The Detective Inspectors (The Doorknob Society Saga Book 4)

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The Detective Inspectors (The Doorknob Society Saga Book 4) Page 11

by Fletcher, MJ

  I couldn’t imagine how he must be feeling. For the Old Kind, their Society was as close to family as one could find. To learn that they were infiltrated, or worse, is heartbreaking.

  “This probably isn’t the type of date you expected. I didn’t know how else to tell you.”

  “Don’t be silly. It’s not like there is ever a good time to tell someone news like that. At least now I know what the hell has been going on. I take it you have a plan?”

  “I do and I’ll need your help making it happen.”

  “You’ve got it.”

  “Thank you, Declan,” I said relieved that I could rely on him.

  He squeezed my hand and his lips curled up at the edges. “This doesn’t mean that you’re getting out of our date.”

  “No, um, of course not.” I gulped and he chuckled. I had assumed that he wouldn’t want to continue on as if it was a normal date. Apparently my ability to be wrong was hitting new heights.

  “You’re not very good at this are you?” He patted my hand.

  “That obvious?”

  “A bit, yes and after dropping the bomb on me that my Society is consorting with the enemy, I believe etiquette demands that you show me the date of a lifetime. So you need to up your game.”


  “Oh yes, most definitely, I could check the dating handbook but I am pretty sure about this one.”

  “Who am I to go against the handbook on dating?”

  “Exactly, I assume from here on out we have nowhere to go but up anyway.”

  “Famous last words.”

  “True, I shouldn’t tempt fate like that.”

  “Especially around me.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Let’s see, perhaps because every person around me tends to turn into a big walking target.”

  “Good thing I know how to protect myself then.”

  “Yeah, and I got your back.” I laughed happy for the moment. It had been a while since I had really enjoyed myself or anything for that matter. I hadn’t wanted to smile or laugh since Dad died but basically I hadn’t really been living. I should have known better. Dad would have never wanted me to stop living my life. Actually, he would have expected me to live it more fully.

  “Well with your reputation then, I think I’m in very good hands.”

  “I’m that scary am I?” I joked.

  “To some people very, you’ve earned a rather bad-ass rep.”

  “Good, maybe that’ll keep you in line.”

  I don’t know what made me turn toward the entrance. It wasn’t a sound that had caught my attention, the place being busy with a mixture of people talking, laughing, and waiters taking orders. No, it was a sense of something that drew my attention there. A group of people had entered the restaurant, a mix of men and women dressed professionally, and with them was a young blond girl. My eyes drifted to and locked on one in particular... and my blood ran cold.

  My mother had just walked in.

  Chapter 19

  Status: I’ve lost it!

  I was up and moving away from the table before Declan could say anything. My hand was around my Doorknob as I was maneuvered around the other patrons. The hostess had already shown the group to a table against a far wall. That worked well for me, since it boxed them in and gave me an escape route to the door or through the kitchen.

  My fingers tightened around my Doorknob but I didn’t activate it yet, I wanted to wait until the last moment. Mom was sitting at the head of the table with a woman on either side of her and the two men and the young girl sat on the other end.

  I was only a few steps away when I flipped the switch on my powers. My rage was boiling and I poured it into my vessel. My first hit on them was going to be catastrophic. They felt the energy immediately as each of them began looking around and reaching for their own vessels.

  “Chloe.” I heard Declan coming from behind me, but I didn’t care I was ending this now.

  Mom turned to me, her hand around her neck grasping her Skeleton Key, her eyes flared at the sight of me.

  Just as I was about to pull my Doorknob out, a hand grabbed my arm holding it in place and I looked back to see Declan behind me.

  “Chloe, what are you doing here?” My mother’s voice was uneven almost shaky.

  “You think you can talk to me normally after what you’ve done?” My voice dripped with venom as I yanked my arm away from Declan and prepared for a fight.

  “DI Hardcastle, what’s the meaning of this?” The woman to the right of my mother asked.

  “I’m sorry, ma’am,” Declan said quietly and I looked from him to her.

  “No worries, Miranda,” my mother said. “Chloe has issues with me that are well known. But I don’t think anyone here wishes to see anything bad happen in such a crowded place. Imagine the number of innocents who might get hurt.”

  I followed my mother’s glance where it landed on the young blond girl sitting at the end of the table. Our eyes caught for a moment and I could see the fear in hers.

  “Maybe you should just stay out of this, Miranda,” I said, finally turning away from the young girl.

  “The HVO doesn’t stay out of disputes; it is our job to resolve them.”

  Miranda had eyes like ice, her voice was just as cold and it made me shiver. “You’re HVO?”

  “Miranda Tarwynn, head of the HVO.”

  I bit my tongue and looked around the table. I didn’t recognize any of them but from the hard-core looks I was getting, I gathered they were all HVO.

  “Then why in the hell isn’t she in shackles?” I pointed to my mother.

  “Because, young lady, she called us and we are discussing the situation.”

  “Right, that’s what you’re doing.” I wanted to scream and throttle this woman but if I said too much they would realize that I knew they were all compromised.

  “DI Hardcastle, what are you doing here?” Miranda asked turning to Declan standing beside me.

  “We were having dinner, ma’am.”

  “Perhaps then, you should get back to dinner and let the adults handle this.” Miranda sneered at him and that was all I needed.

  “Lady, shut the hell up, I’m talking to this bitch, not you. And the last time I checked HVO doesn’t get to tell DS members what to do, unless you want to take that up with the Council.” Miranda’s eyes flared but I ignored her while my mother stifled a laugh and covered her mouth with her hand. “Something funny?”

  “Not at all, you’re very serious.” Mom’s hand slid off her Skeleton Key and into her purse.

  I reached out with my abilities searching the spectrum to find out just what my mother was doing. “I take everything seriously since you killed my father.”

  She stiffened at the comment and pulled something out of her bag. “You’re mistaken, dear, I did no such thing.”

  She smiled at me. How the hell could she smile at me and how the hell could she deny that she had killed Dad? I fought the urge to punch her in the face. “So it was someone else who called him Eli and shot him in the chest?”

  My power soared, from anger, preparedness, whatever, I didn’t care; I needed it and it didn’t fail me. It expanded out and around the group. I could sense each of their vessels and a few other devices they were carrying but I centered myself on my mom. Whatever was in her hand was emanating a power that I recognized, a Forget Me Not.

  “Lies like that is what forced me to contact the HVO to clear my name.” She rolled the orb around in her hand and I finally could see it. She caressed it as if he was a devoted pet and grinned at me.

  “Is that so?” I asked more calmly than I felt. That was the Forget Me Not that she used on Nightshade. It hadn’t been destroyed and was the reason he couldn’t remember me. And here she was tormenting me with it.

  “Yes, dear, it is. Why would I ever hurt anyone?” She continued to cuddle the orb.

  “Maybe we should go,” Declan whispered to me.

  He was right, we shou
ld probably leave before I did something foolish, but I was never one to miss an opportunity to be foolish. But more importantly, I never missed an opportunity to rescue a friend, especially one I had fallen in love with. That orb could free Nightshade, I couldn’t leave without it.

  I leaned over placing my hands on the table, my Doorknob clearly visible to everyone. My eyes narrowed and I looked from the orb to my mom. “You forgot one of the most important lessons you ever taught me.”

  “Did I now, dear, and what’s that?”

  I twisted my hand around the Doorknob and the tension hung like heavy in the room. “Always pay attention to what they don’t want you to see.”

  I brought my Doorknob up in a flash as my other hand shot out and snatched the orb from her hand. Her fingers grasped too late for it as I yanked it away. I hopped backward and snapped my wrist creating my energy whip.

  Screams echoed all around the room as the surrounding tables emptied, everyone running for cover. Declan remained by my side.

  “What are we doing?” he asked.

  “Being stupid.”

  “I thought so.” He pulled out his Silver Star and tendrils of energy spilled from it.

  “Give that back!” Mom screamed and jumped up, her eyes glowing with rage.

  “Come and get it.” I snapped the whip shattering the floor tiles in front of me, as if I dared her to cross the line.

  “DI Hardcastle, stop her now,” Miranda Tarwynn yelled.

  “Ma’am, I’m sorry about this, but you can kiss my ass.”

  Everyone at the table was up and ready to fight, the young girl nervously stepping away, fear prevalent in her wide eyes.

  “Take them both.” Miranda motioned and her three subordinates moved toward us.

  I clutched the Forget Me Not in my hand and considered making a run for it. But with all the people scrambling out of the restaurant, our exit would put way too many people in danger. And jumping through a portal with this many people after us would just end badly.

  “I hope you know how to fight?” I elbowed Declan.

  The tendrils from his Silver Star spun into chains and he raised them over his head and brought them around smashing the man to his right in the side and dropping him to the floor.

  “How’s that?” he asked.

  “Works for me.”

  “Don’t let her get away with that Forget Me Not!” Mom’s voice was hysterical and I was loving it. I’d finally gotten under her skin.

  “Yeah don’t let me get away.” I laughed as one of the women came at me, her Silver Star glowing brightly. She lost her balance as she rushed me. She was obviously a neophyte when it came to fighting, so I easily sidestepped her, not wanting to waste my energy on her and drove my elbow into the back of her neck knocking her out clean.

  The man who attacked next didn’t waste time, he threw a set of glowing silver shackles at me. I dodged them and brought my whip around cracking it off his Silver Star.

  Miranda rushed from around the table heading for Declan, but he already had his shield raised to blunt the attack. A surge of powerful energy made the hair on my neck rise and I spun away just in time to avoid a blast of pure energy from my mom that tore the table behind me in two.

  The HVO member took advantage, attacking with repeated blasts that pushed me back. I stumbled and cursed at the damn heels I had on. With determination born of pure anger, I dug in and finally held my ground, spinning my whip and deflecting the blasts.

  “Finish her damn it!” Mom yelled and the HVO member took the words to heart, and built up a massive torrent of energy.

  I dropped my whip and created a shield of power to withstand the coming onslaught.

  He cut loose releasing a tidal wave of energy that smashed into my barrier and rebounded upward blowing a massive hole through the roof of the restaurant and shaking the timbers of the building. The entire structure shook and I fell backwards losing my footing.

  The building shuddered and a section of ceiling caved in crushing an entire half of the dining area. Luckily most of the patrons had exited and it was only those of us fighting who were left. Us and that little girl, damn I looked around and saw her a few feet away struggling to get up. Above her the ceiling was already giving way.

  “Erin!” I heard someone yell and the girl looked passed me, her eyes large and filled with fright.

  I kicked off my heels, pulled myself up, and ran for her. The sounds of cracking timber made me wince but I didn’t look up. I swung my arms out as I reached her, wrapping them around her and diving as far as I could with her held tightly against me. I turned as we hit the ground taking the brunt of the fall to my shoulder. I activated a shield as soon as we landed, protecting us from the shards of ceiling that were falling and bouncing off it.

  “You okay?” I asked as I looked around and saw Declan fighting Miranda and my mom. The ceiling had taken out the other HVO member.

  “Y—y—yes,” she stuttered and glared at me with large eyes.

  “Good, stay back or you’ll get hurt.” I stood up, taking the girl with me, then gave her gentle shove and reminded her again. “Stay back.”

  She stepped back in front of me. “Not if you’re going to hurt my mom.”

  She had balled her small fists and was ready to fight me. The kid deserved credit for sticking up for her mom. I gave a quick glance over at Miranda and Declan battling, and then turned back to the girl.

  “If your mom leaves me alone, I’ll do the same to her, kid.” I figured this Erin girl must be about eleven or twelve at most. I wished I’d had a mother to defend at that age, but I hadn’t. All I had was a bitch who ruined my life.

  “I’m not moving.” I was starting to like this kid, she had attitude. But I had to get back and help Declan.

  “If you say so.” I ran straight at her and she didn’t move, she closed her eyes and braced for the hit. I smiled as I launched myself over her with a quick flip and raced toward the battle.

  Mom turned and seeing me, rushed at me. My whip met her blade and sparks of energy showered around us.

  “Where is it?” she seethed and I realized I must have dropped the Forget Me Not when I went after the girl.

  “I lost your little bauble, saving the kid.” I laughed and snapped my whip toward her.

  “Why save her?” Mom’s eyes searched my face and I was surprised to see total confusion there.

  “If you have to ask that question, you’re crazier than I thought you were.”

  She blinked as if turning off or on a switch and yelled, “I want my Forget Me Not.”

  She launched herself at me again, bringing her blade down and slicing toward my face. I pulled my whip taut and blocked the blow.

  “It wasn’t enough that you took Dad from me, you had to take Nightshade too?”

  “Shut up!” she screamed and slashed wildly at me, forcing me backwards. I had no choice but to stay on the defensive until I tripped and fell, hitting the ground hard and landing flat on my back.

  Mom came to stand over me, but before she delivered another blow her glance darted past me, and she smiled. I turned already knowing what she had spotted, and there a short distance away was the glowing Forget Me Not. I couldn’t let her get it, I scrambled for it, but she was faster, jumping over me and snatching it up in her hand.

  Her smile spread and she laughed as I came to a stop in front of her. She looked at the orb and closed her hand around it tightly.

  “I’m sorry did you want this?”

  I’d lost the Forget Me Not and all around me I could feel portals beginning to activate. Miranda had called in reinforcements; we needed to get out of here quickly. I’d lost this battle, but I wasn’t about to get captured.

  I turned my knob activating it and Mom brought up her Skeleton Key. Instead of attacking though, I spun around and snapped my wrist out opening a portal. I ran towards it, grabbing Declan’s arm as I passed him and pulled him along with me. I shoved him through and jumped in myself. I turned to take one
last look and saw mom standing in the wreckage of the restaurant. She was staring at the Forget Me Not, Miranda and the girl Erin standing beside her.

  Chapter 20

  Status: Timetables aren’t my thing.

  “What the hell were you thinking?” Uncle Archie was pacing back and forth in the living room of mine and Val’s apartment.

  “That it was time to stop my mother,” I said as I poured myself a cup of coffee.

  “What you did was cause one hell of an issue. Miranda is head of the HVO and says you attacked them and your mother who was under their protection because she was seeking peace.”

  “Bullshit.” I sipped my coffee and sat down on the couch.

  “Yes, of course it is, but still we have to handle this through proper channels.”

  “No— you have to— I don’t. Isn’t it obvious that the HVO is not on our side anymore?” I threw my hands up exasperated with the whole debacle, and he shook his head, taking a seat across from me.

  “The Council has been worried about the HVO for some time. I imagine you already know that or at least know something about it. This incident confirmed it for us. The problem is how we handle it from here on out. This could lead to open war and no one wants that.”

  “While you all keep ringing your hands wondering what to do, I’ll be busy dealing with the problem, how about that?” I took another swig of coffee and the warmth slid down my throat and warmed my chest. Man did I ever need the caffeine jolt.

  My date had been a complete disaster and now I was getting chewed out. Plus I had a feeling this wasn’t the only earful I was going to be getting today. Last I checked I had over twenty texts.

  “Chloe, you can’t just do anything you want. You’ve been appointed by the Council to find Edgar not start a war.”

  “The Council doesn’t seem to grasp that we’re already at war and that I’m the only one fighting for our side.”

  “You know that isn’t true. The Council is taking everything that happened and happens very seriously, far more seriously than you realize.” Uncle Archie ran his hand through his hair and scratched at the back of his neck.


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