The Highlander Without a Bride

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The Highlander Without a Bride Page 20

by Johanna Maas

  He rolled over onto her as he kissed her heatedly, adoringly touched her everywhere as he loved her slowly. With pleasure, he satisfied her completely as he claimed her once again for his own.


  Late Summer 1123 AD – Bruce Keep, Scottish Highlands

  Kaye stood at her bedroom window gazing out over the crowded courtyard just after the nooning meal as she listened to the muffled noises from the square below. She wrapped her arms tightly around herself, smiling fully for the true happiness she felt in her heart. So deeply in love was she with a husband who loved her equally in return and now a brand new chapter to behold.

  She gazed out the window at the clansmen below who were divided into various groups. Some of the men were practicing their archery while others trained with their swords. The clansmen within the square were wearing only their plaids, their highly muscled arms and chests glistening in the heated late summer sun as they wielded their massive weapons. Kaye gazed across the show of men still with a slight uncomfortableness for their lack of clothing. While she had lived within the Scottish Highlands for over six months now, she truthfully did not know if she would ever quite get used to the strong display of hardened and revealing bodies ever present in this place she now called home.

  As she gazed down at the activity, her eyes alighted on the strong and chiseled body of her own blonde Highland warrior and the one she lovingly and fortunately called husband. A slight smile came to her lips as he raised his sword as his sinewy muscles flexed in the heated afternoon sun as he practiced with another from the Bruce clan. A small blush rose on her cheeks as she watched his movements closely and remembrances from just the previous evening flooded her mind. She recalled most heatedly how they had loved late into the night and how they had devotedly held each other for many hours thereafter. How she cherished and adored this man.

  Kaye was quite lost in thought as a slight hand touched her shoulder, startling her and causing her to bring her hand up to her mouth as she made a slight hitch in her breath. It was not the considerable fright that would have undone her as it truly had in the past, it was just a small startle for she had not heard anyone enter her room. Her life was just so different now and she had settled greatly in the last months, for she felt truly safe and protected.

  Kaye turned quickly to glimpse at who had entered and gazed up into the loving face of her sister Bridget. Kaye smiled back at her warmly, love for her family apparent. Together the women turned and looked out the window again, gazing at the men in the courtyard far below. Bridget smiled slightly as she looked down upon the square, noticing exactly where her sister's gaze had been and understanding why she was so deeply engaged in her thoughts.

  "Dear sister," Bridget began, "'tis such a fine day and I am anxious for the out of doors and some fresh air myself. Let us stroll down into the square so that we can have a better view of the day and of the activities below."

  Bridget looked down at her with a knowing smile as Kaye blushed prettily. For Bridget understood only too well how a Highlander could excite and incite emotions of passion and love, even within one as shy as her dear and proper English sister.

  Together the sisters walked from the room to gain the afternoon air. As they moved through the great hall's main doors and stood upon the landing in the heated sun, Kaye's eyes scanned quickly over the group of men and came to alight once again, upon her husband. A warmth spread eagerly and deeply within her as it did each and every time she laid eyes upon him.

  Together Bridget and Kaye descended the steps lazily, each lost in thought as their eyes intently watching their respective husbands below. When they were just two steps from the bottom, Kaye felt an unnerving feeling instantly consume her body as a severe spinning sensation overtook her and a gray mass washed throughout her mind. Her breath came quickly as a panic spread through her and within moments she was falling into oblivion as a certain and complete blackness consumed her.

  As Tor trained with his sword in the hot summer sun, he noticed as the keep doors at the top of the landing opened and the two women exited the hall. Still locked in mock battle, his heart jumped at the beautiful one he had the privilege to call wife. With a warmth upon his heart for the stunning woman that was his, he realized most assuredly that he counted himself so fortunate and so honored to be the one that she had chosen to love. For love, they truly did.

  From the corner of his eye, he watched as she moved gracefully down the long staircase, he knowing that her eyes were intent and only upon him and that pleased him greatly. His heart quickened even further then what the physical movements required of his training as he watched her draw near. He understood with a certainty that she always affected him for the love that they had shared and for the loving that was sure to come when his duty to his lord was quite over for the day. Even after several months of having her for his wife, she still excited him whenever she was near.

  As the battle ensued, he observed her beautiful body gracefully descend the stairs. When she was but a couple of steps from the courtyard, he watched in desperate fear as a strangeness suddenly overtook her body and it went limp as she began to collapse. He dropped his sword and ran hastily forward, moving urgently to her side. Before he could reach her she collapsed fully upon the ground, her lifeless body now lying on the courtyard below.

  With a grave fear in his heart and his pulse pounding fiercely, Tor was at Kaye's side as he lifted her and cradled her as she lay silently within his arms. Her eyes were closed, her skin still quite pale as he looked at her in dread as his chest constricted in alarm. He realized with panic and fear upon his heart that her breath was quite shallow and she did not stir. Tor lifted her gently and looked up at Bridget with terror in his eyes as he spied a fright within hers, the courtyard completely quiet and Alec now standing by Bridget's side.

  Tor lifted Kaye and turned abruptly as he moved up the steps two at a time, clutching his wife desperately to his chest. He moved beyond the empty great hall with both Bridget and Alec close behind. He went up to the second level and moved into their chamber. As he carried her to the bed, he rested her lovingly within its center as he placed a soft pillow beneath her head. He stood back slightly and with his hand he lightly brushed her cheek with dread upon his heart as he silently implored her to awaken.

  Alec and Bridget stood on the opposite side from Tor, concern and fear within their eyes for nothing like this had ever occurred to their sweet Kaye. As they each looked down at her still silent form, how the panic began to settle in.

  Kaye's brow suddenly furrowed as she began to slightly stir and move her head faintly as she groaned quietly upon the bed. Her lashes fluttered and her eyes opened as she gazed about confused at her surroundings and at the three Bruce's looking concerned down upon her. She began to rise and slightly blushed for the upset that she had surely caused.

  Tor would have none of it for as she moved to sit, he pressed her down upon her shoulder and would not allow her to move.

  Kaye asked, "What has happened?"

  Tor responded gruffly, "You fainted upon the stair in the courtyard. Do you feel any pain or injury?"

  Kaye lay back upon the bed for a moment, silently considering his question as she attempted to completely comprehend his words. She then looked back into his concerned eyes and replied softly, "No, no other injuries. I am fine, truly I am."

  Tor looked down at her sternly and pronounced loudly and harshly, "You are not well and you will stay abed until this has completely passed."

  Kaye attempted to rise and Tor once again pressed down upon her shoulder as he pushed her back into the soft bedding beneath her. She looked at him, emitting a large sigh as a stubborn look crossed her normally serene face.

  "Tor, you must let me up. I just had a bit of a dizziness, nothing to be afraid about."

  "No, you will remain here until you are completely well. I forbid you to exit this bed until you are entirely healed from whatever is ailing you."

  "Tor, you must let me ri
se." Kaye looked deeply into his eyes for several long moments before she continued, "For I cannot stay abed until the middle of this winter!"

  Kaye gazed deeper into his face, hoping he would understand her silent message. But he simply stared at her with a perplexed look as his brow furrowed and the confusion showed within his eyes.

  But Bridget understood completely. A full smile touched her lips and a gladness spread through her heart as a knowing look stretched upon her face. Slowly she backed away from the bed as tears appeared in her eyes as she pulled her concerned and confused husband from the room behind her. Bridget slowly and quietly closed the door behind them, leaving the husband and wife quite alone.

  Kaye sighed and said, "Truly, milord, I am not ill. I am increasing."

  "Increasing? What sickness is this increasing?"

  Kaye looked at her husband with exasperation as a slight blush rose fully upon her cheeks for in her proper English world such things were just never discussed out loud. But this was her husband, a Scottish Highlander who spoke of everything out loud. He was the man that she trusted and loved above all else. He was the one that knew her the most intimately and the one that instilled in her such great passions. With a sigh she realized that he was also who she had to learn to speak fully and outwardly to. For in his world there was never anything left unsaid.

  Kaye took a deep breath and looked into the eyes of her still completely confused and concerned husband. She gently reached over and picked up his large hand that was lying upon the bed next to her side. She placed it slowly upon her stomach and placed her hand over his as she looked up and into his eyes and said most assuredly, "For the increasing would be within me, milord. For it grows now with your child…"

  Tor looked from her eyes and down to his hand as it lay gently upon her stomach. Slowly, he moved his gaze back up again to her face. A pleased and ecstatic smile spread across his lips as the full of her news penetrated his mind. He leaned down gently, capturing her lips with his as an elation consumed him like no other. He broke the kiss and pulled back slightly as he leaned down to her stomach where he tenderly placed a kiss.

  Kaye's love and joy spread through her heart, the dreams of her childhood thoroughly and now completely fulfilled. For she had a man whom she cherished and who loved her fully and she would be able to bestow upon him the greatest gift of all. She could provide him with a testament to their true love and devotion. A child. Their child that was conceived in great passion and with enduring love. Her heart warmed entirely for she knew her life was now and forever complete.

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