Ryan's Love

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Ryan's Love Page 16

by Charlie Dillard

  “What are you saying,” I yelled grabbing onto his sleeve.

  Please don’t say that something happened to Sunshine or the baby.

  Mom grabbed ahold of me and whispered to listen, that he was just doing his job.

  “I’m sorry Sir. I’m just anxious to know what is going on. I need for them to be ok,” I say almost pleading.

  “It’s ok,” he says them he continues on.

  “The doctor’s found out she had placenta previa and there was so much bleeding. We had to do an emergency c-section and remove the babies from her before we could get the bleeding under control. As soon as we did that she seemed to be ok. But soon after the surgery was over she fell into a coma.”

  “A coma,” I cried out.

  I didn’t care who was there to see. I collapsed to my knees and began to cry.

  “Please tell she she will be ok. I can’t live without her,” I cried to the man.

  “There is no way of knowing when or even if she will come out of it. All we can do now is wait and see.”

  “Oh no,” I say.

  My Mom speaks up and asks, “Can we see her?”

  The guy turns to her and says, “She’s up in the ICU now. You all can go visit her whenever you would like.”

  He gave us a sad look, then turned and left. Leaving us in the family waiting room.

  “Mom, what am I going to do? I need her,” I cry into my Mom’s shoulder.

  She bent down and helped me to stand up and lean on her for support. She smoothed her hands down my back.

  “Son the only thing we can do is be there for her, giving her all the love and support we can; and pray for her to come to us soon.”

  “I know your right Mom, it so hard thinking she might not comeback. That I may never see her sweet smile again,” I mutter.

  “She’s going to be just fine. She is a strong woman. She got my sweet baby boy to be good, so I know she is a strong woman that will pull thru just fine,” My Mom assured me.

  “She is a pretty strong woman,” I laugh.

  “Hey is it just me, or did anyone else catch that guy saying the babies,” Sunshine’s brother James said.

  “No he didn’t, did he,” I ask looking around in everyone’s thoughtful faces.

  When my eyes stopped on Mom, she was smiling big and said, “Well you are a triplet. Maybe she had twins.”

  “It’s not possible. I was there when she got an ultrasound. There was only one heartbeat.”

  “Sometimes they make mistakes,” Dad chimed in.

  “Lets all go up to the nursery to see,” Mom said.

  “I don’t know. I want to go see Sunshine,” I said, trying to come to terms with the turmoil I was feeling about who to go see first.

  Mom grabbed hold of my hand and squeezed it.

  “Honey, I know you are plenty afraid for her right now, but you have to go see the babies first. Then you can sit with her all you want. Do want to not be able to answer her, when she wakes up and asks you about the babies. I think she’d want you to go see them, touch them, kiss them first.”

  “Mom,” I say.

  She begin guiding my to the elevator.

  “Everything is going to be fine, I promise,” my mom says as we all squeezed onto the elevator.

  I wanted to believe her, I wanted to believe that my Sunshine would again shine her bright smile on me soon. I just can’t help but be discouraged, because of what was going on.

  When the elevator dinged and opened to the maternity floor, my Mom all but pushed me out the way trying to hurry off to the nursery. I walked slowly behind her so I could gather myself.

  As soon as I walked up to the nursery window a nurse was at my side. “What’s your name,” she asks?

  “I’m Ryan Callahan. My wife is in the ICU, earlier she gave birth before she went into a coma,” I answered.

  I look of pity and sorrow crossed her face; then understanding.

  “If you come right this way I have a few papers for you to fill out,” she says and walked to the nurse’s station.

  She then placed in front of me a small stack of forms. I quickly filled them out the best I could. She asked to see my I.D., then she gave me a band so I will be able to go to the nursery whenever I wanted. When everything was taken care of she walked me back over to the nursery window.

  “So are you ready to see your babies,” she asked smiling.

  “So she did have more than one,” I asked?

  “Yes,” the nurse said smiling.

  Then she opened the nursery door and lead me in. There were a few rows of pink and blue blankets wrapped around sleeping and a few crying babies. I looked around to see if I could tell which ones were mine. At the far end of the room there were two sleeping babies. One had a pink blanket and one was wrapped in a blue blanket.

  “A boy and a girl,” I proclaim.

  “Yes, they are very beautiful and well behaved babies. Would you like to hold them,” she asks?

  I just nodded and sat down in the chair that she waved me to.

  When I sat down I could only be nervous. I don’t know how to hold them. Will I drop them? Will they know me?

  Two nurses walk over holding one of the babies each. The first nurse placed the baby girl in my left arm, then the nurse that brought me in here placed the baby boy in my right arm. I immediately looked up at them.

  “If afraid that I will drop them.”

  “Most man think the same thing. But I think you’ll do just fine,” she said smiling them walking off, leaving me to have some alone time with my babies.

  They are so small and amazing. Their skin is so smooth and soft. Their faces have such a peaceful look on them. I could feel myself begin to tear up at how lucky and proud I feel right now. I have two amazing babies.

  I look up at the window when I hear a noise, like someone tapped it. I see my whole family standing there smiling. Mom was crying as she gazed at us. Dad was smiling, with his hand on Moms back rubbing it. Killian was grinning snapping pictures. Charlie had tears streaming down her face, with Patrick leaning down whispering something in her ear. My family. Its amazing that my whole family is here to share this moment with me. I just wish that my baby Sunshine was here too.

  “Nurse, can I come back later to see them,” I ask?

  “Sure, you can come anytime of the night or day.”

  “Great. I’m going to go sit with my wife. So I don’t know when I will be able to get back down here,” I say.

  She takes my son from my arms and places him in his basket. Then comes and take my baby girl from my arms. I want to stay longer, but I needed to go see my Sunshine. I just hate for the babies to not have someone there with them all the time.

  As she ushered me out of the nursery an idea came to mind.

  “Is there any way that my Mom could get to see the babies when I can’t be here,” I ask?

  She smiles and says, “You give one more person a band to go see the babies. Just send her over to the nurse’s station whenever you can and we will get her set up.”

  Great. I leave out of the nursery and my family surrounds me.

  “Oh Ryan, they are so beautiful. I’m so proud of you,” my Mom says hugging me tightly.

  “Thank you, Mom.”

  The rest of my family and Charlie and James congratulated me on the beautiful babies. I really felt nice to have my family here with me to support me, but all I wanted was to be with my Sunshine. I struggled thru the hugs and pats on the back before I finally excused myself. But not before telling Mom that she and only she was allowed to get a wristband from the nurse’s station so that she could go in and be with the babies whenever she wanted. I also told her that I needed for her to be with them as much as she could while I was by Sunshine’s side. She was nothing less than elated about being able to help take care of the babies. After a hug, a kiss and goodbye’s from everyone else, I made my way to my Love’s side and sat with her praying that she would come to. I am willing to take care of her as long a
s I need to. I love her.

  Chapter 17 (Sunshine)

  I feel extremely tired but I’m not really sleepy. I feel like my body is as heavy as a ton of bricks; and no matter how hard I try I can’t open my eyes. Sometimes I think I hear a man’s voice that sounds far away, but then I quickly disappears. The last thing I remember was bleeding on the bathroom floor of the hotel room, then I was rushed to the hospital and into the operating room so the doctor’s could see if they could stop the bleeding; and now I’m here. Laying here wanting to get up but feeling like a mack truck is sitting on my chest, holding me down.

  “Sunshine, I love you. Please Honey could back to me,” I faintly hear someone say.

  I know its Ryan. I know it is because I can feel him.

  “Ryan,” I screamed, but for some reason I don’t think he heard me because I drifted back off into darkness only hearing him tell me to keep fighting.

  “Ryan, Honey please go home and take a shower.”

  “No Mom, I can’t leave Sunshine here alone. I want to be here when she wakes up.”

  “I know son, but you need rest.”

  “Mom, thank you for worrying about me, but I’ll rest we she is back home.”

  “Ok son, I understand. I’m here for you if you need me.”

  “Ryan,” I call out to him.

  Oh my sweet sweet Ryan is here with me. He loves me. I want to touch him so bad right now. I suddenly feel the softest touch on my lips. It feels and smells like Ryan is leaning over and kissing me. I try and will myself to kiss him back but I can’t seem to get it right. I can’t seem to make my lips move.

  I can hear Ryan sitting down on the bed with me and laying down beside me.

  “I will wait on you forever. I love you,” Ryan says.

  Then he kisses my forehead.

  “I love you too,” I breath then I fall back asleep.

  The next time I came too I felt very different. I felt warm and I had a massive pain in my stomach. I also didn’t feel Ryan next to me and I started freaking out.

  “Ryan. Ryan, please Ryan where are you,” I said as my right hand barely lifted off the bed to search for him.

  No answer.

  I tried calling him again.

  “Ryan, I need you,” I cry.

  This time I hear movement and feet walking towards me. Then I feel a hand squeeze mine.

  “Baby, did you call for me. Please tell I wasn’t hearing things,” Ryan asked then kissed my lips softly.

  This time when he kissed my lips and I moved to kiss him back, he felt it.

  “I knew I heard you. Say something else, please,” Ryan pleaded.

  “I love you,” I whispered, my eyes fluttering halfway open.

  I see Ryan smiling down at me with tears in his eyes.

  “I’m so happy to see those wondrous eyes of yours,” Ryan says bringing my hand up to his mouth and kissing it.

  I just looked at him and smiled; taking in the beauty of the man before me. As I lay there gazing in his eyes, he reached over and called for the nurse and told them I was awake.

  “How do you feel,” he asked.

  “Happy,” I say.

  As Ryan was leaning into me the doctor walked into the room.

  “So I see our lovely Mrs. Callahan is up,” he says coming over to my side.

  “Yes,” is all I say.

  He then turns to Ryan and asks him what happened, and Ryan quickly tells him. The doctor then turns back to me and shines a light in my eye; then he gives me a little work over. As well as asks me a few questions. I did everything the best I could. But I was tired still.

  “Alright, I’ll let you rest for a bit, I’ll be back in a few hours to check up on you,” he says to me.

  Ryan walks him to the door and talks with him for a few minutes, then he comes back to my side.

  “What did he say to you out there?”

  “He says that you look good. That we have to see how you are in a few hours before we discuss anything else,” Ryan says smiling.

  “Ok,” I nod.

  “Where’s the baby,” I ask, remembering the baby.

  “They are great. The doctor said that they need to stay here for a week or so. Just long enough to gain a pound or two, then they can go home.”

  “They,” I question.

  “Yes, they. We have a boy and a girl; and they are amazing,” Ryan beams.

  “Ryan, really. I’m so excited. I can’t wait to see them. Where is everyone else,” I ask?

  Ryan smiles brightly down at me and says, “Oh I’m sure they are in the nursery with the babies.”

  “Did you name them yet?”

  “I was waiting on you,” he says.

  “Well my Mom’s middle name is Clara. I always thought that was a beautiful name for a girl,” I say tears falling down my face.

  Ryan brings his hand up and gently wipes the tears from my eyes.

  “I think its perfect for her. Honey wait until you see her. She reminds me of Mom so much. Except she has your wondrous eyes and a dimple by her mouth on her left cheek; and I swear her hair is as thick and soft as yours. I know when she gets older I’m going to have to crack a few heads,” he says beaming at me.

  “What about our son? What is he like,” I ask?

  “I was thinking about naming him Seamus. I’ve always loved that name. He also has your eyes. But half of his right eye is the color of mine. He has big hands and feet. I think he might be a footballer or something when he grows up.”

  “Wow, Ryan,” I gasp in wonder.

  “Exactly what I said when I saw them.”

  “So now that I’m awake when do I get to taste my Daddy’s Honey lips,” I say smiling.

  “You’re so bad,” Ryan says as me bends down and kisses my lips; running his tongue over my bottom lip, nibbling on it.

  “Better than I remember,” I say against his mouth.

  Quickly turning serious Ryan says, “Baby, I was so scared that you wouldn’t come back to me. I don’t know what I would have done without you. I love you so much.”

  My bring my hand slowly to his face and say, “Ryan, I dreamt of your sweet face the whole time I was out. Even though I couldn’t move I heard you talking to me, telling me you loved me, telling me you would wait for me. Baby, your strength and love for me brought me back. I love you. I’m so happy I get to spend my whole life with you.”

  Ryan sighed happily and gently hugged me. He held me like that as he tenderly rubbed my hair, lulling me quickly to sleep at the soft caress of his hand and the musical thumping of his heartbeat. Life is amazing. My babies are healthy; and I’m here in the love of my life’s arms. I couldn’t ask for more.


  “Mommy why can’t I go with Daddy and Seamus,” Little Clara says with a pouty mouth.

  I lean down in her face, gently cup her cheek and say, “Because Daddy promised that after he and Seamus got back from the store he would give you one of his famous piggyback rides; and you know how much he loves giving his special little lady a piggyback ride.”

  Clara’s face lights up at the thought of getting a piggyback ride, and she bounces away and back onto the swing set. She happily pumps her legs as she sings about getting to play with her daddy when he comes home. I smile as I think about how wonderful life is. I have the love of my life Ryan. I have our twins Seamus and Clara who are 4 1/2 years old; and our new little boy who is just 7 months old. He is just as sweet as our other two. He has bright eyes just like Ryan. We decided to name him Killian Patrick Callahan after his two uncles, both of whom love him with everything they have. Patrick grumbled a little bit at that one, but Ryan assured him that the next one would be named after him.

  Now all I have to do is find a way to tell him that, that may come a lot sooner than he thinks.




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