Let Me Keep You: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (Let Me Love You Book 3)

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Let Me Keep You: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (Let Me Love You Book 3) Page 4

by Mia Madison

  “Thank you, Nick.” She smiled with a beautiful glow that could only come from love. “That means a lot, coming from you.”

  “Coming from me?” I responded with a sprite inquiry and playfully crossed my arms. “What does that mean?”

  “You’re Kenny’s best friend,” she explained. “If anyone would know him, it’s you. If I’m really the only one you’ve seen him truly settle with, it means a lot. Nobody gets married in a week, you know?”

  I grabbed her hand and pointed to that ring. “Do you see this?” I rotated her hand, making her diamond ring gleam and glisten with flawlessness. “Does that ring look like an impulsive, irrational decision? Kenny has never purchased a ring or proposed, much less even spent as much on anyone as he has for that single rock.”

  “I didn’t pick it out—” Raquel started to explain, but I cut her off.

  “I know you didn’t. That ring is totally Kenny. I know my boy. He’s not always flashy, but when he does make an investment, he’ll give you the best he can. He chose that ring because he loves you. He’ll give you the world and break his back for you. He did that because he wants you to know you’re worth it.”

  Raquel looked at me, speechless as she fingered the massive ring. “It’s beautiful, but it’s too much to wear daily. I might have him buy a second one, maybe something that doesn’t attract too much attention.”

  I nodded. She was practical, which let me know she was a perfect match for my best friend. “I agree, little momma. Make sure you get it insured also.”

  I switched the subject before Dilayla could return. “What’s up with Dilayla?”

  “As in?” She shot a mischievous look, glanced down at the city, and then looked back at me.

  “Girl, stop playing. We’re family now… what’s up with her? She got a man?”

  “I wouldn’t say that.”

  “What does that mean?”

  She peered inside the house. The dancers were still entertaining Dom and Kenny. Dilayla was still not back from the bathroom.

  “Can you keep a secret?”

  “Hell yeah.”

  She scooted closer, very casually. Once we were nearly touching elbows, she lowered her voice and confessed, “She’s dealing with someone, but I can’t fucking stand him.”


  “He’s just a dick. He plays for the Dolphins. He’s not even on the field. He’s a benchwarmer. They have history, but he constantly messes with other women, refuses to commit. He’s just—”

  “Wack,” I cut her off, getting to the point, and she nodded.

  I licked my lips. That’s exactly what I wanted—needed—to hear. Anytime a man isn’t committed, it leaves his woman open for the taking. I’d stolen women in the past, but that’s because there’s an art to it. Rule number one: You can’t steal a satisfied woman. Women are loyal unless they’re left unfulfilled, and usually in an emotional sense.

  “Bet.” I smiled. “Thanks.”

  “Let me make it clear,” Raquel cautioned. “They’re not in a relationship, but he does have this weird hold on her. She has this belief that he’ll come around and see she’s the one.”

  I shook my head. “Nah, little momma. He’s probably swimming in a bunch of women who are all holding on to the same thing.”

  “Exactly.” Her pretty features coagulated with aggravation. “I’ve tried to tell her she needs to let the hell go.”

  “You really don’t like him,” I commented, egging her further. She was spilling beans and I wanted to know as much as possible.

  “Can’t stand him.” She winked. “You’re so much better than him.” Those words made my ears perk and I stood up a little.

  “Hold up,” I pressed. “She talks about me? What does she say?”

  She pressed her manicured finger against her lips and shook her head. “I won’t spill any more of my best friend’s tea. That’s for her to tell you. But I’ll leave you with this.”

  She checked the living room before she crooked her finger, signaling me to lean down.

  “Dilayla hasn’t seemed as interested in that guy since the night you guys met. She’s actually ignoring his calls and texts. I promise the only reason she’s stuck in the bathroom this long is because she’s probably finally calling him back.”

  “He’s one of those?” I said. “Calling constantly when he can’t catch her?”

  She nodded. “Keep her attention, and I promise, he’ll be a non-factor. Hell, I’ll help you. I think you’re a better match for her anyway.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “You’re mature. You’re handsome. You actually have a career under your belt. You’re my husband’s best friend. Family first, right?”


  We shared a conspiratorial smile before heading back inside. Our timing was perfect as Dilayla re-entered moments later. Kenny had finished the last of his beer. Raquel sauntered over to him and tossed her legs over his lap.

  Dilayla came over to me and grabbed my arm. “Whatcha doing?”

  “Watching the show, baby girl.” I pointed to Dom, who was getting loved and rubbed up on by Morelli. She was topless and giving him the lap dance of a lifetime. Dom was red-faced but it was clear he loved the affection.

  We all laughed our asses off while we watched the most unassuming person in the room getting the bulk of the attention.

  Movement caught my eyes, and I saw Raquel’s hand surreptitiously slide over Kenny’s crotch. She whispered in his ear and gave him a longing look. He patted her leg, and they both stood up.

  “We’re headed out,” Kenny announced. He came over to give me a pound, and hugged Dilayla, who immediately hugged Raquel after.

  I hugged Raquel. “See ya later, sis.” She smiled. “See ya, bro.”

  Kenny turned to Dom and waved his hand. “I won’t even interrupt this. Enjoy, man.” He grabbed Raquel’s hand and they left without further fuss.

  Thirty minutes later, Dom was done also. “I need an Uber,” he said. “I’ll get my car later.”

  “An Uber?” Morelli said. “Where do you live?”

  Dom told her and she offered him a ride. “The girls and I are all going in that direction. Just come with us.”

  He looked so uncertain, but she persisted, “We already made our money tonight, and some. It’s nothing. Let us drop you off.”

  “I don’t know…” He looked pale and nervous. “An Uber isn’t too bad.”

  “Oh, stop. Why pay a hundred bucks for Uber when we got you?”

  “Morelli’s good peoples,” Dilayla said. “She’s my cousin, you can trust her.”

  After that, Dom had no argument. We helped the ladies clean up their tips. It was clear they all had a profitable night. Hell, of course they did. I paid Morelli five grand, and the other two three grand each when they arrived via VenMo. When they performed, I had about another ten for all of us to toss on to them for the show. That was over twenty racks. Why not?

  Once they left, I turned to Dilayla. “I guess it’s just me and you, mami. Unless you’ve got plans?”

  She looked at me, a naughty grin spread over her face. “You want me to have plans?”


  Nick’s low gaze swept over my body once again, caressing me from head to toe with invisible fingers. Blood throbbed in my veins, a scarlet web of desire flowing through me as I felt the intensity of his passion spread over my body.

  He stepped forward, and the raw, wild passion between us seemed to magnify the closer and closer we got.

  “If you’d like, we can put on a movie. I just started watching Troy on Netflix again.” He gently led me to the couch, and told me to relax as he removed my shoes. I’d kept them on the entire night and it was a relief to let them breathe.

  “You have gorgeous toes.” He admired my pedicure. “What size shoe do you wear?”

  “Nine and a half.”


  “Really?” Raquel wore a seven. Most of my friends wore cute sizes, lik
e five, six, no more than an eight and a half. Shopping for nine and ten sizes made me self-conscious.

  Nick looked at me with a smirk. “Baby girl, a real man doesn’t care how big your feet are. We care about whether or not you take care of your feet. You don’t wear heels often, do you?”

  “I do, but not often enough to mess up my feet or wear shoes that damage the aesthetics.”

  He kissed the top of my foot. “Keep it that way.”

  I nearly fainted. Nick and I hadn’t done more than kiss each other on the cheek or cuddle since we’d met. We hadn’t even kissed on the lips. But it was creating this explosive sexual tension between us.

  He knew what he was doing. I’m sure he planned to deliberately avoid making overtly direct moves on me. Because he wanted me to take control, take the lead and make the pass that led to fucking, so I couldn’t even pretend it was his idea when he took me down.

  It took a real man to bring out savage sexuality in a woman. And Nick had no idea how deep and desirous my savage ran.

  You wanna play, Nick? I thought to myself. Game on.

  I loved a good chase. It was delicious and when I was finally conquered, my pussy would explode from the anticipation that built up.

  This would be fun. Instead of giving him what he wanted, an unconcealed, uncontrollable need for his sex, I would tease him back. Something obvious and enticing that would leave him completely spellbound by me.

  Nick placed my shoes by the door, and offered another glass of wine. I accepted. He brought out another beer and the pizza box along with the bottle of wine. He took my glass, refilled it, and set it on the coaster.

  “Mmm… this evening was so much fun.” I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, allowing my face to tilt in his direction. I knew what I would do, but I seized the moment to script it out in my head.

  “You enjoyed yourself, mami?” His baritone felt smooth and rich, a velvet glove to my ears.

  “It was amazing. I loved how much everyone had fun.” I thought about Morelli. My cousin was so happy to have stacked up nicely. “I think Morelli has a little crush on your friend.”

  “Who, Dom?” Nick said. I opened my eyes and nodded. “He’s probably freaking out right now.”


  “He’s scared of pretty women and no offense, but your cousin is…”

  “Bad,” I finished for him.

  “Yeah. He’s not used to attracting women like her. He thinks they’re out of his league.”

  “That’s unfortunate,” I said. “He’s not a bad-looking guy.”

  “Not at all, just husky,” Nick explained. “He’s just used to women ignoring him to get my or Kenny’s attention. He’s our accountant.”

  “Ah… I could see how that’s discouraging.” I refused to admit I was the kind of woman who would skip over a guy like Dom for one like Nick. Shoot for the moon and at least hit the stars, right?

  “One day I’ll find him a good woman—a gorgeous one—who will love that man right. Just gotta work on his self-esteem a little first,” Nick continued. “He deliberately chooses women he knows won’t reject him.”

  I checked my phone. “It’s almost twelve thirty. Has he text you to tell you he’s home yet?”

  “Let me check.” He grabbed his phone out his pocket. I noticed it was on airplane mode. That was a red flag for me. Only players kept their phone on airplane mode. Part of me wondered who he was avoiding this late at night.

  “Airplane mode, eh?” I inquired, keeping my voice light enough for him to know I was curious, but not interrogating.

  “Girl, it’s half past midnight. Ain’t nobody calling me at these hours unless they’re up to no good,” he retorted.

  “Um huh,” I said, teasing him with disbelief.

  “I’m a good Christian man.” He covered his chest and gave me a clandestine gaze of false innocence. “I’m not out here trying to get caught up with any traps of iniquity.”

  We shared a laugh. He confirmed that Dom had indeed made it home safe. I checked my phone and Morelli had made it home safe. I owe you drinks, girl! Thanks.

  No problem, I replied. Talk to you tomorrow.

  I couldn’t get into anything interesting on Netflix, so I passed the remote to Nick. He put on Troy, but that movie was just boring to me. I sat next to him, my head on his shoulder while his arm wrapped around me.

  “Niiiiiick?” I whispered. “Can you put on some music?”

  “Sure.” He looked at me. “You don’t like this movie?”

  “It’s okay,” I said, “But it just feels like a music type of night.”

  He handed me the remote. I used it to find music via his FireStick. Although the buzz was dying, the wine had me feeling sexy, and the vibe of just lying next to him, looking so tempting to the touch, yet off-limits (at least in his mind) made me feel even sexier. I knew he wanted me, yet he refused to be aggressive. The fact that he refused made me want to test him even more.

  I finally settled on Trey Songz. He was perfect for the mood; he was the ultimate playboy. Both Nick and I were players, and I would transform this night into Players Paradise.

  When “Find a Place” came on, I stood up and did a little dance. It was a petite little two step to maintain the positive vibes. I picked up my wine glass and took a sip. It was just enough to enhance the mood.

  Nick watched me with keen interest, and I gave him a shy smile and said, “This song is my jam!”

  Lust filled his eyes and magnified as I continued to dance. “I ain’t got no problem with it, baby… Do your thang. I just want to enjoy you to enjoying yourself.”

  As the song progressed, I swiveled my hips, turning to the side just enough for him to take a look at my generous assets.

  By this time, he could see I was putting on a show for him. The song changed to another Trey Songz cut, and I changed my dancing up with the beat.

  I was built for seducing a king like Nick. I had a thick pair of hips with a beautiful, natural ass and perfectly balanced, toned thighs to match. Thanks to a regular workout routine and a clean diet, I was built like Chel, the curvy character from The Road to El Dorado.

  My body was ultra-feminine, soft, and looked built for pleasure and surrender, like I was meant to visually serve and tantalize, and I damn sure wanted to serve the chocolate royalty in front of me. Nick’s vibe was controlled and regal, but I knew I was getting somewhere when his leg began to sway, as he tried to exhaust the sexual energy in his body through movement.

  I knew most guys loved the way my jet-black curls stopped right above my ass, so I tossed my locks in his direction, causing him to be mesmerized by my body. We locked eyes as the innocent look I plastered on my face melted into a more suggestive, deliberate one.

  “Damn, it’s like that, huh?” Nick interlocked his hands behind his head as he continued to watch me.

  I sauntered over to him, calculated and slow, and then stopped. His eyes flashed with heat and I bit my lip.

  “Yeah… if you want it like that.”

  “How you want it?” Shit. He threw it right back. We were really two predators playing possum in this game of cat and mouse.

  I could tell no matter what I did, Nick would make sure I made the first move and took the lead. I decided to flow with the moment. My arms raised as I placed myself between his legs, and undulated with my hips. I had moves like a belly dancer, and this tight Babes and Felines tube dress I purchased was designed to show off every curve.

  My plan was to entice Nick’s appetite, make him hungry for my forbidden fruit until my sheer femininity overwhelmed every instinct he had… and force his hand. Make him take me. But I could see he was extremely controlled, his power was in refusing to give in easily, which meant I needed to work a little harder, and maybe even invest more time into getting him worked up.

  That meant I probably couldn’t make him spread my legs and take me tonight. It would be too soon and he wouldn’t reveal his hand that quickly.

  … And I decid
ed that was cool.

  We could play the long game, baby.

  That just meant that when he gave me every inch—and I knew at some point he would—I would own the distinct pleasure of making him babble nonsensically while I felt him explode all over the place.

  I rolled my hips rhythmically and sensually, this time slower than before. I still rocked to the beat, but taking my time to intensify the magnetism in my seduction. Nick bit his lips, driving me wild. I wanted nothing more than to be that bottom lip, so to distract myself, I turned and faced forward, giving him a full-on look at my bootyliciousness.

  That sharp hiss of his breath as he took in the full visual of me from the back? Sooooo sexy made my panties cream. I bit my lip and jiggled a little, letting him see the bounce in my backside. Trey Songz faded to black, and Usher’s “Mars vs. Venus,” a slower tempo cut, came on.

  I exhaled softly and sat directly on Nick’s lap, using this opportunity to deploy the gutsiest move of my night. My hands anchored themselves on free space on Nick’s legs and I swirled seductively.

  Morelli promised to give me pole classes this weekend, but I already knew the basics of lap dance and exotic tease, thanks to a few DVDs and plenty of at-home practice. I spent a lot of time in the mirror cultivating sex appeal on top of the natural beauty I was born with.

  The large bulge between Nick’s legs whet my appetite. From first impression, I gathered his dick had to be big. The rock beneath his pants was firm as fuck and didn’t feel like it played any games.

  Nick groaned as I pushed my cheeks up and slid down on him. His hips lifted before settling back down on the couch, widening his legs to give me more access.

  “You know this is better than having some strippers make it clap for me, right?” he murmured in my ear.

  “Oh, is it?” My hump intensified with a circular motion. My hips rocked back and forth, making my dress roll up, exposing my tanned thighs. The experience was so sensual, I felt seductive and powerful. My pussy pulsated.


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