A Special Gift

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A Special Gift Page 11

by Alice Brown

  Chapter Eight

  Sunday morning Marshall was at the door at eight o’clock sharp. Kevin greeted him before he even had the chance to ring the doorbell. “Take a walk with me.” It wasn’t a request.

  They started walking down the street, and Kevin put his hands in his pockets and looked up to the sky. Marshall watched out of the corner of his eye, wondering if Kevin were trying to rein in his temper. Or, was he trying to come across less intimidating? If it were the latter, Kevin should have known better. He and Marshall had been good friends as well as coworkers for many years. He waited in silence, knowing whatever was on his friend’s mind would come out soon. He didn’t have to wait long.

  “So, can you tell me exactly what happened to cause you to land in the middle of my living room wall?” It was impossible to miss the smirk on his friend’s face as he asked the question.

  Marshall chuckled, “I was pushing her to get into a better mood and had started tickling her. She usually gives me a shove that I barely feel. This time, well, you saw your wall.”

  “So it wasn’t done in anger at all?” Kevin verified.

  “No, not at all, we were just playing around, and I guess her vampire strength finally took hold. Believe me, she was just as shocked and surprised as I was.”

  “Okay, well, Erica told me you two had a long talk yesterday.” Now the real reason for the walk was coming to light. Marshall knew his friend would be unable to hold back very long.

  “Yes, we did. I openly told her, she is my true mate.” He stopped walking and turned to his friend, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “Look, you are probably going to tell me she is too young, but I have strongly suspected for a couple of years that she is my true mate; the mating bond made itself known for me about a year ago. Evidently she has only been feeling it herself for a few months, but it is there, Kevin. Neither of us can ignore it.” Marshall turned and started walking again, needing to think of what else he could say to satisfy Kevin that his daughter would be protected, cared for, and loved.

  “Kevin, you and I have been friends a long time. I don’t want this to come between us. I had hoped since I waited until she turned twenty-one that you would give us your blessing.”

  His friend and boss had remained quiet throughout Marshall’s speech. Marshall braced himself, fearing the worst. Would Kevin not accept their mating? Would he not want Marshall as his second-in-command anymore? So much rode on the next few minutes. “Erica has suspected as much for a while now, so this comes as no surprise. Actually, you were taking so long we were beginning to think you were just going to ignore the call.”

  They continued walking in silence for another minute before Kevin stopped and turned to look Marshall in the eye. “Just be careful with her. You know as well as I do she is innocent. I now realize you have probably waited a long time, and I can appreciate that. But it is important to remember all of this is new to her. I also know you are going to want her under your roof soon, but Erica is already grumbling about losing her daughter. Here is something for you to think about. I own the plot of land behind our house. I’d like to give it to the two of you so you can build a house on it. That way Stephanie stays close to the family, but you two still have your privacy.”

  “Kevin, I don’t know what to say,” Marshall stated in surprise.

  “Say you’ll accept my gift and keep my baby girl close to her family, and I’ll give you my blessing,” Kevin replied with a smirk.

  “Consider it done, and thank you, Kevin. I knew we would be looking for a place to live quickly anyway, my little apartment is way too small. But Stephanie will be ecstatic to find out she can design her own home and stay close by her family at the same time.”

  The two men started walking again, changing the subject to work and current cases that were open. Before Marshall knew it, they were back in the O’Rourke driveway, heading for the front door.

  As the two men reached the door, Kevin stopped and turned to look at Marshall, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I somehow always anticipated this day would come. I can honestly state that I couldn’t wish for a better mate for my little girl.” Then with a smirk he added, “I would say welcome to the family, but you have been a part of the family for the past seven years.”

  Marshall grinned. “Yeah, I guess I have taken advantage of your hospitality. Hey, just to let you know, I am planning on giving her a ring on her birthday and making an official announcement.”

  “Crap, there goes my plan down the tube,” Kevin grumbled. He gestured at the porch swing, since they still had more to discuss.

  Sitting down, Marshall wasted no time. “What do you mean? What is your big plan?”

  “I was going to give her a VCTF ring and officially bring her into the group.” Kevin sighed deeply. “Knowing you, you are going to give her this huge-ass diamond ring, and the VCTF ring won’t mean squat to her.”

  Marshall chuckled at his friend, and soon to be his father-in-law. Hmm…he hadn’t thought of that one before now. “You know that isn’t true. She will be ecstatic to be able to do what she loves. Besides, between the two of us, we should be able to watch what assignments she gets put on.”

  “Yeah, well, Lord help me, I never thought I would hear myself say this, but here goes: Just hurry up and marry her, then get her pregnant, so I have a genuine reason to keep her out of the field!”

  Marshall chuckled. At least they were in agreement on that subject. His mind conjured up an image of a pregnant Stephanie, standing proudly nude before him. Her breasts were larger, her areolas and nipples also larger and darker in color due to the baby. “I’ll see what I can do,” he answered as he stood. He had a wall to repair, and then he wanted a few minutes alone with his gal.


  Marshall had the wall finished and was cleaning up his supplies. Stephanie walked downstairs just as he walked in the front door from storing everything away.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he greeted her as he walked over and wrapped his arms around her. Leaning down to her ear he whispered, “Would you like to go to my place for a little while?”

  She looked up at him with love shining in her eyes. “I’ve never been to your place before, you always come here. I’d love to see your place.” She stroked her hand down his chest and seemed a bit surprised when she reached his nipple, which could clearly be felt through his thin t-shirt. She ran her finger back and forth over the little nub, feeling it getting harder for her by the second. Her forehead creased in query. Gently taking her hand and placing a soft kiss to the inside of her wrist, he said, “Let’s go tell the folks we are going to be out for a while.”


  The couple walked into Marshall’s apartment, and he threw his keys on the little table by the door. Turning to face her, he said, “I know it’s small, but with it being just me, I haven’t really needed much space. We’ll discuss living arrangements a bit later. For now, make yourself at home, I need to go grab a quick shower.”

  He reemerged twenty minutes later with a pair of workout pants riding low on his hips and nothing else. His wet hair glistened in the light. Stephanie sucked in a quick breath, trying to get her body back under control. This man was yummy-on-a-stick, and he was looking at her like he wanted to devour her.

  Marshall walked over to the couch where she was sitting. Perching next to her, he smiled as he took her hand in his. “Anything in particular you would like to do?” he asked solicitously.

  Stephanie shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, how about you?”

  He stared into her eyes as he gave her a wolfish grin. “Well, would you like to explore my body? It is yours to do so, you know. Everything I have is yours as far as I am concerned,” he stated in a serious tone as he cocked his head to the side waiting for her reply.

  Stephanie started raising her hand to place on his chest but stopped midway. She looked up into his face, biting her lower lip, a sure sign she was either embarrassed or unsure of herself. Marshall took pity on her
and reached out to place her hand over his chest. “My heart and body belong to you, baby.”

  “Umm…” she started as eyes landed on his chest. “I was a little surprised to realize that you can get hard.” She realized what she had said a quick second later. She glanced up at him completely red faced from embarrassment, only to find him cocking an eyebrow up at her with a smirk on his face.

  “You were saying?” he prompted.

  “No, that’s not what I meant.” She shook her head and looked down trying to pull herself back together. She took a deep breath and then raised her head. “I meant I didn’t realize these would get hard on you.” She moved her hand to his nipple and began gently rubbing her finger over it.

  “Baby, that isn’t the only thing getting hard.” Marshall groaned as she continued her new discovery.

  He leaned over until their lips were just touching. “Can I play too?” he whispered and then pulled her lower lip into his mouth. He bit it gently, and then soothed it with his tongue.

  Her other hand had crept up to find his other nipple. “Do you mind if we get you more comfortable?” he asked.

  He ran his hand down her cheek, stopping to cup her jaw. “I promise, the minute you feel uncomfortable, all you have to do is let me know. I’ll stop immediately.”

  She smiled at him and gave a simple nod of affirmation. He reached down and grabbed the bottom of her shirt as he instructed her, “Raise your arms for me so we can get this off.”

  He removed her shirt and laid it over the back of the couch, then caught both of her hands and kissed the inside of both wrists before pulling them over his shoulders to clasp around his neck. He placed his hands on her hips and brought her closer to him. Leaning down, he flicked his tongue over her left ear lobe before pulling it into his mouth for a quick nibble.

  His tongue made a wet path down her jawbone to the side of her throat. Sucking a spot on the side of her neck, he allowed his index finger to ever so lightly skate over the top of her breasts, just above her bra. He felt her shudder, and then she initiated their kiss. She kissed him deeply, drinking from him as if she were dying from thirst.

  He reached behind her and unhooked her bra with one hand, then, gently removing the cups, he allowed her beautiful breasts to spill out into his waiting hands. He bent down and quickly kissed the tips of each, and then sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. Heaven! He had been busy working on her breasts for a little while and hadn’t been paying much attention as to what she was doing. Suddenly, he felt her fangs digging into his shoulder, and an intense wave of pleasure/pain, unlike any he had ever felt before, hit him.

  He grabbed his pants around the waist and jerked them downward, pre-cum pouring out of the slit, running down his shaft. “Oh shit, baby,” he groaned.

  Her sharp fangs were still embedded in his shoulder when she began to suck his blood. The sucking motion from her mouth turned his blood to pure molten lava. Each pull was singing to his dick, which throbbed in time with her sucking. He knew he wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer. She was becoming turned on also, finding his thigh and straddling it, anything just to ease the pressure.

  “Baby, please…oh dear God, please pull out!” he begged her. This was going way too fast. He didn’t want her first orgasm to be like this. She deserved better.

  Her fangs retreated immediately, and she hung her head in shame. “I’m sorry…I guess I got carried away,” she stuttered, humiliated.

  With her head down, she never saw him move. He scooped her up and deposited her onto his lap, sitting directly over his engorged penis, before she could even raise her head.

  Turning her head, he brought their faces together. “You don’t ever need to apologize to me over becoming aroused. I love you this way, baby. I just don’t want your first orgasm to be while you are humping my leg while my own release leaves a sticky mess all over your clothes. I have an idea if you feel up for it. Why don’t we take this to my bedroom where we can get comfortable while we explore one another?” At the look of reservation that skated across her face, he was quick to add, “This doesn’t change my earlier promise. We can stop at any time you don’t feel comfortable.”

  He leaned down and kissed her, putting all of his emotions into their kiss. He wasn’t planning to have full-blown sex with her this afternoon, he’d just planned to play, and maybe if he were lucky he would get a taste of her before their visit ended.

  With the kiss going strong, he wrapped his arms around her and stood, walking them into the bedroom. He was glad he’d had the forethought to make his bed this morning and pick up around the house some. He didn’t want her to think he was a slob.

  He sat down on the side of the bed and broke off his kiss. Gently, so as not to scare her, he asked, “Would you like some help with those jeans?”

  She suddenly became nervous as she glanced down and realized she didn’t have anything on her upper half. Both shirt and bra were out in his living room. She crossed her arms over her chest, trying to cover herself up. Marshall would have none of that.

  “No, no, no” he chimed playfully as he pulled her arms apart and pulled them above her head. “Leave them there for the time being. I love being able to admire your body.” He gently laid her back on the bed, and then bent to remove her sandals. Then, coming back up, he took one nipple in his mouth and bit down ever so lightly, while his hands were busy unbuttoning and unzipping her jeans. He wasn’t happy to realize that he was going to have to abandon her breasts in order to get her jeans off.

  He let go of her nipple just long enough to drag her jeans and underwear down her legs all in one swoop, taking a moment to enjoy her beauty once she was exposed fully to his gaze. And a beauty she was. The first thing he noticed was her long, shapely legs. He ran his hand up and down one in appreciation. Then, he moved his hand up to learn her hips. Her hips by today’s standard were probably considered wide, but he certainly didn’t think so. She had great birthing hips, and the image of her standing before him naked with their baby safe and sound nestled inside her made him smile. He ran his hand over her slightly curved belly, then leaned down and ran his tongue around her small indented belly button. He nipped at her belly playfully for a moment, before glancing up into her face.

  “Baby, do you trust me?” he inquired in a whisper.

  Her heart rate picked up immediately, yet she still nodded in affirmation a few seconds later.

  He brought himself to sit up and lean on one hand as his other was smoothing over her belly. “I want to learn every inch of you. I am going to start with your toes and work my way up. I want you to lie back and just feel. I think you will enjoy what I am going to do, but if you get scared or overwhelmed, just tell me, and I’ll stop right away.”

  He didn’t even wait for her agreement. He just scooted down the bed until he was at her feet. She had the prettiest, daintiest feet he had ever seen. He had read somewhere that, in certain countries, a woman’s bare feet were considered just as sexy as if she had flashed her boobs. He had been around for quite a while also, and remembered when even in this country it was considered unladylike for a woman to show a bit of ankle. Speaking of which…

  He started at her toes, sucking each one into his mouth and nibbling on it lightly. He ran his tongue down the bottom of her foot, learning all her hot spots on or around her feet. She had a sensitive spot just above her heel where it slightly indented on each side. The very top of her feet were also sensitive. He cataloged those findings in his memory for later use. He traveled up her calf, stopping to caress lightly, following it up with a lick to the inside of her knee. And what do you know, he found another hot spot.

  As soon as he tried to travel upwards past her knee, she suddenly became rigid. He stopped and glanced up to her face. Taking just the tips of his fingers, he began a light massaging of little circles, barely caresses, to the tops of her legs as he watched her face. It took a moment or so, but he slowly began to feel her relax. “Open your legs, baby,” he gently whisper

  She stared at him for a minute and then moved her legs apart slightly. Marshall quickly dove into the small space face first and kissed the inside of her knees before starting his ascent to that wonderful spot that he had yet to get a good look at but smelled like heaven, her beautiful pussy. Man, he just knew he would be in heaven the minute his tongue got a taste of her juices.

  He ran his tongue up the inside of her thigh, feeling her shiver beneath him the closer he got to her pussy. He gently pulled her legs further apart. He used his shoulders to widen her legs until they could go no wider. Then, he took a moment just to stare at what was displayed before him. She was beautiful, closely trimmed, and neat. He took a whiff, ahh…honey and something else…wildflowers—that was it, she smelled like honey and wildflowers.

  Slowly, in order not to scare her, he started nibbling the tops of her thighs, as he buried his nose in her thatch of hair. Turning his head, he continued lightly nibbling, then followed up with a lick of his tongue down the inside of her thigh, then headed up just a bit to her lower lips.

  He used his thumbs to open her up and looked his fill for a moment. The prettiest pussy he had ever seen. He buried his nose until her abundant juices covered his nose. Now he would carry her scent with him well after she left because he had no intention of washing it off.

  He took a tentative lick, and she jumped. “Relax, baby, this is going to feel so good,” he crooned softly as he placed a hand on her stomach to help anchor her.

  His tongue snaked back into her folds, licking all around her clit. He stuck his tongue into her virgin hole, and could feel her tightness even on his tongue. How in the world was she ever going to take his dick without being hurt? Even though his dick throbbed just thinking about burying himself in her warm, tight sheath, he would rather cut off a limb than to see her ever go through any pain.


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