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Trouble With a Cowboy

Page 14

by Sullivan, Sandy

  A soft knock on the door brought his attention to the things at hand—coffee, breakfast and then dealing with the issues at the arena, in that order.

  "I got it," he called while he slipped on his robe.

  The waiter standing on the other side of the door looked way too cheerful for this early.

  "Good morning, sir. How are you this morning?"

  "Tired and cranky." Tucker stepped aside so the man could roll in the cart. "Set it up on the table and I’ll be right back."

  "Certainly, sir," the man replied.

  Tucker grumbled, "Thank you."

  He walked into the bathroom to take care of immediate business, and brush his teeth, but he should have realized the resourceful person Jacie had turned out to be as she took over. He could hear her cheerful, high-pitched voice while she chatted with the waiter. By the time Tucker returned, breakfast had been laid out beautifully on the table, and his cup had already been filled to the brim with life sustaining caffeine. He took several sips before he let himself speak again.

  Jacie was already dressed, hair in a ponytail at the back of her head and a light dusting of makeup on her face. Wow. He hadn’t seen her all dolled up since the bar the first night they had met, but this pretty, down home country girl took his breath away. The almost feminine blouse she wore emphasized her gently rounded figure, while still showing off the soft swell of her breast. No baggy shirt, oversized jeans and boots to take your mind off the beauty beneath. Today, she was all woman.

  No one ever said he wasn’t a smart man. Keeping his mouth shut so he didn’t insert his foot and piss her off, came with a price—the price of biting the inside of his mouth. Up to now, she always seemed touchy about her femininity and he wasn't exactly sure why.

  "You did a great job ordering breakfast. This food looks fabulous."

  "I ordered the standard stuff and a little of everything. I figured you could choose what you wanted."

  "Smart and beautiful. What a combination."

  The dubious look she gave him said she wasn’t buying the sweet-talk.

  He glanced at his watch and groaned. "I would love to sit and have a leisurely breakfast with you this morning, but I need to get in the shower so we can get moving. It’s already eight and we have to be there by nine."

  "I would join you, but it would only distract us. I’ll stay here and drink coffee while you shower and shave."

  "Perfect," he said, coming to his feet. The kiss he gave her left him wanting more—a whole lot more, but there wasn’t time. Later.

  When he had finished showering and stood at the sink doing his best to cut the whiskers from his face without cutting his skin off, as Jacie called from the living room.

  "Uh, Tucker? I think you need to see this."

  "What is it?"

  "Apparently the news got wind of the issue with your bull. There’s a group of reporters waiting at the arena for you and the commissioners to show up from what it looks like."

  "Fantastic. Could this day get any better?"

  "Oh yeah."

  "What now?"

  "It appears they are on the trail of who reported you."

  "Did they say who?" he asked while he ran the razor up his neck to get the final swipe.

  "Not yet. I think they are waiting until you all show up."

  He stepped out of the bathroom as he wiped the remaining shaving cream from his face. "Well, I hope they do so I can kill the bastard." He tossed the towel over his shoulder in the direction of the sink. "Give me a minute or two and we’ll go. There should be a car waiting downstairs for us. I had them deliver one here since I knew I would be arriving in a semi."

  "Fantastic. I don’t want to think about driving my rig all over town."

  The appreciative sparkle to her eyes when she raked her gaze over his body, made his cock twitch. Typical cowboy garb, from the tip of his Stetson to the boots on his feet, fit his frame and his personality, but she obviously liked what she saw.

  "Aren’t you the handsome cowboy."

  "I try, darlin’." He slipped his wallet into his back pocket and his cell phone into his shirt pocket. "Shall we go?"

  "Yeah. We’ve got some commissioners to put into their place," she replied with a toss of her curls and he couldn’t help but laugh.

  God help anyone who got in her way.

  Once they secured the car from the concierge desk downstairs, they pulled out of the parking garage and got on the freeway. At least morning rush hour was over and traffic had trickled down to almost nothing. The sun shone bright in the morning sky, emphasizing the grungy and dirty side of Las Vegas most people forgot existed in the lights and glitter of the nightlife.

  They pulled into the arena's rear lot with several minutes to spare. The crowd of reporters hovered near the entrance and they would have to traverse them to get inside. "Damn vultures."

  "The reporters?" she asked.

  "Yeah. They smell blood and it’s on."

  He parked off to the side and squeezed her fingers before they both got out.

  "You can handle them, Tucker."

  "Thanks for the vote of confidence," he replied.

  "Mr. Marshall, is it true you used steroids on your bull Lightning Strike?" one reporter asked, pushing to the front of the crowd.


  "Isn’t Lightning Strike up for Bull of the Year?"


  "Who is your lady friend? Is she involved in the rumor of your bull being on steroids? Maybe she’s the one who is trying to ruin you, Mr. Marshall. Did you ever think of that?"

  "Why you son of a—" she growled, and took a step toward the squinty-eyed man.

  He grabbed her around the waist and held her back more for her safety than the man. "Easy, honey," he whispered next to her ear. "I trust my lady friend with my life," he told the crowd "She drove the eighteen-wheeler for me to get the bull here in the first place, coming to my rescue in Oklahoma."

  "A business arrangement then? Some sex on the side for transportation? I believe that is called prostitution, Mr. Marshall."

  Red blurred his vision. This man, this imbecile just called his woman a prostitute. "I suggest you leave the grounds immediately, sir, before I put your ass in the hospital."

  Now Jacie took over and all he could do was stand there with an open mouth. "I'll have you know, Mr. Marshall and I are married. I would suggest you be careful who you are calling a prostitute. I doubt he would have any second thoughts about taking you to court for slander."

  "Excuse me, Mrs. Marshall. None of us were aware you two had been married. Congratulations."

  "Thank you." She turned toward him, kissed him on the mouth, and then grabbed his hand. "Shall we go, honey? I believe we are being waited on inside."


  The reporters continued to shout questions left and right, but they ignored them and walked inside. The arena lights were off and silence filled the area. Things would be kicking up soon when the festivities started later on today, but for now, quiet prevailed.

  "I don't mind you telling them we are married, Jacie, to shut them up, but you do realize it will get out eventually that we aren't."

  She shrugged her shoulders. "By the time they investigate everything, the rodeo will be long over, you will be home in Austin and I'll be in Tennessee or somewhere in between."

  "I never know what will come out of those beautiful lips next," he replied with a chuckle and a quick kiss to her mouth.

  "Remember that." Her smile took his breath away and reminded him of her naked body in the tub with him last night.

  "Mr. Marshall?" a portly man called from down the dirt aisle.


  "I'm Commissioner Black. If you'll come with me, we have the vet waiting to take the sample of blood."

  "Of course," he answered, following the man toward the pen. Tucker slipped inside with his bull with the veterinarian behind him. "How long will it take to get the results?"

  "We have a new testing system in ou
r office. It enables me to test the sample and get a preliminary result within twenty-four hours. If the preliminary result is positive, then I send it off to the state lab to be tested further. Those results could take a while," the doctor said.

  "Good. I want this cleared up quickly." His gaze stopped on the commissioner who stood behind the safety of the rails. "Commissioner Black, care to reveal the name of the person who reported this to you?"

  "I don't have the information, Mr. Marshall. The tip came in anonymously."

  "Great," he grumbled.

  "It will be fine, Tucker. You know the bull is clean. This is nothing more than an inconvenience," Jacie said. God love her.

  After the veterinarian had finished, they all walked toward the doors together. "Will you be at the Gold Buckle Gala tomorrow night, Mr. Marshall?" the commissioner asked.

  "Of course. My wife and I planned to attend," he replied and almost smiled when Jacie's eyebrow shot up in question.

  "Your wife? Well congratulations. I didn't realize you had married."

  "Thank you," he answered. "Now, if you will excuse us. We are using this trip kind of like a honeymoon of sorts."

  "Of course. We shall see you tomorrow evening then. Hopefully by then we will have the results so we can put this messy business behind us."

  "Of course, sir. I look forward to the ball."

  As they reached the outer doors, he noticed the reporters hadn't disbursed, much to his annoyance. They circled like vultures waiting to attack. Fortunately for him, he knew exactly how to handle them.

  "Please excuse us," he said, ushering Jacie toward the car, but the next words stopped them in their tracks.

  "Mr. Marshall, how do you know Kyle Fredrick?"

  Chapter Nine

  Kyle? Something isn't right here.

  "He owns a shop in the small town where I had to hold up for a few days. Why?" Tucker replied, but Jacie began to shake as her anger exploded. If Kyle had anything to do with this, I will personally kill him.

  "Our sources tell us he is the anonymous caller who reported your bull being on steroids. What do you have to say?"

  "The man is a coward, a liar and a cheat. I wouldn't put much stock in his word on anything, gentleman. In fact, during our stay in Littleton, Mr. Fredrick made sexual advances toward my wife, earning my anger. I challenged him to ride my bull and he chickened out."

  The reporters laughed, but her fury held no bounds. The son of a bitch had it out for them. He obviously wanted to ruin Tucker or at least make his life miserable. If the bull is clean, they wouldn't have anything to worry about, but if for some reason he wasn't, Tucker could be ruined completely.

  "If you gentlemen will excuse us, my wife and I planned to do a little shopping this morning."

  The men didn't like not getting a juicy story, but they grumbled to themselves and moved on. Tucker held the door for her on the car until she slid inside. Within moments, they were on their way to the hotel—or so she thought. When he turned into the parking lot of the Mandalay Bay hotel, she shot him a confused look.

  "They have a really nice women's shop in here, I thought you might like to look in for a dress. The gala tomorrow night is formal."

  "We're really going to a formal dance? I don't know, Tucker. I don't think that is a really good idea. I mean, I'm sure there will be people there who know full good and well we aren't married, but—"

  One finger pressed to her lips. "It doesn't matter if someone finds out we aren't really married, Jacie. I want you on my arm. I can't wait to see you in a formal dress. I probably won't be able to take my eyes off you all night. I have a feeling, you'll be the belle of the ball."

  "I doubt it," she grumbled.

  "I don't," he replied before kissing her fingers. "Come on. This will be fun."

  He slipped out of the car and shut the driver's side door behind him.

  "Great. A man who likes to shop and I hate it."

  In through the fancy glass and gold doors they went, up the escalator to an impressive women's shop in the corner, only to be greeted by the overzealous sales girl.

  "Mr. Marshall. Good to see you, sir."

  "Thank you. I take it you received my phone call."

  "Yes, sir, and I've laid out a few things by your specifications in your lady friend’s estimated size, but I also have a few things bigger and smaller just in case your estimate wasn't accurate."

  Glittering dresses, sparkling shoes, beautiful handbags and jewelry that took your breath away, graced every corner and space in the salon.

  "If you'll follow me, Miss."

  "It's Mrs.," Tucker corrected with a smirk to his lips. He was getting way to familiar with the term and it started to bug her.

  "I'm sorry, Mrs. Marshall."

  "No harm done," she answered, following the young woman behind the curtained off area.

  "If you'll take a seat there in the waiting area, Mr. Marshall, I'll have your wife model them for you."

  "Perfect," he replied as Jacie gritted her teeth.

  How dare he think he had the right to choose her clothing! He may be paying for everything, but this is a little nuts.

  The young woman held out several gowns and Jacie gasped. Each one stole her breath. There were gowns in a rainbow of colors including blues, greens, and golds. "Wow."

  "They are beautiful, aren't they?"


  "I believe this one is perfect for your coloring and eyes, Mrs. Marshall," the woman said, holding up a thin strapped green gown with gold accents over the bodice. The under part of the dress stopped mid thigh, but the outer gauzy covering draped to the floor. "It will accent the green in your eyes and expose the right amount of skin."

  "Holy shit." The gown was simply gorgeous.

  "I'll leave you to slip it on. Let me know if you need any help."


  The satiny material felt heavenly on her skin and the shimmering fabric did wonders for her coloring. The slight tan to her skin accented the green to perfection. Even if she wore her hair down, the gown would be beautiful and she felt beautiful in it. Tucker had an eye for size it appeared because the dress fit perfectly.

  "I have some pretty shoes here to go with the gown."

  When she stepped out of the dressing room and into the small hall, the sales clerk's eyes glowed with delight.

  "It's perfect," the woman whispered. "I do believe Mr. Marshall will be pleased." She handed Jacie the open-toed shoes and she slipped them on. Tucker stood just over six-feet, but the shoes brought her almost to his height. "Now, go show your man what a beautiful woman you are."

  Jacie bit her lip. What will Tucker think? The last thing I want to do is disappoint him and make us both look foolish at this dinner tonight.

  She didn't have anything to worry about. As she stepped out from the dressing room, Tucker's eyes glowed with appreciation as he came slowly to his feet. "You look magnificent."

  "Are you sure? I mean, it's not too much skin?" she asked, glancing down at her front.

  "It fits you like a glove and brings out the green in your eyes. You will steal the show tonight in that gown."

  The price tag dangled from her armpit. A quick glance and she gasped in surprise at the numbers. "We can't buy this, Tucker! It's way too expensive. My God, look at the price. I'm taking it off right now. We can find something suitable at Target or somewhere."

  He grabbed her hand and stopped her momentum toward the dressing room. "Do you like it?

  "Well yes, but—"

  "Do you love the dress?"

  "Yes," she whispered, afraid she would make him mad if she admitted to the extravagance of the gown.

  The sales woman grinned in the corner.

  "We'll take it and the shoes. She'll also need a wrap of some sort to go with it."

  "Tucker, we can't—"

  "Yes, we can, Jacie. The dress was made for you. I'll hear no more about it." He smacked her on the butt and gently pushed her toward the dressing room. "Pick out t
hree more. There are two balls and we'll be having dinner with some people during the next couple of weeks, so you'll need some clothing for those too."

  Over the next several hours, they shopped and shopped some more. He bought everything from evening dresses to capes, purses and shoes besides filling in her wardrobe for the rodeo itself with new jeans, blouses and boots. She lost track of the money he spent, but she was determined to give it all back, every penny when she got home. The remark the reporters made at the arena bothered her. His buying all of this almost felt like prostitution when she thought about it. Even if she enjoyed making love with Tucker, the money he spent on her soured her mood and brought the reality of her situation into sharp clarity.

  By the time the dinner hour arrived, exhaustion had set in, but Tucker had made reservations at the swanky restaurant downstairs with some of his business acquaintances and he requested she attend with him. After they'd returned to the room from their shopping trip, she'd curled up on the bed and quickly fell asleep. The whisper of his lips over her shoulder, up her neck and his teeth on her earlobe brought her out of her nap with a smile on her face.

  "Mmm. Keep it up and we won't make your dinner engagement."

  "Sounds good to me, but unfortunately, I have to attend," he grumbled. "Do you want to shower before we go down?"

  "A quick one, yes. I need to do something with my mop of hair and change clothes," she replied, stretching like a contented cat on the bed.

  The low growl from his throat brought a smile to her lips. She loved when he made that sound. "Care to join me?"


  "Just a thought." She giggled. "But then again, maybe not. We wouldn't make your meeting at all then. But I promise later, we'll finish what you started."

  "We'll leave early." He kissed her hard. "Off to the shower with you woman, before I throw the whole thing to the wind and stay holed up with you right here in this bed until morning."

  It took well over an hour to shower, curl her hair and tuck one side of it back into a gorgeous diamond clip Tucker had insisted on buying earlier. A few swipes of makeup over her cheeks and eyes and she stood ready to meet his business associates.


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