgotten he even wore the contraption. He never took it off, not even when retiring for the night. Thank the Goddess for lazy habits.

  Taliff stepped away from Eve, and brought the com unit to his mouth. “Go ahead,” he whispered.

  Until Shoshoni gave him the all clear, he didn’t want to alert anyone who may be listening. There were some planets in his home star system that excelled at making listening devices that could be used to search for missing ships in deep space. He couldn’t chance being discovered by their enemies.

  “I am picking up several radio transmissions between the ships, Commander Shi’Lan. The ships are circling the debris field. I can plot a course around the debris field, but in order to avoid detection, the route will take us through the heart of the asteroid belt. We will not be able to use the Light Engines until we pass through the field. Do I go through the asteroid belt, Commander or sit and wait until the ships depart?”

  “What are the chances they know about the cloak my brother had installed?”

  “There is insufficient data available to answer your query, sir.”

  Taliff shook his head and glanced back at Eve to ask her opinion. So far, thanks to her wit, they were still alive. And he wanted to keep it that way. “What do you think we should do, moya?”

  “I say we should take the chance, and head for the asteroid belt. If we can get past there before they catch on, if they catch on, then by the time they figure out what we’ve done, hopefully we would have already warped out of there. Then, it’s just a matter of keeping ahead of whoever is trying to ensure you fail in your mission.”

  Taliff raised his eyebrows in consternation. Sometimes his mate said things he just didn’t understand. “Warp?”

  Eve shook her head. “It’s not important. It’s a phrase from a Star Trek show. It means use your Light Engines.”

  With a smiling tipping up the corners of his mouth, Taliff approached Eve and pulled her into his arms. It was pure heaven to be able to hold her this way. “You are a delight, Eve. I don’t think I’ll ever figure out how your mind works, but I’m going to enjoy trying over the next couple of centuries.”

  “Centuries?” she screeched—well, as much as she could screech while keeping her voice below a whisper.

  Taliff ignored Eve’s outrage, and pulled her into his arms. “Do as Eve suggests, Shoshoni. Head into the asteroid belt at a safe speed and distance to ensure we stay hidden. When we clear the belt, plot our course to Chantrea at ‘Warp’ speed.”

  Eve was still struggling in his arms, but instead of letting her go, he bent down and grabbed her beneath her knees, lifting her against his chest. “Yes, centuries, Eve.”

  Without a backward glance at the debris field slowly shrinking in the distance, Taliff carried Eve out of the Control room and headed back to the lift to finish their mating night. Perhaps, all that outrage she was feeling could be turned to passion. He couldn’t wait to find out.

  If Eve had looked up at that moment, she would have glimpsed the hunter he kept firmly leashed behind his carefree persona and known that she was about to become prey.


  Eve didn’t know whether to voice her outrage that he’d carried her off like a conquest or laugh at the outrageousness of his actions considering they could be attacked and killed at any moment. Either way, she knew it wouldn’t change the outcome. He’d still ravage her, and she’d love it. So why complain? Seriously, did she really want to waste what could be their last chance to make love?

  With both her mind and heart in agreement, she relaxed and laid her head against his chest. The rapid pounding of his heart reassured her that she wasn’t the only one feeling this way. He may not have told her he loved her, but there was more than just lust between them.

  Come to think of it, she hadn’t expressed her feelings to him either. She wasn’t sure that what she felt was love, but then again, what was love really? She desired him. She cared about his thoughts and feelings. She definitely didn’t want to see him harmed in any way. And, even as crazy as it sounded, she couldn’t imagine ever feeling like this about another person again. So, was she in love? She didn’t really know, but she sure hoped they lived long enough for her to figure it out.

  “Stop thinking so hard. You’ll give yourself a headache. ”

  She shivered when the warmth of his breath brushed her temple. How could he always affect her this way? Just the sound of his voice or the smell of his skin h
ad her creaming in seconds.

  “How do you always know what I’m feeling? It’s a bit disconcerting, to tell you the truth.”

  “The mating bonds united our souls. What you feel, so do I. When you’re worried, I’ll always know it. In that way, our people can strive to give each other what they need to remain happy.” He wasn’t sure if she was ready to hear that the mating bonds also tied their life forces together. If she died he would soon follow.

  “How come I can’t sense what you’re feeling through these ‘bonds’ then?”

  “Um…you are. All I’m feeling right now is an insane urge to press you against the walls and fuck you into oblivion. Why else do you think I can smell your pussy flowering even though you’re worried?”

  Eve could feel the heat in her cheeks as her blush spread like a match to tinder. She closed her eyes so she wouldn’t see the smile she could hear in his voice. How embarrassing. Why did men, no matter what planet they were from, always say the one thing most likely to embarrass a woman? It must be some sort of genetic trait of the gender.

  “Do you have to say stuff like that, Taliff?”

  “Why wouldn’t I? It’s the truth. Why are you ashamed of your body’s response to mine?”

  “I’m not ashamed. I just don’t want to hear that I stink.”

  Taliff chuckled. “I didn’t say you stank, moya. I love the scent of your arousal. It’s intoxicating.”


  She could feel his sigh as his breath teased her ear. “I will try my best not to embarrass you, Eve. But I can’t help but tell you how much you turn me on.”

  “Ugh… Can we change the subject, please?”

  “Anything for you, moya.”

  “Thank you.” After a few seconds of blessed silence passed, Eve looked up. She didn’t think it normally took this long to get to their quarters. Her brows lifted in surprise. “Ah, Taliff? Where are we?”

  “You’ll see.”

  “All I see is a door, and it doesn’t lead to our room.”

  His chest vibrated beneath her ear, and she knew he was trying not to laugh at her again. “You’re so impatient, Eve.”

  Before she could come up with a suitable reply, he pressed his security code into the keypad and the door whooshed open. She couldn’t have contained the surprised gasp that flew passed her lips if she wanted to, but something this beautiful deserved any reaction it received.

  “Do you like it?”

  “It’s stunning. But what is this place?”

  “It’s the conservatory. When ships are deployed for any length of time, our people have discovered that homesickness sets in, and with it, morale lowers. The scientists discovered that it was a chemical compound excreted by the plant’s roots into the soil. It creates a sense of well being amongst our people. By putting an indoor garden on all our battleships and deep space explorers, our soldiers and scientists don’t forget the paradise they left behind. Instead, they get to take a bit of home with them wherever they are sent.”

  “I really think I’m going to like Chantrea, Taliff. If your world looks anything like this, it must be very hard to leave home.”

  A feeling of well-being swept over her as she stared at the beautiful garden. No. It was more than that. It was a feeling of coming home. Flowers more exotic than she ever could have imagined hung from the ceiling and spread over the walls in a blanket of blossoms. Everywhere she looked colorful flora and vibrant green vines vied for her attention.

  A flash of color caught her eye, and she turned her head to look at the bloom. It looked like a cross between a tulip and a rose, but the deep purple hue of the petals is what held her in its thrall. The purple was so dark, it was nearly black, but when the light hit it just right the richness and purity of the color amazed her.

  “What kind of flower is this one, Tal?” she asked. Her fingers itched to pluck the flower from the hanging vine, but she’d rather the beauty of the bloom remained for her to see here, than to slowly wither and die in their cabin.

  She tried to bend down to inhale the enchanting fragrance of the blossoms, but couldn’t get close enough. “Put me down, Tal. Put me down.” She probably sounded like a two year old asking for permission to run wild through a toy store, but she couldn’t help it.

  By the time he slowly lowered her to the floor, every inch of her skin was sensitized where he’d deliberately eased her down his length. Her stomach clenched. Her pussy spasmed. And her heart rate about quadrupled. She didn’t know whether to jump him, or beg to be jumped. And all thoughts of smelling anything but his enticing scent evaporated from her mind.

  “It’s a Tupa.”

  “What?” What was he talking about?

  “The flower you’re reverently stroking with your fingertips. It’s called a Tupa.”

  “Oh.” She quickly stuck her hands in the pockets of her jeans. What the hell was happening to her? She was so horny she’d probably climax the second he breathed on her.

  She didn’t even realize she’d been stroking the flower’s petals. She’d stood there and imagined using her tongue to stroke his cock, fingering the flower unconsciously, until he’d pointed it out to her.

  When had these continuous thoughts of sex replaced all her common sense? After she met him, of course. Until Taliff, she’d thought of sex in an offhand manner, wondering when she’d finally find someone to screw that wouldn’t leave a bad taste in her mouth the next morning, but she’d never obsessed about it before.

  Goddess, just thoughts of licking his golden skin made her legs quiver and her pulse thump out a rhythm of desperate need.

  She licked her lips, nervous as the sudden tension that radiated from him. As though he could read her mind, and her thoughts were turning him on, Eve watched as his breathing escalated and his pupils dilated.

  Oh Goddess, she was going to get ravished all right. And if the naughty twinkle in his eyes were any indication, he planned on screwing her right here. No way would they make it to their room from the looks of the massive bulge in his one-piece uniform. Which, come to think of it, was exactly what he’d probably planned all along.

  Eve smiled up at her mate. She couldn’t think of a more beautiful and inspiring place to make love. Her heart skipped a beat when she realized that although he hadn’t told her of his feelings, maybe he knew what they were to each other deserved to be recognized in a place so close to his people, so close to his heart.

  And perhaps what she felt was love, because suddenly she couldn’t think of any moment in her life she cherished more, or any person who she would ever want to repeat this experience with. And maybe, just maybe, she’d tell him of the feelings bubbling inside her. But not just yet. Right now, she wanted to enjoy the sensations and hold them close to her for a bit longer.

  * * * *

  Taliff’s cock lengthened beneath the confines of his pants, sending shards of frustrated pain to his groin. All he wanted to do was lie Eve down amidst the flowers of his home world and make love to her for hours. The combination of crushed petals and her womanly essence was sure to drive him mad with need, but what an experience it would be.

  Although she stood less than a foot away, when she looked at him and smiled as she was doing now, he wanted to crush her to his length and absorb her through his pores until she filled all the empty places in his heart. Now that he’d found her, he’d do anything to keep her by his side for the rest of their very long lives.

  He hungered for her. His soul had cried out to hers long before they ever laid eyes on each other. And tonight, he’d do his damnedest to ensure she never doubted what she meant to him.

  With utmost reverence he lifted one of her golden tresses and placed it behind her left ear so that he could trail his fingers through the silky mass. Eve’s eyes closed as his fingers caressed the side of her face, and he could feel her pleasure through their bond. How had he lived so long without feeling her soul merged with his own? The answer was simple… he hadn’t. He’d merely existed until he
’d taken Eve from her home and mated her.

  When she nuzzled the palm of his hand with her cheek, he was a goner. He just hoped he didn’t disappoint her this night. The long, slow loving he’d planned would have to wait, because first, he needed her fast and hard. And he needed her now.

  Thoughts of all the ways he wanted to love her, to touch her, rushed through his mind, but only one felt right for this moment, this place. He stepped back and held out his hand to her. It would be her choice whether or not she took it. Did she trust him enough to go where he lead? “Come with me, Eve?”

  Without hesitation, she placed her hand in his. “I’d follow you anywhere, Taliff.”

  He sighed in relief, unaware as he did so that he’d been holding his breath. With her fingers intertwined with his, Taliff led her deeper and deeper into the conservatory. By the time they reached the heart of the garden, the metal walls of the ship were impossible to see.

  An oasis of beauty, the heart of the conservatory was Taliff’s favorite part of the ship. He came here alone to think about his life, his duties, and he came here to dream. It was here where he’d often sit and hope his perfect match was out there somewhere just waiting for him to find her. So he thought it fitting that she be the only one he’d ever shared this place with. It was here he’d make love to her, and here he’d pledge his undying love and devotion.

  And love her he did. Her sprit invigorated him. Her trust enslaved him. And he hoped it was here that her love for him was spoken through the ritual mating promise. Only once she spoke the vows of mating, could he respond in kind. But would the ritual words come to her as they did for all Chantrean born Lionese women? Or would he never have that part of his dream fulfilled?


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