Hollow Earth: The Long and Curious History of Imagining Strange Lands, Fantastical Creatures, Advanced Civilizatio

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Hollow Earth: The Long and Curious History of Imagining Strange Lands, Fantastical Creatures, Advanced Civilizatio Page 29

by David Standish

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  Account of the cause of the Change of the Variation of the Magnetical Needle, An (Halley)

  Adams, Jack. See Grigsby, Alcanoan O.; Lowe, Mary P.

  Adams, John Quincy

  Adventures of Captain Hatteras, The ( Verne)

  Aeneid (Virgil)

  Agar, John


  Aikin, Charles

  Al Araf, Tamerlane, and Minor Poems (Poe)

  Alaska purchase

  Aldiss, Brian W.

  Alice’s Wonderland

  Allen, Hervey

  All-Story Weekly magazine

  Burroughs’s stories published in

  At the Earth’s Core published in

  Al-Modad; or Life Scenes Beyond the Polar Circumflex: A Religio-Scientific Solution of the Problems of Present and Future Life (Moore and Beauchamp)

  Almy, Robert

  Amazing Stories magazine

  Shaver stories in

  American Eagle, The (Koreshan newspaper)

  American Revolution

  American utopian fiction

  Andrews, A. W. K.

  Animals, illustration of northward migration of, in Harper’s Magazine

  “Annabel Lee” (Poe)


  early sightings of

  Reynolds’s expedition to

  Anthony, Susan B.

  Appleton, Victor. See Garis, Howard

  Arago, Jacques

  Archaeologiae philosophicae (Burnet)

  Arctic Expeditions, The: A Poem (Porden)

  Argosy magazine


  Arktos (Godwin)

  Arnold, Kenneth

  Art nouveau

  Arts and Crafts movement

  Ashton, Florence

  Asimov, Isaac

  Astounding Science Fiction


  Atkins, Rev. E. C.

  Atlantic Monthly

  Atomic age, hollow earth theme during

  At the Earth’s Core (Burroughs)

  cover of first edition depicted

  Dian the Beautiful shown on cover of All-Story Weekly magazine

  Mahars in drawing by St. John from

  At the Earth’s Core (movie)


  Audubon, John James

  portrait of John Cleves Symmes by

  Aurora borealis

  Aztecs, hollow earth beliefs held by

  Back to the Stone Age (Burroughs)

  Bacon, Francis

  Bacon, Roger

  Baffin, James

  Bailey, J. O.

  “Balloon Hoax, The” (Poe)

  Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey (Lockwood)

  Barrington, Daines

  Barrow, John

  Bartholomew of England

  Batman television series

  Baudelaire, Charles

  early life of

  Poe’s works translated by

  portrait of

  Baum, L. Frank

  Baxter, Frank

  Bayeux Tapestry

  Beale, Charles W.

  Beauchamp, M.

  Beaumont, Hugh

  Bell, George W.

  Bellamy, Edward

  Bellingshausen, Admiral

  Bennet, Robert Ames

  Bennett, James Gordon

  Berkwits, Jeff

  Bernard, Raymond. See Siegmeister, Walter

  Billion Year Spree (Aldiss)

  Birds, banding of

  Blavatsky, Madame

  Bobbsey Twins books

  Bolivar, Simon

  Book of Hamburgs, The (Baum)

  Boomer, Mrs. Berthaldine

  Boone, Pat

  Borgnine, Ernest

  Boyle, Robert

  Boyle, Roger

  Bradbury, Ray

  Bradshaw, William R.

  Bransfield, Edward

  Brewster, David

  Breyer, John

  British Royal Navy

  Broadhurst, Dale R.

  Broken Straws (Verne and Dumas)

  Brothers House depicted, Koreshan grounds

  Browne, Howard

  Buchan, David

  Buckland, William

  Buddhism, hollow earth beliefs in

  Buffon, Georges

  Bulwer-Lytton, Edward

  Burnet, Thomas

  hole at North Pole illustrated by

  Burr, Aaron

  Burroughs, Coleman

  Burroughs, Edgar Rice

  early life of

  literary influences on

  Pellucidar novels by

  Burroughs, Emma

  Burroughs, Florence Ashton

  Burroughs, Harry


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