Ryan's Love

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Ryan's Love Page 12

by Charlie Dillard

  “Dad, I can’t live without her. I don’t know what I’d do if she doesn’t come back home,” I say.

  He doesn’t even look at me as he says, “Son I know exactly how you feel. Your mom and I had a rough beginning too. Definitely not as bad as you and Sunshine’s, but almost. I was going thru some of the same feelings that you are. I almost lost your mom and you three boys because of my stupid naive self, and trusting the wrong type of people. But I got thru it. We got thru it together. I just pray that things work out for you because if they don’t, and she doesn’t come back, you will be miserable for the rest of your life.”

  When he finished he looked up at me, gave me a quick nod. Then left the kitchen with the full tray of sandwiches and a bottle of water. Stumbling all the way back to his and moms room. When everyone saw that he was in the room, they all ran over to me.

  “What did he say,” they all ask me at once.

  I blew out my breath and readied myself to answer but was interrupted by a loud banging on the front door.

  Boom Boom Boom

  “What the hell is that,” I say as I hop up and go to the door to open it, and cuss out whoever was on the other side.

  “Wait, you don’t know who it is,” Patrick says halting me.

  “So,” I say to him.

  “But what if its someone who wants to do something to mom or Sunshine,” Killian added.

  “Mom is in the back with dad and Sunshine’s not here. Now unless you all are afraid I’m opening this damn door,” I say yanking the door open only to find Charlie Sunshine’s best friend standing outside the house in the pouring rain.

  She was soaked thru her clothes and she had her hand up ready to pound on the door again, when I yanked the door open.

  “Oh. Hi Ryan. Is your mother here? I really need to talk to her,” she said shyly, trying her hardest not to look me in the eye.

  I know why she’s acting like this towards me, and I hate that she feels this way towards me. She is Sunshine’s best friend. I wanted the first time we met to be on better terms.

  “My mother is not doing to well. She is sleep right now. Is there anything that I can help you with,” I ask?

  “Who is it,” Patrick says from behind me.

  I see her eyes immediately search his voice out, but drop back down when he steps up to the front door. She flinches a bit when he steps out in front of me and touches her shoulder.

  “Come in out of the rain, Charlie. You’re soaking wet,” he says trying to nudge her into the house.

  She steps back from underneath his grasp and looks up at the both of us with scared but strong eyes. If that makes any sense.

  “I really shouldn’t. My plane will be here soon. I have to get to the airport,” she says like she was trying to figure out a way to get away from the two of us.

  “But what is it that you wanted to tell mom that was so important,” I asked?

  “Well, I don’t think I should tell you. I mean. I can leave you my number that you can give to your mom when she wakes up. Hopefully she has a chance to call before its too late,” she says.

  “Too late,” Patrick says in question form?

  She suddenly looks more nervous than she did a few seconds ago. I don’t think she meant to say that last part.

  My brother got down in front of her and laid it on thick.

  “Charlie, please tell us whats going on,” he says running his hands up and down her arms.

  Her eyes closed briefly as she sighed and let him touch her.

  “Well, I guess it will be ok to tell you, Patrick,” she says as he walks her into the house and into the living room.

  “Charlie, your wet. Your going to get sick,” Killian says as he walks over to her side; and places a hand on her forehead

  Patrick gives him a low growl, causing him to look up at him and step back. Killian winks at Charlie and strolls back to the hallway cabinet and retrieves a blanket. He hands it to Patrick instead of Charlie and chuckles as he walks back over to the couch, plopping himself down.

  Patrick wraps the blanket around a now shivering Charlie and continues to rub his hands up and down her arms.

  “So Charlie. What is it that you needed to tell mom that was so important,” I ask?

  She shies away from me and back into Patricks arms.

  “I’m sorry. Its just that Ryan is so hurt by you Ryan. Its odd for me to be this close to you and not smack you,” she said not looking up at me.

  Patrick giggled under his breath, but didn’t say anything.

  “I know things are very messed up right now, but you will soon know that nothing you think is true about is actually true,” I say.

  She looks at me not fully believing a word that I was saying.

  “So Charlie, are you gonna tell me what you were going to tell mom,” Patrick asks her.

  She blinks up at him and smiles deep, then she releases a quick breath.

  “Ryan, I mean Sunshine is going to leave, and I don’t know where she’s going or what to do about it,” Charlie cried.

  Patrick drew her into his chest as soothed her by smoothing her hair down and whispering into her ear that everything was going to be ok.

  “Where is she at,” I ask?

  “I really shouldn’t tell you. She is going to be so upset with me if I tell you,” she whispered.

  I had to still myself for a few seconds before I spoke to her again. I was frantic to to know where Sunshine was at. I needed to find her before she leaves from my life for good. But I don’t want to speak too soon and my frustration and anger show, scaring her off from telling me about Sunshine.

  “Ok come over here and sit down so I can explain to you the whole situation. Then maybe you will feel comfortable telling me where she is at,” I say to her pointing over to the couch.

  I could tell she was struggling within herself if she should sit or leave. When Patrick came into her view she smiled and walked over to the couch and sat down.

  I went to the kitchen and poured her a cup of coffee, from the steaming pot my mom had lift on the stove; and added sugar and cream before I took it over to her and sat down next to her on the couch. After taking a sip of the coffee, she sat back into the couch carefully cupping the cup between her shivering hands.

  “Ok, so here is why today has been so crazy,” I say then tell her the full story.

  I told her about how Rachel has been trying to come between us from the beginning. How I stupidly trusted her and put myself in some ill-advised situations. How Rachel was set straight, but what we didn’t know was she was extremely unstable; and she was going to come back with a force that blew us all away. I told her how she followed Mom and Sunshine around and took pictures; breaking into the house to take more as they slept. Then I told her about how her and four guys with guns barged into the hotel we were in and told us that if we didn’t have sex with her she was going to shoot mom and Sunshine.

  When I was finally finished telling her everything, I was totally drained and thoroughly ashamed at what happened.

  “Wow. That is pretty crazy,” she gasped.

  Then she glances around the room at all of us. Slowly eyeing each one of us with cautious eyes. She didn’t or couldn’t look at Patrick again. Who she now shied away from and slowly scooted to the far side of the couch, away from him.

  “How do I know you’re telling me the truth,” she asked not looking up from her cup?

  “There is a video of everything. Even of her laughing at us when everything was finished; and her telling us how stupid we were for thinking she would really do anything to mom or Sunshine. That she just wanted to make Sunshine leave me. That if she couldn’t have me then she would make sure no one else wanted me,” I say.

  “A video. Where is it,” she asked with increased breathing.

  Oh there’s no way in hell I was going to let her watch that video.

  “Its over there,” I say pointing to the phone on the table.

  She reaches for it but Patrick quick
ly snatches it from the table before she could get it.

  “You don’t need to watch this,” he says to her while holding the phone tight.

  I could see that she was beginning to get a little upset even though she was still soaked and shivering.

  “Why not? You don’t want me to see you having sex with that woman,” she says pointing her finger into his chest.

  “No, actually I don’t. Its not one of my best moments,” he says.

  “Well I don’t care what you want,” she says reaching over and snatching the phone from his hands and tries to search for the video.

  Patrick quickly launches himself at her. She jerks back onto the couch to get away from him, falling flat on her back with a soft plop; her arms falling open. Causing her to drop the phone on the floor and Patrick to land on top of her. Killian grabs the phone off of the floor.

  “I won’t let you watch the whole video, but you can see the end were she was talking. If you want,” Patrick says to Charlie while still being sprawled on top of her.

  She squirmed around a bit under him and leaned up and said something in his ear, that only he could hear. He quickly jumped up off of her; shaking his head and smiling as he sat up on the couch and helped her up too.

  Killian handed her the phone and she pressed play. Her face showed the disgust as she listen to all the words Rachel was saying.

  “Did Ryan see this part,” she asked me?

  “No. It was stopped at a part right before that.”

  “Maybe she wouldn’t want to leave if she saw this,” Charlie said holding the phone up her hands shaking.

  She started to shake all over at some point.

  “I think that might be the only thing that will help get her to come back to me,” I say grabbing the phone from her hands.

  “Patrick, why don’t you go set her up in that room back by mom and dad’s,” I say.

  He swiftly grabs her up and helps her back to the back of the house. As I sat back onto the couch and breathed a sigh of relief, Killian brought something up that had so easily slipped my mind.

  “Hey, she never told us where Sunshine was at.”

  Shit. She didn’t tell us. I was up on my feet, walking to the back of the house to ask her when Patrick walked out of the room.

  “Hey. Did she tell you where Sunshine was at,” I ask, praying to myself that she had.

  He grins and says, “Yeah. She says that Sunshine is at the Westin. But that she is leaving in the morning and she doesn’t know where she is going.”

  “Good, good. I’m going to make my way over there to see if I can get her to at least stay and let mom help her. Even if she doesn’t want to be with me,” I say as the both of us walk back into the living room.

  “Patrick, what did she say to you that made you jump from on top of her so quickly.”

  He gave me another grin and said, “She told me that if she wasn’t a virgin waiting on her prince charming; and that if I wasn’t such a dirty boy, that she’d let me be the one to taste her tight wet pussy first.”

  “Well damn. I’d say go get her if things were different right now.”

  “I know man. I know. When I helped her back to the room, she was shivering like a jackhammer in her wet clothes. So I helped her out of the wet clothes and she stood there in front of me naked and shivering, wrapping her arms around her body the best she could. I tell you brother the sweet look she had on her face melted me. I swear I could live in them forever,” my brother says sighing as he heavily dropped into the kitchen counter.

  “Why don’t you go back in there and hold her; you know comfort her, be there for her.”

  “You think,” he asked hopefully.

  “Yeah,” I reply.

  He jumped up and scurried back to the room where she was.

  “Ok, guys I’m off to get my woman,” I say to Killian and James.

  Who were both slouched over on the couch, starting to fall asleep.

  “Did you want me to go with you,” James asks?

  “No I have to do this on my own,” I reply and leave out the house, hoping my plan to get her back works.

  Chapter 13 (Sunshine)

  “Man, was today a long hard day or what,” I say to myself as I fall back onto the soft hotel room bed.

  Wishing that I fall asleep fast and wake up with Ryan in my arms; and this whole day would be a dream. That he and I would be happily married, and there would be none of this Rachel nonsense going on. I let myself slowly be pulled into that perfect little fantasy dream world of mine; and closed my eyes as I moved over to my side and snuggle into the thick soft covers.


  Ring Ring Ring

  What the heck is that? I think as I am jolted out of my sleep by what sounds like a loud ringing cellphone. I open my eyes to look for were the sound was coming from but it stopped. So closed my eyes again, hoping I could get some more sleep.

  Soon as I did that I hear a beeping noise right by my head. I realize that it was my phone, so I grabbed it and swiped the screen to see what it was. What in the Sam Hain? It was another video, and Rachel’s face was up on the screen with a satisfied grin on her face.

  Oh no. I don’t think I could stomach another one of her sickening videos. I’ve seen enough of her and my Ryan together. My Ryan. Huh, what a joke. I was so stupid to believe his lies once again. I knew he would hurt me but it hurt too much to stay away from him. Look at me now though. I’m very pregnant, alone, and hurt more than I ever thought was possible.

  I tried to lay down and go back to sleep, but I couldn’t. All I could think about was how I’m going to be living and dying without the love of my life; and it hurts.

  Since I can’t seem to get comfortable and sleep. I get up from the bed and take off the full set of clothes I still had on. From my shoes to my underwear. I can’t believe I fell asleep fully dressed. Grabbing a nice soft flowing dress from my overnight bag that I brought with me to my hotel room, I carefully put it on by stepping into it and pulling it up over my thighs, belly, then breast. I step into the bathroom to have a look at myself, and I am sad at what I see. I see a woman who is so sad and broken; and I don’t like it. I wash my face with a wet hot washrag, brush my teeth, then trudge back to the bed and stretch out on it. Just as I close my eyes, my stupid phone beeps again.

  Beep Beep Beep

  Oh my goodness. I knew I should have turned this phone off. Matter of fact I think I’m just going to get a brand new phone tomorrow when I leave. That way I can call Charlie when I get to where ever I’m going, like I promised her; and not have to be bothered by anyone else bothering me.

  When I pick up my phone and go to turn it off, I see a message from Ryan on the screen.

  “Please watch the video, Honey. It will explain why everything happened that why that it did. I love you. Ryan.”

  He must really think that I’m stupid enough to fall for any of his lies again. I’m not falling for it again.

  “Please talk to me. I know where you are. Can I come up to your room to talk to you? Ryan”

  Oh no. He knows where I’m at. I have to get out of here. I hop up off of the bed and grab my bag, phone, and purse. Then I fly out of the room and to the front desk.

  “I want to check out,” I tell the night desk man.

  “Are you sure? Is everything ok with your room,” he asks with a smile?

  “Oh of course it is. I just had a change of plans, and I have to leave sooner than I was planning too,” I say trying not to sound nervous.

  He eyes me for a few seconds, making me somewhat uncomfortable then he takes the key card that I already placed on the counter.

  When he was thru checking me out, he said that if I every needed a room don’t hesitate to call.

  “Thank you,” I say as I quickly made my way out of that stupid hotel and to my car.

  I am about two steps from it when I notice a familiar looking car parked right next to it.

  “Sunshine, can we please talk,” Ryan calls out to me
as he steps from the car.

  Oh no. Ryan.

  “I bet you think your pretty smart sending me that message,” I say as I stepped closer to my car.

  He moved close to my car door, so I would have to have to go around him to get into my car.

  “No, no, no. Please leave me alone. I have to go,” I say trying to step around him.

  He moved so he was still in my way.

  “Please Ryan. Please, just let me go. I can’t be around you right now,” I cry.

  He raises his hands up as if to comfort me. I smack his hands away.

  “Don’t ever touch me. You lost the right to touch me when you put your filthy hands on her,” I screamed at him.

  Now I was within an inch of his face and I was trembling and panting. I so want to smack him right across the face. But I couldn’t as mad as I was at him right now, I still loved him.

  “Please,” I whisper.

  “Sunshine, please come to the house and talk. I need to know that you are safe. Mom was so worried about you and the baby that she damn near passed out on the living room floor; and Dad had to carry her to bed.”

  “Mom. Oh no. I never wanted to hurt her like that,” I cried into my hands.

  “I’m just so hurt right now, that I had to get away.”

  “I know. I’m so sorry that I was apart of your pain. Please come to the house so we can talk. If your decide you still want to leave in the morning I won’t try and stop you,” he said.

  I glance up into his eyes to see if he was being truthful with me. I saw sadness, pain, and truth in his eyes and on his face. I knew he was being honest right now with me. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to go talk before I left. I’m leaving in the morning still no matter what.

  “Ok,” I say.

  “Good. I’ll ride with you,” he says going around my car and readying himself to get in.

  “No you’re not. I don’t want to be in the same car with you right now.”

  He looked like he was hurt by what I just said. But who cares. I’m the one that has a reason to be hurt.

  “Ok then,” he says then he walks back to his car and gets in.

  I carefully slid into my car and pull off out of the hotel parking lot. Ryan followed behind me. Which I’m sure he planned on doing if I didn’t let him ride with me, to make sure I didn’t try and escape.


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