How to Become a Lady: Book One of the London Ladies Series

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How to Become a Lady: Book One of the London Ladies Series Page 4

by Hannah West

  It had been lonely for her since Derek had left for school and then became the duke. That had made her decide she wanted a large family and Derek was warming to the idea himself as of late.

  For a moment he pictured the slender body of Lady Emmaline and imagined her laying across his bed and then calling for him to come to her, her long honey hair streaming over his silk pillows.

  “Derek?” Anna called to him.

  He mentally shook his head clear of the arousing image and focused on his sister.

  “I am sorry, Anna, what did you ask?”

  She gave him an odd look, but asked again any way. “Have you given thought to who you would like to marry? I told Mother that a list was too harsh to make you choose from.”

  “The purpose of a list is key, Anna,” his mother corrected. “You have this idea as most young girls do about handsome men and happy endings full of love. While you may have the option of choosing a suitable lord that you like, your brother has to pick a woman who can take my place. This is what your grandmother did for you father and so on before. The one thing is family cannot weather is a scandal. After the one your great-grandfather and father cause we must be above all others.”

  Derek could understand what his mother was saying but after the last few days the idea of marrying someone he did not truly like sat ill with him.

  “Who is on your list, Mother,” he asked.

  She smiled at him, thinking he had fallen in line with her.

  “Quite a few, there are more that I have yet to meet and consider but for them most part here is my list. It’s divided for peer’s daughters and heiresses,” she said taking a small piece of stationary out of her little handbag. She held it out to him and he took it but did not look at it yet. Instead he looked to his sister.

  “I will see to it you marry where you wish, Anna. But Mother is right, the woman I marry must be suitable for the role of Duchess. While I hope for a good match, we shall see what the Season brings,” he promised her.

  Anna nodded but still looked put out.

  At ten years younger than him she was only eighteen and still did not know what the outside world they lived in was like.

  Chapter Twelve

  How to Become a Lady ~ Rule Twelve: A lady must dress to impress the people around her.

  “Are you ready?” Cassie asked

  Emma nodded and gave her sister the best smile she could manage at that moment.

  In truth she was beyond nervous, but now with herself upon her brother-in-law’s other arm about to walk into a room filled to the brim with people, she was ready. That revelation that she was ready for a new beginning, a new future, was oddly calming.

  A card was handed over and the butler announced, “Lord and Lady Wenbrooke,” the man added after a pause, “Lady Emmaline Clarke.”

  John swept them into the glittering ballroom and Emma smiled at those who stopped talking to turn and stare.

  Upon first glance Emma knew she stood out from the rest of the debutantes. All the other young misses had their hair pinned up in pretty styles and elegant twists while Emma had left her hair down in soft waves only pinning back the front away from her face. Her dress was much simpler than the others with no extra fabric or lace but the lovely emerald green seemed out of place in the sea of pale pastels.

  Women glittered in the candle light showing their jewels off like a beacon of their station and status. Cassie had offered to loan Emma a set but she had declined. Her ears had never been pierced either as is customary of young ladies of the peerage. A clear sign of how she had been raised.

  Also much to Cassie’s chagrin Emma had forgone wearing a pair of white satin gloves that were a popular trend among ladies. Emma had thought it was simply silly that there were so many rules that were insignificant in making the image of the perfect lady.

  John led them to a cleared area on the edge of the dance floor and then bowed to his wife with a wicked grin.

  Emma watched as Cassie’s cheeks turned a delightful shade of pink and she fluttered her lashes at him.

  “May I have this dance,” he asked in a low husky voice.

  “You may,” Cassie said coyly taking his outstretched hand.

  John led Cassie away as the strings of another song took to the air and Emma sighed happily. She was glad that her sister had found such happiness after all she had been through. Emma was even a little jealous, she wanted what John and Cassie had.

  “Why do you sigh so,” rumbled a deep voice from behind her.

  Emma whirled around to see the Duke of Montrose leaning causally against the back wall, going unnoticed by those around them.

  “I am merely happy,” Emma replied and looked back to her sister and her husband moving around the dance floor.

  “Do you always sigh when you are happy,” he asked from behind her.

  She didn’t turn around this time to answer. “Only when I am so happy I can barely contain it. I assure you that it does not happen too often, your grace.”

  “That is a pity,” he said surprising her.

  She turned to look at him. “How so?”

  A smile broke out over his stoic face. “Always so direct, Lady Emmaline.”

  For some reason hearing him address her as Lady Emmaline bugged her.

  “Can you call me Lady Emma instead of Lady Emmaline? The tone you use when calling me Lady Emmaline bothers me.”

  “Ah,” he said as if she had let out a secret, then he nodded his head. “Then I shall call you Lady Emma.”

  She smiled at him, relaxing a bit. “Thank you.”

  “How is your first ball going,” he asked genuinely.

  She shrugged. “It is fine, but we have only just gotten here. Cassie took forever to dress,” she said without thinking. When she realized she had just talked to a stranger about her sister dressing she blushed. “Please pretend you did not hear me say that. I am still learning the rules. That was very badly done of me.”

  At his curious look she turned back to the dance floor determined to not pay him anymore mind.

  “Have you danced a set yet?” he asked.

  “No, I haven’t,” she said without turning around.

  “Then may I request a dance of you?” came his deep voice closer to her.

  She noticed a few close by people had started to peek at them in between talking. Had he really just asked her to dance with him?

  She turned to him slowly and eyed him. “Is your offer due to a duty you feel to dance with every young miss? If so I must decline. However if you truly want to dance with me, because you would enjoy it then I would be glad to, your grace.”

  His smile grew into a grin. “While I do believe it is my duty to do so, my offer to you was out of pure want to do so. I find you interesting, Lady Emma.”

  She felt her own smile grow. “Then please do the honors,” she said holding up the dance card at her wrist.

  He filled out the space for the next dance and then even filled out one more. The one that happen to be for the dinner dance.

  She frowned at him. “But you only asked for one.”

  “I thought it best to take another as I will not get the chance once our dance is done. You shall have a full card for the night after,” he said as he took her hand and placed it on his arm.

  The music was coming to a close and soon she would have to glide across the floor in the arms of this man.

  He must have noticed her nerves for he asked, “Are you nervous?”

  “I have never danced in public before,” Emma answered honestly; “Much less with a man everyone wishes to know.”

  He patted her hand. “Then I promise to treat you well. I am honored to be your first.” He said the last while looking into her eyes and she felt as if lighting had struck her. “Let us go.”

  The next song was struck up and she followed him without a word of protest.

  When the strings of the waltz stirred and she found his warm hand on her waist through the few layers of fabric, she found
a whole other feeling stirring in her stomach. He flexed his fingers on the soft curve in between her hip and waist. His gloved hand holding her ungloved one in a firm yet gentle hold.

  She felt almost giddy when he led her in the first few steps. After a moment she felt as if she were gliding around, but the heat of his hand distracted her.

  “Your hand is warm,” she told him in a quiet tone. “It is rather distracting.”

  He missed a step and then stared at her with a wide gaze. “Pardon me?”

  “The heat coming from your hands is distracting,” Emma said again with a blush. “I can feel the heat of your hand through my dress.”

  “I hardly think that is a topic we should speak on,” he spluttered, righting them.

  “You are right,” Emma said looking away. “Forget I said anything. It was foolish of me to say anything.”

  He directed her gaze back to his using their intertwined hands. “You are not foolish,” he told her.

  She looked up into his golden brown eyes. “I have a question for you,” she stated suddenly. Hoping if she said is quickly then her nerves would not stop her. “As you can most likely tell, I am not practiced at being out. I was hoping if you would not mind, would you please keep an eye out for me? I know we do not know each other well, but you seem honest and kind. Something a lot of people in the ton seem not to be, at least honestly. My sister is wonderful but she worries too much about what other people think while I do not. I would like to avoid hurting her in the eyes of those who matter to her.”

  He seemed surprised by her request. “What do you mean?”

  “This is my sister’s world,” she said with a slight nod toward the gathering crowd of dancers, “not mine. She cares about what they think of her. From what I have heard you are a model to look up to. You are considered the perfect peer and gentleman. I ask if you would please be kind and not judge me too harshly for the things I do not understand.”

  He smiled slightly as if he found that humorous. “If it is what my lady wishes,” he agreed.

  Emma gave him her most brilliant smile. “You are very kind. Do you thing we might become friends? I know we are far apart from each other in status, but I would enjoy your friendship. You find me interesting and I find you…fascinating,” she said deciding on the right word. “If you would rather people not know then we could keep it as our secret.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  How to Become a Lady ~ Rule Thirteen: A lady must know the popular dances.

  Derek found he was quite shocked at Lady Emma’s words this evening and even tempted to take her up on her offer.

  She spoke about their friendship much like a woman seeking a secret lover. She a fresh breath and he enjoyed her company more than he should. He wondered if it was wise to get closer to the young woman when he had already shown more than a passing interest. He found her desirous, and that was something he had no experience with.

  While he had his fair share of mistresses over the years, he had never painted a lady of the ton in the same light until now. And here she was offering him deal that seemed dangerous but tempting.

  From any other lady this would have been a ploy to trap him, but he knew she did not see it that way. In fact she seemed uninterested in something like that.

  Though he knew he should not have been, he was interested in her request. It went against who he had become, who he was, but he couldn’t help himself.

  Derek gave himself an inner shake. She was asking for the help of a friend, not looking to be his next mistress.

  “I would be glad to count myself among your friends, Lady Emma. However for your benefit perhaps we can keep this between us for now. Should your sister decide I am a bad influence.”

  She smiled that smile that gave him pause and made his pulse kick start.

  “You really are the worst at making jests, your grace,” she told him. Then her next question surprised him, as it was such a change on the subject they had been speaking. “Did your sister like her birthday present?”

  “Her present,” he echoed at a loss for words.

  “The diary,” she supplied. “The one from the store, which I helped you pick out.”

  “Oh, that,” he said feeling out of his element. “While this ball is being held in honor of her birthday, her real one is not for another few days.”

  “Oh,” she said sounding a bit disappointed.

  What was happening to him? This was not like him at all. He was normally confident and self-sure, never lacking in a response or at a loss for words.

  She had a strange effect on his poor self.

  “I am sure she will love it,” he intoned and then fell silent as the danced around the room.

  Her words about feeling the heat from his hands filling his mind and he flexed his fingers at her waist. His blood heated as he realized that she was not wearing a corset under her gown. If she had been then his fingers would have been resisted by the hard surface, but instead gave way to the lightest of presses from his fingers.

  He wanted to growl in appreciation, but reframed. Any man would find this fact arousing.

  She is a lady, Derek reminded himself.

  Thankfully the closely drawn waltz came to a close before he could no longer walk.

  He bowed to her as she curtsied to him and he escorted her back to where her sister and her sister’s husband Lord Wenbrooke, waited.

  “Why Lord Montrose, it is good to see you this evening. I have already wished your sister a happy birthday,” Lady Wenbrooke said with a warm smile.

  “Thank you, Lady Wenbrooke, I am sure she was glad of it. Lord Wenbrooke, good to see you,” Derek said pleasantly. Then he looked to Lady Emma. She looked at him openly, boldly even. “And I must thank you for the dance, Lady Emma. You are quite the partner. I shall see you for the supper dance. I would love for you to meet my younger sister Anna.”

  She gave him another smile and he felt it as if he had been slugged in the gut.

  He took his leave of them and found his way to a dark room where he could lock the door behind him.

  As he unbutton the opening of his breeches and took his now engorged flesh in hand, he bit his lip and gave himself a long stroke, squeezing slightly as an image of Lady Emma passed in his mind.

  As other images of her passed through his mind he stroked himself harder and faster. She turned to him, her smile growing a she met his eyes; his hand discovering that she was bare beneath her gown, drove him mad.

  Derek groaned as the growing pressure at the base of his spine gathered. He was getting closer to his climax.

  His pace grew desperate and sweat dotted his brow as he drew out his release. Then suddenly in a blinding release of pleasure he had to brace himself with an arm against the wall as thick ropes of cum shot forth from him across the carpeted floor, as he yelled her name to the rafters.

  Spent and weak in the knees he collapsed in the closes chair and stared down at himself in disbelief. His cock was still semi-hard and a drop of cum glistened from the tip.

  He, the Duke of Montrose, had just jacked himself off in his study in blind lust caused by a young woman he hardly knew. This was not him, he was a controlled and orderly man, who was not given over to bouts of emotions or impulses.

  That was when Derek knew he was in trouble. If she could drive him to this, then what else could the woman drive him to do?

  Derek blew out a sigh and slid down in the chair.

  “Derek,” call a feminine voice in the hall on the other side of the door.

  Damn and blast it was his sister!

  Why on earth was she looking for him?

  There was a light knock on the door before the handle jiggled.

  “Derek,” Anna called, “Are you in there?”

  Rushing to put himself to rights he scrambled to the door and opened it just enough to look out at her.

  Her pretty face crease into a frown. “Why did you leave? I thought you were enjoying yourself.” She smiled, “I saw you dance with
someone.” Her tone was hopeful.

  I enjoyed myself to much, he thought darkly.

  “I did, pet. I simply needed a moment to myself,” Derek said opening the door a little more. “Are you enjoying the ball?”

  Her smile seemed a little out of place when she answered, “I am. It is a lot more than I thought it would be.” Then her face brightened, “Who was the lady you danced with. You seemed very focused on her.”

  Derek smiled at her not so subtle attempt to get information from him.

  “Her name in Lady Emmaline Clarke,” he answered.

  “Well I was glad you danced with her. You never pay that much attention to women. She suits you,” Anna said whimsically.

  Derek felt as if he had been shot. “Anna,” he gasped, “what a mind you have to jump from a single dance to committing me to being her suitor.”

  She gave him an odd look. “Are you not interested in her? The way you two looked at each other I assumed she had captured your eye.”

  She has.

  Instead of telling her so he gave her an answer that would stop her in that train of thought. “She is not on Mother’s list.”

  “Bah,” Anna exclaimed, “not on her list of potential brides! You, my dear brother, need to grow a back bone. You follow all the rules and never set a toe out of line. Someday the thing you want most in the world will pass by you and you won’t be able to reach it since it will be outside of your line.” She threw her hands up and scowled at him. “You are such a bore.” With that she marched back down the hall, heading for the ball.

  He closed the door quietly and leaned against it.

  Was she right? Would the one thing he wanted slip by? She was right in a way. Before he had met Lady Emmaline he might have been content with that.

  Did he want Lady Emma for more than the lust he felt?

  He sighed and rubbed his temples. He didn’t know. But he could find out now they had a deal of friendship.

  Could he toe the line between duty and doing what he wanted? But most of all would Lady Emma ever see him as more then she already did.


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