Mermaid Queen

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Mermaid Queen Page 1

by Anna Santos






  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Mermaid Queen

  Chapter 1—The Lycan King

  Chapter 2—The Shipwreck

  Chapter 3—The Mermaid Princess

  Chapter 4—Longing

  Chapter 5—Reencounter

  Chapter 6—Debutant Ball

  Chapter 7—The Sea Witch

  Chapter 8—First Conversation

  Chapter 9—The Lycans’ Island

  Chapter 10—The Sea King

  Chapter 11—The Gathering

  Chapter 12—Marriage

  Chapter 13—Struggle

  Chapter 14—The Price of Happiness

  Chapter 15—The Vampire King

  Chapter 16—The King’s Promise

  About the Author

  MERMAID QUEEN ©copyright 2018 Anna Santos

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  COVER DESIGN BY Sanja Gombar

  Edited by Alyssa Breck

  Proofread by May Freighter


  A handsome Lycan King will claim as his mate the mermaid who saved him from drowning.

  ALL HER MERMAID LIFE, Mirella has been told to stay away from the humans. Yet, one night, a mysterious pull compels her to save a handsome stranger from drowning in a shipwreck. Once she takes him to his island, the language barrier stops her from explaining to him that she’s his fated mate.

  Duncan has been waiting for his fated mate. As the king of the Lycans, it’s his duty to marry and leave offspring. He never thought his mate could be a gorgeous mermaid. Despite being unable to communicate with her, he wants to make her his. But is she able to live out of water?

  Mirella strikes a deal with the Sea Witch for the ability to speak the human tongue. Deeply in love with the stranger she keeps meeting on a beach, she’ll defy her father and will offer her tail to the witch to be with Duncan. But can she trust him with her heart and her life?

  Chapter 1—The Lycan King


  I'm feeling cold and unfulfilled even if I'm fighting for a higher purpose—to keep my kind safe. But, I leave no descendants. I have not loved without reason or explanation. I'm alone.

  My body tenses and coldness numbs my limbs as I fall into the darkness of the ocean. My eyes are wide open, watching the fire consume my ship. Yet I can't move. The explosion threw me off my vessel when a deafening cannonball blast turned wood into tiny shards that pierced my men's chests.

  The undead vampire warriors dive to kill whoever survived. I can see their red eyes observing and hunting their prey. Maybe I can survive if I move and reach the surface.

  My arms and legs don't obey me. I'm stuck.

  Suddenly, my body moves. Hands grab my arms, and I brace myself to meet my end. There's no dagger piercing my flesh. Instead, I see strands of long hair floating, and a woman's face appears before my eyes. Her own eyes glowing white. Not red.

  Air. I have none. My lungs burn as my mouth exhales my last breath that forms bubbles and they hit the goddess' face that my bemused mind conjures.

  I move. Fast. My body penetrates the water as if propelled by the wind powering the sails. My head pops out of the water first. Then, my body follows, piercing the water like a dolphin reaching the surface. I breathe, sucking in as much air as I can. There's only me and the night. The moon remains big in the sky, unfazed by anything that happens to us. My mighty goddess. Maybe she sent the girl to save me. Perhaps she's my goddess in human form. Her steel-colored eyes are a hint.

  My body returns to the liquid surface, and I battle to remain with my head above water. Arms lace around my chest and pull me across the ocean at an unimaginable speed. I look down, watching the moonlight reflecting on the surface, and I squint my eyes at the coral scales of the fishtail that is moving under my legs.

  I cough. Dizziness clouds my mind.

  My boat and my men. Where are they? Were they saved?

  I faint only to regain consciousness with the girl in front of me, smiling.

  “My boat!” I raise my hands as if I could reach it even if I have no idea where it is. “My men.”

  We aren't swimming anymore. I’m floating but no arms are securing me. I move my feet, so I don't sink.

  The girl remains quiet, blinking her moonlight eyes at me with an unfaltering smile.

  Circling, I try to understand where I am. Her head appears in front of me again. Her dark hair falls loosely about her face as she aims her gaze at me. She's a beauty with a round face, petite nose, and plump lips.

  “Where are we?”

  She continues to be mute.

  I'm sure that we are in the middle of nowhere. There are no traces of the battle that raged between my ships and the Vampire King's.

  “I need to get back to save my men.”

  She shrieks, and I cover my ears to block out the piercing sound. Her hands fly to her mouth, and she submerges with a haunted expression.

  “No!” I reach to grab her shoulders. “Land. Take me to my land.”

  Unsure if she understands me, I point my hand to nowhere specific. My life depends on her.

  My heart stops beating when her arms circle my torso and her head lies against my chest. Her breasts press against my stomach, and her tail rubs against my legs. I'm not sure what's going on.

  Why is this mermaid hugging me? Why did she save me?

  As I calm myself, I relax and put my arms around her petite and delicate figure. Half woman, half fish. I thought they were myths told by disillusioned sailors.

  Looking at the moon and the stars, I ponder about my location. If I go south, I will find my home. The war took place not too far from my island.

  I should be cold, but I'm not. The water around me feels warm. Staring down, I notice how it glows silver and blue like the color of her tail. The ocean is calm when it should be curling with waves.

  What power does this mermaid have? What does she want with me? I have heard stories that say that they drive men to insanity and take them underwater to kill. Others say that they eat us.

  This one saved me.

  Chapter 2—The Shipwreck

  I'M DRAWN BY THE PERSISTENT humming, the constant melody that plays all around me. Despite being forbidden, I have to leave the safety of my kingdom and venture outside. I need to find out where the melody is coming from. The pulling is too strong.

rella, wait!”

  My sister follows me, but I swim faster and prevent her from grabbing me and taking me back to our father.

  I'm known for being impulsive, reckless, and a daydreamer. I want more for my life. More than the magical walls that protect the underwater kingdom ruled by my father. The merfolk don't mingle with humans or other species. I think it's a silly rule.

  “Mirella, I'll call father if you don't return this instant.”

  I stop and turn around to see my sister, Sybil, balling her hands with puckered lips while her purple hair floats around her face.

  Sybil is the oldest and the prettiest. One day, she'll rule the Atlantic Sea and protect our people from outsiders.

  I put my hands on my hips and grumble, “I need to find the source of the music.”

  “There's no music. You are the only one hearing it. Just stop this nonsense and come back. It isn't safe during the night.”

  “It's close. I can feel it.”

  “It's dark. There are outsiders on their vessels nearby. Father ordered everybody to stay inside the walls of our palace.”

  I shake my head. “My intuition tells me that I must go. Just go back. I'll be home before Father knows I'm gone.”

  Sybil sighs and waves her hand, invoking her powers over the sea. A columnar vortex of water moves in my direction.

  Holding my ground, I launch my hands forward and stop her offensive attack. The water halts, and I smirk.

  “I'm stronger than you,” I remind her.

  “I'm the oldest one. You need to obey me and return to safety.”

  I open my arms in exasperation. “I'm safe.”

  As if the God of the Sea wishes to contradict me, a loud explosion is heard, and orange lights the bottom of the ocean where once the medusas were swimming happily around us, providing light. The ominous sound ripples throughout the ocean and screams inside my head.

  “What was that?” I ask as I look at my sister.

  Sybil swims to my side. “War.”

  Another explosion follows by several flashes of fire that come from the surface.

  I look up. Not far from us, I see the vessels that humans use to travel across the water fighting among themselves. Maybe pirates are attacking a merchant ship. I've heard of it but never witnessed such an assault.

  My sister grabs my arm. “It's not safe here. There are too many ships.”

  I follow my sister's gaze and see the bottom of the ships navigating as they shoot fire and wreck the wood into pieces. Soon enough, bodies will be hitting the water and sailors will die.

  My heart shrinks inside my chest. “Why are humans so violent?”

  “It's in their nature,” Sybil answers with Dad's standard reply.

  “I still hear the music.” I look above and point. “It comes from above, from one of the vessels.”

  “All I hear are screams and explosions,” Sybil retorts.

  I release myself from her hold. “Something is telling me to go up.”

  “You are going to get yourself killed,” Sybil yells.

  Ignoring her, I speed to the surface.

  The first bodies fall into the water and sink.

  I halt. “We should help them.”

  Sybil is behind me. “They are doomed. Plus, you know what they would do to us if they found out that we exist.”

  “They are fighting too close to our kingdom,” I remark.

  “We are safe. Let's just leave them to their petty wars.”

  Sibyl pulls on my arm, and I let myself go as the orange flashes keep coloring the surface. The farther we move away, the more my heart aches and my vision blurs.

  Suddenly, all my senses focus on a body sinking between the debris of a destroyed ship. My head spins with the increase of the humming.

  Jerking my arm away from my sister, I swim faster than ever before. Everything around me disappears until I reach the young man in regal clothes, drowning. I thought he was dead, but his eyes move and focus on my face. Our gazes lock and the humming hits me louder. The vibration comes from him. The pull guided me to him. We are connected, somehow.

  I hear the sound of bodies moving toward us. Looking back, I see creatures with red eyes, holding knives. I have heard rumors that vampires are agile underwater. The merfolk fear them. If they catch me, I'm done.

  Embracing the young man, I close my eyes and command the water to take us far away from there. The ocean current propels me upward so the human can breathe. He needs air to survive.

  We are still too close to the battle. I need to keep him safe from the vampires that want to kill him.

  Holding him under his arms, I swim fast. Away from the vampires, the cannons, and the ships.

  He's big, and his clothes are heavy because they are wet. He seems tired, and I notice that he goes in and out of consciousness. The speed makes him swallow water. When I stop, he's not awake, and I fear for his life.

  Placing my hand on his chest, I command the water to leave his lungs. He coughs before coming to his senses. The moment his eyes open and meet mine, once again, I'm sure that I wasn't wrong. He's meant to be mine for all eternity. Mermaids only love once. This man is my destiny.

  He talks, but I don't understand his language. It's not melodic like mine.

  “My name is Mirella,” I tell him. “Who are you?”

  He squints his eyes and covers his ears. My voice seems to hurt him. I sink to cover the redness coloring my cheeks.

  He speaks and brings me back to the surface. His hands feel gentle against my skin. I hold my tongue and let him talk as he points back.

  Using my powers to keep him warm, I close the distance between us and hug him to prove to him that he shouldn't fear me and that we belong together. Once our bodies are entwined, I know that there's no more need for words. I'm his, and he's mine. Forever.

  Chapter 3—The Mermaid Princess

  I SWIM FOR HOURS, LOOKING for the island that I know is nearby. He can't stay with me in the ocean. Our love is condemned to failure. He can't breathe underwater.

  He's quiet as I swim in the direction that he wants me to.

  From afar, I see a castle on the top of a hill. Not far from it, there's a beach with no boats or signs of living creatures.

  I take him to the shore, fighting against the waves that push me into the shallow waters where my tail is at a disadvantage. When I know he can use his feet, I let him go. The force of the tide throws me against his chest. His arms surround my waist, and we stay face to face.

  My mouth opens only to close again. I don't want to hurt his sensitive ears. I need to return to the ocean. Yet the pull between us is strong, and I have no will to let him go.

  He speaks. Pointless. I have no idea what he says.

  The waves keep splashing their foam against our bodies. I need to go. My sister must have warned Father by now. Soon enough, an army of the mermen will be scouting the sea for me.

  He talks again. I point at the horizon.

  Shaking his head, he walks backward with me in his arms.

  My pulse races as I shriek and try to break free of his embrace. “Please, don't. I need to get back. Please. Don't kill me. I saved you.”

  He covers my mouth and secures me against his chest as he leaves the water. My breathing narrows, and I fight for air. Our eyes lock as his incomprehensible words soothe my fear. Shutting up, I place my arms around his neck. His lips curl into a smile.

  The young man sits on the sand with me in his lap. His fingers caress my cheek and, for a moment, I forget that I don't know what will happen to me out of the water.

  I feel the icy breeze on my skin as I dry. He's wet, though.

  Raising me and placing me on the sand, he moves his hands up and down in a sign that I don't understand. He gets up, removes his heavy coat, and wrings the water out of it. Then, he lifts his white shirt and does the same, showing his sculpted torso with abs that ripple down his stomach like waves.

  Mermen are often uncovered, yet none have been as appealing
to me as this human male.

  Placing his coat on the sand, he crouches and reaches for me. I recoil. His movements are slow, and I eventually move toward him, and I'm taken to rest on his coat.

  He sits beside me, points at the castle, and talks. His eyes fall on my fishtail and trail up my body until our eyes meet.

  I speak lower this time. “I have no idea what will happen if I stay away from the ocean.”

  My fingers run through my hair. It feels heavy and stiff. His dark, curly hair is falling over his hooded gaze. Beautiful. If only we could understand each other.

  My father isn't going to be happy. He speaks the human language, though. Maybe he could teach me. Nevertheless, if I don't go home, he will raise the tides and flood everything until he finds me. He will send his warriors to look for me. He will kill anyone who dares to harm me. After all, I'm the daughter of the King of the Oceans.

  My inner thoughts are disturbed by the sharp pain that I feel in my lower body. Balling my hands, I gasp and bounce forward as extreme heat and pain envelop my fishtail. I fall on the sand and hide my face against it. My body keeps spasming and I whimper. A hand touches my back. I can't look back. It burns so much that I can barely breathe. Curling my body into a ball, I realize that my fishtail is gone, and I now have two legs.

  Stretching, I look at the man I saved who is staring at my brand new pair of legs.

  THE MERMAID TAKES ME to shore where I can see my castle on the top of the cliff. The beach is deserted. My ships are on the other side of the island, near the village. This is my private beach. I had ordered my men to retreat when we were ambushed by the vampires. They should be getting back.

  My army is stationed outside the castle, and I have other ships docked and ready for war. My most trusty nobleman was with me. I hope Julian fled with his boat. Leonard is guarding my kingdom. He's my beta, the captain of my troops and my best friend. I'll send ships to look for survivors. Surely, someone else besides me escaped.


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