Girl World (The Reverse Harem Records Book 1)

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Girl World (The Reverse Harem Records Book 1) Page 1

by Tiffany Banks

  GW Tiffany

  The Reverse Harem Records Book 1

  Tiffany Banks

  Copyright © 2017 by Tiffany Banks

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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  1. The News

  2. A girl’s night out

  3. Missing Manservant

  4. Earth’s most important meeting


  Also by Tiffany Banks


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  The News

  “Pick it up,” my good friend, Tab’s, voice was low and menacing.

  “Y-yes, She,” Tab’s now trembling servant stammered. He grabbed for the tumbled glass of wine, but it slipped out of his grasp just as soon as he reached the vessel. The glass did a slow motion somersault through the air, as the boy dived, his hand outstretched and open, trying his best to curtail any further mess. He didn’t succeed. The glass crashed against the marble coffee table on which it was previously perched before he had knocked it over. The boy-servant’s head swerved toward his mistress, his mouth a perfect “O” of surprise.

  “You pathetic piece of sh--”

  “Tab,” I cautioned, stepping closer to the incident, hoping my proximity would defuse my friend’s anger somewhat. My bestie of nearly thirty years charged across the cream colored shag pile toward her servant, holding an elec-wep stiffly in front of her.

  “Tab, no!” But I couldn’t reach her in time. Holding the charged weapon to the front of her servant’s throat, she released the current. A faint smell of ozone filled the air at the same time as Tab’s aide’s scream filled the same space. His body convulsed in rippling waves as Tab held the elec-wep firmly against the male’s adam’s apple. Trails of foamy spittle gathered at the corners of the servant’s lips as his mouth worked wordlessly, electric pain taking away his speech. I winced, and felt the sudden upsurge of nausea in my stomach.

  “How the fuck did you guys ever rule the world?” Tab spat at the convulsing man, her face a humorless sneer. “You’re pathetic. What are you?” She pressed the elec-wep harder into the boy’s throat, eliciting a wet, gargling noise. Whether it was fate or my desperately uttered mental prayers, Tab’s elec-wep jammed. The electric blue current evaporated and the servant slumped to the floor, his body heaving in deep ragged breaths.

  Tabbernia looked at the weapon in disgust. “Cheap crap,” she said, already hurling the device across the room. I took the momentary break in the male torture scene as an opportunity.

  “Tab, let’s go outside, it’s beautiful out there,” I nodded toward my friend’s well appointed balcony, hoping to create some distance between ourselves and the downed servant-boy before Tabbernia got angry again. I nudged the male with my foot. “You heard She, clean that up. And, have some lemon tea sent to the balcony,” I looked to my friend, a satisfied smile claiming my lips. Tab shook her head and laughed.

  “You’ll never know how to control your labor, Callyn,” she said. “You know that, right?”

  I stuck my tongue out, and walked casually toward the plant enriched balcony, my friend, thankfully, following me.

  I stepped out into a blissfully dappled sunlight, thanks to the grapevine covered pergola positioned in the middle of the spacious balcony.

  “Wow, you’ve got it looking nice out here,” I offered. The place really did look great. Greenery everywhere, punctuated only by small vibrant flowers here and there.

  “Well, at least the shills are good for something,” Tab grumbled about her servant gardeners handiwork. I took a seat on a rocking loveseat while Tab preferred to look out over the sprawling city below. She looked nervous. I wondered if she knew already. She turned toward me, and it looked to me as if her smile was forced.

  “So, this has to be a first, you calling on me on a Sunday afternoon.” My friend raised her eyebrows at me in question, but her eyes were darting left and right. Almost as if she didn’t want to hear the reason for my unannounced visit.

  “Excuse me, She,” Tab’s servant bowed his head in deference as he laid a silver tray of lemon tea and two china cups onto the rattan table between me and my friend.

  Tab said nothing. She busied herself with stirring the tea instead.The waiter left wordlessly. Presumably he’d heard from his colleague about what kind of mood their mistress was in this morning.

  “I have news, Tab,” I began. I hadn’t practiced what I was going to say to her. I didn’t want it coming off as contrived. After all, the news was as big as a surprise to me as it likely was going to be for my friend.

  “You’ve been picked.” Her words were flat. I turned to look at my friend, but she had swiveled her body, her face, away from me, look out over the metropolis below instead.

  “H-how did you know? Did Agnass tell you?” I spoke of our mutual gossipy friend. But, I was pretty sure Agnass knew nothing. Last I’d heard she was in Dubai on an under-thirties orgy vacation. She’d be in a nomadic tent in the middle of the desert now, with a middle-eastern clutch of harem men seeing to her every fleshly desire.

  “Nope,” Tab turned to me then. Her eyes were sparkling. She’d been crying. “Doesn’t take a genius to know that you’d be one of the channels.” My friend ran a hand through her blonde hair, the dappled sunlight bouncing off the tasteful silver streaks laced throughout her tresses. She offered me a too-sweet smile. “Seems you have Universal likeability, Cal.”

  “Tab,” I mumbled.

  “What? You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. Of course you’d be picked.” My friend lifted a dainty porcelain teacup to her lips and sipped at the warm citrus liquid.

  “Well, I wasn’t expecting to be picked. I wasn’t, Tab. I never thought th--”

  “Callyn Roth, do have any idea how big the betting pool was for you to be picked? You were favorite, for fuck’s sake,” Tab flopped onto the adjacent loveseat, and exhaled loudly.

  “I - I, well …”

  “Oh, shut up. Tab drained her tea and leaned forward to pour more. “Just tell me how it went down, k? No bullshit, Cal. It’s me you’re talking to here. Just tell me how it happened and what it felt like.” Tabbernia looked up at me, her expression wanting. And, waiting.

  “It felt like,” I stopped. What did it feel like? I threw my mind back to the strange event, and as the memories flooded my neural pathways, my body responded in its own kind of flooding. I felt the warm, wet heat radiate almost immediately from my pussy, connecting to a similar sensation traveling down from my naval. I had to catch my breath just so I could continue. “It was surreal, Tab,” I said earnestly. “Like my every nerve ending, every single fiber of my being, you know … was flooded. Literally flooded with knowledge and love and desire. I - I don’t know how I know it was these things that were washing over and into me, but I was feeling them and … No. I was them. I was all knowledge. All love. All desire. I was all times and all places. It was …” I looked at my friend. Her expression was twisted in non comprehension. It was hopeless. How could I explain such an event? There were no words; no words could ever be created for the peace, beau
ty and electrifying sexual sensation that my body had just recently lived through.

  “Tab, it was spiritual. Beyond anything. And, I don’t know what else to say, I’m sorry.”

  A single plump tear coursed its way down my friend’s creamy cheek. She nodded, pushing the tear from the edge of her chin. It dropped onto her exposed knee. Tab clapped her hands suddenly. It startled me. I had fallen into a deep sense of ease just recalling the alien contact I’d had just two nights before.

  “Well, girl, we have to celebrate! You’re about to be one of the first women -- of Earth, at least -- to be impaled on a twelve inch, double-headed alien cock.” Tab walked over to me and slapped my back in a buddy-buddy gesture.

  “I’m there to learn, Tab. To learn, that’s all,” I shook my head at my girlfriend’s dirty mind.

  “Yeah, well, you may have left it out of your severely lacking description of your first contact, but I do know the Nordic’s transmit their knowledge through their dicks, Cal,” Tab gave me a smug grin while she watched my face flush with embarrassment. Her observation brought back the memory I was trying to push down when I relayed my story to my friend. It was too delicious. Too sweet and mind blowing to share with another. I wanted to keep that memory to myself for when I was alone. But, as usual, my astute friend had busted me. And, as usual, she was enjoying my discomfort at having being caught.

  “Won’t take no for an answer. We party. You can shower here, and borrow something of mine.” Tab started undressing on the spot. “I shower first.” Completely naked, my friend sauntered away from me and toward her shower room, a male attendant already greeting her with a bathrobe. I sipped at my tea. I was alone. The memory …

  I’d woken up to the sensation of a body lying directly behind me. A foreign arm was across my stomach and the same arm was pulling me into an incredibly muscular frame. I couldn’t see this, but I could feel every rippling sinew firmly against every part of my body that came into contact with the as yet unseen solid mass. I wasn’t scared. Not in the least. Although, by rights, I probably should have been. I mean the energy was undeniable; a man was in my bed and was pulling me against his frame, but I knew. Just knew that this wasn’t an earthly experience I was having. We had been forewarned, of course, so I guess that could have put a bit of perspective on the situation -- we’d been told that two women per each earth city would be contacted. Picked. We’d been advised that it would be a highly sexual experience, and also that we weren’t to fight it. We were to receive the information; the knowledge, willingly and without fuss. The knowledge was exactly what Earth needed right now. Being as we had managed to steer ourselves into a crumbling society of inequality so great it was enough to rival the times of when men were in power. We’d lost our way, and the Nordic’s, our brother’s from another planet, had offered their help. They were to teach us how to love again. And, by all accounts, rumors and conjectures, the Nordic’s were love machines.

  No, I hadn’t cried out when I had felt that cool, strong embrace. I knew what was happening even though I didn’t know what was going to happen. The large, smooth hand that had pulled me closer had moved up my torso, as light as a feather and tickling like a cool breeze. I had felt the humid warmth of a sigh blow into my neck just below my ear. Whomever or whatever it was behind me had been excited. But, not in an uncontrolled way. It was a measured, intelligent excitement. Don’t ask me how I knew that, i just did.

  The alien hand reached the bottom arc of my right breast, and it hovered there for a few seconds. I could feel pulses of chilled energy tingle over my tit, reaching my nipple and seemingly circling it in teasing vibrations. His hand opened fully, flicking out long, slender fingers and with the unfurling of his palm came waves of energetic sensations that emanated from my boob and travelled to my saturated pussy. The energy was a river, and the river’s mouth was my flooded cunt. I couldn’t breathe, the sensation was too overpowering, too beautiful. The alien hadn’t even really touched me yet. Another moist exhalation from my tormentor behind me. I was about to turn, to face the intruder. I had seen hand drawn pictures of these Nordic’s handed around the She Council just last week. The beings were stunning. A pale blue-gray skin, stretched glossily over meat and muscle so perfectly honed they made Michelangelo’s David look like a couch potato. Their eyes were discs of ultra-violet irises. No whites, just pitch-black pupils and irises of refracted, high energy light. They were beautiful, and even from the hand renderings, it felt as if you could fall into those magical orbs. We called them Nordics. We had no other way of explaining them. They were tall, fair, superior and muscular. Not one person; male or female, had actually seen a Nordic in real life, but the beings came to a select few of us by way of channeling. Through this mental hyper-connectivity, we saw them, but we didn’t. We felt them, but we didn’t. Like I said earlier to Tab, meeting a Nordic could be more accurately described as a spiritual event than anything else. A knowing as opposed to anything that could be picked up from the five senses. I leaned back in the love seat, my feet dangling, and with a speckled patch of sun of my upturned face, I continued to relive the event of my first contact. As I mentioned, I had tried to turn to face him, but a firm force between my legs had stopped me. I wasn’t quite sure what I was feeling at first, so I lay absolutely still, seeing the alien’s strangely handsome face clearly in my mind, even though I was facing the other way. In the mental image I had of him I saw his wide mouth curl up in a deviously playful smile. And then I felt the nudge of some kind of organic probe, pulling my panties to the side, and then nuzzling, pushing, almost kissing the wet folds of my wanting slit. It wasn’t his fingers. What the f…

  I let my mind relax and another image came to my inner eye. Sharp and true. A penis. Pale gray-blue, at least twelve inches long and four inches in girth. Pristine. No blemishes. Glossy. The head almost perfectly round and about the size of a small child’s fist. There was a foreskin; slightly darker blue than the rest of the perfect shaft. I let the image go when I felt my intruder’s alien cock nudge at my wet folds once more. And that’s when I felt another ‘probe’ graze against my panties that had wedged themselves into my ass. And then a gentle push. I felt the thin material of my underwear work their way a little deeper into my ass crack. My whole body was on fire, it was almost painful. The image of what was happening in my excited regions came to me then. I saw not one, but two of the pale skinned prick’s. They worked in tandem, as a finger and opposable thumb might work together. The first cock had plunged into my pussy without warning. It felt too big, and I wasn’t sure whether the sensation was of pain or pleasure. I pushed the weight of my body down onto it, however. Why I had been so rabid to have this alien rod inside me, I don’t know, but it had felt supremely important at the time. I wanted to be filled. More than anything than I had ever before wanted.

  It was to be a tease. Of the most unbearable kind imaginable.

  Once inside me, the Nordic behind me stopped moving. I sensed, rather than heard, “Take your knowledge now.” My body stilled and the alien tool inside me became equally motionless. And, the tease? I had my pussy stuffed with an enormous length and depth of alien manhood and even though this beautiful piston wasn’t moving, it was still rock-hard, and I could feel the blood inside the Nordic’s cock pumping and whooshing, keeping it erect and full of energetic life. It was insanely sexy. With each pulse of plasma that traveled through my alien intruder’s shaft, my pussy tightened around it, quivering at the edges of full release. At the same time, my mind, clear and alert, was filled with alien knowledge. The swirling images, words and impressions that crowded my head sharpened a little with every subtle throb of the Nordic’s blood-filled cock. I gasped, my body shook and my cunt gushed its torrent of fulfilment at the exact moment my head was filled with one word: Love.


  A girl’s night out

  “Wow, this place is a shit show! Awesome!” Tab screamed at me over the top of at least thirty glitter-filled hairdos. My friend, at least five rows of
people removed from the bar caught the bartender’s eye with a wave of her She Council card. Tabbernia didn’t mind flaunting her status and using it to her advantage. The bartender, a manservant in his early twenties waved her forward, and my friend, dressed in what could only be described as a pink translucent membrane slinked her way forward, her pert ass cheeks clearly visible through the risque material. It looked as though she had been shrink-wrapped inside a bubblegum bubble. I hung at the outer reaches of the bar crowd, hoping to use all the surrounding bodies as camouflage. I felt ridiculously self-conscious in the get-up my friend had deemed suitable for me for tonight’s festivities. Not that I didn’t own one of these suits myself; I had a few, and I loved them. They were comfy and stretched and expanded with your every movement. But, I chose to wear mine at home, in my personal chambers when I needed ‘seeing to’ by one of my aides. There was no doubt; the suits made you feel sexy. Every curve was accentuated by slick, tension filled space material. The futuristic fabric covered nearly the whole of your body, all the way to right up under your chin. But there was a ‘crucial’ opening. A zipper, from the top of your pussy mound, between your legs, all the way to your tailbone. If, in the company of servants, the zipper was in the ‘open’ position, then it served as a wordless contract between servant and mistress: ‘Satisfaction is required.’ If closed, then the servant would continue with his regular, nonsexual duties. I reached between my legs discretely and tugged the zipper closed. Or, nearly closed. A tuft of errant pubes stood to attention, denying the zipper full closure. The zipper, (the fucker that it is) simply responded to the hairy obstruction with a row of gnashing teeth.


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