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The Spirits of Nature

Page 8

by Michelle Post

  “You could not have been a better father,” she said trying to reassure him that her departure had nothing to do with any shortcomings on his part. “There are many reasons for this trip. I had really hoped that I could stay here in Hidden Meadows with you and Philip.”

  Jeremiah had difficulty understanding her reasoning. But, he knew he was powerless in changing her mind. He wanted her to leave with something that he had hoped to give her on her wedding day. He reached inside his vest pocket and pulled out a small black book.

  “I want you to have this Rebecca. I have been waiting for just the right time to give this to you. Please tell me you will always keep it with you.”

  He ran his hand across the imprint on the cover. It was obvious he treasured it.

  “It was your mother’s.”

  Rebecca took the well-worn book and opened it. Inside was an inscription from her mother. It read: “To my child, live by these words and be blessed.” The outside had gold letters with the inscription Holy Bible.

  “I will cherish it,” she said holding it to her heart. She could feel herself starting to cry. She hugged her father not wanting to let go.

  Philip took her hands in his and put his gold pocket watch in her hand closing her fingers around it.

  “Stay safe, Becca.” He trembled as he handed it to her.

  “I can’t take this Philip,” she insisted. “This is your favorite watch.”

  “I want you to have it. Know that at any time I will be there for you,” he promised.

  “You always have been, Philip.” She put her arms around his neck and began to cry. She would miss him the most. He had been her playmate, her confidant and her protector.


  Rebecca climbed onto the wagon. Sarah put her arm around her knowing how painful this was for her. Rebecca looked back several times before she could think to look forward into her unknown and somewhat frightening future.


  Molly and Philip

  It had only been a month since Rebecca had left. Philip had grown very concerned for his father. He was very unresponsive to his surroundings. He did not seem to care about much at all.

  That did not change until Molly entered the household.

  Mrs. Walters was over sixty when she conceded to allowing additional help. Jeremiah did not have the heart to dismiss her. She had been so good through the years in the care of his children. However she did need help and Jeremiah encouraged her to find some assistance.

  Molly Spencer had been orphaned at the age of four. She had spent most of her life with well meaning but non-resourceful relatives. Growing up in a class of working people she had learned how to care for the rich. Molly was not blessed with the grace of many of her teachers or the elite that she served. She made up for that awkwardness in kindness. She was also very fair of face. She had chestnut colored hair and large brown eyes. She was curvier than she was thin and had always caught the eye of suitors. In the past she had unwelcome advances from her employers as well. She did not allow for her need to make a living influence her moral code. This would sometimes result in her dismissal. She had a childlike approach to life that made her seem much younger than her forty-two years. She had never married and thought at this point it would not happen.

  Today would be her first day in the Butler household. She considered herself quite fortunate to have been hired. She had Mrs. Walters to thank for her desirable position. The Butlers had a great respect for the judgment of Mrs. Walters and when she suggested Molly a formal interview was not necessary. Molly was hired immediately.

  Molly was running her hands down her new black linen shirt that would serve as a uniform in the Butler household. She prayed she would not drop anything or do something else of that nature that would mortify her. She longed to make a good impression on the famous Butler family.

  “Here, Molly, take this out,” instructed Mrs. Walters as she handed her the tray with fresh bread and rolls.

  Gingerly she walked into the colossal dining room. She was standing behind Philip when she bent slightly to offer him a roll. He looked up nonchalantly at first and then looked again. Much to his surprise he was mesmerized. This woman was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen! He could not say anything.

  Molly was not uncomfortable with the look on his face. She too was caught up in the look and returned it with the same intensity. The chemistry was obvious to the most casual observer.

  She could feel her mouth becoming dry and she would have been wise to keep quiet but instead she blurted out a question.

  “Would you care to roll, Sir?”

  That very thought was going through his mind. Philip almost answered with at definite ‘yes.’ He did not think at the moment how she had slipped.

  Molly turned a shade of light shade of scarlet. She immediately tried to recover. Philip found it very charming and flattering. He smiled at her sincerely. He made a futile attempt to pretend he did not notice the psychological slip of the tongue.

  “I mean would you like some wonderful, I mean warm rolls?” She was subsequently embarrassed.

  “Yes, I would,” Philip, replied taking a roll and answering the first question with a smile while his imagination had a visual fantasy of the encounter.

  She quickly served him and turned her back, mortified.

  Philip could not take his eyes off of Molly. She had a natural beauty he felt drawn to immediately. There was something more. Even though she had grown to maturity there was a childlike wonder and curiosity about her that Philip found endearing.

  Philip was quite the catch. He had broad shoulders and height that was not common as he towered over his father. He had the green eyes of his mother, which made the black hair that, his father once possessed a striking combination. There were plenty of women who would easily follow him. He could have taken advantage of the situation but he did not. He was particular about women he kept company with and was determined to be with just the right woman for the rest of his life. This was an engaging trait of Philip because he could have used the power and money to win the hearts of many. He was also wise enough to know there were many who would have been with him for the luxurious life he had to offer. Given these variables he had not met anyone who really turned his head. That was until today.

  Molly was different. She was the most exquisite creature he had ever seen. He could not see the servants clothing or the fact that she was at least five years his senior. He saw a real and genuine woman of substance. He was in a word, captivated.

  The attraction was obvious to Mrs. Walters as well as it was to Jeremiah. They were equally disturbed by the interchange. Mrs. Walters took charge of the situation and told Molly to please get something from the kitchen as she served the coffee. She joined Molly in the kitchen within moments.

  “Have you taken leave of your senses, girl?” She scolded Molly.

  “What do you mean?” She replied trying to curtail the issue knowing her discomfort and her enticement with Philip was obvious.

  “You know very well what I mean,” she continued. “You are displaying and unacceptable show of interest in the young Mr. Butler.”

  “With all due respect Mrs. Walters, it was not something that I did on purpose. I could not help it. Beside, had you been watching closely it was obvious that the feeling was mutual,” she added.

  “I don’t care what you thought it might have been,” she continued. “Any type of relationship other than one of extreme professionalism will not be tolerated. Do you understand?” She said thinking that Molly should have known better.

  “I had to pull a lot of strings to get you this job. Mr. Butler has trusted me and therefore we owe him the utmost in respect.”

  “I understand,” Molly said reluctantly backing down. “I am sorry, and it will not happen again,” she said but could not be sure.

  She returned to the dining room. She did not want to look at Philip but she could not help it. It could have been she felt his gaze upon her. She could fee
l it without turning her head; it felt very uneasy and yet tantalizing. Philip was the most handsome man she had ever seen. She had heard he was quite the looker but now in his presence there was more. Molly could not explain it. She began to fear for the security of her position.

  Jeremiah attempted to pretend that his son was not interested in a common housemaid. That could not be. He looked at the paper and chose to ignore what was happening before him.

  Mrs. Walters on the other hand was more disturbed with Jeremiah. What made him think he was better than her? He had loved and married a ‘common’ woman. Madeline was the best wife and partner he could have chosen. How quickly Jeremiah had forgotten where he came from.

  She also felt a pang of sadness for Philip. She loved him as her own and had been significant in his care for all his life. Today was the first time she had seen him smile since Rebecca had left. In her heart she was hopeful that this could somehow work. She knew Philip better than his father had taken the time to learn. She knew that if he set his mind to something he usually did not waver.

  Several weeks passed. Molly had hoped these feeling of infatuation would leave her be. She tried to avoid Philip yet she relished any encounter she had with him. Maybe it was the danger of the situation? Maybe it was that he was tall and handsome? Maybe it was because there is such a thing as an instant attraction that could lead to love? She anticipated each morning because she knew she would see him. Molly would lie awake at night and wonder what Philip was thinking as he drifted off to sleep. Did he long to have her at his side?

  He had not stopped his flirting with her. In fact she sensed that it would soon be elevated to another level. It was the natural course of events.

  It happened one day while she was in the dining room. She was sitting at the table polishing the silver. She could see Philip enter the room and she became restless. She nearly dropped a piece of silverware when Philip put his hand on top of hers and looked into her eyes.

  “Molly, I would like a picnic lunch for tomorrow. I will be spending the day in the country fishing. Please include enough for two, as I will be taking a companion.” Molly could feel her heart sink with disappointment automatically assuming it must be another woman.

  “I will see to it that is done, Mr. Butler,” she said. “Tomorrow is my day off but I will be here in the morning to be sure that everything is in order.”

  “I certainly appreciate that, Molly. I will see to it that you are compensated for your trouble.”

  “That is entirely unnecessary, Sir,” Molly insisted. “It will not take much time and I am happy to accommodate you,” she said sincerely. “I will be here early and if I don’t see you I will leave it out for you.”

  The following morning Philip raced to the kitchen in anticipation of seeing Molly. He was disappointed when she was not present. She had left the lunch on the counter neatly packed in a basket. This did not discourage him. He was determined to find her. She could not be far away since the servants lived on the premises.

  He found her pruning some rose bushes on the side of the house where she resided with the other servants. She saw him but pretended to be otherwise occupied. She did not look his way when he pulled up in the wagon. Philip called to her from the wagon.

  “Miss Molly, would you do me the honor of spending some time with me today?” He said without hesitation. He was talking loud enough for anyone in the house to hear him. He knew that she did not want anyone to hear his plea. She moved closer to the wagon.

  Philip smiled. He had shouted knowing her reaction.

  Molly began to stumble. She resented that she was not blessed with more grace.

  “I beg your pardon Mr. Butler?” She moved closer so that no one could hear them talking.

  “Philip, please,” he replied. “I wanted to know if I would be imposing on you to ask for the pleasure of your company today. You can stay as long as you like. When you want to return, I will bring you back.”

  Molly was still overcome and did not know what to say, however she managed to blurt out her objection.

  “I don’t think so, Mr. Butler. I am sorry but I don’t think that would be appropriate.”

  “To whom?” he questioned. He was not getting the response he was hoping to receive.

  “Well, Sir, it is just not something that I can do.”

  Philip jumped off the coach determined. He came close to Molly and put his finger to her lips to stop her from continuing to protest. He took her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes.

  “Just for one day, could we be just an ordinary man with an exceptionally extraordinary woman, enjoying each other’s company?” His look was intense and sincere.

  Not even the threat of losing her job could stop her now. She nodded.

  Delighted, Philip helped her up to the seat and they headed for the meadow.

  The day was filled with adventure and fun for Molly. She let her guard down and found herself mesmerized by Philip. He taught her to fish by standing behind her in the river. Philip also made a futile attempt to teach her how to skip stones. She did more dunking and he found that very funny. They relaxed and ate the lunch she had prepared.

  To his delight, Philip discovered that Molly was even more enchanting than he had imagined. She had relaxed enough to let him put his head in her lap as they sat without speaking in the warm summer air. She was much more attentive than the women he had been seeing in the past. She was a welcome change. She ran her fingers through his hair and scratched and massaged his scalp. He was helpless in her arms.

  The day was coming to an end and Molly began to think of what she was going to tell Mrs. Walters concerning her absence. Surely someone if not everyone had figured out that they were both missing for the day.

  Philip, on the other hand, seemed to be unaffected by the entire situation. He did not care. He was playful and now there was someone who appreciated that in him.

  As they ran through the woods he caught his sleeve on a branch. He tore the sleeve.

  “Oh, will you look at this?” He said as he took off the shirt. Molly immediately took the garment but could not resist admiring in her mind the contours of his body.

  “That will not be a problem to fix,” she assured him as she tried to focus on the shirt and not Philip. Then he hugged her from behind and pulled her close to him. He bent down to kiss her. All the magic suddenly disappeared for Molly. The reality of the danger of this situation sobered her quickly.

  “We can’t!” She exclaimed as she tried to pull away.

  “Molly, please?” Philip begged.

  Molly was determined not to let this happen as much as she desired it. She tried to free herself from his grip but found that she was slipping on the grass. In an effort to balance herself she lost more of her stability. When she tried to straighten up she accidentally brought her knee to Philip’s groin.

  He immediately doubled over. Molly, realizing what she had done looked down and began to assist. She had second thoughts and quickly drew back. When she jerked to stand she hit him in the chin with her head. Now, Philip was doubled over in pain and his mouth was bleeding!

  Horrified she approached his face with her hands.

  “No! Please don’t touch me!” Philip cried.

  He was not aware of his tone because of the pain.

  Molly was near tears and wanted to flee. Without thinking, she did just that. She took one of the horses and rode bare back toward the estate.

  She had ridden for nearly a mile before she realized that she had left Philip alone and in pain. She stopped for moment, tears of embarrassment and panic running down her face. Mortified, she rode as fast as the horse could carry her to the security of her room.

  Philip was trying to recover as he watched her ride away. He understood better than she why she had to flee. Her unassuming attitude and genuine nature pulled him toward her even more now.

  “You are adorable!” He whispered. “I have just got to have you!”


following morning Molly found every reason to keep from entering the dining room as Philip and Jeremiah ate breakfast. Mrs. Walters was aware of much more than Molly wished she knew. She insisted on Molly serving the breakfast. Mrs. Walters was more than curious to see the interchange. She was sure that Molly had spent the previous day with Philip. She was concerned about the situation. However, her romantic side was caught in the prospect of new love between Philip and Molly.

  She could not think of two people she cared for more except for Rebecca. She had seen both Philip and Molly grow up. It would be a comfort to see Molly in the arms of a man who could provide the life she deserved but had unfortunately never known.

  Molly carefully entered the room in a vain attempt not to exchange glances with Philip. She was sure he resented her.

  He found this the perfect opportunity to chide her for leaving him the day before. He waited until she had begun to pour a cup of coffee.

  “Oh, Molly, have you seen my white shirt, the one that I gave to you yesterday. It was in need of repair?” He asked. “I cannot seem to find it.”

  Almost as if he could predict it she dropped the coffee at the reference to the events of the previous day. He was enjoying himself at her expense.

  Jeremiah was not amused and had grown tired of this apparent rendezvous between his son and Molly. Philip was too involved in the presence of Molly to notice.

  Jeremiah excused Molly and said that he wished to be undisturbed. Philip became immediately subdued.

  “This has got to stop, Philip.”

  “What might that be father?” Philip attempted to evade the remark. He nonchalantly sipped his coffee.

  “You cannot let this continue with Molly.”

  “I’m sorry if that disappoints you,” he said not apologizing for his actions but for the prejudice of his father. “But, I love her.”

  Jeremiah’s face became flushed.


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