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The Killing Code

Page 26

by Craig Hurren

  “Jake, it’s me – don’t shoot.”

  Jake’s mind temporarily hesitated as it processed the scene. He knew what he’d heard but couldn’t believe it. He edged slowly toward the door, guns still trained on the opening until the light evened out and the source of his confusion became clear. His years of blind association with Equilibrium had covered the truth and now before him stood not a man but a beautiful raven haired woman with piercing emerald green eyes. Jake’s arms dropped to his side as he continued toward her, completely disarmed by the shock and her beauty. Her teary eyes gazed into his and her lips began to form a thank you when a single crack pierced the air and a round struck Jake’s back with a heavy thud. His body was propelled forward by the force of the bullet and he slumped forward into Equilibrium’s arms as she screamed, “No!”

  She couldn’t hold him and fell backward under Jake’s weight. She pulled her leg out from beneath him and reached for his arm, trying to drag him into the safety of the concrete structure but he was too heavy and she wept as she struggled in vain, calling out his name and yanking his arm with all her strength. The source of the single shot now loomed from the darkness and Equilibrium watched in fear as the bear of a man became clearer in the light of her bunker. He was huge; well over six feet tall with a barrel chest, thick bulky arms and a long ugly scar from one corner of his mouth to his ear. His eyes spoke of cold hearted and evil deeds as his mouth formed a menacing grin.

  “Playtime.” he hissed, his eyes locked on hers as he neared Jake’s motionless feet.

  Equilibrium immediately knew his intent and whimpered as she pulled herself backward in desperation but it was no use. A small handgun and the heavy steel door had been her only protection until Jake arrived and now none of them could help her. She had left her handgun deeper within the protected safe room and knew it could not be reached before he got to her but she had to try. Turning away from Jake’s body, she scrambled to gain her feet as the enormous man quickly stepped over Jake to claim his prize. Just as she got her feet beneath her, there was a loud thump and a groan from behind. She turned to see the big man’s face grimaced in pain and arching his body to hold his hand over his right kidney. To her amazement and relief, Jake was standing behind the giant throwing a bizarre formation of rapid-fire strikes into his head and neck. Doubled over now, the bear dropped his gun and instinctively swung a massive arm outward, connecting with Jake’s stomach. Air exploded from Jake’s mouth as the wind was knocked out of him but he was relentless. He reached for his dagger and thrust it toward the big man but a colossal balled fist struck down heavily, knocking the dagger from his grip. Jake lunged back a step to draw the Microtech automatic knife from his pocket and the blade sprang forth ready for action. He straightened his muscular frame to centre himself against the big man’s coming onslaught and watched as the right hand thrust toward him. In one lightning fast movement, Jake caught the fist in his left hand and with his right, traced the blade upward across the incoming wrist then circled it down through the crook of the elbow and turned back upward like a tree snake climbing a branch. Pulling the arm toward him with his left hand, Jake then guided the knife onward through its slithering, slicing journey until it slid under the armpit and withdrew in a circle then surged across the left carotid artery. Jake let go of the fist, took a half step backward and to the side as his arm looped downward, plunging the blade into the man’s bulky thigh then turning in a tight semicircle, leaving a four inch slab of meat hanging from the gaping wound. The giant roared in pain as blood surged forth from his wounds and Jake bent over to grab his Ruger from its ankle holster. He stood and pushed the small weapon upward into the man’s chest, thumping four rounds into his lungs and shoving him away with the other hand. Jake’s mammoth adversary slumped to his knees, blood gurgling from his mouth until the Ruger barked again, driving a single shot into the center of his forehead.

  Without looking at Equilibrium, Jake turned back to where he’d fallen in the doorway and retrieved his SMGs. Holding the weapons in front of him, his eyes once more searched the outer room for assailants before he finally holstered the guns, returned his gaze to the object of his mission. He went to speak but wasn’t sure what to say. The shock of finding a woman, after all these years assuming Equilibrium was a man, still consumed his thoughts until finally, she broke the silence.

  “I thought you were dead! I can’t see a bullet-proof vest – how can it be?

  “Later.” Jake said. “We need to get out of here. What’s your exit strategy?”

  “I’ve already covered it – all my data has been transferred via secure link to a storage server at another location and I’ve destroyed my terminal, memory banks, and all equipment here – except for my laptop. There’s a button under that panel behind you, beside the door. All we have to do is press that three times as we leave and a sprinkler system will spray everything inside with high octane gasoline then it will be automatically ignited. We shut the door and the fire will be contained to the safe room so it won’t damage the rest of the warehouse.”

  “Is there a paper trail to tie you to the building?”

  “Nothing the police or FBI could follow.”

  “So…the bodies?”

  “No need to move them. As long as you left nothing incriminating behind, there is no way they’ll ever be able to explain it.”

  “I’m impressed – Let’s move!”

  “I’ll just grab my laptop."

  Jake waited until she reappeared then walked through the door, guns at the ready, while Equilibrium pulled the panel open and pressed the red button three times then pulled the door closed just as gasoline began hissing out of pipes near the ceiling. They quickly made their way through the outer room and into the maze of hallways as a small ignition system activated in a corner of the bunker and the room burst into flames. There was enough oxygen in the safe room to ensure that everything was damaged enough to be useless in any investigation then the flames began to subside as the pair reached the outer fence and exited the compound where Jake had entered.

  “You’ve left quite a trail of destruction Jake.” she said, looking at Jake’s first victim.

  “I didn’t have time to take prisoners.”

  “I’m not complaining – it’s just that I’ve never seen your work up close before. I’ve always observed remotely so it never seemed truly real until now.”

  Jake looked at her and lowered his head. “I’m sorry you had to see all of that.”

  “I’m a pragmatic girl – better them than me. Besides, I know you a lot better than you may think and there is a big difference between the soldier and the man.”

  She smiled warmly and Jake was strangely relieved. He had never tried to apologize for his actions in battle before and was glad there was no need to do so now.

  “We’d better keep moving. It’s quiet now but we won’t be alone for long.”

  They moved quickly toward the BMW and Jake pressed his key to unlock the silver beast. They straddled the seat and took back streets to avoid attention. She clung tightly around his waist as they wound through the streets of Little Italy and Soho then into the Holland Tunnel and on to Jake’s building in Jersey City. Approaching the driveway, he pressed the remote to open the outer door, rode through then stopped to place his palm against the reader and the big steel door began to open. He urged the bike forward and parked it in the center of the garage.

  Jake dismounted, removed his helmet and turned to stare at her. She could see the disbelief in his eyes and broke the silence, “I hope I haven’t disappointed you.”

  The statement struck Jake as absurd in its conflicting effect. There was a small and irrational feeling of let down but that was purely a matter of pride – at the same time he was entranced by her exotic beauty. His mind quickly darted back and forth through time, trying to recall any specific instance when she may have intentionally misled him to think she was a man but could recall no such ruse. The level of mutual respect and trust they had shar
ed through the years seemed to take on a completely different meaning now and he looked deep into her eyes as he spoke, “I’m not disappointed – and it wouldn’t be your fault if I was. I was a fool to assume you could only be a man. Forgive my unintentionally sexist attitude.”

  “Not at all – I relied on it for years! If you had suspected for a moment that I was a woman, you may have caught me years ago - and you came very close to doing just that. My communications with you were always worded in a masculine way until tonight. I’m surprised the penny didn’t drop when I practically begged you for help.”

  “Men are not beyond begging when the need arises.”

  “True but I really stepped out of character. I knew you were my only salvation so there was no longer any point trying to hide it.”

  “Apparently I was too one-eyed to notice.”

  “I hope I haven’t upset you.”

  Jake chuckled, “How could I be upset by such beauty.”

  She blushed and looked at the floor as Jake tried to salvage, “I’m sorry – I didn’t mean to…well…I mean…I have a great deal of respect for you.”

  She drew close to Jake and suddenly, for the first time in years, he was self conscious of his ugly facial scar and shied away as she reached up to touch his face. Her hand gently coaxed him back until their eyes met then she laid her index finger across his lips and soothed, “As do I for you.” Gazing deeply into his eyes, she then reached up and softly traced her finger down his scar intending to show him that it didn’t bother her. The seasoned killing machine trembled almost imperceptibly at her touch and, sensing his discomfort, she glanced over at the spiral staircase and quickly changed the subject, asking, “Are you going to invite me in?”

  Still slightly flustered with himself, he recovered, “Yes, of course - after you.”

  She started toward the staircase and Jake followed, silently admonishing himself for his momentary lapse in self-control. The shock of finding his long time collaborator a woman – and a beautiful one at that – had pushed him into new territory and he hadn’t reacted with his usual calm and control. He now forced himself to come to terms with the situation and deal with it professionally.

  They got to the top of the stairs and Jake slid past her to open the hidden door, revealing his bathroom.

  “Nice.” she said. “Very good taste.”

  “It’s home.” Jake tried a more nonchalant tone.

  He led the way through the bedroom and into the cavernous kitchen, dining, and living area where Tik and Alan were quietly chatting at the table. Tik spotted them first, jumping to her feet and Alan turned to see what had startled her. A wave of relief rolled over him and he smiled broadly at his new friend. Then he saw the dark haired beauty following and his mouth opened in disbelief. Staring intently as they walked toward him, sudden realization struck and an even broader smile grew on his face. He stood to greet them and extended his hand to Equilibrium. “Amazing…simply amazing!”

  She looked at the detective with a raised eyebrow and said, “Should I take that as a compliment?”

  “Absolutely! I certainly don’t mean to objectify but I didn’t expect a gifted computer genius to come in such a beautiful package. I suppose you get sick of the label but there’s no denying that you are a very attractive woman.”

  She smiled warmly, “Thank you. I really don’t meet many people face to face but it’s nice to hear it put that way.”

  “Well, someone had to address the elephant in the room. I don’t imagine Mr. Special Forces here would have done so yet.” he teased then laughed as Jake shot him a piercing glare.

  “I think he was a little shocked at first but you have to remember how much history we have and I never gave him the slightest inkling of my gender.”

  Jake looked relieved that she was defending him and added, “That’s true but it just goes to show how wrong assumptions can be.”

  Tik had been silent but now piped up, “Where you manners?! Lady must be hungly.”

  “Actually, I’m starving.” the hacker smiled at Tik. “I heard about your legendary cooking skills while you were still operational in Laos.”

  “Jake tell me you help me get out and make document for immiglation. Tik thank you.” She said smiling warmly.

  “It was my pleasure Tik. The CIA was wrong to desert you in your time of need and Jake was adamant we get you out. He didn’t tell me how pretty you are though.”

  Tik looked down, embarrassed then scurried off to prepare a plate of food for their guest as Alan pulled out a chair for Equilibrium and she sat. The men followed suit and Alan squirmed slightly in his chair before speaking. “No offense but is there a name we can call you other than Equilibrium? It seems a bit awkward and inappropriate now we’re face to face.”

  “I suppose it is a bit cumbersome. Call me Angie.”

  “Well, I don’t know if it’s your real name or not but it’s a very pretty one.” Alan smiled.

  Jake turned in his chair to get up for some water and winced as he rose. Angie saw the pain in his face and suddenly remembered. “Your back! I wondered how it was possible you survived that shot when I can’t see a bullet-proof vest.”

  Jake pulled his turtleneck off to reveal the thin, gold tinged vest Alan had watched him put on before he left.

  “I was going to ask you what that thing is. I’ve never seen anything like it.” he said.

  Jake replied, “It’s experimental technology. The gold woven fabric is made from threads combining the silk of the Golden Orb Weaving Spider and a rare metal alloy. Its tensile strength is vastly greater than Kevlar. It covers a thin layer of titanium alloy, and together, they make an effective, lightweight but very expensive bullet-proof vest. It’s so thin that it’s virtually undetectable unless you know what to look for.”

  He pulled the vest over his head and turned around to reveal a dark bruise about four inches in diameter, almost black at the center. Without a word, Angie went to the freezer to get some ice and wrapped it in a kitchen towel then pressed it against Jake’s back. “Now I feel bad for hating spiders.” she smiled.

  “Tik brought Angie’s food to the table and they talked about old missions together for a while until the subject turned serious and Jake brought them back to reality. “What about your plan Alan – did Gelling go for it?”

  “I’m not sure yet - we might be sunk. He didn’t respond well when I first explained everything to him but he seemed a little more accepting when I told him that Devlin was responsible for Helen Benson’s death. He needed some time to think - I’ve got to call him back in half an hour for his answer.”

  “I guess it’s a lot to ask a geek like that.” Jake reasoned.

  “It’s a long shot for sure but it’s our only chance.”

  Alan quickly explained his plan to Angie and they discussed details. They went to the armory to examine Matt Lewis’ documents and the specific threads that led Alan to develop his rather precarious plan. Angie had some suggestions and they fine tuned tactics as much as possible until Angie declared that she needed a shower. She turned to kiss Alan on the cheek and said, “I’m very happy that Holly is safe. You deserve some happiness in your life.”

  Then she turned to Jake. Her green eyes sparkled in the light as she pulled him toward her and kissed him softly on the lips then said, “Keep him safe Jake.”

  Jake nodded, “I will.” and she left the room.

  Somewhat flustered at Angie’s unexpected kiss, Jake turned to meet Alan’s cheeky grin. He shook it off and said, “Is it time for that call?”

  Alan picked up the burner phone, dialed the private cell number Gelling had given him and waited. His eyes darted up to Jake’s as a faint smile grew on his face. He listened intently without a word until Gelling finished speaking and the phone went dead.

  “We’re on!”

  “He said ‘yes’?!”

  “I’m as surprised as you but he’s in.”

  Without another word, Jake went to the workbench and star
ted preparing equipment for the next day. The two men worked methodically for almost an hour, testing and retesting equipment and going over every detail of the plan with a fine tooth comb. When Jake was satisfied they had done everything possible, they went back to the kitchen. Alan asked Tik where Angie was and she shrugged her shoulders, saying, “Lady like long shower.”


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