Charming Asshole (Killer of Kings Book 3)

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Charming Asshole (Killer of Kings Book 3) Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  She gasped and grabbed his shoulders, her eyes fluttering closed.

  “You like that? Now get your cute little ass on that bike so we can get the fuck out of here.” He nipped her earlobe. “You’re going to ride my dick, long and hard.”

  June turned and attempted to get on the back of the bike. He helped lift her into the seat, before sitting comfortably in the front. It had been a long time since he’d ridden a bike, but he used to love it in the summers. He started up the engine and revved it a few times to get the feel of it before hitting the gas. The power and vibration under the seat were incomparable. He left the club and hit the road, needing to get anywhere private fast. His cock was uncomfortably stiff in his jeans, and June’s arms wrapped around his waist weren’t helping his predicament.

  He drove over the rolling, paved roads in the outskirts of town, until they reached a crest that overlooked the water. Killian pulled over and stopped, bracing both feet on the ground. The ocean seemed to go on forever, miles of open space. He imagined it leading all the way to his homeland, but there was nothing for him there. Or here. The only place he wanted to be was with June and Killian.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” said June. “I love the water. I could sit here all day.” Her breath was warm against his neck. God, he loved her so much.

  “Where you need to be is sitting on my cock.” He palmed the front of his jeans and then began to unbuckle his thick leather belt. It was a relief when he unzipped and gave himself more room.

  “At the side of the road? On a motorcycle?”

  “I need you, baby. Let me make you feel good.” No cars had passed, but even if one drove by, he didn’t care.

  June cautiously climbed off the back of the bike, and Killian shifted back a bit and helped June put her legs around him. Once they were face to face, her thighs spread wide, her dress immediately rode up to her hips. Her pretty pink pussy glistened in the sunshine. He wet his lips, wishing he had time to do down on her, but he had a lifetime to get between her legs and explore her body. She’d changed so much over the years, maturing into the most lush and tempting woman he’d ever seen. He’d spend the rest of his life making love to her

  Right now was about fucking.

  She looked down at his bulging boxer briefs.

  “You like it? Do you like my cock, June?”

  She nodded, running her fingers over the length.

  “It’s all yours, baby. Anytime you need to be fucked, that’s what I’m here for,” said Killian. And he was always ready. Just thinking about June had him raring to go.

  He pulled his boxers out of the way, his cock jutting out, hard and virile. She bit her lower lip and began stroking him, up and down. Killian closed his eyes and savored her touch.

  “How can you think about sex now?” she asked. “I’m still shaken up from everything that happened. This isn’t the life I’m used to.”

  “And you won’t be getting used to it. From here on out, smooth sailing, baby girl.”


  “No matter what happens, I’ll always be there for you and Killian. You’re my life, and I was a fool to think I could walk away the first time,” said Killian.

  She slipped the straps of her sundress and bra down her shoulders, allowing those huge tits to spill out. They were fucking delicious, and he’d never get enough of June’s body.

  “That’s my girl.” He grabbed her waist, pulling her forward until his face was buried between her tits. Killian sucked on her pebbled nipples, drowning in that perfect softness. Pre-cum slipped from the head of his dick. She was driving him crazy.

  June moaned, the tension in her body easing away. “God, that feels good.”

  “Put your feet on the pegs and sit on my dick. I’m hard for you, June. You’re all I think about.”

  She did as told, bracing her weight up on the pegs as she held onto his shoulders. He fluffed up her dress as she positioned herself over his erection. Killian closed his eyes as she sank down, her tight cunt grabbing his dick.

  “Fuck, you’re perfect.” He groaned when she was fully seated, holding her hips in a bruising grip. “Ride me hard, baby. Show me how much you love fucking your man.”


  June liked the sound of that. She wanted to be Killian’s—body, soul, and mind. She was afire with need. Just one look or touch of Killian and she was gone. No regular man would do for her. She was a big girl and needed a strong, capable man to handle her. Killian was raw strength and power, his charm and confidence off the charts. He held her securely while keeping the bike in place, and she never once felt unsafe in his arms.

  His shoulders were broad and hard with muscle. He was so beautiful and deadly rolled into one, his ice-blue eyes piercing in the sunlight. His thick, hard cock filled every inch of her, satisfying her in ways only he could. She might complain, but she loved his no holds barred attitude and dirty side. They complemented each other perfectly.

  When she began to rise up and down, the pressure immediately started to build deep in her cunt. She watched his eyes roll back as he licked his lips. His beautiful lips. June leaned forward to kiss him. She wanted all of him.

  “I’m sorry for all the bullshit I put you through,” he said between kisses.

  She cut him off by kissing him deeper, their tongues mingling. He tasted like spearmint. The entire world went away, leaving just the two of them. His kisses moved to her neck as he held her waist on either side, lifting her up and down over his cock. He took control, using his strong arms to help her ride him.

  A lone car drove by, but she was past caring that they could be seen fucking on a motorcycle. She could smell the ocean, hear the waves in the distance, and Killian was ravishing her body.

  “Such a dirty girl,” he said, taking her harder. “You’re all mine. Mine to fuck. Mine to keep.”

  “Yes,” she said. “Make me yours.”

  His fingers dug into her hips as he pistoned in and out of her with increased intensity. She felt so full, so completely claimed. As her orgasm surfaced she couldn’t help but cry out with each exhale. He rocked her body in just the right way, taking her into that beautiful pre-orgasmic bliss. When her body finally erupted, she wrapped her arms around Killian’s neck and held on as the erotic waves hit her hard. He growled and rammed her hips down over his cock a few more times until he filled her with his hot cum.

  They held each other until their breathing settled, the warm breeze cooling their heated flesh.

  “Sorry, sweetheart. I couldn’t wait until we got home. Next time, I’ll take you nice and slow.” He combed his hand through her hair, and kissed her once on the lips. “You can’t even imagine all the things I want to do to your gorgeous body.”

  June was speechless, and turned on all over again. He was still inside her body, their connection more intimate now that the urgency of their desire had settled.

  “Where is home?” she whispered.

  “Not here, I know that for sure,” he said. “You and Killian love the ocean, eh?”

  She nodded. “It doesn’t matter though. I just want somewhere safe, somewhere we can put down roots as a family.”

  “I want that, too,” said Killian. “I’m going to talk to Viper. Boss had me help find him a waterfront place a while back. You might like that town.”

  June couldn’t imagine raising Killian in an urban condo, so she was open to other ideas. All she cared about was getting settled so she could focus on being a good mother.

  “I don’t care where we go, Killian. Every town has restaurants and bars. I’ll be able to find new work.”

  He scoffed. “Are you fucking kidding me, babe? From this day on, you’re my woman, and that means you’ll be taken care of. You deserve the world, and I’m going to give it to you—and our son.”

  “I hope our son will be okay with all the changes,” she said. It felt weird, but good, to say “our son” because she’d always been a single mother with the weight of the world on her shoulders.
It would be nice to have a partner to raise Killian, but also to give her the love and security she desperately craved.

  He helped her off the bike, and then he zipped up and joined her. “Come here,” he said, taking her hand.

  They walked to the edge of the cliff, and June backed up when they got too close.

  “It’s okay, I’ve got you.” He pulled her into his embrace and held her close, pressing her cheek to his chest as he kissed the top of her head. “And I’m never letting go.”

  Then he bent down on one knee, holding her hips in his hands.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I never had a father, so I’m not sure what the fuck I’m supposed to do. No one tossed me a ball or helped with my homework. All I can do is promise you I’ll do my best, every single day.”

  “You’ll be a great father, Killian, I know it.”

  He smirked. “I’m not afraid of anything. Never have been. But I’m scared to death of doing this wrong.”

  “We’ll do it together.”

  He cupped her ass and rubbed his face against her swollen mound. “And you. I know exactly how to take care of you, beauty.” Then he took her hands and kissed them. “I’m going to love you and take of you exactly how a man should. How I should have.”

  Killian reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small brown leather pouch. He fiddled with it, finally revealing a Celtic designed gold ring and a huge princess cut diamond.

  She stared in awe, not even making a connection to what was happening. The ring looked like something that belonged on the finger of a movie star, not her, not June Harris.

  “Will you marry me, June?”

  She was speechless, her mouth agape with no sound coming out.

  He exhaled. “I know I’m not what you hoped for. I’m not that college graduate. I’m not a good man. But I’ll love you hard for the rest of my life.”

  “Yes,” she managed to blurt out. June tugged his shirt to get him to his feet. “Yes.”

  Killian slipped the ring on her ring finger, and then kissed her on the mouth with so much passion her knees nearly gave out. “You’re mine. And soon you’ll be my bride.”

  She couldn’t believe this was happening. How many nights had she dreamed of this? But it was real. Killian had come for her, and the hardcore bad boy was ready to love her for the rest of his life. It was surreal.

  They rode into town on the Harley. Killian wanted to grab a quick bite to eat, and then he was going to drive her back to Bain and Scarlett’s house for a couple days. She didn’t want him to come back to help Killer of Kings because she was terrified something would happen to him, but he assured her the threat was gone, and it was only a matter of damage control. She could sacrifice a couple days for the sake of forever.

  Once they parked in front of the coffee shop, a cruiser drove by and stopped beside them. It was Daniel, that jerk that wanted in her pants. She wondered if he suspected anything off about Killian. Her heart began to race as too many scenarios flashed in her head, many with Killian behind bars or worse.

  “Where’ve you been? I’ve been looking all over for you,” he said, coming around the front of his police car.

  June frowned. “Why were you looking for me?”

  “There’s a lot craziness going on in town. Have you heard four different girls were kidnapped this week alone? A woman shouldn’t be on her own these days.”

  Killian brushed her slightly behind him as he stepped forward. “She has me,” said Killian, his voice carrying a distinct threat.

  “For how long this time?”

  He held her arm out to show Daniel her massive engagement ring. June was afraid to even guess how much it cost. “She said yes. That means I’ll be taking care of her and our son. Always.”

  Daniel didn’t even have the decency to congratulate them. He just shut up and got back in his car, driving away without a fight. Maybe he was smart. June couldn’t imagine any man coming out on top of Killian. After a quick bite to eat, they swapped out the bike for his car and made the long drive out to Bain’s home in the country. She was excited to see her son again, especially knowing she’d be able to give him the father he deserved.

  “We’re going to have a home, June. A real house, with a kitchen and garden and beautiful view of the ocean. I’m going to make it happen. Killian deserves everything I never had.”

  They held hands as they walked to the front door of the old farm house. Before they even knocked, Killian Junior bolted out the door and flung himself into her arms. She hugged him tight, and then kissed him on the cheek.

  “Are we going home now?” he asked. June looked up at Killian, not sure what to tell her son just yet.

  Killian bent down to Killian Junior’s level and braced his shoulders. “I’m going to marry your mom, Killian. We’re going to be a family. What do you think of that?”

  He turned to June. “Is that true, Mom? You’re going to marry him?”

  “I love your father, Killian, always have. I want all of us to be happy together.”

  She saw the confusion on her son’s face. It had always been the two of them, and he barely knew his dad. It would take some adjustment for all of them.

  “Your mom’s not going to be working at a damn bar anymore. She’ll be there for you instead of killing herself working overtime. I’ll take care of both of you. Things will be a lot different from now on.”

  “What if you leave us?”

  Killian smiled. “Buddy, ain’t going to happen,” he said. “I love you, and no matter what you do, I’ll still love you. Even if you hate me.”

  There was a moment of silence, the crickets droning all around them.

  “We won’t all fit in the bed.”

  June laughed. They shared a double bed in their tiny one-bedroom apartment back in town. She couldn’t count the number of nights she’d quietly cried herself to sleep because she wanted better for them.

  “We’re not going back to the apartment, Killian. Your dad’s going to buy us a house. A house by the water.”

  His eyes were wide with disbelief. “A house?”

  Killian stood up and rubbed the top of their son’s head, leaving his mop of blond hair a mess. “Of course a house. And your own bedroom. You like sports?”

  “I play soccer at school.”

  “Perfect. I’ll get nets for the yard, and we can practice together,” said Killian

  When she saw her son smile, genuine excitement lighting up his face, she couldn’t stop the tears from welling up in her eyes. He deserved the very best. They’d been struggling for way too long.

  “I’m going to tell Bain and Scarlett,” he said as he ran into the house.

  Once they were alone at the front of the house, Killian cupped the side of her face. “That’s a good sign, eh?”

  “Very good sign.”

  Killian kissed her, pulling her flush to his body. He grabbed her ass cheek, her dress bunching up in his hand. “Thank you for taking me back.”

  “Even though you were gone, I never stopped loving you,” she said.

  He nuzzled her neck, his hot breath sending shivers skittering along her skin. “You’ll always be my girl,” he whispered. “Love is just a word, so I’ll spend the rest of my life showing you how much you mean to me.”

  The End

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